Michael Billings Collection - Wallet 10 - Part 15 of 18

Second World War, 1939–45
  • Love Letters
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3 was drawing nead, lucky chap. Shul after a gead of puddling round the wethest hate on earth, and worce he Surely has earned it. Do you remembed The rathed Scand little boy who came to see us in Zrisbane on his way to God knows what and away from home for the first time in his life. I have made it my busineds to keep in touch wth him since he left and young Jock has increased in my estimation a lot for the way his stuck it out and beat. the roften hale. You know he could have got out of here soon after he got here at was he was under age for tropical Service. I remembed getting a litter shortly apted he started salvaging up hire felling me how on his first recovery hayp they found rothen corpses under a pite of
if funk. Nice education for a kid of 18 It has been rathed exciting for me to watch a boy grow into a man in the hardist School of all. Sorry to have claunched out so much about my brothed but het to me like John was to you and if he had been done oved, weel now you know how I know how you have been feeling. Strange both of out Rid brothers being named John, Sumingly a good stout name for good stont finds. I hope and have a good chance of Seeing him on his way through and wrie Send a personal message. I but hill be Shrilia by Richard. With him, his belaved Morum and the others, here have a good time any how after waiting so long. One of us always coming ar going but ravily doist anyone cali
5 The ather on leave at the same time Ox Poor Micky's getting Sentimental in his dotage I fead. I daresay you will be changed when I get down, its hardly to be wondered at, bu t more sevine and mature perton you look in youd puture but believe mes you havent changed fod the worce. Youre living a buty active life getting out of doors plinty and with an absoubing intirest in life, I stontly maintain youl be Something Cetre special to look forward to. If not, why not. Keep smiling priciens, its easnd that way for you and others. By are means show mothed my letters if you think they help. Howwed you dont sourpositive that they do or may be Im too persistent. Some days
I cant exprett my self very well, for much disk work . I suppose. Got a Frun 6 nvilope in my case so soon you wrre receive the outpourings of a rathed beviedered but ardent loved of yours. Sorry the photos dont mut with youdapproval, Los bad apter so much waiting. Very gead the subject thereof ao behaving himself, and helping you along in the matter of shep. at his hinder age I love him a lot for being good to his mothed. Of cousse his a Gentleman, how could the son of a Loff like me be otherwise. I m not complaining, Sweet but how about felling me something about myself in one of your litters Pood H.cky ( the bont is lonely and wants M unig to say
nice things to him. Am I tropps at am I? But you remembed how I usid to get the sulus. Id give a lot to pull facis and fool about ovid at Jarkers Road funclually every Sunday new. Gee, how Ked and Ada used to cackle at my mantente while you Sourpuss, if I remember aright used to get snorty at some of more hornible effects. Wut lime you get in my hard, - down and call yes - I'll full your you piddlekins. I trust thats not quite The kind of personality You speak of Haster Richard possessing, after that excustion back to The piping times, his meet and just That I take a snooze. For a day of two, pacisous, ta fa and at least I have the good sense to love you. Riss the little chap from Dad
9 t 9.104 MII art ay Mrs. H. Billings 547 Barkers Road East Hawthorn ctona
Vx38483 Cpl. H. Gulings Distort accounts Office New Tunnea, 11.10.43 Davling Kay Y esterday and today wwere productive of three letters from you, 5, 6. &8, quite like old times and very geadly received particularly the nus about R, charo. I m very pleasee too that you are feeling more like your aid Self. In fact your news was much brighted Haken all round for which I in profoundly grateful. Sorry you have not fared so well with the mail of lat It seems to come in bursts and at Ive penned quite a few letters you showd crack it for two ad thaue in one few Swoop. You have been having a buty time, I dee dashing hithed and thithet on many errands of mercy. You have
2 no idia how 9 lad I was to learn that Bother's puts was regsserting itself and She was starting to Soldus on onc more. You cant Smathed characted you know. Please forgive me but the mental pirture of you and Bathed sharing that little bid moved me to a very broad grin. I dont mean of course your remarks of your experiences during that night but it brought back memories of my last leave when the generous contours of you ald man proved too much for the same bed to cope with It's a good wheeze for hed to return to the Job as one broodstoo much in the long hours of idliness. No doubt of the wisdom of having a job of work when the grim come things of life. Strange thing, death miant nathing to those fortunate enough to be
3 ready to fac ther maked but the for those they leave the battle of life gets harded and ane needs to mustes are the resources to keep on Lop. Steee if the scrappers go through what they do and as too often happins g we thei lives, we who are left can do no liss than carry on in thei braditions. Nice work banishing the cald so promptly and cleaning up the lads bung eye Its certainly hard to find fauit with any thing about the lad; Sunny nature, phy sical robustness and lats of other virtues bead witness to your thorough and loving case. The other fourd snaps duly arswea and The inhire collection received many examinations from the admiring pappy. One only I have g win away
54 that to my brothed John who for reasons I told you about recently received one of the pricious pictures. The ones weeks of him Len and twelve a ald were herrfie Sent he the goods. They shul diclare his like me hert which increases my conceit a great diae. Aithough the hard grind of bearing him and caring for him in his cearty days escaped me I gvess the agony of separation from you and him is a fair measure of recompence for missing out there. Anyhow Your doing a marvilious fob with him and as he grows hardeed and more aminable I hope the bitted fruits give you the go. by to unable you to retume your pursuit of a 1000/0 physical and mental recovery that seems to be forwed being retarded. You see I


was drawing near, lucky chap. Still 
after a year of puddling round the 
wettest hole on earth, and worse he 
surely has earned it. Do you remember 
the rather scared little boy who came to 
see us in Brisbane on his way to God 
knows what and away from home for 
the first time in his life? I have made 
it my business to keep in touch with 
him since he left and young Jock has 
increased in my estimation a lot for 
the way hes stuck it-out and beat the 
rotten hole. You know he could have got 
out of here soon after he got here and as 
was he was under age for tropical 
service. I remember getting after a letter 
shortly after he started salvaging up here 
telling me how on his first recovery trip 
they found rotten corpses under a pile of


junk. Nice education for a kid of 18! 
It has been rather exciting for me to watch 
a boy grow into a man in the hardest 
school of all. Sorry to have launched 
out so much about my brother but he's 
to me like John was to you and if 
he had been done over, well now you 
know how I know how you have been 
feeling. Strange both of our kid brothers 
being named John, Seemingly a good 
stout name for good stout fellas. 
I hope and have a good chance of seeing 
him on his way through and will 
send a personal message. I bet he'll be 
thrilled by Richard. With him, his 
beloved Mum and the others, he'll 
have a good time anyhow after waiting 
so long. One of us is are is always coming 
or going but rarely does anyone catch


the other on leave at the same time. 
Ou Poor Micky's getting sentimental in his 
dotage I fear. 
I daresay you will be changed 
when I get down, its hardly to be wondered 
at, but A more serene and mature person 
you look in your picture but believe me, you 
haven't changed for the worse. You're 
living a busy active life getting out of 
doors plenty and with an absorbing interest 
in life. I stoutly maintain you'll be 
something extra special to look forward 
to. . If not, why not. Keep smiling 
precious, its easier that way for you 
and others. 
By all means show mother 
my letters if you think they help. However 
you don't sound positive that they do 
or maybe I'm too persistent. Some days



I can't express myself very well, too much 
desk work somedays I suppose. Got a 
Green Envelope in my case so soon 
you will receive the outpourings of a 
rather bewildered but ardent lover of 
yours. Sorry the photos don't meet with 
your approval, too bad after so much 
Very glad the subject thereof 
is behaving himself . and helping you 
along in the matter of sleep. At his 
tender age I love him a lot for being 
good to his mother. Of course he's a 
gentleman, how could the son of a 
toff like me be otherwise. I'm not 
complaining, sweet but how about telling 
me something about myself in one of 
your letters. Poor Micky (the lout) is 
lonely and wants Mummy to say



nice things to him. am I troppo 
or am I? But you remember how I 
used to get the 'sillies'. I'd give a 
lot to pull faces and fool about over 
at Barkers Road punctually every Sunday 
now. Gee, how Red and Ada used to 
cackle at my nonsense while you, 
sourpuss, if I remember aright used 
to get snooty at some of more horrible [*chuckle*] 
effects. Next time you get in my hair, 
yes - I'll pull yours------ down and call 
you piddlekins. I trust thats not quite 
the kind of personality you speak of 
Master Richard possessing. 
After that excursion back to 
the piping times, tis meet and just 
that I take a snooze. For a day or two, 
precious, ta ta and at least I have the 
good sense to love you. Kiss the little chap 
from Dad 




Air Mail 

Mrs M Billings 
548 Barkers Road 
East Hawthorn 


VX38483 Cpl. M. Billings 
District Accounts Office 
New Guinea, 11.10.43 

Darling Kay 
Yesterday and today were 
productive of three letters from you, No's 
5, 6 & 8, quite like old times and very 
gladly received particularly the news 
about Richard. I'm very pleased too 
that you are feeling more like your old 
self. In fact your news was much 
brighter taken all round for which I'm 
profoundly grateful. Sorry you have 
not fared so well with the mail of late. 
It seems to come in bursts and as I've 
penned quite a few letters you should 
crack it for two or three in one fell 
swoop. You have been having a busy 
time, I see dashing hither and thither 
on many errands of mercy. You have



no idea how glad I was to learn that 
Mother's guts was reasserting itself and 
she was starting to soldier on once 
more. You cant smother character you 
know. Please forgive me but the 
mental picture of you and Mother 
sharing that little bed moved me to a 
very broad grin. I don't mean of course 
your remarks of your experiences during that 
night but it brought back memories 
of my last leave when the generous 
contours of your old man proved too 
much for the same bed to cope with. 
It's a good wheeze for her to return to the 
job as one broods too much in the long 
hours of idleness. No doubt of the wisdom 
of having a job of work when the grim 
things of life come. Strange thing, death means 
nothing to those fortunate enough to be 



ready to face their maker but tho for those 
they leave the battle of life gets harder and 
one needs to muster all the resources to 
keep on top. Still if the scrappers go 
through what they do and as too often 
happens give their lives, we who are 
left can do no less than carry on in 
their traditions. 
Nice work banishing the 
cold so promptly and cleaning up the 
lad's bung eye. Its certainly hard to 
find fault with anything about the 
lad; sunny nature, physical robustness 
and lots of other virtues bear witness to 
your thorough and loving care. The 
other fours snaps duly arrived and 
the entire collection received many 
e examinations from the admiring 
pappy. One only I have given away



that to my brother John who for 
reasons I told you about recently receives 
one of the precious pictures. The ones 
of him ten and twelve years weeks old were 
terrific. Isn't he the goods? They still 
declare he's like me here which increases 
my conceit a great deal. Although the 
hard grind of bearing him and caring 
for him in his early days escaped me 
I guess the agony of separation from 
you and him is a fair measure of 
recompense for missing out there. Anyhow 
youre doing a marvellous job with him 
and as he grows hardier and more 
amenable I hope the bitter fruits give 
you the go. by to enable you to 
resume your pursuit of a 100% physical 
and mental recovery that seems to be 
forever being retarded. You see I

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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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