Michael Billings Collection - Wallet 10 - Part 6 of 18

Second World War, 1939–45
  • Love Letters
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fis Mall 9 it M.S. M. Billings 548 Barkers Road finkill East Hawthom M SCAMENS FUNO Aonia 2
Vx38483 Pl S guing Distact Accounts Oppe New Frinea 943 Bailing I was a very good day for me today cat I got then letters from you hdagt numbers 33. 34 & 35 so a chap cant grave about that effort I see you havent had cause to congoatutate yourself though but I have get them away to you pretty opten and analhed day it two shane bring you in a modert taoust. As you are an invitiate listened to the news you should have little difficully in didncing the reason for the delay in letters. Awd think I in too buty to write to you, only actual impassibility wll stap me, fuet. I know only two will the effect
an letter from Thome has on one. Stue awfurly hallles with you and Richard, you have ro idea how great it us to read that the connisttone of my life seek fromed and fromd You are a very impressive paid and with me that thes little favou dow you caedit when you take him arounds. The pood little chap-n worded he get a bit pury with are the fetting but what a toff to wait until he gets hove before putting up a complaint. Shee I have no doubt that the kinded can of A umiy soon soothes him. It funny to rcollut od doubts of youd ability to capally nead an infant when ore reads the expect touch betwen every line you write about him. C leved give
Whithed yaut ideas an unarthouor a not. The poof of the pudding is in the eating Very interestie in foud chum for the spending of my next leave, whenee that will be I think the plan is excullent as it wil be out of the qustion to cram us are into the little room and to be perfectly frank I'll ned a bit more than that after a feet as to in tet hale. This place wen in the comfortable spet I farguent now has a stifling effect on werfone and I cam see bout my state of mind when I came down will be putty muddy so a triple of fim and gamet will be needed to erlose me to sanity I sickon thereore that wery have an understanding to do something on P80060 thebned you auttine Austratian Wes temle
Hens an itim that wre staged you I received a paor of papers y estrday from you and a facket with a penal on it from Chas. dow the ise is booken I in confident they will hs up agulanly howt. See youd brapked form is on his way again I had a litter from John bod ay too go I'll fell him ts keep as lookent for you little boother I sent you thow if ant culast you want in a recent litted. The date you quate is the 20 Aug. 1940 so long ago, a trapedy for us that day but I suppose it was invitable, at least it wasn't an kicks and no Lapence for us. Thank so much for the parce, I think that on wree make it. Chens now, parious and herill every scrap of love to Brchasa and you Wscky fnt
t d fir Hail Mrs. H. Bulingd 48 Barker's Road East Hawthoon ctoois
PasoOU Aestratian War Memorial
WITH THE COMPLIENTS Of THE SAILORS and SOLDIERS CHURCH OF ENGLAND HELP SOClETY FOUNDED 1915 Wr38483 PH. H. Gullingss Distrnct accounts office Ddaw Grnee ococooose B anaing Deass Dad again pretting d Scathne thaughts and newty hathads to poped for the ofte tt sice my last send but hop an high Lol tomorrow. I hope d some comentationfod masting aut from u h nd a letter from Dorcat thathe so much for the formed. Iha Se by sishd mo of sumbta o ding REASEDSE OTHER SIDE
WITH THE CONPIMENTS SF THE SAILORS and SOLDIERS CHURCH OF ENGLAND HELP SOClETY FOUNDED 1915 2 19A dowr yaud way o Saturday tc an m got off lago o good thes which I hp gel thea in time fael a tryle wild mitting aovvow amathed f amily wedding, the andyoe I can recall attending y hed Home for Canns, failing that Ill mane a special effort for H clars. Wire grey Df cameu of the t lar and t Have a snow fod me old bean and give tulya byg kist for me. I m pleasee come thend wayfor I cas oh suhe folks fom REAE USE OTHER SIDE
WITH THE CONPIMENTS Of THE SAILORS and SOLDIERS CHURCH OF ENGLAND HELP SOClETY FOUNDED 1915 194 eprence of widdes bust has thet te t f d C Sph of pn of some of the jayful fouet of the sappy esta techaod as always this to bead watness in suppont of my contention. I trust your next hadded wle detare an excutent aepost of the progress of you both the last news wassn I may say and his a bonny D tast sam you wrre recall presenting me with two books of party dusing that happy peoredI as with porguantlasure Do corsed them around md wos at two lent the haviling and thennot conducion to good posseation REASE USE OTHER SIDE

Air Mail 
4. 9. 43 

Mrs. M. Billings 
548 Barkers Road 
East Hawthorn 

The Salvation Army ACF Australian Comforts Fund YMCA


VX 38483 Pte. M. Billings 
District Accounts Office 
New Guinea. 

T'was a very good day for 
me today as I got three letters 
from you todays numbers 33, 34 & 35 
so a chap can't growl about that 
effort. I see you haven't had cause to 
congratulate yourself though but I 
have got them away to you pretty 
often and another day or two should 
bring you in a modest harvest. As 
you are an inveterate listener to the 
news you sha should have little 
difficulty in deducing the reason for 
the delay in letters. Never think I'm 
too busy to write to you, only 
actual impossibility will stop me, 
pet. I know only too well the effect


a letter from home has on one. 
Still awfully thrilled with you and 
Richard, you have no idea how 
great it is to read that the cornerstone 
of my life sits firmed and firmed. 
You are a very impressive pair and 
it's nice that the little fellow 
does you credit when you take him 
around. The poor little chap, no 
wonder he gets a bit funny with 
all the petting but what a toff to 
wait until he gets home before 
putting up a complaint. Still I 
have no doubt that the tender care 
of Mummy soon soothes him. It's 
funny to recollect foud doubts of 
your ability to capably rear an 
infant when one reads the expert 
touch between every line you write 
about him. Clever girl.


Whether your ideas are unorthodox or 
not, the proof of the pudding is in 
the eating. Very interested in your scheme 
for the spending of my next leave, 
whenever that will be. I think the 
plan is excellent as it will be out 
of the question to cram us all into 
the little room and to be perfectly 
frank I'll need a bit more than 
that after a year or so in this hole. 
This place even in the comfortable 
spot I frequent now has a stifling 
effect on everyone and I can see 
that my state of mind when I come 
down will be pretty muddy. and 
So a trifle of fun and games will be 
needed to restore me to sanity. I 
reckon therefore that we'll have an 
understanding to do something 
on the lines you outline.


Here's an item that will stagger you, 
I received a parcel of papers yesterday 
from you and a packet with a 
pencil in it from Chas. Now the 
ice is broken I'm confident they 
will turn up regularly now. 
I see your brother John is on his way 
again. I had a letter from John 
today too so I'll tell him to keep 
a lookout for your little brother. 
I sent you those particulars you want 
in a recent letter, the date you 
quote is the 20 Aug. 1940. So long 
ago, a tragedy for us that day but 
I suppose it was inevitable. At 
least it wasn't all kicks and no 
ha'pence for us. Thanks so much for 
the parcel. I think that one will 
make it. Cheerio now, precious and 
herewith evey every scrap of love to 
Richard and you. Micky


Sailor & Soldiers Church of England Help Society 
Air Mail 
Mrs. M. Billings 
548 Barkers Road 
East Hawthorn 

Military Forces 
Passed by Censor 


War Memorial



Pte M Billings 
District Accounts Office 
New Guinea 

Heres Dad again putting 
his scattered thoughts and newsy 
titbits to paper for the 
delectation of that superb creature 
he is proud to call his wife. 
First, no more letters from you 
since my last screed but hopes 
are high for tomorrow. I hope 
you are faring better than you 
were. I think you have somehow. 
As some compensation for 
missing out from you, I received 
the color patches this morning 
and a letter from Dorcas. Thanks 
so much for the former. There 
was some real news from the 
big sister and it seems that 
wedding bells will ring


down your way on Saturday 
unless there's a last minute 
hitch. Anyhow I got off a 
telegram of good wishes which 
I hope gets there in time 
I feel a trifle wild missing 
another family wedding, the 
only one I can recall attending 
is my own. Perhaps I'll 
be home for John's, failing 
that, I'll make a special effort 
for Richard's. Wise guy! 
Of course, you'll be one of the 
barrackers and the function 
will please your emotional task 
I trust. Have a snort for me 
old bean and give Bubby a 
big kiss for me. I'm pleased 
the opportunity to wed has 
come their way for I cast an 
approving vote when folks join 
the wedded ranks. My


experience of wedded bliss has 
been rosy in case you don't 
know it in spite of being 
deprived of some of the joyful 
fruits of the happy estate. 
Richard is always there to bear 
witness in support of my 
contention. I trust your next 
letter will detail an excellent 
report of the progress of you both, 
the last news was excellent 
I may say and 'tis a bonny 
babe you have to be sure. 
Next item - you will recall presenting 
me with two books of poetry 
during that happy period I 
recall with poignant pleasure. 
I have carried them around ever 
since and often paused over a 
verse or two but the travelling 
around and the climate are not 
conducive to good preservation

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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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