Michael Billings Collection - Wallet 9 - Part 5 of 12

Second World War, 1939–45
  • Love Letters
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F0 3848 g illing Oart C. Deation 2/5. Aust. 14y. a a. 9 Lttoy MCh Burane Boaron a. S. F. O0 9. 7 43 ean n Darting May. d ing despatched my letter to you o esterday. You letter of the 1st came along furre of news fBd and y ours I did not expect any more man from you for a day ad u to it was mace thous to get lated meusd of yourt munderfue proguess the talled ham been hmest with a vingance The bay must. be a haney with are the mat to keen abont han. wtat has he got that I havent eh o I guass you are feeling firstly cropy whatwith has impowed appearance and plysique I and alutity to parsonany cape with het appetite and the Da sansaation at the poomss of mattred and san and rightly so. As soon at you can get up youd paund and aches wnce fly away, lying in hia day i day and as not carculated to pronde a dear head. I shawl be pleased to heat that you have ansunt from your bed of pain as that wise be a Aunpouded that you ar coming nearty good Slue you need an goo nat apted that to riston youd entamund ae. and whent your go ham booking apted his miles were keep you form dhemess. Ile but yause anxious to geet shck into it. I hape the habble chap montaind has reputation as a mon houle ad one of those guiggling sppeas wered be juat too bad a lakte. He imagine him ad one of that ralmat guagling ampt that keep way one intereatio in him. Id lave t Anckle him and watch for than waly expressont ofp that ane so captivating. It is very exasperating to mils out a thos happy timet but then you are Any haw. The time to enjoy my first family days will no doubt harten along to I shall have it at that WYORLETTER DO NOT REEER TO poris ot calt SecaNon The name of your transpert, of ather transperts in Gour covoy dates of sating descriptions of koope, or other information which, it inteccepted, will be at ralue to the enom
FON N Nare TMCA Vai Durann, Farrons Oate. 2 S.is bum a honsy day ham. Arday,. Aamundran rain and the whole peace as a quagiin. and mht mud. Aings lake alue I was leaving hem tomont lent. the rood wein be in a heee of a mess and we may get held up Beng sop int the halls. The road ishat panks and Mawy. makes the gaing a but trught Another day at w want make much differece Ple to pont my half hale and hearhy if a bit damp m fact. that newt spat had been inatoriment at m sputting quite a few pounds on the body.I lrem kept parsly busy and the occaunal sunatur. amply exercise andguiatnt and goub. ham waay bamifscial. There anemt br manny pond and athe ithand where thing are he prearant partiencaty the case nights. Wish I had my camira wdh me an. the ac many. Good Sily ect. I wud like Send yeu bul I. lept it for safe keeping Raudling. Im dorry appr getting Logeths a fair Collection from the m. E not to have a mpeatonal of myAajon me ea narcand at papers havhun highhs dat bent they are pretiring I through somly and yours Toeen mon rep m domilit I me not numding No wece tomight. The gloomy wathed in appecting. The frow of thght So I shrant ste at such length admeual Flash! Ha Hams new a wol came in to ben y esterday and we had a good jam. He sent you his goatiantand very decentlyforned mewith I ment paiss of socks. Iell you more lahd. ps as its time to pop off nwn might daring and lots of love foor Dat Hicky Selacketa WVORLEITER DO NOTRETER TO. SeaanOn porte of call The name of your transport, or other transports in your convoy dates of saiting descrptions of toops, or other intormation which, it intercepted, will be of valve to the enemy. nt
Lal 27. 136 1157
M 38483 St grelings L TCA Van. C. Dechin 2/5 Aunt Hy. A. A. Gattery BMt A S. 7. Dac 14 7 43 My Darling inna 2 S me very glad my part that I would not be able to wate frequently until I completin my fourney have been fmitheds as yet because Im still at the spat wher I yau a fint days aga. and my departure thence is indefinite. To use go. I m paating partly good and my past thought is Io hape that you and R chard an buth tupnate unfortunately. That duging about muchs up the mare and I havent heard from your since youd lested of 1t fanly. Shire I dansay a swag of latters war catch upin a day at ture and nurse I he glad to get them you news in that litter was sony good but as yau wns ttee i traspatan, I m atching for lated tadting Yaud last few letters brought me back to a mon atonae pame of mind and apted nrighing up the poss and ant, I concluded thingh for you both wcued now proced accarding to plan but I'd fad oathed you tald me than I laid you to mane, please do the right thing fat dis chile. I his absence of letters leams a chap little to out as my last few haw bun fure of haped and conjectured and what I want to taske to you about i facts concerning you both Now its a couple of weekd sinse and last letter was writhen I suppose your have been home a few days and the thought of you up and about again is every worming I do hape you have fully recovered as apted that tough spon you have at least decimed that and I hape shee more them the lad had come any goon and you WVOKLETTER DO NOTRETER TO. destination The name of your transport, of other transports in your convoy dates of saiting porte of call descriptions of toops, or other intormation which it inceccepted, will be of valve to the oxoms.
From No N Vai FCR Pamnu Faraors Dire are getting the shore from him you expected to apted your muk argy. Tneyve put you an the waled wagon. Perhaps you next beverage wine be a fent pints of bead darly to keep hoping Wated arthough very good fod you has it do awbarks when aken m lange doses as you probably have discovered but D.oc. knowd best Ss ber a good give and take youd medicine as I'll be arong youd whr one of there days and I expect lug things of Ra and H runiy. t meay time I thak of that day I pautr excitie as wont were have a Suveer timeI and the time is of ading portly qunskly No dagn of the parcels yet but I hap they dot come unt& I get back as one has to I aush sporty light Sha thay wase tas O.K. One ahamg I m sorry for is that some of the alemd I aske for an naw watable hem and one thing in partiulad wr be of Rechards standlys for some Same to don't send any mon parcils. untels I ask you for calam thingh and I must how you first cale stands up to the trawnt before I shan comment about frathed supplant Gent don't confuse latters with parcels, I sdnt get for many of them. Owe thing I would like in a bit of a humy is a hat puggane. I lost mine yesterday and a ferrow looks corny without one I think you can leng them for 3/appt at places like taue Hasle Gucks ite so if you can got somiond to geet at and anmant it to me, I le the very happy Theyse very light to it shouldn't cont much for postuge. Hea tthats all fort today, sweethead so off to gob now and I leave you loving you ane sonny boy to much. e Mky WTARIEITERDONOTRETER TO. SeaAeaon o a o i go coes s o w ports of call a W. I maeptd, it be it geles to he aas
2 His Mail 14.7.43 in conjunction with 2 ta Ar H. Rulings F AIIII h Pankers Road Past Hawthoon t Pecor
343 gueig Var C. Sertion 2/5 Auat. Hy A a gattery JCh DinFarm A.S. F. Oac 11 7 45 Darting Ray. I feee a bit like Sin. H. Arthut as I am writing this from my new headquaters which I came to y interday. Are going wree. I should any be hear a day havo. Thint back H my oun outfitam quite heem to get back as t wrks simce I lapt and am a but how of sccoting absoeut the sade Stuce the traveld wer instrumay eving a goodly sidn alice of the conitryen mant of which aas Scencacy Lantifir and. The dmmand and dait than my freom alode. As mundf have had been paetly mangue You wase be nteusted to hear some of my repememaet patenably as and secent setted whn long sent of oitar a matters and maybe it mre asue you that the hundrer on the ma has carn and he is once more ragable of notng the thingh going on arment ham. I rast toned I i nat completaly fare of worry abount Rochard & Crummes bent your last letteed fame me of the acute jart and I do hape bath of yau have farged shere at an even farhd gait tan you spake of i that letter. I had paped to get another hatted lated tam that of the 1st before at departur but no luck and it may be dayd before it aertakes me again. It was great towne H know before it ount that are seemed set far a spendy return to Steee I think I caned have postponed my departure had the isene shill been in the balance as time is no alsot in the army for megnificant mortals lake me. Now it appars that things aat going way for a change I m pleasr to have got away MVoIKLETTERDONOTREIE T. The Pame of Four Eransport, of other transperts in Four Convey- dates of cating port of call destination descriptions of toope, or other information which, it intercepted, will be of value to the enamy.
1001 FMCh Von Tt 2 Date in ssute to a spot where yout letters wi comea onguearly and faequently. I did appreciate getting your labees whent the waiting of thum must shome bein sparky paiful stant ferra and I do get a thou just now when I think you are up and about probably if I know you, annau to be home with gound bny charge ready to start him on the rond to being cmmbaneha chap as I know youre him. I ts fine bosing abde to nanich hum Yours lf and new-seue made a that and made tD.R. I knew what a ahm tack you wru get out of that as I it does reasy make the chied such a part of gou Rather eakable week frost with R. clard foughtening the lift out of had dating prounts and your ed pointment at be aepow of he yoy and atrapnationoh a peeding him a cplateth his menacutous recound and then sand amispection suerell me the estraing department t ven thought the early part was say tough, at least the calldf at way and I suppose that the many thing Senshea and I thall mare powed A.ge.t man want for lugged and brighted letters to cherich and keep the frame of my love for you busing boughted than wad yaue probably siggle woh I rom home mhoper. Befor I change the sulyat. wrce you hinded to Doctor He kay my heatfat th aks for bonging you through afery and for had success m presuning that life that is so precious to ret. St may sound a let add in cunlian partance dent I feel Doc and I are quits decause apter are while he faught for my hid. we chapt up here are doing the WNVOURLETTER DO NOTREFER TO. The name of Your Eransport, of other Eansports in your convoydates of aing ports of call Lestination descriptions of koops, or other intormation which, it intercepted, will be of value to the enemy.
F0N N NMch Dan Damn Farans D same fod has and quite apart from the serapping, you and I can bead withess to the jay of being ableto hive wath gaud family and the agony of separation I me feeling as gove as goed are for a change look forward to a spat of work by bottom is my hove due to an excels of ordin on truck floors alrangely I'm more inclume to sland up than sit The harp down here was a thirly mill descunding the monand to about ser lince and bry what a hap How lake a ide on the Bag Dapped you a ledge just wide enought for a truck and take a peek and the sidend when you ca see the boltom yeu rfeel are an trubled at the hay-way maok, I meded the coffee thealvation womy soned anWe had am anny cut hundh as sali onfrestment, bg vast s andwches that we are lo whin lo and beor a paly at yanks care us cued to gun them in Turkey and Ham sandwiched and fast carked eggt. I cued hady believe my eyes when a bg hear weal showed in front of me a forgabben what such thing looked like. To get in the road, The sceniry fad surpoed any thing I w anad sum in Ausee, the stad h being waterface 400 feet high in a rugger garge abo10 mited long. At last we got to feat you lomted in there futhy duty and the place has framk wand supply, the junse being homed off Hee day. One thing about my own camp is a anioghing caek about 10 gaods from the bent Fru Chapnlan from and show who came noth me I took a lank at the locae town in the apher WTARLEIIERDO NOTRETER TD. The name of your transport, or other transports in your convoy dates of eating ports of call SeaMaROO descriptions of woope, or other intermation which it intexcepted, will be of value to the examy
Rrow 10 L Fle Hn M it and deand up a thos couse meae at the Cantis Haske serve or chie plakes by the tuuggies and sthent rode with about a hundred others to a doome where the packond wn shaning We saw the abble fod Eeypt which was great but the man feation as a Lann Weateon ay annaying athe lving faminal in a truck which lost itl way & timed and shouk us apart. So wanded my tan is son Wl cuntuay found and way back to cam Ao to bud beut improtuately benh is a very hand flood Was awakend the wee dmo land by a hale of a bring and a hanfie feash of light. I thought the gramied had ed in me do offed one but I w ad sold thad maning on long peadand nad sand out tarking aff and my supposed nighhman wwas it going mp as watching that morning when a comple of yoens baled ant are of a sudden to he must have been in strife Thank Ind Im i the ary, that fleng a i wad conditiond it eight on the nate dithaught for going from place to place, and transport has sams and shaps were stanshed, woo damn sow. I hope we go back by and, i like a annd compand to a tram 2fI me abont heee Ile doap you a nate tomorrow bnd if theres a gap of a fent day sall know the racon to chusis for yet that day, prusons and ar my love to you and R.D. and ar fair weathed You alsdg Re ANae ot Tou Hano of ohe Nano i yot como dates of wilns ports of call sacnee descriptions of Roogs, or other intormation which, it intercepted, will be ot valve to the enams

From No VX38483 Name Gr M. Billings
Unit C. Section 2/5. Aust. Hy. A A. Battery
A. I. F.  Date 9. 7. 43

Darling Kay,
After having dispatched my letter to you  
yesterday, your letter of the 1st came along full of news  
of Richard and yourself. I did not expect any more  
mail from you for a day or two so it was a  
nice thrill to get later news of your wonderful progress,  
the tables have been turned with a vengeance. The  
boy must be a honey with all the mob so keen  
about him, what has he got that I haven't, eh?
So I guess you are feeling pretty happy what with  
his improved appearance and physique, your ability  
to personally cope with his appetite and the Docs  
satisfaction at the progress of mother and son.  
And rightly so.  As soon as you can get up, your pains  
and aches will fly away, lying in bed day in day out  
is not calculated to provide a clear head.  I shall be  
pleased to hear that you have arisen from your bed of  
pain as that will be a sure pointer that you are  
coming really good.  Still you need a good rest after that  
to restore your vitamins etc and when you go home,  
looking after his nibs will keep you from idleness.  
I'll bet you're anxious to get stuck into it.  I hope the  
little chap maintains his reputation as a non-howler  
as one of those grizzling nippers would be just too bad.   
I like to imagine him as one of those robust, gurgling  
imps that keep everyone interested in him. I'd love  
to tickle him and watch for those baby expressions  
of pleasure that are so captivating.  It is very exasperating  
to miss out on those happy times but there you are.   
Any how, the time to enjoy my first family days will no  
doubt hasten along so I shall leave it at that.

The name of your transport, of other transports in your convoy... dates of sailing... ports of call....destination. 
descriptions of troops, or other information which, if intercepted, will be of value to the enemy.


It's been a lousy day here today, torrential rain and the
whole place is a quagmire and what mud, clings like
glue. I was leaving here tomorrow but the road will
be in a hell of a mess and we may get held up.
Being up in the hills, the road is not to hot in
parts and heavy rain makes the going a bit tough.
Another day or two won't make much difference.
Pleased to report myself hale and hearty if a bit
damp, in fact, this new spot had been instrumental 
in putting quite a few pounds on the old body. I've
been kept pretty busy and the occasional sunshine,
ample exercise and regular rest and grub have been
very beneficial. There aren't to many places on the  
island where things are to pleasant, particularly the
cool nights. Wish I had my camera with me as there
are many good subjects I would like to send you, but I
left it for safe keeping with Mrs Rowling. I'm sorry after
getting together a fair collection from the M.E. not to have a
pictorial record of my sojourn up here.
No parcels or papers have been sighted 
yet but they are filtering f through slowly and yours 
will turn up soon no doubt. I'm not writing too well 
tonight, the gloomy weather is affecting the flow of 
thought. So I shan't write at such length as usual. 
Flash! Tom Harris now a WO1 called in to see me
yesterday and we had a good yarn. He sent you his
congratulations and very decently provided me with 3
new pairs of socks. Tell you more later,
precious as its time to pop off now. Good 
night, darling and lots of love from Dad.
[[?E]] Blackshaw 


AIR Mail         9.7.43 
Mrs. M. Billings, 
548 Barkers Road 
East Hawthorn 
[[?E]] Blackshaw


From No VX38483 Name Gr M. Billings
Unit C. Section 2/5. Aust. Hy. A A. Battery
A. I. F.  Date 14. 7. 43 

My Darling,
I'm very glad my fears that I would
not be able to write frequently until I completed
my journey have been fruitless as yet because I'm
still at the spot where I wrote you a few days ago
and my departure thence is indefinite. So we go. I'm
feeling pretty good and my first thought is to hope
that you and Richard are both topnotch.
unfortunately this dodging about mucks up the mail
and I haven't heard from you since your letter of 1st
July. Still I daresay a swag of letters will catch up in
a day or two and will I be glad to get them? Your
news in that letter was jolly good but as you were
still in hospital, I'm itching for later tidings.
Your last few letters brought me back to a more
rational frame of mind and after weighing up the
pros and cons, I concluded things for you both
would now proceed according to plan, but I'd
far rather you told me than I told you. So mail,
please do the right thing for dis chile. This
absence of letters leaves a chap little to write
about as my last few have been full of hopes
and conjectures and what I want to talk to you
about is are facts concerning you both.
Now its a couple of weeks since
your last letter was written I suppose you have been
home a few days and the thought of you up and
about again is very warming. I do hope you
have fully recovered as after that tough spin, you
have at least deserved that and I hope still more
than the lad has come any good and you 

The name of your transport, of other transports in your convoy... dates of sailing... ports of call....destination. 
descriptions of troops, or other information which, if intercepted, will be of value to the enemy.


are getting the thrill from him you expected. So
after your milk orgy they've put you on the water
wagon. Perhaps your next beverage will be a few
pints of beer daily so keep hoping. Water although
very good for you has its drawbacks when taken
in large doses as you probably have discovered but
Doc. knows best. So be a good girl and take your
medicine as I'll be along your way one of these
days and I expect big things of Richard and
Mummy. Every time I think of that day, I feel
excited as won't we have a swell time? And
the time is of passing pretty quickly.
No sign of the parcels yet
but I hope they don't come until I get back as one
has to be well pretty light. Still they will turn up
O.K. One thing I'm sorry for is that some of the
items I asked for are now available here and one
thing in particular will be one of Richards standbys
for some time. So don't send any more parcels.
unless I ask you for certain things and I must see how
you first cake stands up to the travel before I
shall comment about further supplies. But don't confuse
letters with parcels, I can't get too many of them. One
thing I would like in a bit of a hurry is a hat puggaree.
I lost mine yesterday and a fellow looks corny without one.
I think you can buy them for 3/. approx at places like Ford
Hesse, Bucks etc so if you can get someone to get it and
airmail it to me, I'll be very happy. Theyre very light so
it shouldn't cost much for postage. Well that's all for
today, sweetheart so off to grub now and I leave you
loving you and Sonny boy so much. Micky 


In conjunction with 
Air Mail 14. 7. 43 
Mrs. M. Billings 
548 Barkers Road 
East Hawthorn 
R E Ward


From No VX38483 Name Gr. M. Billings 
Unit C. Section 2/5 Aus. Hy. A. A. Battery 
A.I.F Date 11. 7. 43

Darling Kay,
I feel a bit like Gen. McArthur as I am
writing this from my new headquarters which I came
to yesterday. All going well, I should only be here
a day or two, then back to my own outfit. Am
quite keen to get back as its 6 weeks since I left and
am a bit tired of scooting about the country side.
Still the travels were instrumental in my seeing a
goodly side slice of the country side, most of which
was scenically beautiful and the climate cooler 
and drier than my permanent abode. As news from
here has been pretty meagre, you will be interested
to hear some of my experiences particularly as our
recent letters have been composed of vital personal
matters and maybe it will reassure you that the
tension on the old man has eased and he is once
more capable of noticing the things going on around
him. First however, I'm not completely free of worry
about Richard & Mummy but your last letters freed
me of the acute part and I do hope both of you
have forged ahead at an even faster gait than you
spoke of in that letter. I had hoped to get another
letter later than that of the 1st before I departed but
no luck and it may be days before it overtakes me
again. It was great however to know before I went
that all seemed set for a speedy return to normal
Still I think I could have postponed my departure
had the issue still been in the balance as time
is no object in the army for insignificant mortals
like me. Now it appears that things are going our 
way for a change I'm pleased to have got away
The name of your transport, of other transports in your convoy... dates of sailing... ports of call....destination. 
descriptions of troops, or other information which, if intercepted, will be of value to the enemy.


en route to a spot where your letters will come along
regularly and frequently. I did appreciate getting your
letters when the writing of them must been pretty
painful - stout fellal! And I do get a thrill just
now when I think you are up and about, probably, if
I know you, anxious to be home with your tiny charge
ready to start him on the road to being a fine sturdy
chap as I know you'll make him. It's fine being
able to nourish him yourself and now you've made a
start and made it O.K. I know what an extra
kick you will get out of that as I it does really make
the child such a part of you. Rather remarkable
week, first with Richard frightening the life out of
his doting parents and your disappointment at being
deprived of the joy and satisfaction of seeing him and 
feeding him to a complete reversal under his miraculous
recovery and then your unexpected success in the
catering department. Even though the early part
was very tough, at least the later part went our
way, and I suppose that's the main thing. So
more power to ye, [[a?a?la]] acushla and I shall
now wait for bigger and brighter letters to cherish
and keep the flame of my love for you burning
brighter than ever. You'll probably sizzle when I come
home, whoopee. Before I change the subject,
will you tender to Doctor McKay my heartfelt
thanks for bringing you through safely and for
his success in preserving that life that is so precious
to us. It may sound a bit odd in civilian parlance
but I feel Doc and I are quits because after all while
he fought for my kid, we chaps up here are doing the  


same for his and quite apart from the scrapping, you
and I can bear witness to the joy of being able to live
with your family and the agony of separation.
I'm feeling as good as gold and for
a change look forward to a spot of work My bottom is
very sore due to an excess of riding on truck floors.
And strangely I'm more inclined to stand up than sit.
The trip down here was a thirty mile descending from
the mountains to about sea level and boy, what a
trip. How like a ride on the Big Dipper, you come
around a ledge just wide enough for a truck and
take a peek over the side and when you can't see
the bottom, you feel all a-twitter at the half way
mark, I needed the coffee the Salvation Army turned
on. We had am Army cut lunch as solid
refreshment, big vast sandwiches that we all love
when lo and behold a party of Yanks called us
over to join them in Turkey and Ham sandwiches
and fresh cooked eggs. I could hardly believe my eyes
when a big heap were shoved in front of me, I'd
forgotten what such things looked like. To get on,
the road, the scenery far surpass any thing I've
ever seen in Aussie, the star turn being a
waterfall 400 feet high in a rugged gorge about 10
miles long. At last Ive got to flat ground and
bowled in here filthy dirty and the place has a
fresh water supply, the juice being turned off
all day. One thing about my own camp is a
gurgling creek about 10 yards from the tent. Ford
Chapman from our show who came with me and I
took a look at the local town in the afternoon 


and scared up a three course meal at the Canteens 
Hostel, served on china plates by the Fuzzies and 
then rode with about a hundred others to a drome  
where the pictures were showing. We saw the 
Battle for Egypt which was great but the main 
feature was a damn Western. Very annoying after 
being jammed in a truck which lost its way 4 times 
and shook us apart. No wonder my tail is sore. 
We eventually found our way back to camp and 
so to bed but unfortunately bed is a very hard floor. 
Was awakened in the wee sma' hours by a hell  
of a bang and a horrific flash of light. I thought 
the goonies had sneaked in and dropped one but 
I was told this morning a big fellow had sold out 
taking off and my supposed nightmare was it 
going up. Was watching one this morning when 
a couple of jokers baled out all of a sudden so he  
must have been in strife. Thank God I'm in the 
Army, that flying stunt in war conditions is right 
on the nose although for going from place  
to place, air transport has trains and ships 
were stoushed, too damn slow. I hope we go  
back by air, its like a tain ride compared to a  
If I'm about here, I'll drop you 
a note tomorrow but if theres a gap of a few  
days you'll know the reason. So cheerio for yet 
another day, precious and all my love  
to you and R.B and all  fair weather 
Yours always, 

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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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