Michael Billings Collection - Wallet 10 - Part 13 of 18

Second World War, 1939–45
  • Love Letters
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What I have been trying to say for about your pages is that it goes over by with me and there must be no tapt of pity ar chanty attached to it for if that were the case the stheme would stink to me and asphyciate bathed. Iell hed this tos, that theres sush a thing as the D.gged Spivat and to do a good humn for a cabbed, well thats just how it should be Now do yourg it it. I hope thing pan out U.R for Sylvia and little Jahn. Sts. awful for hid but at least she has the resiluncy of youth in hir favor and that will help hid out of the slough. Its not much use saying lats of pious hopes. let us pray to God to help hera She always impressed me at a gai with plenly of juts otherwise how coud John
E have married her Its wicked though Now listen to this, Sweet I it that mud and mine haltucination right out of your head and I m not fooling. Iut done a spot of snooping and though I cant check up on it yet of cansse its pailly good guts for you biluve that he never has to put up with that, it was clean and quick, as quick as a flash. H is in heaven now and it was all oved without any lingusing in pain. I m glad to be able to hell you this as I can see it has been appressing you. You se John was a soldies and he did the way a Soldied wants So. It's whhose that are left that suffer and we must do what we can to ease thei Supfloing
The wee chap has bun riligated to the background I see, Sorry the food little fulow is peevy but it just can't be helped when his mothed is subjected to such an infense emational stram. Hill sunely pick up again as you calm down. Not much nuns from here rainie all last night and today but it was nice and cool for a while. Geen as hat as Hadis lately. Plinty of work to kup the calenda moving along to the big day. Wish it were now Had a letter from Dong Kun who Sent you his good wishes Well that concludes this Screed so chuns my precisus, I with you brighter times and love you and and K. chard eid so much. I am
FW18 Rearied ACTIE 1R W X1 This envelope must not be used for coin or valuables. It cannot be accepted for registration. NOTE: Correspondence in this envelope need not be censored Regimentally. The con- tents are liable to examination at the B256. Eat st p The sfall signed bf te Y FOROr cercis d it Nomar Cha 1o pencenef of this envelope refe nathing but privace and famity matters. Signature Name Only) Hichar Galling Co SERVICE [Of to three levers may be forwarded in this Cover but chese must be all from the same wThe Cover should be addressed in such scase Jad Deputy Base Censor. The Covers of Andlgnd letters must be left open bs sertt 10 & Address: M.SS. H. Gillings 548 Rarkers Road East Hawthorn Fit
VX38483. PSe. H. firling Disborst Accounts Office New Fuinea 5.10.43 Davling Lay. Pery, very pleasur to have got two litters from you today, those of 30 Sep and 1Oct. Having agaid to your wished, which as you know ane to me a command, eynis in your litter hapingor an abundance of letters from me I boust you are receiving mine regulary and Spedily Gead ato see my frost G.E. litte has reached you and beth thee acceived its puropose of spething before you the piture from th angle you hee put I worked it out like this, your pood mother needs you at such a time bt for hed to get the greatest beneft from your presence ift esntial for
2 you to recoved yourself from the Shock first. I dont know if you can follow ar agaie with my line of reaconing but it seems logical that if mathed is gain staength the person from hom she will get it. you that perton must first build up rseved from which can be drawn. Fery gaobled but perhaps you wrne divine my meaning. I sent off a lengthy G.E. eithe east Sunday and hape it will be a llight contibution in the Salutions of the family's troublet Ive Scannea each litter anxiously to See if Bathet showed signs of acavery but must admit it does not look too promising Youvn a fab on youd hands, pust and may God help you n your efforts. Its are very well to send you heaps of words though, I wish I was then to back you up to sooned do you sumount one
corses than you have another trust upon you. Youre pritty sweer at winning out though and I have great faith that you wre be a towed of Strength now too Im awful glad you my wife bicause marriage has broughht out in you many Siptended qualitiet that had lay doomant too long. I had a letter from Hum Tos and She was districce about it. particularly apter visitg you mather I saw Pat turee you know but havent that a chanae to bee him again as hed camp is 2o miles away and a chap wants a fine day to get out therea back If Im fau will by are sate a hopp nex Sunday. As you say throes no heroiis in was for women, thuss none for anyone dead, just a fithy beastlike busmess. particularly in this grm wildnets
4 I see the big Sished has at last heid up the wedding and has been across to See you and Richard. Im gead you can manage to represent us at the weading of my great found and favorite your propertly right in passing up the acceptin. The dietates of good taste are quite sufficient to excuse you and in addition yu handly seem in the mood for fishwities. I m gead Doreas thought Rrchard was lavely, I did want her to think him beaut for prosonce and pooponce natons I do hope you areboth more composed new as its no good for his fritfulners to worry you and wre viosa at it were. As you apply put it, een the babes in ans cannot escape the impact of was. Thats what make me mad, maybe we had at coming to us collectively but why must
5 the innocent kids have to pay Regarding a wedding present, that like a lat of other things I shaw have to bave in youd capable lands So whatwid you choose gets my O.K. Sweetheast One ihi that I dont want to pall you I fouestalled you and a coupte of days after the sad mus I uate to Lt Martin and asked him to say a bass od the upose of Johns Saue. I chale Halown for I feet that rearly is the Speaihial home of us ar. I many wasnt going to say anything on account of me being aretiring chap so to speak bbut out compact of no seuits haunted me are I hearby spice the beans. Don't milunderstand me. Sweet, I thought onry of the end, the means dient mather parproving to remain inconspccions in the matter
To complitily exeain the cycle, I was broweing through the mistal presentie to me by the Halven parish and was actuated by that lrantiful xxhortion It is a haly and wholelome thaught I just cant thank you enough for the lovely snaps, they made today a gala day Green looking at them so much that they will be wor out. The classic of them all is the one with you halding the champ up in the ard. Isn he hompe. What wousdnt I give to be with you both and hald you both in my cams togethed one at a hime od anything His a manvellous specimen and I m mighty poue of created and crealed. I shawed them to every one fom the Aajod down and my conceit was calasae when the majonty voted him to be like

What I have been trying to say for 
about four pages is that it goes over big 
with me and there must be no tags 
of pity or charity attached to it for if 
that were the case the scheme would stink 
to me and asphyxiate Mother.  Tell her  
this too, that there's such a thing as  
the Digger Spirit and to do a good turn  
for a cobber; well that's just how it  
should be. Now do you get it?   
I hope things pan out O.K  
for Sylvia and little John.  It's awful  
for her but at least she has the  
resiliency of youth in her favor and that  
will help her out of the slough.  It's  
not much use saying lots of pious hopes, 
let us pray to God to help her.  She  
always impressed me as a gal with  
plenty of guts otherwise how could John


have married her.  It's wicked though. 
Now listen to this, sweet  
Get that mud and mire hallucination  
right out of your head and I'm not  
fooling.  I've done a spot of snooping  
and though I can't check up on it yet  
of course its pretty good guts for you to believe 
that he never had to put up with  
that, it was clean and quick, as quick  
as a flash.  H is in heaven now and  
it was all over without any lingering in  
pain.  I'm glad to be able to tell you  
this as I can see it has been oppressing  
you.  You see John was a Soldier  
and he died the way a Soldier wants  
to.  It's those that are left that  
suffer and we must do what we  
can to ease this suffering.


The wee chap has been  
relegated to the background.   I see,  
sorry the poor little fellow is peevy but 
it just can't be helped when his mother  
is subjected to such an intense  
emotional strain.  He'll surely pick up  
again as you calm down. 
Not much news from here  
rained all last night and today but  
it was nice and cool for a while.  Been  
as hot as Hades lately.  Plenty of work  
to keep the calendar moving along to  
the the big day.  Wish it were now.   
Had a letter from Doug Reid who sent  
you his good wishes. 
Well that concludes this  
screed so cheerio my precious, I wish you  
brighter times and love you and our  
Richard ever so much.  Dad


A.F.W. 3078 
This envelope must not be used for 
coin or valuables.  It cannot be accepted  
for registration. 
NOTE: -- 
Correspondence in this envelope need  
not be censored Regimentally.  The con- 
tents are liable to examination at the 
The following Certificate must be  
signed by the writer ---- 

I certify on my honour that the contents
of this envelope refer to nothing but private  
and family matters. 
Name Only 
Michael Billings 

[Up to three letters may be forwarded in 
this Cover, but these must be all from the  
same writer.  The cover should be addressed  
in such case to the Deputy Base Censor. The  
Covers of enclosed letters must be left open  
by sender] 

2 10 43 
Mrs. M. Billings 
548 Barkers Road 
East Hawthorn 


V X 38483 Pte. M. Billings
District Accounts Officer
New Guinea  5.10.43 

Darling Kay, 
Very, very pleased to have  
got two letters from you today, those  
of 30 Sep and 1 Oct.  Having regard  
to your wishes, which, as you know are  
to me a command, expressed in your  
letter hoping from  for an abundance  
of letters from me,  I trust you are  
receiving mine regularly and speedily 
Glad to see my first G.E. letter has  
reached you and better still achieved  
its purpose of putting before you the  
picture from another angle.  You see  
pet I worked it out like this, your  
poor mother misses you at such a time  
but for her to get the greatest benefit  
from your presence its essential for 


you to recover yourself from the shock  
first.  I don't know if you can follow  
or agree with my line of reasoning but  
it seems logical that if mother is to gain  
strength the person from whom she will  
get it ,- you ,- must  that person must first  
build up reserves from which it can be  
drawn.  Very garbled but perhaps you  
will divine my meaning.  I sent off a  
lengthy G. E. letter last Sunday and  
hope it will be a slight contribution in  
the solutions of the family's troubles.   
I've scanned each letter anxiously to  
see if Mother showed signs of recovery but  
must admit it does not look too promising.   
You've a job on your hands, puss and may  
God help you in your efforts.  It's all  
very well to send you heaps of words  
though, I wish I was there to back you  
up.  No sooner do you surmount one


crisis than you have another thrust upon  
you.  You're pretty swell at winning out  
though and I have great faith that you  
will be a tower of strength now too.   
I'm awful glad you're my wife because  
marriage has brought out in you many  
splendid qualities that had lay dormant  
too long.  I have a letter from Mum  
too and she was distressed about it,  
particularly after visiting your mother.   
I saw Pat twice you know but havent  
had a chance to see him again as his  
camp is 20 miles away and a chap wants  
a full day to get out there and back.   
If I'm free will try and take a trip next  
As you say there's no honours in  
war for women, there's none for anyone  
dear.  Just a filthy beastlike business  
particularly in this grim wilderness.


I see the big sister has at last  
teed up the wedding and has been  
across to see you and Richard.  I'm  
glad you can manage to represent us at  
the wedding of my great friend and  
favourite.  Your perfectly right in passing  
up the reception.  the dictates of good taste 
are quite sufficient to excuse you and  
in addition you hardly seem in the mood  
for festivities.  I'm glad Dorcas thought  
Richard was lovely.  I did want her to  
think him beaut for personal and  
professional reasons.  I do hope you  
are both more composed now as it's no  
good for his fretfulness to worry you  
and visa versa as it were.  As you  
aptly put it, even the babes in arms  
cannot escape the impact of war.  That's  
what makes me mad, maybe we had it  
coming to us collectively but why must


the innocent kids have to pay.  
Regarding a wedding present, that like a  
lot of other things I shall have to leave  
in your capable hands.  So whatever  
you choose gets my O.K. sweetheart.   
One item that I don't want to pass you,  
I forestalled you and a couple of days  
after the sad news I wrote to Fr 
Martin and asked him to say a Mass  
for the repose of John's soul.  I chose  
Malvern for I felt that really is the spiritual  
home of us all.  I really wasn't going  
to say anything on account of me being  
a retiring chap so to speak, but our  
compact of no secrets haunted me and  
I hereby spill the beans.  Don't misunderstand  
me, sweet, I thought only of the end, the  
means didn't matter preferring to remain  
inconspicuous in the matter.


To completely explain the cycle, I was browsing  
through the missal presented to me  
by the Malvern parish and was actuated 
by that beautiful exhortion "It is a holy  
and wholesome thought____". 
I just can't thank you enough  
for the lovely snaps, they made today  
a gala day.  Been looking at them so  
much that they will be worn out.  The  
classic of them all is the one with you  
holding the champ up in the air.  Isn't  
he terrific?  What wouldn't I give to be  
with you both and hold you both in my  
arms together one at a time or anything.   
H is a marvellous specimen and I'm  
mighty proud of creator and created.  I  
showed them to everyone from the Major  
down and my conceit was colossal  
when the majority voted him to be like

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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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