Michael Billings Collection - Wallet 10 - Part 3 of 18

Second World War, 1939–45
  • Love Letters
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4 Firy mie you have got unto the suving of a spot of entertaining and visiting. apted to a lengthy spece of the doudgery and salitude connected with the great coming I bet the lightes side has a great appea and the universal approbation directed at Rochard would fil you will pleasure The improving wealhed is a byg asset to both of you too and I compliment you on the good use you are making of it Sn fact. I'm very gratefue for having such a beaut wife and at for Ridard being like you, I only hape he inherts other of yond stealing qualitied beside youd looks by interest in his whumd and pranks in no way diminishes, how wonderful he must be to be with an the time It is a great depowvation to be away now I can tell you, to mist young life unfolding itself is surely a sevee lass at wew Juess it has to be that way
2 yand repart on you wist ito the qrack has given me much food for thought and firstly I was very pleand to bee he dums you both well enaugh to cease visiting him. As for the other sulyect I feel that as it is such an intimate businedt we can let it stand seing a thiod parly had to see my letters. I any case undil we are togethed again the problin does not an to I'll dipd furthed discussion until that day comes much closed Howwed as youd sccuds are ranly censond, I would prepd to leavn a bit more of his words of ws wildam. It seems to me that whether and indurdual opinson agaee with his ad not, it would morle disasted to ignos expect advice and reacy we need not wory at all if sanity fowarls I now look forward to yand studio mastiapuc and as you have asked
my advice on the vital question of jou hadd do. here it is for what little it is worth. It appears fairly thatt and neat in the snap and I always liked t a bit boyish to reflect you peosonality so thats about all the help I can give you I m apaid my reply to youd query about the parcels is nothing to hand fet but I mn still haping to recoved them The lack of a sleeping suit hardly caused me to feel cold, you don't know and itland but they are excellent for apter dinnes lounging sorry the mail to you is spaimodee but I m mar better times are coming you said it. A fine papping off to slep knowing theses little chance of a ande distuobance, that apped joint cost me many hauss of good snoying. Thanks for your shapping endeavors on my behalf dont get out of youd stude for those things just take fand time and all will be well
7 By now my late needs wrll have nached you, they anint many so firing them up wrle not prove much of a bothed I hope. I leand you have hear from BKehe Rowling how rather for Gran to be sick and hworrying for them Gead she got oved it, at his age aunes is no joke The news has cut out now my paetly, so I needs must toddle Veay bucked that my family make such fine poogoers and close loving you both very intensuly. Kiss R. hhard for me and tell him Dad thinks his a champ Lats of happiness to you both have to Ada. Gul and Rud and please thank the lathed for pointing the snags. theys fine Chin Chin precious Dat
IR fkell nc Baranu FiM FUND 29. b.43 .rs. H. Billing 548 Barkeod Roads East Hawthoon ctooca 25
WITH THE COHPIHENT Of THE SAILORS and SOLDIERS CHURCH OF ENGLAND HELP SOCIETY FOUNDED 1915 Vx38483 Pt 16-19 Frnngt Dstreit cdsO D anen e e nen en enete aon e My Daaling tan saveet of you, my padt to wote me two more letters which same along today, than 0 achad oneeng e the e f A ete tef tt te en t t. what an aufeer g swled you are gngherbrdy My nt hee thatn youd gloomy moments you think Im still a bt ofght Stce its G00d Thing to blen off and henadou wthant ynatification. I fand it tought too keeping the staff supped lep with fropeats of loiing togested PLEASE USE OTHER SIDE
WITH THE COHPLIMENTS Of THE SAILORS and SOLDIERS CHURCH OF ENGLAND HELP SOClETY FOUNDED 1915 194 to faraway bent soon the questinn sfming o whathe sed nath a dosh of faith <eceene te t ecenen t t t tatte thet interce nent dae .D seomed youre haseding adanced of delivery timporcanty. Post Office about i so that may hurny. Thim p a but I hi no question that famely y acking and inconnect addressing an risponeible for the delay In ca ff ain d mpped underst anding about youd with vey few exceptond they AEHE USE OTHER SIDE
WITH THE CGHBIMENTS Of THE SAILORS and SOLDIERS CHURCH OF ENGLAND HELP SOCIETY FOUNDED 1915 3 194 are to sand I checked up a nhele t a letted, onybu mnt west e anedcas incredd temen en en ee f. Ae t t e e een men augh of poral poublimt Hiclard. Im atways hoping yo mrd look back and bonged toad haw you both I howe Apospet the faur pat of ame I stand astenked for taking such a laberty are shau from any repetition. At the same ne my aget and I managumentati hd at any time. I dont think yan atate the backgonn ofn AOF adgecs quateconlly Iuetit mens to this feela that you keen an hit name, I can furt RIEASEDSS OTHER SIDE
WITH THE CSHBIMENTS OF THE SAILORS and SOLDIERS CHURCH OF ENGLAND HELP SOCIETY FOUNDED 1915 at mn G. Amn mare you woring appantion ad distate for the name secondly sataly. if a boy it rsted with me Dt warked out that the little rant concunent tete. Bete en Ooen en thete the ge e d angentomcka ve hadl nded buch one a single face form My intention not to affind again is nporced by fand pantiality for . St occes to me Though atthe madded mayb confove a fen yeass because the bay hise may alet band foddd does to liing cam oco ane again has acociatd may if senlly not undst andad appacnate his annts withed REASE USE OTHER SIDE
WITH THECSHBIMENTS OF THE SAILORS and SOLDIERS CHURCH OF ENGLAND HELP SOCIETY FOUNDED 1915 5 194 at tronable, gue a dame about them compess beingo hcddh hay woed hove peapi happe the aarnt. Naw howing sarm the Daedfoyage I wrdd o and lok foowand to some forthought cammu from you nd there to demant the appelig y the e enetence nt te te hende Oe ened fo thethotht endenen . nenen te teon tt f n band. I reat tonight hada potals faredwee by peached and mtat with hattleixcessd fat but Im too busy towork PLEASE USE OTHER SIDE

Very nice you have got into the swing of a
spot of entertaining and visiting.  After  
su a lengthy spell of the drudgery and
solitude connected with the great coming
I bet the lighter side has a great appeal
and the universal approbation directed at
Richard would fill you with pleasure.
The improving weather is a big asset to
both of you too and I compliment you
on the good use you are making of it.
In fact, I'm very grateful for having such
a beaut wife and as for Richard being
like you, I only hope he inherits other
of your sterling qualities beside your looks.
My interest in his whims and pranks
in no way diminishes, how wonderful
he must be to be with all the time.
It is a great deprivation to be away now
I can tell you; to miss young life unfolding
itself is surely a severe loss. Ah well, 
it has to be that way I guess.


Your report on your visit to the quack was
has given me much food for thought
and firstly I was very pleased to see
he deems you both well enough to cease
visiting him.  As for the other subject
I feel that as it is such an intimate
business we can let it stand seeing a
third party has to see my letters.  In
any case, until we are together again
the problem does not arise so I'll defer
further discussion until that day comes
much closer.  However as your screeds
are rarely censored, I would prefer to
learn a bit more of his words of
wu wisdom.  It seems to me that
whether our individual opinions agree
with his or not, it would invite disaster
to ignore expert advice and really we
need not worry at all if sanity prevails.
 I now look forward to your studio
masterpiece and as you have asked


my advice on the vital question of your
hair do, here it is for what little it is
worth. It appears fairly short and neat
in the snap and I always liked it
a bit boyish to reflect your personality
so that's about all the help I can give you.
I'm afraid my reply to your query about
the parcels is 'nothing to hand yet'
but I'm still hoping to recover them.
The lack of a sleeping suit hardly causes
me to feel cold, you don't know our island
but they are excellent for after dinner lounging.
Sorry the mail to you is spasmodic but
I'm sure better times are coming. You
said it, it's fine popping off to sleep
knowing there's little chance of a rude
disturbance, that other joint cost me
many hours of good snoozing. Thanks
for your shopping endeavors on my behalf
don't get out of your stride for those things
just take your time and all will be well.


By now, my later needs will have reached
you, they aren't many so firing them up
will not prove much of a bother I hope.
Pleased you have heard from R Katie
Rowling, how rotten for Gran to be sick
and ^ how worrying for them. Glad she got over
it, at her age illness is no joke.
The news has cut out
now, my pretty, so I needs must toddle.
Very bucked that my family make
such fine progress and close loving
you both very intensely. Kiss Richard
for me and tell him Dad thinks
he’s a champ. Lots of happiness
to you both. Love to Ada, Bill and
Red and please thank the latter for
printing the snaps, they're fine.
Chin Chin precious



29. 8.43

Mrs. M. Billings
548 Barkers Road
East Hawthorn



VX38483 Pte. M.  
Billings, District 
Accounts Office 
New Guinea 
My Darling, 
How sweet of you, my 
pet to write me two more letters  
which came along today, those  
of numbered 28 & 30. In each, I  
see you report the arrival of one  
from me so that's fine. Oh  
what an awful growler you are  
leaning into everything and everybody 
but me.  Why my immunity, can  
it be that even in your gloomy  
moments you think I'm still a bit  
of alright? Still I reckon it's a  
good thing to blow off steam now 
and then and your woes are not  
without justification. I find it tough  
too keeping the stiff upper lip when  
prospects of being together seem 


so far away but soon the question  
springs to mind 'what's the use' 
and one is left to cling to hopes  
spiced with a dash of faith that 
it will work out O.K. 
No wonder you're howling  
crooked on the parcels not turning  
up, but I am too but I believe 
my change of abode messed up 
chances of delivery temporarily.  
Anyhow I've written to the Base  
Post Office about it so that may  
hurry them up a bit.  There's  
no question that faulty packing  
and incorrect addressing are  
way responsible for the delay.  I'm  
sure they are in circulation still,  
communications are difficult up  
here in certain places I suppose.   
You appear to be under a misunderstanding 
about your letters,  
with very few exceptions they are  


all to hand.  I checked up a while  
back and quoted those that had  
gone astray in a letter, only about  
three went west.  Planes crash  
at times you know. 
Enough of postal problems  
for now, much more important  
things to discuss, e.g. Mum  
and Richard.  I'm always hoping  
you two never look back and its  
bonzer to read how you both  
thrive.  Apropos the faux pas of  
mine I stand rebuked for taking  
such a liberty and shall refrain 
from any repetition.  At the same  
time my angel and principally  
because I'm an argumentative  
bird at any time.  I don't think  
you state the background of your  
objection quite correctly.  First its  
news to this fella that you weren't  
keen on his name, I can't just  


recall you voicing opposition and  
distaste for the name. Secondly  
our compact was quite clear cut,  
if a girl the privilege was yours  
solely, if a boy it rested with me.   
It worked out that the little beaut  
was a boy and having regard to  
my agreement to refrain from nicknames  
as diminutives I've studiously  
avoided such and a single fall from  
grace has proved my undoing.   
My intention not to offend again is  
reinforced by your partiality for the  
name.  It occurs to me though  
that the matter may be outside  
our control in a few years because  
the boy himself may object as  
strenuously to the full title as  
his father does to being called  
Michael and again his associates  
may possibly not understand or 
appreciate his parent's wishes  


or possible, give a damn about them.   
I must confess that being so far  
removed from the domestic circle  
such niceties have not the force  
they would have perhaps in happier  
surroundings but that is beside  
the point.  Now having sown the  
seed for a healthy argument I  
will pause and look forward to  
some forthright comment from you. 
Would that I were  
there to demolish the appetising  
fare you pop into the oven,  
perhaps the food would make me  
too argumentative seeing I can  
raise a feeble one on beef and 
 beans.  Treat tonight had rabbit  
and a potato followed by peaches,  
and what with little exercise and  
a huge appetite I'm waxing very  
fat but I'm too busy to work  
in physical jerks etc. 

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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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