Michael Billings Collection - Wallet 10 - Part 9 of 18

Second World War, 1939–45
  • Love Letters
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943 14 042 H.S. S. H. Buelingt 548 Parkeos Road ast Hawshoon setione
V 36483 gg D estrict Accounts Ofpc Dew Fundien 15943 Darling Kay Sinrd got my last letter to you away No 40 & 41 pens a cake have reacher me and how nee it was to get all that in one fee swoop The cake like the pavc necive last week was an old times but Im more pleasur thans if it wire one of the more recent because if those that have had to be re addrissed are reaching me the lated oned showd find then maskeany I'we havent opened it yet but it looks to bem good Ihape To thank you kindly fod youd ramany favors This wealher down jouid way pounds dilightfay Celbonora how I would laps it up That las of ours
2 must be athording on its and the other fine treatments you laursh upon him Good shenk breaking him in to the sun worship, it werl do him a powed of good Very please his pauishness was any apassing Ihase but an occasional day off muth be respectio in one so sensilive as Sony youd crowning glory has bast its s ped quality, when the baden lifts a bit you had bether doe & spok of restoration as you ffell shat ande bethere your improve porbably be reflected in the thatch I'm not averse to thepooeweres having to spall in their betts a natch but importunately an thing like yad sestadtion affects sholl who showd not suffed. The vauntd Audor I enens for improvisation appears to have been your Solution. as you to smedly f putsit the claimt of Richard an paramount. I hope
your braing effects a goodly reduction in the ccontents of the wash hat I have a stueat now wash my stuff Just before dark when its much cased. Too right, you have besome a ppine bathing it took the lad to convince you that you new a good eight hans to keep up the good work. Iadmt you set me temble example when we was kidst prlent it had its imsoments So fouly admit. It good our correspondence is not a and sided business at regards deliverned, thenke anfew more on the way to you I heard no bathed writing your precious his a labor of love. I do milt the many happy stalks with you and whon I m depowead of the next bust ithing feet very loney. The demands of the seovice and the efficiency of H.M. Harls promitting, youre be hearing plenly from young Dad
sueing your latipace look a goos but mow youonee not trouble about the fyfane at patient we see supprgas complate absurses of matches and its a work of artin ing light for a smake If your can buy beg as rnow a lighte Cfanhehope I supposef oure you canman it to e you have to buy one dak pay much fod & the new for itnsdoes not assant it. Sof you draw a blank in Camberwill, may bee the city wee fd some risuet. She hopfue fouettinganap to detens thesepersue in attest weve just sketchily mentioned. The more I heat of your proprition to pay tthe Lloydus sindt when my spell of the chain comet avond the bithr I like the ides You can get as many bright ideas like that as you man
a guat pity we can bay a date for the faunt. News from hem is well there isnt any eally Just a case of work, eat and sleep ad nanseam - to flust with the dathes I know thou at fond of than dasly Latm doovahs. Having tashed fouly of the exatement and the hadship sade, a hm in an backwated will do me good. Weathed has rsumed being partly hat but for this emwald isle, That is not news I m parting you a capy of the local rag, may be youve neved seen and houpe daiy sheet so hears one for a souered. Sye. Iye sow, Swertheast, I vituon the Salutation from Richard & you with compornd interest Yours w ol Hcky
VICR AUSIRAI WCOMTORIS FUN 4 A..S. A. Billings 548 Barkers Koad Oast Hawthoon ctoria Msell
XX3483 St t Giing Disbat accounts Office Aew Frunce 199.43 Darting bay. The better the day the better the deea is the arrom and being Sunday, Lows about a letter for thee, ladge faye. How positively medicance not a letter from you since I last wrote, No4 to be precie and a skimpy page and a hal. Drat that Richara, who does he think he is anyway. Lut me bell you that I m the head of the house we havent and as such I got not the dimand more consideration. See anyhow, from the eargeness of my thrast I forgive you both on account of it are buing in such a good cause I am only funning really pet as you have perou, a quite a few lengthy
2 on frecently and I would be an awful had if I acculd you of not giving me all the news. Its after hav to write when news is seanty and at times when you and the loddled have has the benefit of fresh and and funn at the same time Iiving those grand old facks pleasure its better you two grat some slumberd and wake up upreshed and feeling like dashing off say fond maybe five pages Get the doue, Sweetness. I in wid so pleasur that my respected parints fit such preasure from youd visit you they have always love as a daughted and in my warby imagination I think that little Richard to them at is as though it were me going avid to see them. I don't ne to hell you how attached I am to them, particularly Durcky as I w to address her. I we always been sensible
of a deep feeling of grattude to hid to say nothing of admiation and had haped when the time came for me to wed and leave the ald home, my pwetheant and I could go a cooss apter and show in how little forgatten they were in hid hearts. It's rathed trag for mathers to wead their fingess to the bore for their chiedoen only to see them leave one by one and too aftern become too immedid in their own concens to worny about taying to boughten the ord folks in the evening of thii lived. To know that my own wife and as male repusentation my infant son do a lot to make them feel not neglecter is a Soua of deep Salisfaction to me We used to have some great nights in the hanyon days and at Elyabeth St. every one balking at once, the table groaning with heaps of tally goub


Mrs. C. M. Billings 
548 Barkins Road 
East Hawthorn 


VX 38483 Pte M. Billings 
District Accounts Office 
New Guinea 
Darling Kay,  
Since I got my last letter to 
you away, Nos 40 & 41 plus a cake 
have reached me and how nice it 
was to get all that in one fell swoop. 
The cake like the parcel received last
week was an old times but I’m more 
pleased than if it were one of the more 
recent because if those that have had 
to be re-addressed are reaching me
the later ones should find their mark easily. 
I’ve haven’t opened it yet but it looks to 
be in good shape. So thank you kindly 
for your many favors. 
The weather down your 
way sounds delightfully Melbourne, how
I would lap it up. That lad of ours


must be thriving on it and the other
fine treatments you lavish upon him. 
Good stunt breaking him in to the 
sun worship, it will do him a power 
of good.  Very pleased his peevishness was 
only a passing phase but an occasional 
day off must be expected in one so 
sensitive.  Sorry your crowning glory 
has lost its super quality, when the 
burden lifts a bit, you had better 
do a spot of restoration.  As you feel 
better and better, your improvement will 
probably be reflected in the thatch.  
I'm not averse to the poor civvies having 
to pull in their belts a notch but 
unfortunately a thing like gas restriction 
affects those who should not suffer.  The
vaunted Aussie genius for improvisation
appears to have been your solution.  
As you so nicely pat put it the claims 
of Richard are paramount.  I hope


your training effects a goodly reduction in
the contents of the wash tub.  I have
a stunt now, wash my stuff just before 
dark when its much cooler.  Too right, 
you have become a spare bashinger, it 
took the lad to convince you that you 
need a good eight hours to keep up 
the good work.  I admit you set me a 
terrible example when we was 'kids' 
but it has its moments I freely admit.  
Its good our correspondence is not a 
one sided business as regards deliveries,
there's a few more on the way to you.  
There's no bother writing you, precious,
'tis a labor of love.  I do miss the 
many happy talks with you and when 
I'm deprived of the next best thing, feel 
very lonely.  The demands of the service 
and the efficiency of H.M. Mails permitting, 
you'll be hearing plenty from young Dad.


Seeing your later parcels look a good bet now
you need not trouble about the pyjamas 
at present, we are suffering a complete  
absence of matches and it's a work of 
art & cause going a light for a smoke.  If 
you can buy beg or borrow a lighter
(faint hope I suppose) will you airmail
it to me.  If you have to buy one 
don't pay much for it, the need for
it does not warrant it.  If you do draw 
a blank in Camberwell, maybe the
city will yield some result.  Still hopeful 
of getting a Green Envelope to discuss  
those personal matters we've just sketchily
mentioned.  The more I hear of your 
proposition to pay the Lloydies a 
visit when my spell of the chain 
comes around, the better I like the 
idea.  You can get as many bright 
ideas like that as you please.


A great pity we can't tag a date
for the jaunt. 
News from here is - 
well there isn't any really.  Just a 
case of work, eat and sleep 'ad
nauseam' - to flirt with the classics. 
I know three or four of those classy 
Latin doovahs.  Having tasted freely 
of the excitement and the hardship 
side, a turn in a backwater will 
do me good.  Weather has resumed 
being pretty hot but for this emerald 
isle, that is not news. 
I'm posting you a copy 
of the local rag, maybe you've never 
seen and terrific daily sheet so 
here's one for a souvenir. Bye. Bye 
now, Sweetheart, I return the Salutation 
from Richard & you with compound interest 
Yours ever 


Mrs M Billings 
548 Barkins Road 
East Hawthorn 


VX 38483 Pte M Billings
District Accounts Office
New Guinea 19.9.43 

Darling Kay, 
The better the day the 
better the deed is the axiom and 
being Sunday, how's about a letter for
thee , ladye fayre. How positively 
medieaval. First a letter from you since
I last wrote,  No 41 to be precise and 
a skimpy page and a half. Drat 
that Richard, who does he think he 
is anyway. Let me tell you that I'm 
the head of the house we haven't
got, not the -------, and as such I 
demand more consideration, see. 
Anyhow, from the eagerness of my 
heart I forgive you both on account 
of it all being in such a good cause.
I am only funning really pet as you 
have served up quite a few lengthy


ones recently and I would be an awful lad
if I accused you of not giving me all 
the news.  Its often hard to write when 
news is scanty and at times when you 
and the toddler have had the benefit 
of fresh air and fun at the same time 
giving those grand old folks pleasure 
its better you two grab some slumber 
and wake up refreshed and feeling like 
dashing off say four maybe five pages. 
Get the drill, sweetness. I'm ever so 
pleased that my respected parents 
get such pleasure from your visit, you, 
they have always loved as a daughter
and in my 'warby' imagination I 
think that little Richard to them 
as is as though it were me going 
over to see them. I don't need to 
tell you how attached I am to them, 
particularly Ducky as I used to  
address her. I've always been sensible


of a deep feeling of gratitude to her to say 
nothing of admiration and had hoped 
when the time came for me to wed and 
leave the old home, my sweetheart 
and I could go across and often and
 show 'em how little forgotten they were 
in her hearts.  It's rather tragic for 
mothers to wear their fingers to the 
bone for their children only to see 
them leave one by one and too often 
become too immersed in their own 
concerns to worry about trying to brighten 
the old folks in the evening of their lives. 
To know that my own wife and as male 
representation my infant son do a lot to 
make them feel not neglected is a 
source of deep satisfaction to me. 
We used to have some great nights in 
the halcyon days over at Elizabeth St, 
everyone talking at once, the table 
groaning with heaps of tasty grub

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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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