Michael Billings Collection - Wallet 10 - Part 4 of 18

Second World War, 1939–45
  • Love Letters
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WITH THE ESHBIMENTS Of THE SAILORS and SOLDIERS CHURCH OF ENGLAND HELP SOClETY FOUNDED 1915 6 194 I cas vidly my culmary afforts fg af b dthe honand hand sep an what losked like hes last leave for many a day but that was not the casenatheIany I feet ane shree do a bit qiielytha I wad to betame avedit an when I was left to help you buta agud O.R faeda but billed. It ad fant wtt nt Ik D hat of aen carned cooke by my own fand Lands, fussingaound geniraely. I bet I was quite Ohreon strutting off for the hapng " ete e teat te te thet tote e th t teen t tt dm was worth any ting its glt you REAE USE OTHER SIDE
WITH THE CONPLINENTS OF THE SAILORS and SOLDIERS CHURCH OF ENGLAND HELP SOClETY FOUNDED 1915 7 194 right again and let your funish the fol had iandw atd Twomed and so happaly, Inalise htth d adas mcew hade at yu a perpect med vray taying concumstance ap d an the peenoad himp ae menalmy penced a t t e tobled with the fl.pos dad gur and my love and heer hut that I ramea is the placefor hed. h heve but we boast of other foscmating omts Latter luck fat "eto mnt Be d e inth honte a by rly en t n en ineany ill sime yof the cat fo stg to fasere darking and are in te ma hod inene on PLEASE USE OTHER SIDE
1.8. 42 Hit Hai M.S. B. Belling 57 48 Rarkers poat MHel East Hamthoor 14 18 STRAL COMOR FUNO 18 85
AUSIRALIAN CONTORTS FUND (Virterian Diersion With which is affitiared R.S.L. WAk STRVICE FUNO, HHIE SAIVATION ARSIV. HHF.V.M.C.A. and V.C. A 83. PW. H. f elend ✓X38 District Accounts Office New Tuner 2-9.43 My Davlings I'm not writing this to thank you for more letters as there just aunt none I amorrow may provide a few of youd Sampled, I ferwently hap so anyway. At the sisk of being monatonously repentive, I say I like im as much and more than wid so you will understand my eageonets to receive some I trust mune are reaching you expeditionsly sering you engo a few lined of my sevawe too I m afraid no letters from you means a shooled effort from me
AUSIRLUAN COMTORIS FU (Victorian Division 2 With which is afitiated RS.L. WAR SERVICE KUNO, THE SA A. HHEV.H.C.A. and V.N.C.A. tonight as I doe w fouly upo and words for inspiration bay I say that you letters e sometimed deliciously prooscative as wtness your number 30 which drew from me a refoinded the dive consequences of which I expect to fall upon me in a week of so. You see, putt, I have not endinly lost that Meamghal i used to buit me about but I think you are a wake to my foibles. Iut I hap you are stll getting back to your top and alaom at the spite owdupors. To help aday goud dismay, I think thats o temporary for reason
AUSTRAUAN CONFORTS Wietorion Division 3 With which is afitioted R.S.L. WAR SCRUICE KIND, M SIAIIOA THE. V.N.C.A. SNA VW.C.A. You wat of far betted than me I respect when I come down or leave that hachd R ara and I athed Time will not have dimuned you huste to any appaieable wtent You food thing you ar always being set tasks of some soat of athed stell I find you are to livly up to saly the standar saught fand diadtust for, if you have any tuch cauld not diny that youve dayged the cortied with R. hard and its magniaent to for me to follow his remarkable poopets Fack about beny poond of ye both, thats futhing it mudly For a supposed novice you
AUSTALAN COMTORTS FUNO (Victorian Division) 4 With which is affitiated RS.L. Wak SthnCEFinO, M A A. HF.V.M.C.A. 0/AVWC.A. sum to know are the anewust an show to cause babut I t want to appead impatient. I m not scally, but that portrait you have hen up wire be hungerly awarted and Ithe the letter containing it had better be ngistion fut to be the sape side. Very pleand you have planms a few thing to intistam yourself and founds new a lot of going out remembed is on the lengle me to tthe visiting parteed, bean and don't let them talk you down. Feay bovoy dot fill disposed to lit my carts down in litters very. ften as the gun encrap
AUSTRAUAN COMFORTS FUNE (Vistorian Division) With which is afitioted RSL Wak SERVICE FU IE vaION AIV HF.VMIC.A. EAAVW.C.A. are not fromable and and I have neved wlish there partied getting a equint at my timate autpausings. I have lately been tindering my litters to you, to a padie for cuntosthy and can thus be lest ustrainid Sts my apinion that the grun envilape are not being ue because some windbay up here have been putting forbidden matter in them and couelled the shall thing for eneayone. To at back to the story, I must bay the little chap is dwveloping vondirfuly, a methed 6 oys. i quat and the aggugate nearly Bes speaks volumes for the case a attention he is getting
AUSTRLIAN COMFORTS (Vloterian Division) With which is apitiated k5I was scance cino, me saanon he. THHE V.M.C.A. Ad VWVC. I imagine he doesn't leave many octs in his manged Fforge to bell you in my last seneed that I deplaal youd clumlinedsin daig ave Adal Jug. S i not a bit sor od you amisirable writch. The obvious thing for me to say is to buy hid another one but unfortunately money alone cannot replace things has pentiment al attachments Gad luit do man sed No farcels at papers to hand of conde, as for the lathd it hasnt been to bad as the other chapt pals ane there to me. as I pass on to a fusthed scorting of yaud latst lithd I'm aghast at
AUSTRAUAN COMTORTS FI (Viterian Drvision) With which is afitated RS.L. WAR SCRNCEF a A HE VMCA. O/A VVC that gloomy. ppaissing you lint I knew how it is, darling as thon spaid are my bane now and then and one does lad awfully fed up Seeing that can't do much to improve matters I upain. from saying much about it but dont tthink Im any the less sympathitie though I miss so many thing only you can give me and than with me and were I not such a souapuss would probably fou on in a lusty hawe at last we are towelling them up and so a glummes of hape is not too apprnishe Tay and look at It that way as I feel it the Substantial Sign there is

Founded 1915 
I recall vividly my culinary efforts 
on that holiday of mine and 
am sometimes puzzled to understand  
why I enjoyed it so much. You would  
thing a chap would be hopping  
mad to find the ball and chain  
laid up on  what looked like his  
last leave for many a day. but that  
was not the case with me. Frankly  
I feel and still do a bit guilty that  
I was to blame over it and when  
I was left to help you a bit and  
managed O.K felt a bit better. It  
was fine when it turned out OK   
and I had lots of fun dishing up  
a few calories cooked by my own  
fair hands, fussing around you  
generally.  I bet I was quite a  
[[?turn]] strutting off for the shopping 
and lowering a tankard or two  
in the process. And anyway it  
was worth anything to get you


right again and let you finish the 
job you had in hand and now  
its turned out so happily, I realise  
the little I did was well worth  
while as you were a perfect patient  
under very trying circumstances. 
I don't seem to be  
up to up to penning the usual chit chat  
tonight so will leave my sage  
observations on the general things  
requiring comment until my next  
Sorry your mother is  
troubled with the flu, poor dear.  
Give her my love and tell her that  
New Guinea is the place for her.  
no flu here but we boast of other  
fascinating ailments. Rotten luck for  
her to have that clinging on to her. 
Well time for the cot  [*+muster?*] 
punishing so farewell darling and all  
my love to you and the son. Michael 


Air Mail 31.8.43 
Mrs M Billings 
548 Barkers Road 
East Hawthorn 


With which is Affiliated 
THE Y.M.C.A. and Y.W.C.A. 
VX38483. Pte. M. Billings 
District Accounts Office 
New Guinea. 2.9.43 
My Darling, 
I'm not writing  
this to thank you for more  
letters as there just 'aint none' 
Tomorrow may provide a few 
of your samples, I fervently hope  
so anyway. At the risk of being  
monotonously repetitive, I say  
I like em as much and more  
than ever.  So you will understand  
my eagerness to receive some.  
I trust mine are reaching you  
expeditiously seeing you enjoy  
a few lines of my scrawl too.  
I'm afraid no letters from you  
means a shorter effort from me


tonight as I draw freely upon  
your words for inspiration.  
May I say that your letters  
are sometimes deliciously 
provocative as witness your  
number 30 which drew from  
me a rejoinder the dire  
consequences of which I expect  
to fall upon me in a week or  
so. You see, puss, I have not  
entirely lost that teasing habit 
 you used to twit me about 
 but I think you are a wake up  
to my foibles. Next I hope you  
are still getting back to your top 
in spite of your alarm at the  
avoirdupois. To help in allaying 
 in  your dismay, I think thats  
only temporary for reasons


you [[wot?]] of far better than me 
I expect when I come down on 
leave that Master Richard 
and Father Time will not 
have dimmed your lustre to 
any appreciable extent. You 
poor thing.  You are always 
being set tasks of some sort or  
other, still, I find you are 
usually up  able to lively  up to 
the standard sought. Your 
deadliest foe, if you have any such, 
could not deny that you've dazzled 
the critics with Richard and 
its magnificent to for me to  
follow his remarkable progress. 
Talk about being proud of you 
both, that's putting it mildly. 
For a supposed novice you


seem to know all the answers 
on how to raise babies. I 
don't want to appear impatient, 
I'm not really, but that portrait 
you have lined up will be 
hungrily awaited and I think 
the letter containing it had 
better be registered just to be 
on the safe side.  Very pleased 
you have planned a few 
things to entertain yourself and 
friends now a lot of going out 
is on the [[bugle?]], remember 
me to the visiting parties, 
old bean and don't let them 
talk you down. Very sorry I 
don't feel disposed to let my 
[[plaits?]] down in letters very 
often as the green envelopes


are not favourable any more 
and I have never relish third 
parties getting a squint at my 
intimate outpourings.  I have 
lately been tendering my letters 
to you, to a padre for censorship 
and can thus be less restrained. 
It's my opinion that the green 
envelopes are not being issued 
because some windbags up here 
have been putting forbidden 
matter in them and cruelled the 
whole thing for everyone. To 
get back to the story, I must say, 
the little chap is developing 
wonderfully, another 6 ozs, is great 
and the aggregate nearly 13 lbs 
speaks volumes for the care 
and attention he is getting


I imagine he doesn't leave many 
oats in his manger.  I forgot 
to tell you in my last screed that 
I deplore your clumsiness in  
doing over Ada's jug. I'm not a 
bit sorry for you a, miserable 
wretch. The obvious thing for 
me to say is to buy her  
another one but unfortunately 
money alone cannot replace things 
one has sentimental attachments 
for. Bad luck old bean! 
No parcels or papers to hand 
of course. As for the latter the 
.s it hasn't been so bad as 
the other chaps pass over there's 
to me. As I pass on to a  
firstt  further scrutiny of your  
latest letter I'm aghast at


that gloomy feeling oppressing you 
but I know how it is, darling  
as those spasms are my bane 
now and then and one does  
feel awfully fed up.  Seeing that 
I can't do much to improve 
matters I refrain from saying 
much about it but don't think 
I'm any the less sympathetic 
though. I miss so many things 
only you can give me and share 
with me and were I not such 
a sourpuss would probably join 
you in a lusty howl. At least  
we are towelling them up now 
so a glimmer of hope is not too 
optimistic. Try and look at it 
 that way as I feel its the  
only substantial sign there is. 

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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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