Michael Billings Collection - Wallet 9 - Part 11 of 12

Second World War, 1939–45
  • Love Letters
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5 qute impretled with the toump Aot muche news to report from here. Hhe gob good partly wer an I reckow my move will par out ound whege inctimatily I fee very well too and eaged to gracp any plums that come my way I eng such a husky chap I espect my salents will soon benot uptied in a capacity in the fired puction of and show but not for, while though The prospects in that line are better, I'm toed and the glttering parges are what Ime chasing from now We now start the request poogramme but I feel a bit coooke on sking you fot things. Around here we can wead shorts by day and the one a anly paid I boast of have seen a better days Hawwed only long und are on ilue new so Im cadging a paid for you when you hut the city lights again
Dort spend too much on them, chasce for nitility and durability athed than beauty I believe that in some stored you can get them for fuved compond if they are for senice putonnel, the store sueing to that by maiting them thenlels To that S eegdt them will you have the pared negistive likewile any others fen may kend in the future. I we been iseue with a furthed 20 compond so let me know if you want me to send there to you. The athed utem is a caldd patch, In intitled to wead the ald blue and no Mrangle in miniatione so wrle you sue if you can fundall one at a paid you may have to take If ahey only have the full sige patched pehaps you can amuse yourself by reducing them to miniatual praportions and being in along with the shorts Lord Micky, he always wants something yeu wanted particulars of nudity to
P200610 Austrahan Fer Mamorial 742 t 30 6 43 as fa thereit at from I can enmumberd as Active pay 365 days a 76 put day. 13617 Iincluded allatment to wife a pay 2610 365. days a 2/ fut day. Boublistener nt farine cas 15 365 daps 6 2 £228 Tatal A while back, when R.char dow nugh & aclothe anathed 2/ a day to myself at the bank in Melbanone as a soot of special recerve for imeogenced. It waint had time to build up to anything by fet but if you want a bit nogently just let me know ane there you are. I heard very little to spink money on hem to thought it would be better put aside
and let it accumutate for the raing day. of it of a scrooge I in becaming it I think that disposes of matter concerning futhy lueu for toaay and by the number I perclive at the top of this I better diist oo She it ben twee be be able to et down and dash ae page at two once more and I hape it reached you with great calenty eou I conclude no parcels or papers it to hane and I intend to enquire from the fan P0 about the parcels. Wish me luck! So fa Sa Areasue thanls again ft the snaps. Im entranced with and boy and hundly hape my oudnt helpt to make youd stouggle a worth while h avery you bott tulnit husk I have the honod to be yaud admining old man Hicky.
Jusie 148. 4 H A eungs o ankess Road 548 East Hawthon ctona
PR00610 Asstratan Far Memerial
W838483 Pt H Guingh Distrct Accounts Office New Trincer 178 43 Danling Foday has brought another letter from you, N023 to be precile, written amid the strain and sitreds of bringing up baty in the appoovi style. In spite of the lads many demands youd letters retain thus clals so dontw on that score. To know you are both in the pink is meat and dunk to me, and I think youdl worderful to write as opten as you do Richard it certainly a relation reaching such a poundage to quikly, from the snapt and gond words. I can visualite him as a mighty sudy customed, no wonded such a wbust youth keept you on youd toes Youve certainly acquiain the practised hand now, how sully yaud solud pears of being incompetent
2 as you have always had the mational inatinet were diveraped, the amance of that with gand intengence cond hadly fail to poodnc good rsults, blest you heart strange how you found a cun for your chilblaind after Suppring so long, that is certainly one up for you I m pautive that when that happy day comed around when we meet again my son wice exced my expectations, thanks to 7 ad caseful and wthunashe efforts to make a fine citigen out of him do you give him an eyeful of the ald man werf day it? Tood wherge, it certainly would be a food show if he disowned me but I'll be anid him so much when I shol in hile porbably it too much of the old man. You don't exaggerate when you cau it a rotten shame for me to be away when his to beguiting and cuadlisome but what
can't be cume must be enduna. I suppose. Im pute used to the introvals in you letters now, Hathr R. chare gives you little rest but its in a good cause acthough you find it hard to see it that way at am on a winters might, I bet. Its a fity the cant confince his laments to daylight havs, of the game was faid you would have me helping you out a bit there. I'm glad you are doing a spot of entetaining to deplay the poowrds of the young hapeful to adminiat, must not let yourself be confined to the chones without a bit of compentating pleasure so with than sage absiovations, let me finst by telling you that yaure going great guns and my cup will be full when he aclows you to get a full quata of sleep as uts not worth the candle for Dickyberd to possped at the expense of youd health
4 I'm my last litter I atker you about gutting me a par of shoots but I may be able to get fied up here so haw on for awhile intil I see what can be done o sign of parcels at papers yet. IW have a go at the postal people about forgot to tel you Ivernhas Shen letters from Arthus Newton and Jack Campbell conveying congratulations with Sunday athed atemt of news. Asthud is around f isban I believe but futa is up here in the same locality at Johnts I tt. He went looking for you when he was down about a year ago but conednt local you ie the short time at his disposal. Not much else in the news line, I pead Im O.K always ready for the next meal to tell the touth When I come home youll have your work cut out providing for two grudy hop but you went mue that
5 I amagin Tihe goub here is quite gove considering fresh meat being supplid more aften than formerly was the call and five dub 2/ a week each for intra libbets, we yau pailly well Shil. thers no companison between the induidual home cutine and any forft mas consumption as you may were guest. You ame me a few feeds too, after my herare duds in the kitchen during my last leave, remumbed that time when I dishus up the vast lamb, what banquet. I hape my letters continue to thid into you letterbod frequently. I find, that now I ve a prmanent address the man is reaching me very quickly so that fine I sent you the particulars of ay fat income last letter so that is now in order and you can put in your claim. Sory you had to wait for the dope but the letter
from you was one of those duayed I rnmumber you promiting yourself a no cutfit and am glad you have achuved that ambition, with I could admine the effect. Thanks too for your statement of account a the buth of the hend, at about roo a pop it will prevent any mord figuald being fut up by us. Im sure though its a gietedged invistment and you dont often get that for youd outlayo thing I man a few letters back is you guft to Ada Vey pleand you did that wire as her help and councilwas besond five and a slight recogntion of his value in the form of a gift is very approprate That bring this spiatle to a cate so ta fa my prusons and may the best of every thing be youd portion. Love to ada fill and Ris To my own favorites, Ray and Richard I can't fine adequate expression H ky
2 VACA AUSIRAIN WCOMTORIS FUND A St Hail 178 C.S. M. Buling 48 Ranker's Road East Hawthoon set
WITH THE COMPLIMENTS OF THE SAILORS and SOLDIERS CHURCH OF ENGLAND HELP SOCLETY FOUNDED 1915 V&38483 P.M. H. Guringl Disprct Accounts 194 ffic. New Gurnea mcee amnnte J anen ennent e anmnmnes Danlng Hay. flattersfrmyou sance & last wote andhat had son I am jrest enough not to I wth t. I haaa from you to graat my impotience gebg mnere for then ent en t d g ne o nd teo t t toenn of the t eguead gart again and ery two sayd is the pannt contine procdim maontd apposn mondt e on the f e . vove thaw one Bya hap his minding his ways by smbing the night through REASE USE OTHER SII

quite impressed with the transfer. 
Not much news to report 
from here, the job goes pretty well and 
I reckon my move will pan out a 
sound wheeze ultimately. I feel very well 
too and eager to grasp any plums that 
come my way. Being such a husky chap 
I expect my talents will soon be urt 
utilised in a capacity in the field section 
of our show but not for a while though. 
The prospects in that line are better, I'm 
told and the glittering prizes are what 
I'm chasing from now. 
We now start the request 
programme but I feel a bit crooked on 
asking you for things. Around here we 
can wear shorts by day and the one 
and only pear pair I boast of have seen 
better days. However only long uns are 
on issue now so I'm cadging a pair from 
you when you hit the city lights again.


Don't spend too much on them, choose for 
utility and durability rather than beauty. 
I believe that in some stores you can get them 
for fewer coupons if they are for service 
personnel, the store seeing to that by 
mailing them themselves. So that I'll get 
them, will you have the parcel registered 
likewise any others you may send in the 
future. I've been issued with a further 
25 coupons so let me know if you want me 
to send them to you. The other item 
is a colour patch; I'm entitled to wear the 
old blue and red triangle in miniature 
so will you see if you can purchase one at 
a fair, you may have to take. If they only 
have the full size patches perhaps you can 
amuse yourself by reducing them to 
miniature proportions and bring in along 
with the shorts. Poor Micky, he always 
wants something. You wanted 
particulars of my income annually to


War Memorial 
here it is from 1.7.42 to 30.6.43 as far 
as I can remember: 
Active pay: 
365 days @ 7/6 per day 
(includes allotment to wife) 136. 17. 6 
Deferred pay 
365 days @ 2/- per day. 36. 10. 
not paid in cash 
365 days @ 3/- 54.15 
Total ₤ 228 . 2 .6 

A while back, when Richard drew 
nigh, I allotted another 2/- a day to 
myself at the bank in Melbourne as a 
sort of special reserve for emergencies. It 
hasn't had time to build up to anything 
big yet but if you want t a bit urgently 
just let me know and there you are. There's 
very little to spend money on hear so 
thought it would be better put aside


and let it accumulate for the rainy day. 
Bit of a Scrooge I'm becoming, eh? 
I think that disposes of matters concerning 
filthy lucre for today and by the 
number I perceive at the top of this I 
had better desist too. Still its been swell 
to be able to sit down and dash 
of a page or two once more and I 
hope it reaches you with great celerity. 
Before I conclude, no parcels or papers 
yet to hand and I intend to enquire 
from the Bau PO about the parcels. 
Wish me luck! 
So ta-ta treasure, thanks 
again for the snaps. I'm entranced 
with our boy and humbly hope my 
verdict helps to make your struggle a 
worth while. 
Loving you both till it 
hurts, I have the honor to be your 
admiring old man Micky. 



Per Air Mail 
Par Avion 

Mrs. M. Billings 
548 Barkers Road 
East Hawthorn 



War Memorial


VX38485 Pte. M. Billings 
District Accounts Office 
New Guinea 

Today has brought another letter 
from you, No23 to be precise, written 
amid the strain and stress of bringing 
up baby in the approved style. In 
spite of the lad's many demands, your 
letters retain their class so don't worry 
on that score. To know you are both 
in the pink is meat and drink to 
me and I think you're wonderful to 
write as often as you do. Richard is 
certainly a revelation reaching such a 
poundage so quickly, from the snaps 
and fond words. I can visualise him as 
a mighty sturdy customer, no wonder 
such a robust youth keeps you on your 
toes. You've certainly acquired the 
practised hand now, how silly your 
earlier fears of being incompetent.


As you have always had the maternal 
instinct well developed, the alliance of that 
with your intelligence could hardly fail 
to produce good results, bless your heart. 
Strange how you found a cure for your 
chilblains after suffering so long, that 
is certainly one up for you. I'm 
positive that when that happy day comes 
around when we meet again, my son 
will exceed my expectations, thanks to 
your carefree up and enthusiastic 
efforts to make a fine citizen out of him. 
So you give him an eyeful of the the old 
man every day eh ? Good wheeze, it 
certainly would be a poor show if he 
disowned me but I'll be over him so 
much when I stroll in he'll probably 
get too much of the old man. You 
don't exaggerate when you call it a rotten 
shame for me to be away when he's 
so beguiling and cuddlesome but what


can't be cured must be endured, I suppose. 
I'm quite used to the intervals in your 
letters now, Master Richard gives you little 
rest but its in a good cause although 
you find it hard to see it that way at 
2.a.m on a winters night, I bet. Its 
a pity he can't confine his laments to 
daylight hours, if the game was fair, you 
would have me helping you out a bit 
there. I'm glad you are doing a spot 
of entertaining to display the prowess of 
the young hopeful to admirers, must 
not let yourself be confined to the chores 
without a bit of compensating pleasure. 
So with those sage observations, let me 
finish by telling you that you're going 
great guns and my cup will be full 
when he allows you to get a full 
quota of sleep as it's not worth the 
candle for Dickybird to prosper at the 
expense of your health.


In my last letter I asked you about 
getting me a pair of shorts but I may be 
able to get fixed up here so hold on 
for awhile until I see what can be done. 
No sign of parcels or papers yet. I'll 
have a go at the postal people about 
them. I forgot to tell you I've had 
letters from Arthur Newton and Jack 
Campbell conveying congratulations 
with sundry other items of news. Arthur 
is around Brisbane I believe but J. McA 
is up here in the same locality as 
John, I think. He went looking for 
you when he was down about a year 
ago but couldn't locate you in the 
short time at his disposal. Not much 
else in the news line, I fear. I'm O.K 
always ready for the next meal to tell 
you the truth. When I come home youll 
have your work cut out providing for 
two greedy hogs but you won't mind that


I imagine. The grub here is quite good 
considering, fresh meat being supplied 
more often than formerly was the case 
and as we dub in 2/- a week for extra 
titbits, we fare pretty well. Still, there's 
no comparison between the individual 
home cuisine and army fare for mass 
consumption as you may well guess. 
You owe me a few feeds too, after my 
heroic deeds in the kitchen during my 
last leave, remember that time when 
I dished up the roast lamb, what a 
banquet. I hope my letters continue 
to thud into your letterbox frequently, 
I find, that now, I've a permanent 
address the mail is reaching me very 
quickly so that's fine. I sent you 
the particulars of my fat income last 
letter so that is now in order and you 
can put in your claim. Sorry you had 
to wait for the dope but the letter


from you was one of those delayed. 
I remember you promising yourself a new 
outfit and am glad you have achieved 
that ambition; wish I could admire the 
effect. Thanks too for your statement of 
account re the birth of the heir, at about 
£100 a pop it will prevent any record 
figures being put up by us. I'm sure 
though it's a gilt-edged investment and 
you don't often get that for your outlay. One 
thing I recall a few letters back is your 
gift to Ada. Very pleased you did that 
as her help and counsel was were beyond price 
and a slight recognition of her value in 
the form of a gift is very appropriate. 
That brings this epistle 
to a close to ta-ta, my precious 
and may the best of everything be your 
portion. Love to Ada, Bill and Rea. 
To my own favorites, Ray and Richard 
I cant find adequate expression. Micky 



The Salvation Army ACF Australian Comforts Fund YMCA 

Military Force 
Passed by C 
Air Mail 17.8.43 

Mrs. M. Billings 
548 Barker's Road 
East Hawthorn 



VX38483 Pte. M. Billings 
District Accounts 194.. 
Office. New Guinea 

Darling Kay, 
Hey, no letters from you 
since I last wrote and that is a 
bad show. I am just enough not to 
blame you, my sweet one but the 
more letters I get from you the more 
I want. There is always tomorrow 
though and there's soon to be one 
from you to quiet my impatience. I 
hope you are getting your share 
from me as I've got back to 
regular gait again and every 
two days is the present routine, 
which providence merits your approval 
I hope. To get down to more 
solid fare, I trust the tiny one 
is improving shin in more ways 
than one. By that I mean, I 
hope he's mending his ways by 
slumbering the night through, too 


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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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