Michael Billings Collection - Wallet 10 - Part 5 of 18

Second World War, 1939–45
  • Love Letters
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AUSTRALIAN CONTORTS FUND (Veterian Division) With which is afitisted R.S.L. WAR SERVICE FND, ME SAIVATION AREIV. HHE V.M.CA. adVW.C. . 6o neal C I 4 dictatis Oner 4 4s
Mare 2.943 Hos. H. Guling 48 Barkers Re East Hawbhorn Pictoria
4. 9 133 VX38483 AUSTRALIA P.A.M. Ressings District Accounts Office New Tinner Dacting, standly for a fuathed load of chatled f the old man who is made comparatively miray by fand letters 31 432 to hand today. A great boon to my fadid pirton as the weathed powd hotted and more apprettive than eved; The sweat spenss out day and night and Im hanged of I know how I'm getting fettl. Af appehle and thiost are both considerable so I paesume that the reason So I suppose I neednt wory but it got baying day appd day I feel O.R but could do with more setercile to consled the grawing giobl, the climale daisnt keep you on youd loes but summing evrry day would be the licket. I had a dip feteday and it was maovellous
1 194 2 AUSTRALIA and only a quarted of a mile towalk to the doink. The heads are talking of arganising a pog amone of port so when that wntuates we wrre feel a bit more alive. Otherwill no fuather news from here, except that I went to the prctured last we and the show was very good too Two sictured, "Geg Borrow 10t Steae and Cary Grant & Sinpd Rogess in a showt the name of which I forget. So that was a bit of fun and we look forward to the weekly show I can tell you. The theshe is an open and cleasing and are cary along a fant call and ground sheet and cam od shine we set it out Have first rehione from the canbeen and manaped to get (pkt. of Lcon Alltorts, a lottle of 6nes and a bad of launday soap. How I delert the chnce washing of clothed but if you neglect it, the reward some nalty sken troubled.
FOCE 194 AUSTRALIA Now for youd ang. Am to know you are getting a litter ad hr from me, once they get on their way tthey dant take long. Some chump made a lilece sinding one to I'al but on the whole the post office do a diffrcust you partly were up here The newd of Kichard is first class and yeu are lucky being thene to see an those inriguing shenk he puts on actrough no one is more intilled to get some pleasure from him than you apted taking all the kiekd. It seeme to me that a battle of wits us being wased between you two but by youd words I think you have his measure and were keep his ego under costd. aont wor about prooluing that pcoubbing boush jurst get it if you come accuss . It wrre assist qually but its absuce is fat from seasous. I left my ssee bnish in my ket bag sant elposingI believe at Spowich
N 194 AUSTRALIA No porcels fit of cause but my letter may hastin dilwray. Its not as easy to effect delivery as you may suppose but to exeain firely why wwould ncentate mentioning facts foreeddin by cintorshep. Ihanks for the colod patched, I'll be on the look out for them any day new. The lad I had get foundly with has moved a nsk, Im beginning to think I have got halitons or something. I dont expect to run accold many of the old gang here as a faid shee of twatway separatel us now but you know. peen boying to discavent yond brothed Patl hidint but think my boothe John is lot neand to him lthan me I see you conquired the hike to thed homislied in a common cante, to I wam you that doubts of youd ophysicae wellbeing hav vanished, I doubt f Icoued make that roule mand myself
FeOEEa 134 AUSTRALIA still Stry myself out if I coued only get there and oun the distance maybe Too right I'm interistid in your appearance and would be hassfied if you ceased to be wtoted in looking fand best. It would be imperinse for one thing and se contrary to gout nature for another. I have a hunch jouel look a feach when I come home and blest of me wont be like young loves again The more I think of sud next recnion the more I feel it wre be a won and I groan to think of the months betwien us before the day comed fet the months since last we wrre togethed have pasted faelly tmartly ane pay heave that these shel to be sunmaunted well flash by. You mention one thing that er coused my mind often and that is the little home we dream of and want to mucht Will the awful housing shortag I wonded if the end of the was unce
18 18 6 AUSTRALIA start us on another troubled chapted looking for a house, Lessimestin bligee but the position is not so easy seen at this distance Have you any idead of plant about the matted. If to I'd like to see what you have in mine. After I get yeud angle we can discust it more filly. It was fine for you to get along tte Bals and hundle his nilet sho. fally spooling of him to stay put while you wooshepped and I think the worlt days associated with his cadle life are over unliss Im a but dumbed than & think I am. Tut Int, faneying talking about wasting time splaying with and watchen him, dont you know youre viewing the mest beautiful period in any peston's life. Any more of that and I'll have you ceduled to the glasiont hrops it. Pd give a gear of my life to be on the receiving end ofon of these smiles of his
WITH THE COHPIHENTS SF THE SAILORS and SOLDIERS CHURCH OF ENGLAND HELP SOClETY FOUNDED 1915 194 R egarding yend hands I tred to dope hathd made a partly pood fist oft I thenk Dhdaa ixpert hands at thel sichmea da tlhed beyond and ane d t d ete the fren de Deseine of the the f ree t th teee n pean d past recollection. The particulars Bellings D Aush domy Pay Coops. entisho 20 th August 1940. They cauld guite casieg get y artentars form Records but Mts to0 sumple to arrange. If you wantto a coalck at them fam caed mintion that point. When I as getting my pay made up my mply cos got everything me inclinding things they had no damn ouft D inooon anunwow PLEASE USE OTHER SIDE
WITH THE COMPIMENTS Of THE SAILORS and SOLDIERS CHURGH OF ENGLAND HELP SOCIETY FOUNDED 1915 194 H the appoistive we atked tok caming I must be making me lenty so. Iis showe off afted that soooonun thenost I hankI en the f to the a y t f cmnn dnen tenn ndenns on Beep the chin up went be long now Dess ad fat I eed hape that simpleai within you. Kiss Hchard we ine nenened en n te tt n he d the eee rghty pound of him obfed m naavadt ad RESPUSE OTHER SIDE

(Victorian Division) 
With which is Affiliated 
THE Y.M.C.A. and Y.W.C.A. 
I refuse to feel sorry for good physical  
condition anymore when I read  
that you are going to push push  
that pram miles every Sunday,  
you great hooligan.  It's fine  
he sleeps more soundly of nights  
now as I was crooked on him  
chopping you down to four or five  
hours a night, no good at all. 
News from here is just  
nil, I'm well and plump and  
still kept busy.  Weather is hotter  
than ever and at 10 last night  
it was 80o and I can't find words  
for the humidity. 
Once more time dictates  
a halt so I take my leave of  
you precious.  Goodnight and  
oceans of love and kisses to you  
and Richard.  Dad. 


Air Mail 
2.9 43 

Mrs M Billings 
548 Barkers Rd 
East Hawthorn 


4.9 1943 
Pte. M. Billings 
District Accounts Office 
New Guinea 
Standby for a further  
load of chatter from the old  
man who is made comparatively  
merry by your letters 31 & 32 to  
hand today.  A great boon to my  
faded person as the weather grows  
hotter and more oppressive than  
ever; the sweat pours out day and  
night and I'm hanged if I know  
how I'm getting fatter.  My appetite  
and thirst are both considerable  
so I presume thats the reason.   
So I suppose I needn't worry but  
it gets trying day and after day.   
I feel O.K but could do with  
more exercise to counter the  
growing girth; but the climate  
doesn't keep you on your toes but  
swimming every day would be  
the ticket.  I had a dip  
yesterday and it was marvellous


and only a quarter of a mile to walk  
to the drink.  The heads are talking  
of organising a programme of sport  
so when that eventuates we will  
feel a bit more alive.  Otherwise  
no further news from here, except  
that I went to the pictures last eve  
and the show was very good too.   
Two pictures, 'Beg Borrow or Steal'  
and Cary Grant & Ginger Rogers  
in a show the name of which I  
forget.  So that was a bit of fun  
and we look forward to the weekly  
show I can tell you.  The theatre  
is an open air clearing and all  
carry along a fruit cake and ground  
sheet and rain or shine we sit it  
out.  Have just returned from the  
canteen and managed to get 1 pkt  
of Licorice Allsorts, a bottle of Enos  
and a bar of laundry soap.  How  
I detest the eternal washing of clothes  
but if you neglect it, the reward is  
some nasty skin troubles.


Now for your angle.  Nice to know you  
are getting a letter or two reached you  
from me, once they get on their  
way they don't take long.  Some  
chump made a 'blue' sending one  
to Tas but on the whole the post  
office do a difficult job pretty well  
up here.  The news of Richard is  
first class and you are lucky being  
there to see all those intriguing  
stunts he puts on although no one  
is more entitled to get some pleasure  
from him than you after taking all  
the kicks.  It seems to me that a  
battle of wills is being waged between  
you two but by your words I think  
you have his measure and will  
keep his ego under control.  Don't  
worry about pursuing that scrubbing  
brush just get it if you come across  
one.  It will assist greatly but its  
absence is far from serious.  I  
left my issue brush in my kit bag  
now reposing I believe at Ipswich,


No parcels yet of course but my letter may  
hasten delivery.  It's not as easy to  
effect delivery as you may suppose but  
to explain fully why would necessitate  
mentioning facts forbidden by  
censorship.  Thanks for the color  
patches, I'll be on the look out  
for them any day now.  The lad I  
had got friendly with has moved  
on now, I'm beginning to think I  
have got halitosis or something.  I  
don't expect to run across many of the  
old gang here as a fair slice of  
territory separates us now but you  
never know.  Bee Been trying to  
discover your brother Pat's hideout  
but I think my brother John is  
a lot nearer to him than me. 
I see you conquered the hike to the old  
homestead in a common canter.  So  
I warn you that further doubts of  
your physical well-being have  
vanished, I doubt if I could make  
that route march myself


Still I'd try myself out if I could only  
get there and run the distance  
maybe.  Too right I'm interested in  
your appearance and would be  
horrified if you ceased to be interested  
in looking your best.  It would be  
unfeminine for one thing and so  
contrary to your nature for another.  I  
have a hunch you'll look a peach when  
I come home and blest if we  
won't be like young lovers again. 
The more I think of our next reunion  
the more I feel it will be a wow  
and I groan to think of the months  
between us before the day comes.   
Yet the months since last we were  
together have passed fairly smartly  
and pray hard that those still to  
be surmounted will flash by.  You  
mention one thing that exercised my  
mind often and that is the little  
home we dream of and want so much.   
With the awful housing shortage I  
wonder if the end of the war will 


start us on another troubled chapter  
looking for a house.  Pessimistic  
blighter but the position is not  
so easy seen at this distance. 
Have you any ideas or plan about  
the matter?  If so I'd like to see  
what you have in mind.  After I  
get your angle we can discuss it more  
fully.  It was fine for you to get  
along to Mass and trundle his nibs  
also.  Jolly sporting of him to stay put  
while you worshipped and I think  
the worst days associated with his  
cradle life are over unless I'm a  
bit dumber than I think I am.  Just  
Just, fancying talking about washing  
time playing with and watching  
him, don't you know you're viewing  
the most beautiful period in any  
person's life.  Any more of that, and  
I'll have you exiled to the glorious  
tropics.  I'd give a year of my life  
to be on the receiving end of one  
of those smiles of his.


Regarding your hairdo I tried to dope  
it out in a recent letter to you but  
made a pretty poor fist of it, I think.   
I'll have to leave it in your more  
expert hands as these technical  
terms are rather beyond me.  Your  
memory is pretty clear and I reckon  
you'll get a good slant on it from  
past recollection.  The particulars  
re the bonus are VX38483 Pte. M.  
Billings, D Austn Army Pay Corps,  
enlisted 20th August 1940. 
They could quite easily get particulars  
from Records but that's too  
simple to arrange.  If you want to  
keep have a crack at them you  
could mention that point.  When I  
was getting my pay made up my  
employers got [[?]] everything  
from them about me including  
things they had no damn right  
to disclose.


W The oppressive weather (its raining  
now) must be making me testy  
so I'll shove off after that  
outburst I think.  Sister, I  
would admire to gulp a pint  
of the creature tonight.  You'll  
have a job to keep me on  
the wagon when I pay you a  
Cheerio sweetheart and  
keep the chin up, won't be  
long now.  Near or far I  
love you and our boy as  
much as anyone could and  
hope that simple declaration  
raises a responsive chord  
within you.  Kiss Richard  
and tell him Dad is  
mighty proud of him. 
Yours forever 


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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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