Michael Billings Collection - Wallet 10 - Part 14 of 18

Second World War, 1939–45
  • Love Letters
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7 She old man. Cven It will declare that the forcherd and nut is a chyp of the old block. The pity of t that The loviy Smile you flashed for had to be effand by lonsy wothn was To progrels to you, I must say that Iv newe hem you laok filled and what wap evere you handing yo me by saying you tooks had departed. Where did you frul up you Suntan! You have no idea how much I was thout to see you looking so fit. Dort tell me the came bit because I rickon one ofthe pretunt is not so hat. The one of you on youd own, I mean, not you at your best by any means- Too poim and backing you spaakle. In The others though you look great and just that swuthent I rnnmbed and year to be with now
Forgive me darling if my ehuberant remarks grate upon you but you see you ane the boy an my world ane when a link like those snaps come along, its like getting a paiisous moment with you and I have to shout a bit. I meekly confers that my hopes that the shadow latily cast ove you wire soon lift an not entially untelfish. as your Statement that theaes a heap of things you want to hell me males me impatient. to heat them. farring yand letters thees not many bright patches in life up here to pplease fing we me were its only a few moments before they downe the lights so wre say govdnight prrisns. All my love and poayed are for you. hall my little bay from hus Dad
7 wrYTM 4 0 aid tal M.s. H. Zulin oad + 48 Barkers Hawthorn ast A
WITH THE CONBIMENTS Of THE SAILORS and SOLDIERS CHURCH OF ENGLAND HELP SOClETY FOUNDED 1915 ✓X38483. Cpe. C Buueing 194 Distenct accounts Office M 103 nn n Dastong Ray Dhdrg folney tn has gean hasded of Q.G. Sept with prot Sak At I ave you post daating f stck this year That these anng atans ak meia aternt you alp hd yom nf hathS haw equiliborum I know if I ha for gu y PLEASE USE OTHER SIDE
WITH THE CONPLHENTS 6F THE SAILORS and SOLDIERS CHURCH OF ENGLAND HELP SOClETY FOUNDED 1915 194 drae mead of youd Strength and comport. andwtal rpo mathed to mdatt rocet t nendenh foee odo t fome fo te t t t a You tole ote n ge f pro thangs I w asnt so happyo mmmm that the eppot of the stvck had assultedin th need SunpphameI. H chands natuat dat IBnow Your would be far uss happy th D Dad yennd py mrt you frrst were able to wholly p atsfy tns hed Y am Cam sympathse nad t annn funde te n o o e ene e n en en n oteth frnes t wrry time I gage at the snopt I in ang ry at anything that causet PLEASE USE OTHER SIDE
WITH THECONPLIENTS Of THE SAILORS and SOLDIERS CHURCH OF ENGLAND HELP SOCIETY FOUNDED 1915 3 194 mn Itay So lovily and I appenest H athad my fondent love on you ceo t e t o t enne d t Bipt t of d sd o Se youat pack toast before you had to se amped. The mans of I oms utuen as on t Ga sht tok A hat of th o wot Apf t have to go away again Haybe ad h asar this hall The ise and always p srd Bgnging REASE USE OTHER SIDE
WITH THE CONPLIENTS OF THE SAILORS and SOLDIERS CHURCH OF ENGLAND HELP SOClETY FOUNDED 1915 4 194 not much topieal parlly wereandwtacnfd abtd frJadrt nace afrishing barze Taithy ch ang e arogh ltal ppac ther f amely gu gritnd a mo ad a ta I chose now hoping you t d oo knows your osubledak at hast that must Byl B pmen fortd t foon toe heo Grent o emnd te t f of my andent love for you A kns to h to theAg D mtell Mcky imemen REASE USE OTHER SIDE
in comncion M i Mail 4 CrS. H. Buling 548 Barkers Road East Hawthoon Ixiy Honia 24
Vx 38483. Cpe. H. Belling District accounts Office New Guinea. 9.10.43 Daving lay. I ickled to get yours of 4th y esterday particularly as its length and ability to discuss Sundry subjects signalss a mcovery partial at least from the numberg effect of the recent coull blow. As I spointed out Ive been a bit-worried about you, my froetty and your litter affordid Limely relief I shant recas long thily youd grief fuled days but wile say that the news about toshed sounded a brighted note, a tribute I attorte to hed innate courage, your comfort and little K, chard's divertionary anties. Treat little feelet, eh. All the same, bothers one of the Sait of the earth and John was his mothers son Any how you wril have had a stomachful
2 of my advice particularly as you are jumps ahead of me working out a Solution. I most definitely agre with you that a change of Surroundings is desirable but thats not easy to a chieve under present conditions and knowing your mother I can't su what you can do about it just now. Was going to locate Pat Tomorrow but am detaited for duty so thats knocked on the head. Fod an I know he may be on his way home now, I feel quite aptinistic about the outcome of his application and in any case he should be due soon for leave. Don't give up hope he may not have to come back here when he gits out. I alking of leave I had a litter from John and he was paying his rlease fm diance will

the old man.  Even I will declare that 
the forehead and nut is a chip of 
the old block. The pity of it that 
the lovely smile you flashed for me 
had to be effaced by lousy rotten war. 
To progress to your, I must say that I've  
never seen you look fitter and what crap 
were you handing you me by saying your 
looks have departed.  Where did you pick 
up your suntan?  You have no idea how 
much I was thrilled to see you looking 
so fit.  Don't tell me the camera lies 
because I reckon one of the pictures is not 
so hot.  The one of you on your own, I mean, 
not you at your best by any means - too 
prim and lacking your sparkle.  In 
the others though you look great and 
just that sweetheart I remember and yearn 
to be with now.


Forgive me darling if my exuberant
remarks grate upon you but you see you 
and the boy are my world and when  
a link like those snaps come along, its 
like getting a precious moment with you 
and I have to shout a bit. 
I meekly confess that my hopes 
that the shadow lately cast over you will  
soon lift are not entirely unselfish 
as your Statement that theres a heap 
of thing you want to tell me makes 
me impatient to hear them. Barring 
your letters theres not many bright 
patches in life up here so please 
forgive me. 
Well its only a few moments 
before they douse the lights so will say  
goodnight precious. All my love and 
prayers are for you. Kiss my little boy from his 


Air Mail 

Mrs. M. Billings 
548 Barker's Road 
East Hawthorn. 


Founded 1915 

Cpl. M. Billings 
District Accounts Office 
New Guinea 
Darling Kay, 
The standing policy
of the Billings clan being letters 
aplenty, herewith todays budget
of my news and views. First 
I received your letter of 29 Sept with 
the press notices enclosed. I hope  
you are recuperating from the  
shock it gave you, poor darling. 
I reckon you've had more than  
enough of the rough end of the 
stick this year that these reoccurring 
blows make me worried about you. 
I hope by now you have received  
my last few letters and they have 
done a little to restore your 
equilibrium. I know its hard for  
you to forget your own misery 
but its easy to see other are in


dire need of your strength and comfort 
so I know you'll leave no stone 
unturned to cherish and revitalise 
your poor mother. 
The news about the  
wee chap is very good and his 
certainly growing up fast. The 
snaps you sent me are a magnet 
to me, how I love you two sweet  
things. I wasn't so happy to  
learn that the effect of the shock 
had resulted in the need to  
supplement Richards natural diet. 
I know you would be far less happy 
than I as I recall your joy when 
you first were able to wholly 
satisfy his needs. With one thing 
and another, you can sympathise 
with my earnest desire to see 
you back to your normal self. 
Every time I gaze at the snaps 
I'm angry at anything that causes


my darlings pain or trouble. 
They are so lovely and happiness 
is their rightful element. Give 
Mother my fondest love on your 
next visit. 
I've had two letters 
from Mum this week, the second 
a news flash of the nuptials. 
Was pleased to see you were at  
the kirk and had time for a  
quick toast before you had to 
scamper. The news of Tom's return 
was a surprise, lucky chap to get 
a short break home. Still it takes 
a lot of the gilt off it when you 
have to go away again. Maybe 
I'll be seeing him but will forego 
that pleasure to keep him out of 
this hole. The island always 
seems to me so unfriendly with  
lurking things waiting on you.


Not much topical 
news from here, sweetheart. Am 
pretty well and well occupied 
on the job. Weather has been 
good today for a change, quite 
a nice refreshing breeze. Pretty 
dull though, glad I've such 
a beaut wife so I can spend  
pleasant hours having a chat  
to her. The quiet life suits me 
though, the nearest approach 
to the family queit quiet and 
peace is my ally nowadays. 
I close now hoping you 
and mother find that peace in  
your troubled hearts soon. God knows  
you deserve at least that much. 
Bye Bye treasure and it is  
my privilege to again assure you 
of my ardent love for you. A kiss to  
Richard and love to the Sugdens. 


Air Mail 

Mrs. M. Billings 
548 Barkers Road 
East Hawthorn 


VX38483 Cpl. M. Billings 
District Accounts Office 
New Guinea 9.10.43 
Darling Kay, 
Tickled to get yours of 4th 
yesterday particularly as its length and 
ability to discuss sundry subjects signals 
a recovery partial at least from the numbing 
effect of the recent cruel blow. As I pointed 
out I've been a bit worried about you, my 
pretty and your letters afforded timely relief 
I shant recall lengthily your grief filled 
days but will say that the news about 
Mother sounded a brighter note, a tribute 
I attribute to her innate courage, your 
comfort and little Richards diversionary 
antics. Great little feller, eh? all the 
same, Mothers one of the salt of the  
earth and John was his mother's son. 
anyhow you will have had a stomachful


of my advice particularly as you are jumps 
ahead of me working out a solution. I 
most definitely agree with you that a  
change of surroundings is desirable but 
that's not easy to achieve under present 
conditions and knowing your mother 
I can't see what you can do about it just 
now. Was going to locate Pat 
tomorrow but am detailed for duty so 
that's knocked on the head. For all  
I know he may be on his way home 
now. I feel quite optimistic about the 
outcome of his application and in any 
case he should be due soon for leave. 
Don't give up hope he may not have 
to come back here when he gets out. 
Talking of leave I had 
a letter from John and he was 
saying his release from durance vile

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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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