Michael Billings Collection - Wallet 9 - Part 3 of 12

Second World War, 1939–45
  • Love Letters
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your last letter gave me cause to be hapeful, the last there days waiting for that vital letter I toust will not be repeated your last two letters however did put a brighter complexion on his chances and with all the supplications of the nunb and other. I reary think are will be well not forgetting the cautious preduction of Dr Me Ray of causse and he should know I still shudded when I think what a close call it was but when you oilate how he is showing signt of and making the naised a bale should make, how that glows within me. Is he really like me dinkum, honey? It is wonderful of you to present me with a son but for him to be like me is the greatest compliment I am eed likely to e get so I hape not foutleddly, that when I am pourleged to bee him, Dad and the nipped wont have more to do than look at one another to turg whos who I m very sorry that my prayers were inadequate but if those can st him on the right oed, I wise be unsparing I shall go to ass and the sacraments tomarrow and wher vraiting the pado tonight will ask him to inhocide for and pood we laddie. Its rothen being to fat away when I am needed so badly, the mail sums to be dreadfully slow in getting here, the whale game stinks I am going to apply fod some compassionate leave tomarrow but must wasn you against being in any way aptinishe as to the outcome. First I don't think
4 the ruled consided my grounds suppernt to grant leave and tthen I'm chundreds of miled from my unit at present and maybe the authoritied here may not have pawed to grant it. I that case, it would take days to have the matter finalited so thats the pasition and you neved know what evidence would be my aequisrd to support my application. Anyhaw I thau gl. parided tomorrow and See what can tbe done Theyse poetly hand and being away from my mot won't hilp If it should eventuate, it would be marvuans but I don't feel justified in letting you and I build castles in the aid. What a detimia. I phant wit any more in darting lent une wait and see what tomarrow losings, may it be yayful fidings. Before closing I want you tto know that you aid everything you cauld to probect yourseyf and wine in every way fitted to bring your child into the world without mishap That things went awoy is one of those things that happen and you musn't feel in any way responsible fod the trouble nile the contrary yenr dimeaned has always been a above reposach and God wrlling you wile soon be able to enjoy the founts of gand steoling labord, its only geud due and your luubba would be an ornament in any society so with hape, & await develapements and I close loving you more than wer, my swed tyl PROOOI0 Rtratin Micky EnMenart
in conjunction with Hr Hail H.S. H. Zuling 48 Barkert Kd Sast Hawthoon in e
pRo0bl0 Roratt Cortenott
frn 38483 Int Gaelings Or. C. Section 2/s Aust. Hy. A. A B9ty VMah M Mi AS. F. One H 7 43 My Dasting. D Dothing furthed from you since yand letter of 23th June lent tolday bling hunddy I did not expect anything Icmoont lonay benning onlief and away my desperate anaity about the progorts of post little R chard I we done some produnt praying the last few days and intisted the pador to add his petitit f the little chap las a woult I w felt greatly comported and an very hapeful that the net man poduce some good news Shere I occssonary think that my haped may be dashed you know how these unreason thaught phount. Themelues forward and uther good newd amwod, what a weight were be lifter from my may head I dont envy you ysud po drad having bo be the same bulding as the babe y amare loea andnting fod to long and then to be deperved of the utial shoul of his prssence at land side I secont refer to the lorhue whith the fight awaged meanly fot has farsus life m adtely Dondy pet. adnmtlal ubuse fell stbut of expectat agree with you that if the end is favourable. the meant wrre the juatified. I hape that enhem that arowed your sirce have banished the painful evidences of a vary trying peose and feet more like gend are salf new st it aund. Iow, I must cofers that despite regrated asenanced that everything would go were with you. I knew that being yaud first expeaiment of matherhor it would be lat from flan sartinf for no dathed reason that it it as the fiost time whice carries many umpleahions of e so in addition IN WIRLEITER DO NOTREFER TO. The name of Sour Hansport, or other tansports in your convey dates of srtiag KPons A Call, T. SenSNN descriptions of Woops, of other intormation which it intercepted, will be of value to the caoos.
F0. W NSMO Vail Nc Date to my annuly absout R chard I will get a byg Bisk to rece that you are werl and then mend and the saddie sart to thowe. I bet that wree accilirate your camplete reconny I Is athel pacumad ham to admat. anetelf To the partion as the dre. has been cast some dime nont y it I m living in the pastand am haping fod thingI now post I ee, life stare that day I got those thow letters from you, what will then trust ford what en Shraugh you abhehe dispointent at leving deponesed of the predence of sand child and The pecal that lind lope lring bey be Blender a hread nthe mmarO yeard appenimer pent Dintamer fat from destaming the effertsI sameay to accomtaate thim andanysilenesa Ca aanodo. Aham. A. had thranght mp to tham I. hope my hadpess o reaching your quantly, just inhem s. disperatly at Amt i anot whteyand Alakiny. Anged I hamreed and my n Lew eh Intencesa theg a t aptoint t me my Labhaod hahped you in ay agement from them I feal mp Hcaying ent heenad comvintromd. Ofhethmt ma. dad thit parts in the mothed ahs I g awor the yhgh ghadd sen I han Iam n the anly sme a mo a testes on t esneon Bnten onteot tett ote n te te gt et tr a tat woodd won't lene themsetves to the expersennt of the vanae trale shaff and bering a long pat apmen I can foog are that when writing to fan from the heant and etr Them head JH. famy ont almost for gather things new at llmel of conerd and NVOUHLETTER DO NOTRETER TO. The name of your ansport or other ansports in your convoydates of ingprs of call destination. deccriptions of koops, or other information which, it intercepted, will be of value to the enemy.
RioaN Name L Fl Cai MSm Dac thenking of that post innocent mate purtting up a great seoag for hib lifer braught to mind what Hum hada me that I. Showid elnitance to be bam hearthy and wat a sickly cost for quiler a while and I think she said I live on a battle for the wearning pence St. Peuns that history is repeating itself with and lad and I wib meaning to the madimt. That athed thingh bealde the sunb of the fathed are visited uou when danb dif he Rickb on like his ald man eerything nirid be marvitans and seung he is such a natly build, mayle his stawn his quarrty beforl new It are depends a that tten faast stage and whem the letter come tessing me his going right abead. I'le permit my seef the haasingg of the natual gubitation that his apporpnate to the occasion. If I have to wait before I. can see hum. Sucely God were at least let me knew he is Showing. St Sounds add lnt when yen sald he was lake me The thought that he trought mot punme was like the cash of a wshap. I has lettet seems to be are taken up with y ap about me and my traubles yet haw much more munst fo have Imppaed a favorable him of the where of t fortune s more than overdus for you so by the am bf avroages bbiig have seemly became sum for you The wordd have stappe coming into my minde now mth a load of suspence, I shall put in anathed might andpsay for goot mard tomanent although stang to Day. I m not sleeping too badlly Cinhumant boute h DaIa porcan, mayle in milht wene fat apart but I'm right with fan and love you bo. M. ce INVOUR L NOT RE T. The name of your transport, or other transports in your co. descriptions of troops, or other information G. Ryan
is Mail 4 7 HS. A. Billings 548 Barkers Road AUSTEA. 1AO METE FORCE (6 ast Hawthom PRESED OY CAHSON 87 tona G. Ryan
2 t tn roo w0 AUSTRALIAN OWFORTS FUND 29.904 y Comnotion with V.M.C.A. Use Military Address OnlyI N0 XX38483 A. D. elling an, 2/. Aunt. Hy.A A A SF. 194 6 4 C0 Nor MAON MMTIET ACTMITIS.
2 man roin CeIrERS/AP.O. AUSTRALIA UN COMEORTS in Conjunction with V.M.C. A. Use Military Address only No 194 so NeT MENTION MILITARY ACTNIFIES

your last letter gave me cause to be hopeful, the last
three days waiting for that vital letter I trust will not
be repeated. Your last two letters however did put a
brighter complexion on his chances and with all the
supplications of the nuns and other. I really think all
will be well not forgetting the cautious prediction of
Dr McKay of course and he should know. I still
shudder when I think what a close call it was but
when you relate how he is showing signs of and making
the noises a babe should make, how that glows within
me. Is he really like me, dinkum, honey? It is
wonderful of you to present me with a son but for
him to be like me is the greatest compliment I am
ever likely to be get so I hope not fruitlessly, that
when I am privileged to see him, Dad and the
nipper wont have more to do than look at one
another to twig who's who.
I'm very sorry that my prayers were
inadequate but if those can set him on the right
road, I will be unsparing. I shall go to Mass and
the sacraments tomorrow and when visiting the padre
tonight will ask him to intercede for our poor wee
laddie. It's rotten being so far away when I am
needed so badly, the mail seems to be dreadfully
slow in getting here, the whole game stinks.
I am going to apply for some compassionate leave
tomorrow but must warn you against being in any
way optimistic as to the outcome. First I don't think


the rules consider my grounds sufficient to grant leave
and then I'm hundreds of miles from my unit at
present and maybe the authorities here may not have
power to grant it. In that case, it would take days
to have the matter finalised so that's the position
and you never know what evidence would be my required
to support my application. Anyhow I shall get
paraded tomorrow and see what can be done. Theyre
pretty hard and being away from my mob won't help
If it should eventuate, it would be marvellous but
I don't feel justified in letting you and I build castles
in the air. What a dilemma!
I shan't write any more now
darling but will wait and see what tomorrow
brings, may it be joyful tidings. Before closing,
I want you to know that you did everything you
could to protect yourself and were was in every way
fitted to bring your child into the world without mishap.
That things went awry is one of those things that
happen and you musn't feel in any way responsible
for the trouble. Quite the contrary, your demeanor
has always been apo above reproach and God willing
you will soon be able to enjoy the fruits of your
sterling labors, its only your due and your bubba
would be an ornament in any society.
So with hope, I await developments and
S close loving you more than ever, my sweet.

Australian War Memorial 


ACF in conjunction with YMC 

Air Mail
Mrs. M. Billings
548 Barkers Rd
East Hawthorn



War Memorial



From No. VX 38483 Name Gnr. M. Billings
Unit. C. Section 2/5 Aust. Hy. A. A. Batty.
A. I. F. 
Date 4. 7. 43

My Darling,
Nothing further from you since your 
letter of 25th June but today being Sunday I
did not expect anything. Tomorrow may bring
relief and allay my desperate anxiety about the
progress of poor little Richard. I've done some
fervent praying the last few days and enlisted the
padre to add his petition for the little chap.
As a result I've felt greatly comforted and am very
hopeful that the next mail will produce some good
news. Still, I occasionally think that my hopes may
be dashed, you know how those unpleasant thoughts
thrust themselves forward and when good news
comes, what a weight will be lifted from my
weary head. I don't envy you your predicament, poor
dear, having to be in the same building as the babe
you've been wanting for so long and then to be deprived
of the initial thrill of his presence at your side.
I won't refer to the torture while the fight wages
nearby for his precious life. I'm terribly sorry, pet 
and initial imbure fell short of expectations but agree
with you that if the end is favourable, the means
will be justified. I hope that when this arrives
your will have banished the painful evidences of
a very trying period and feel more like your old
self now it's over. Now, I must confess that
despite repeated assurances that everything would go well
with you, I know that being your first experience of
motherhood it would be far from plain sailing if,
for no other reason that it was the first time which
carries many implications of itself. So in addition

The name of your transport, or other transports in your convoy...dates of sailing...ports of call...destination,
descriptions of troops, or other information which, if intercepted, will be of value to the enemy.



to my anxity anxiety about Richard, I will get a big
kick to read that you are well on the mend and if 
the laddie starts to thrive, I bet that will accelerate your 
complete recovery. It's rather peculiar here to adjust 
oneself to the position as the die has been cast some 
time now yet I'm living in the past and am hoping 
for things now past. Gee, life stood still that day 
I got those three letter from you, what with the hurt 
from what you went through, your pathetic disappointment 
at being deprived of the presence of your child and the 
fears that his life hangs by so slender a thread, 
the emotions of fears experienced in a few moments. 
Distance far from lessening the effects serve only to 
accentuate them and my uselessness. War is more of 
a curse than I had thought up to then. I hope my 
letters are reaching you quickly, just when I desperately 
want yours they are taking longer than ever and my 
once boasted patience is a thing of the past. You 
have often told me my letters helped you and I pray 
that now you derive a crumb or two of comfort and 
encouragement from them. I don't feel up to carrying 
out the usual conventions of thanking those who did 
their part in the matter until I get word that the 
boy is going to be alright as conventions will be 
[?] until then. You are the only one I can 
write to at present as my thoughts translated into 
words won't lend themselves to the expression of the usual 
trite stuff as being a big part of me. I can forget 
all that when writing to you from the heart and 
not from the head. Its funny how manly forg 
almost forgotten things [[rec..r?]] at times of crisis and 



thinking of that poor innocent mite putting up a great scrap 
for his life brought to mind what Mum had told 
me that I showed reluctance to be born healthy 
and was a sickly coot for quite a while and I think 
she said I lived on a bottle for the weaning period. 
It seems that history is repeating itself with our lad 
and gives meaning to the maxim that other things 
besides the sins of the father are visited upon their 
sons. If he kicks on like his old man everything 
will be marvellous and seeing he is such a 
natty build, maybe his shown his quality long 
before now. It all depends on that rotten 
first stage and when the letters come telling me 
his going right ahead, I'll permit myself the 
luxury of the natural jubilation that is appropriate 
to the occasion. If I have to wait before I 
can see him, surely God will at least let me know 
he is thriving. It sounds odd but when you told 
me he was like me, the thought that he might 
not survive was like the lash of a whip. This 
letter seems to be all taken up with yap about me 
and my troubles yet how much more must you have 
suffered. A favorable turn of the wheel of fortune 
is more than overdue for you so by the law of averages 
things have surely become sunnier for you. The 
words have stopped coming into my mind now so 
with a load of suspense, I shall put in another night 
in pray for good news tomorrow although strange to 
say I'm not sleeping too badly. (inhuman brute, eh) 
Ta Ta, precious, maybe in miles we're far apart but 
I'm right with you and love you so. Micky 


Air Mail

Mrs. M. Billings
548 Barkers Road,
East Hawthorn


G. Ryan


In conjunction with Y.M.C.A.
(Use Military Address only) 

NO. VX38483 Gr M. Billings
C. Section, 2/5 Aust . Hy. A A. 
Battery. A.I.F. 194... 

Darling Kay, 
Three hearty cheers, my 
sweet. Your letter of the 26th came in 
and you can picture my joy over the 
contents. The last few days have 
been uncomfortable to put it mildly 
waiting for that letter that everyone 
seems to have conspired to delay. 
It arrived a minutes reading sufficed 
to raise my spirits sky high and 
wasn't the news of Richard and you 
a break for me. I don't want to 
minimise your sufferings before, 
during and after your confinement 
but you had one big advantage of 
being on the spot and able to follow 
that struggle. I can tell you now 
what it was to have to wait what 
seemed ages for your letters not 
knowing whether our boy was alive 
or dead, whether you have seen your 
life threatened. The dragging hours 
were punctuated by horrible thoughts




although plain commonsense averted panic 
But when they did flash across my mind 
what a humbling [?] Now that you 
are both doing so well and I pray 
you will continue to flourish, I want 
to put those frightful days behind 
me and I shall never mention them 
in my letters again. I recognise that 
the little bloke is still not out 
of the wood and until I hear that all 
danger is past and that you too 
feel more like your old self, the 
letters will be more eagrly 
awaited than ever. I do hope these 
letters will be here very soon as we 
had had more than a bellyful of 
the gamut of emotions in recent days. 
Your sketchy bits about Richard are a 
joy to behold and as I said before 
I sure mop them up. The cheerier 
tone of your letters are a tonic to 
a bothered worrier as they reflect both 
your improved condition and your 

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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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