Michael Billings Collection - Wallet 9 - Part 12 of 12

Second World War, 1939–45
  • Love Letters
Accession number:

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WITH THE COMPLIMENTS OF THE SAILORS and SOLDIERS CHURCH OF ENGLAND HELP SOCIETY FOUNDED 1915 2 194 aphe has the yaning Seamp terofed eand Drd Manal from mhot te concecuent for teteon t e t t te f t te forthe th hem an hen t tor en monmn t of t e e madnt te the lattle doalmt ishe t omt be satiafued untell you both dd does not abbom now but theath comedin m nvw leave anege the eene of nstenen thrae eg tee te the th toenng t t f a t t f fg t te en f n enen t n the re meeeneene stand way of publingt pat way for me carly my vebag af late ad bun mery stiels but my faetings toward you are fa REASE USE STHEA SIDS
WITH THE CONPLHENTS OF THE SAILORS and SOLDIERS CHURCH OF ENGLAND HELP SOCIETY FOUNDED 1915 194 mashg ysince the camef D d the acquaintion of ayd chanshed ngthe ad e hnn e n o a tf of rn in te e t t e t e f mnen conceen th th d th f ren de ther te te te ece nethe t te ndy te ing to t nf frnn for th mn nemen of nd Whale Aneaes something fineto H d caminal an has ogh the yeas of Sacarfacethe ams inevoable of gadnal more to aeenter the dete te ath nd f daddyhe goning Me of H chaw was a beerling to u REASE USE OTHER SIDS
WITH THE COMPLIMENTS OF THE SAILORS and SOLDIERS CHURCH OF ENGLAND HELP SOCIETY FOUNDED 1915 4 194 spate of the anguish and pain ya hone. You hew tase littersa rs dolet am Ihantaedoing ad Ap d the Wacgoound the badd tag must be bron through D t fnd me to snte a fand a t to Has a iy buty day toaay and galtig the bang of n every day that Iwe taken REASE USE OTHER SIDS
WITH THE CONPLHENTS Of THE SAILORS and SOLDIERS CHURCH OF ENGLAND HELP SOCLETY FOUNDED 1915 194 ñ d pd t peed fally wlreatwere Shap aean So noapaWem h may hemo and appooahae So. S. Know ofIt make thegrad t e ft t th the t t e th e ee faably fany wathgt ttg D th t ttt ath a mn ogred com gueets what a co head I he weathed is myhat th end ente e might, the dimpenture t e en tede e f t thesen the for e tt e then in t e t of the e te he t e e e e A homent had a chance to iacehgat frather so hang onf REASE USE OTHER SIDS
WITH THE COMPLHENTS Of THE SAILORS and SOLDIERS CHURCH OF ENGLAND HELP SOCIETY FOUNDED 191S 6 194 Weething I do want is a bruh m mereee if faucan buy ū te a At. th lanm to adahef goods al by actough some of the ma eft ealo bag with a lat of lalt ga d he sent and If it comes itue afa Whem start delibuating on sunch yns his time to bring forth the A oy oyn ntalment of my love for Richar Mumny furrit RLEASE USE OTHER SIDS
pnil tar 43 H.S. H. Bruig 548 Parkers Road East Hawthorn iste
200610 Austratan Mar Memorial
WITH THE COMPLMENTS OF THE SAILORS and SOLDIERS CHURCH OF ENGLAND HELP SOCIETY FOUNDED 1915 VX 38483 Ple H. Zuling 194 Dintmet accounts Officer New Gruna mc 2 yhon d f r t f I aond Las hadpe (23) you spake of gound wdta have I feeling me of the poottems aseeat wall moving n job for you to carry him any guat the proam sounds baths you dant intend though to which them PLEASE USE OTHER SIDY
WITH THE COMPLHENTS OF THE SAILORS and SOLDIERS CHURCH OF ENGLAND HELP SOCIETY FOUNDED 1915 194 An that way do you I youd fordmees for long waiks but that p hentotl daby od had Bapt ahrackky d soe Iens te demone f te o t f te forle dteeneng the t t t de th t en n g den on t t te e e ee h hmply hat ant an teae may much in lown will you tIt h fdeof fr stfbenygraning tht h ao PLEASE USE OTHER SIDE
WITH THE COMPLIMENTS OF THE SAILORS and SOLDIERS CHURCH OF ENGLAND HELP SOCIETY FOUNDED 1915 194 d m I had you heen me are the details of you both as my inhrant is dat hatt I stant bea t st angrd arhen I o the hushod anon d ent deg tt t e ga hdDmathahady osoweon h the t t e rfod thegy ha thet aspect wray Branlynd hf DG Dapoont hodpy anent e nenenant the etendn by hote e e e o e e h t tein e e t a h tte fatoe d for the t h f f hen oe te ht freneng ndkay PLEASE USE OTHER SIDE
WITH THE COMPLIMENTS Of THE SAILORS and SOLDIERS CHURCH OF ENGLAND HELP SOClETY FOUNDED 1915 194 wred say you aan not latting yourself. loha Danch ranhy. Acran a thats t nd mahad myp g cunumm had T W ane onmm f ana, poubarly the pn I was forced to dimiish the hden t dnd y mt mttod tcm anayse toting h conmnenthen ther o e f n cooo sranchin to a lot of snah frantnd feod REASE USE OTHER SIDE
WITH THE COMPLIMENTS OF THE SAILORS and SOLDIERS CHURCH OF ENGLAND HELP SOCIETY FOUNDED 1915 194 Bsele time at the chustening d from mand fa A I. fact I am meased g at te e en pein o thet hete d f ht to h eine dmadme much Had to work this momnt to . g a carode bout whathrd d to it at not I m just the buy to do t f g sDte t ad pohthed tr thing I wownd be moaning adon ot Went to the weekly mav PLEASE USE OTHER SIDE
WITH THE COMPLIMENTS Of THE SAILORS and SOLDIERS CHURCH OF ENGLAND HELP SOClETY FOUNDED 1915 194 Forday to see Kow of Washington guas and ment pcturen d staw S habe feet partty ft bontm t faed of my belt and the scale td esterday t aack etd e foen toe e edoe tenen te to the te e eestet e e e t for i it another day te arn anceccond he ene d e the br ene e en e he t eth p e thef nee y jay. A bng Bast to HIehand communi nd baad mumny and plenty of pfor Yours alwayt Dad PLEASE USE OTHER SIDE
S Mail H.s. H. Fillings 548 Barkers Road East Hawthoon etore

Founded 1915

often has the young scamp turfed 
you from your couch in the wee 
smo' hours from what you tell 
you me and apart from the 
discomfort of leaving a warm bed 
in Winter, you need your snooze 
as much as him. I suppose one 
must realise the little darlint is still 
a Softy and cant help himself but 
I won't be satisfied unless you are both 
are 'tops'. As the old song has 
it ' You are my first my only love'; 
I concede that the latter phrase 
does not obtain now but the first 
conviction will never leave me 
so you can see the significance of 
my solicitation for you. Very 
staid way of putting it, pet but 
you are still the one who lights the 
way for me. Really, my verbiage 
of late has been very stilted but 
my feelings towards you are far


from diminishing. You're the cause of 
a sense of loss I often feel 
and the acquisition of our cherished 
son has only accentuated it. All the 
same I'm quite happy knowing 
my loved ones forget me no more 
than I do them and my home - 
coming will be sweet joy for all 
of us. While there's something fine to 
look forward to, one can't despair 
hard though the separation is. 
However cynical one has become 
through the years of sacrifice, the 
whole business seems to pursue an 
inexorable, if gradual move to a 
conclusion in our favor. That's 
heartening to me as you battled 
on splendidly when the going was 
hard so can always rely on you 
to fight your own little battle to 
a resounding victory. The coming 
of Richard was a blessing to us 


in spite of the anguish and pain 
you bore, your tell tale letters leave 
no doubt on that, and, smug as 
it all sounds coming from me, 
the happiness you betray sweeps 
into the background the bad side. 
Maybe it's ordained that these 
good things must be born through 
I'm sweating on the 
post tomorrow for your bulletin 
on further progress of 'im and you 
and I'm sure the contents will 
inspire me to write a fair letter 
to you on the 21st. As usual, 
not much news from this joint. 
Had a very busy day today and 
am getting the hang of things 
pretty well growing 
surer every day that I've taken 
a step in the right direction and 
a spot of promotion is on the


cards in a month or so. Still 
feel jolly well, eat well, sleep 
well so no complaints. We're 
very fortunate in having a fine 
boss, and very human and approachable 
so I know if I make the grade 
he'll see I get a break. Am 
pretty pally with a young S/Sgt 
here. I think I told you about 
him last letter, his nickname is 
“Argus” so you can guess what a card 
he is. The weather is very hot 
and much exertion causes you to 
come out in a lather. It's hot here 
day and night, the temperature 
at 10pm is between 75° and 80° 
so eternal summer reigns. Had 
surprisingly little rain of late 
and a pall of dust hangs over the 
place. About those shorts, I 
haven't had a chance to investigate 
further so hang on for a while 


One thing I do want is a brush to 
scrub clothes, just a cheap small 
one will suffice if you can buy 
such a thing. That husband of 
yours always wants something, 
the bludger. No parcels or papers 
yet but tomorrow I'll see if I 
can stir the post office up. Too 
many valuable items in them to 
pass by, although some of the items goods 
are available up here now. When 
I left the old show I had a 
calico bag with a lot of toilet gear 
in it and have asked for it to 
be sent over. If it comes it will 
save me a few bob too. When I 
start deliberating on such trifles 
tis time to bring forth the 
envelope. So bye-bye, precious 
and herewith, a further instalment 
of my love for Richard & Mummy. 



Air Mail 
Mrs. M. Billings 
548 Barkers Road 
East Hawthorn 



War Memorial


VX38483 Pte M Billings 
District Accounts Office 
New Guinea 

Another Sunday has come 
and nearly gone and as my thoughts 
wander in your direction, I picture 
you over at the Billings homestead 
as of old, the conduct of Richard 
permitting, of course. In your last 
letter (No 23) you spoke of your 
visit over there & telling me of the 
problems associated with moving 
his lordship over there and I felt 
a sharp pang when reflecting that 
in ordinary circumstances I would 
be the proud bearer of our son on 
such excursions. It certainly is a 
job for you to carry him any great 
distance and your intention to use 
the pram sounds better. You surely 
dont intend, though, to wheel him


all that way, do you? I recall your 
fondness for long walks but that 
sounds a bit hot. Still, exercise 
never did anyone harm and that 
tendency to obesity you confessed to 
will be he kept in check thereby, 
at the same time permitting you 
to perform solidly at the manger. 
It's great you feel so well, a weak 
sickly party would shy from such 
a suggestion. The latest about the 
lad is simply beaut and makes me 
feels very much in love with you 
both. It must be terrific to watch 
his antics now he's discovered 
hands, babes for the use of. My 
imagination allows me to 
picture the scene but is a poor 
substitute, of course. Very intriguing 
the news that his facial resemblance 
to me has lessened and he now 
favors you. He could do a lot worse.


I'm glad you tell me all the 
details of you both as my interest is 
avid and at least I shan't be a total 
stranger when I cross the threshold 
next time. It's something to look 
forward to as the promised welcome 
is something unparalleled in my 
sweet life and a good time will be 
had by all. As you say, its rotten 
for the time to be going by and 
we, two lovebirds parted — I feel 
that aspect very keenly and revolt 
inwardly against it but that doesnt 
help. We can pray that the end 
is near and at least we are moving 
in the right direction at last. 
Must not start elaborating on that 
theme, we shall battle on and 
hope for the best. Our love for 
one another has not abated one 
iota and come what may, they 
can't take that away from us


I will say you are not letting yourself 
be miserable and you're truly doing a 
fine job with Richard, that's 
apparent and while my wife is 
doing such a first class job, I shall 
never despair. 
With your letter I had 
one from Mum and Chas so 
twas a good bag. Tomorrow may 
bring another so I'm not too 
badly treated. Sorry you have not 
fared so well, probably the period 
I was forced to diminish the 
output has transferred itself to 
you. The shortage is temporary 
dear so it won't be long now. 
Mum was very bucked over the 
grandson and enjoyed toting him 
about. He's certainly a ray of 
sunshine to a lot of people when 
such are few and far between, 
the little beaut. Chas had


a swell time at the christening 
and is a firm admirer of our 
pride and joy & In fact, I've never 
heard a word against your model 
son, bless you both. 
As usual, not much 
news from this end of the earth. 
Had to work this morn so had 
to miss out on church. Any amount 
of work; dunno whether it's a 
blessing or a curse but whether 
or no, it has to be done. Believe 
it or not, I'm just the boy to do 
it too although up to date I'm 
not one of the heads. This arvo 
I relaxed and did my washing 
so the old man has bade good-bye 
to bludging for a while. Still 
I like working when its interesting 
and has possibilities so that's one 
thing I won't be moaning about 
yet. Went to the weekly movies


Friday to see Rose of Washington 
Square and a "Saint" picture, not 
a bad show. Still feel pretty 
fit but like you am putting on a 
bit of condition by the tight 
feel of my belt and the scale 
showed 12 - 4 yesterday. 
Casting back I seem 
to have told all the huge 
brain can muster so with 
great reluctance we say farewell 
for yet another day, treasure. 
With oceans of love I go 
to slumber and wish you every 
joy. A big kiss to Richard 
and his mummy and plenty of 
sleep for both too. 
Yours always 




Air Mail 22-8-43 
Mrs. M. Billings 
548 Barkers Road 
East Hawthorn 


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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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