Michael Billings Collection - Wallet 10 - Part 16 of 18

Second World War, 1939–45
  • Love Letters
Accession number:

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5 pay as much attention to you in the snapt as Richard and the last batch rivial the fell tale marks of sleepters nights and that for an invitirate Spine bashed as you is definitily on the bugh. Hawwid you know all that and I'm suce you wont be satisfied until you an oight back at your hop. Youd damn lucky to be alle to ffrolic around with The my, what fun and joy you must have. I elieve you me theret nothing much worse than having such a beaut son and be unable to partiapate in the Sunshine that radiated from him yet. so the first annwersary of his conception has gone by I pray I dont ms being on hand for his first brathday. Should have a good chance of ng there before that day
6 The beady eyes grow misty as I read you touching recollections of those 9 lorious months in Prisbane. Shall 9 it to grift with the G.E. letter soon and talk about those days and nights and athers too. It would be strange if we did not mitt each athed acuitely, we y an so much in love that Separation is more to us than to most people The nins about Fean & Swance. (I thought he was a goner is maguificent O wite apart from the family's perronal joy, those workhies were comrades in many an excapade in the days we enjoyed, so much. For Shula though I'm very happy that hed sheadfast faith g its some reward and a promise of happiness when the Shaml
7 is over. Two uparcels for me yesterday whacks!One from you and a cake from Somione, the writing on the coor looks like Shueas. Yours contained lats of writing paped, envuapes, peaches, pils and trowded. Ihanks so much darting, you are most kind to pood Micky The news from hear is about The same. Feel very wenl except for a slight heat rash on the lungy I suppose I m acclimatized now for the heat and I mean heat has ceasin to worry me. H anageed a quick Swim before Lea lonight which does me good. C heres now pacisous, I long to be with you to fell you asheut in how much. I love you Fg kiss M Lor R. Dare &Da
4 10 TUNt 11 Aed Mail C.SS. H. Fellinf 548 Barker's Road East Hawthorn Msil Fictoria
Vx 38483. Cyt. H. gurnng Dilbact accounts Office New Guiner 14.10.43 My Daving, at east here is the long promited G.C. letter and his pleased I am to be apped getting it started. St so happens so that I am on duty at the office tonight and have spent the last hand ad so prousing you letters to find out if I had forgoften anything and to prepare an agenda of sulyects fithed for such an aupuious occasion. I you immerding my self in there questions, I'll briefly touch on the mundane matters. No letters from you for & days so thats persible but we can take it. Hope you are faving better I am quite will, have plinty of work so there are no compeaints on that scose
2 Weather has been beastly hot but a tropical thunderstorm apted Lea cleasid the ais and theres a faid breye now. Hope R. chard and you an both hale and hearty too, I m confident that you are Ontuataiment report:- Swimming daily aphed work thanks to day light paving, pictures viewea R.O.R.Sa fairly good. R eetle with Bevrly an tomarrow night, sounds scarwy but you have to fate a chance of Mat Having disposed, lits past to the Subects in whose benefit a G.E. letter is being pinned. Pishaps not a choin one fod a beginning but you referrre to you intention to take the little chap to the quack shortly for shau we say that certain operation I dont know if you want my comments
about it but I m pasitive its a t necessary for him. If its left until lated in life it is a nasty business to have done. Due to Some whem I suppose, I was not done at all and in these hat climates suffer much contation as a consequence. Iit wirl upeet the little blake for a few days but lated benefits more than oppet those that Pat had a day off earluet in the week and called to bee me He has quite regained his compasure but eagierly awaits his ritnon home From what he said it wont be very long new until you see him, Showed me are his snaps and he and I are as one in desire tto see and yorks. particularly the wife and bawn (1)
4 By the way. how are the finances. In a sound state I take it having regard to the posident management you have shown up to date. Anyhow lett know how you an fine. Fot my past Im shell food in worldly we arth but surrounded by wiches of the kind that caunt. Not going without much though so dont feel sorry for me W hen I get my corporals pay I shall be a comparative Crossus. af nearly anyway My bank statement to Seep 30 heels me R. chard's Toust Fund Sotals (Bo0d that is if his agad pasints dont callad it to save them from the work us. My present infention when The increav pay comes Through is to leave it accumulate at least
fod a time and if you should require some hort at can easily be remitted from here. Lit me know your ideas on the matter as your well being is the paramount consideration. I can Seee you have the makings of a Scrooge snatching the pennies from your infant son and locking them up in a naity musty vault. The money box idea is Swiee because I m very adept with a knife. Heleffice! This letter would not be complete without a page od two devoted to and iovemaking Naphials in Grisbane. I whend to reminisce much furthed back than that oight back to and Seen day wwonded honey moon Although it Seimed to pass in a flash the world stood stile for us many times
gote 6 I'll past by the wedding itself and jjust uiped to the warby transport arrangements we wrre handed in soue to iorning ton. I'ill nived forget you when ifor the frrst time you wise confronted with the prospect of ppending a night with a man who insidentally was your husband. The realitation had suddenly busst upon you of you new estate and I hardly think I exaggerate in saying you were a little Limorous. Still it would have been a bad time to discover you had manned a Satyt. I ll confess my savors fame was not 1000/0 but you hentative efforts to dicrobe perceived I might tell you by sussipptions glances hilpie me maintain my compasiial. Howeve apted champague (a bruuant

pay as much attention to you in the snaps
as Richard and the last batch reveal
the tell tale marks of sleepless nights
and that, for an inveterate spine basher
as you is definitely on the bugle.
However you know all that and I'm sure
you won't be satisfied until you are
right back at your top. Your  damn
lucky to be able to frolic around with
the nip, what fun and joy you must
have. Believe you me there's nothing
much worse than having such a beaut
son and be unable to participate in
the sunshine that radiates from him.
Yes, so the first anniversary of his
conception has gone by, I pray I don't
miss being on hand for his first
birthday. Should have a good chance
of being there before that day.


The beady eyes grow misty as I
read your touching recollections of those
glorious months in Brisbane. Shall
get to grips with the G.E. letter soon and
talk about those days and nights
and others too. It would be strange
if we did not miss each other acutely,
you We are so much on in love that
separation is more to us than to
most people.
The news about Fean &
Swanee (I thought he was a goner)
is magnificent. Quite apart from the
family's personal joy, those worthies were
comrades in many an escapade in the
days we enjoyed so much. For Shiela
though I'm very happy that his
steadfast faith gets some reward and a
promise of happiness when the Shamble


is over.
Two parcels for me yesterday
whacko! One from you and a cake
from someone, the writing on the
cover looks like Sheilas. Yours contained
lots of writing paper, envelopes, peaches,
pills and powder. Thanks so much
darling. You are most kind to your
The news from here is about
the same. Feel very well except for
a slight heat rash on the [[?]]
I suppose I'm acclimatized now for the
heat and I mean heat has ceased to
worry me. Managed a quick swim before
tea tonight which does me good.
Cheerio now precious, I long
to be with you to tell you and show
you how much I love you. Big kiss 
for Richard.  Dad

War Memorial 


Air Mail

Mrs. M. Billings
548 Barker's Road
East Hawthorn


Vx 38483.Cpl M. Gillings
District Accounts Office
New Guinea 14.10.43

My Darling,
At last here is the long
promised G.E. letter and tis pleased
I am to be after getting it started.
It so happens so that I am on duty at
the office tonight and have spent the
last hour or so perusing you letters
to find out if I had forgotten
anything and to prepare an agenda
of subjects fitted for such an auspicious
occasion. Before immersing myself in
these questions, I'll briefly touch on the
mundane matters. No letters from you
for 4 days so that's terrible but we
can take it. Hope you are faring better.
I am quite well, have plenty of work
so there are no complaints on that score.


Weather has been beastly hot but a
tropical thunderstorm after tea cleared
the air and theres a fair breeze now.
Hope Richard and you are both hale
and hearty too, I' m confident that you
are. Entertainment report:- Swimming
daily after work thanks to day light
Saving, pictures viewed 'Rio-Rita'
- fairly good. Reveille with Beverly
on tomorrow night, sounds screwy
but you have to take a chance.
 Having disposed of that, lets pass
to the subjects in whose benefit a
G.E. letter is being penned. Perhaps
not a choice one for a beginning but
you referred to your intention to take
the little chap to the quack shortly
for shall we say 'that certain operation'.
I don't know if you want my comments


about it but I'm positive its a t
necessary for him. If its left until
later in life it is a nasty business
to have done. Due to some whim
I suppose, I was not done at all
and in these hot climates suffer
much irritation as a consequence.
It will upset the little bloke for a few
days but later benefits more than offset
those that
Pat had a day off earlier
in the week and called to see me.
He has quite regained his composure
but eagerly awaits his return home.
From what he said it won't be very
long now until you see him. Showed
me all his snaps and he and I are
as one in desire to see our folks.
particularly the wife and bairn(s)


By the way. how are the
finances? In a sound state I take
it having regard to the prudent
management you have shown up to
date. Anyhow let's know how you are
fixed. For my part I'm still poor in
worldly wealth but surrounded by
riches of the kind that count. Not
going without much though so don't
feel sorry for me. When I get my
corporal's pay I shall be a
comparative Croesus. or nearly anyway.
My bank Statement to Sep 30 tells me
Richard's Trust Fund totals £13 odd
that is if his aged parents don't
collar it to save them from the
work' us. My present intention when
the increased pay comes through
is to leave it accumulate at least


for a time and if you should require
some part it can easily be remitted
from here. Let me know your ideas
on the matter as your well-being is
the paramount consideration. I can
see you have the makings of a Scrooge
snatching the pennies from your infant
son and locking them up in a nasty
musty vault. The money box idea
is swell because I'm very adept
with a knife. Hee. Hee!
This letter would not be
complete without a page or two devoted
to our lovemaking raptures in Brisbane.
I intend to reminisce much further
back than that, right back to our
seven day wonder honey moon.
Although it seemed to pass in a flash
the world stood still for us many times


6/   gauche
I'll pass by the wedding itself and
just refer to the warby transport
arrangements we were handed en route
to Mornington. I'll never forget
you when for the first time you were
confronted with the prospect of spending
a night with a man who incidentally.
was your husband. The realisation
had suddenly burst upon you of your
new estate and I hardly think I
exaggerate in saying you were a
little timorous. Still it would have
been a bad time to discover you had
married a satyr. I'll confess my
savoir faire was not 100% but your
tentative efforts to disrobe perceived I
might tell you by surreptitious glances
helped me maintain my composure.
However after champagne (a brilliant 

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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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