Michael Billings Collection - Wallet 9 - Part 2 of 12

Second World War, 1939–45
  • Love Letters
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3 sufficient unto the was should be a wide matte for us I think. I'm still siddling avoune the same spot doing a bit of work but not too much. The cose we athed sharpens the appetite no mne and I m hungry mast of the sime acthough we get a faid pronkus. The flecks are on here tonight and I shaw blow along to See Deanna Duabin if I can squerge in Iwe had to shelve the study business tumparanly for abvisus reasons but when I return to the unit will have a crack at it, The have and the Dips peomitting. It may become a recreation as reading mathe is meague and Ive cnt out spinebashing, bad habit in the tropies to get layy Stt fally me to know wryore it lending you a helping have where pattible, a smooth pastage with the hundred and one arrangements is definitely desirable on then occasions. Ada and fril an grand scants, I m to grateful that you are in such good hands I had a litter from Rahe Rowling too who with Reg and Gran were O.K. I hold hut that if you were a but slow in answeng het litter the reason whenby ew I sprice myself pretty well tody apter your litevary deluge but here comes the finish as always, I proffet all my love and whse now awaiting splended news in the nead fretude. God blest you. pricians Stratte Micky
t wishes are Richad Aunt Hope allo well kalh De a
tn conpincton n. 0 ttreat Aban 75 26. 6. 4 H. Buing 6 548 Barkers Road East Hawthoon Pictona
55 Graham St Mlouth age June 28th Dear Ralh Uncle. I were very pleased to see the wilh announcement the other day. We trust you the wee bale are both doing well. There will be great excitement at Yartin Ro al the arrival of the first grandchild. I can imagine Cuntie Sherlas Yor chose a good name for him delight also Rath I like Archard very much I haven't heard from Sherla for some time so I must write soon. I 4xpect she is kept busif It is a dreadful whinte here thre year, we are heartily sick of so much wet cold weather but us doubt, Yelbourne is bad enough I'i porting a wee parcel for the baly, which hape will be some us my Eear will love frotcle myselfo best wishes for yours, bahye welf are Afpc. 4. Cuntie Eance
28/6/ Hichael Dillinge St Georges Hospital Vew
13 n filing Vch van C. Dection 2/5 Anct Hy.a. a Gelly. DuranFaran On A. S. &. 30. 6. 43 My Dasling This is to beee you that Adas letter written on the day you wint to hospital reaches me geateaay. and I delayed nonding to you because I thaught Aodhan mane might bening me Some Latht taking ammoncement of 7eu g athed what I mean. I ask your pardon if this lapses into incaperence but realising my state at Ahr moment you wise be indulgent. By spirls did sink low taday when the maik was al dishid aut plent my ninwavnning fasthe That yau wer mow in a sarped performance has leen ast alwant are the hime and I await what omarent bring faily philsesphically Anyhowt rem thats enaught afomy State ap mind il Wisted to tack about things with yan Sarg Adas name and the nape made Hcestany fod me to read the letter to pnow that yenr Aune had came and pash aps favlichly I thrught the ontent moued inform me of yaud wonderful brath gt I eca al gain I past fraebby Ladly awhen she axpensu to. She Seven graund applecting Your you pord darking and andy oud complanthen ann That you happy Soct. the whale affait qurles the thaught that I wad sadponedely for yeus sppering I suppase new it is are and you posh post These remacks but beving away from you mayle maket one feel dipperintly from rma You know the culport basting and leawing 7ou to it Shece ar thingh considerd a manth ad two wneomne uo. I was A woth hil.at the bast. the babe rince cut down considerably that awue sence of loneliness that I hample in gone doss myself. As soon as the glad Aidings aI Mlan go th lo Hads & INHOUR LETTER DO NOT RETER TO. The name of your Eranspert, of other Hansperts in your comrer dates of eaition os ot call Desiasion. descriptions of hoops, or other information which, it intercepied, will be of value to the enemy
From No. Name Van Vich Dare Fran 001e the sanaments and give fervent thnks for the great tlesting comfrome upon nd. He was a great any of anss fora long time nowt and I do fle so humble and satiful. I did do a libtle, but yeu Si to smarth the palsage and knew the right party to go to for and I naluse A bat of Ahas stuff in hypothilicat as fet bust that snnakl confudence baldtend by fend owaam asswarced has nunt left me hence my sanquine produtions. Ind grant that I me not I yfau surce g athed from are this that my thaughts ask a bit chartie I dant as an anwoage guy thats haw it is Mhay tomorrant herring. Such naws hht ince sos and onqu Papa y as Thungh lake that haw a hommundend Aagnifance hap Mear ind The daidoums. and will enlarge my ag mo and I ws always had yen as a griat mumu to keep me plugging along lent now your havn to Iaad luadst She thaught of coming home to samand R. chand ( am I right?) has grau Gay, what a reunior we miril have nma hhe madhs Spad by healy. n simer I deparated If the time snner my last atmp is Saken into account peakays it was come. home dwouedh we expect. If my hapes for tomanent came trme. a dieadraw spate of wouldd wer len youdpr my mest latted. I don't opper get exeited lent this oecation sance posve me to let mry human I guess it wril ake a few days forhe my new estal to saak i hent I feet fortly uppedy about sit, bless pend dead henst, precsans ad tptk say at is with agant. I take my leave new but do se Meria with high hope So much i done of with you on Yams more Man et Hisky Whough WYOUR LETTER DO NOTREFER TO. The nae of your iransport, or other transports in your convoy. dates of eaiting ports of call deaimanon. deccriptions of koope, of other intoermation which, it intercepted, will be at value to the cncws.
in conjunction with 4i Mar 4 30. 6 4 St M.S. H. Gulling 548 Barkers Hoats East Hawthon ctons
VX38483 Gnt. M. Gelling 6. Section d/5 Aust Hy. A. a Jattery. A. J. F. 2.7. 43 16y Dacling, I hardly know when to begin as the letters I received a few hours ago have me so much in a dithed. Your letters of 8th 22nd, 23rd 24s & 25t June came today and the news staggesed me so much that I feel rathed numb and it may take a day or two before I can say things clearly. Every time I think of you & almost choke, what a heavy cooss you have been caled upon to beat, It was crushing to leavn that apted an your sacrifices, that tiny atom you gave you all to being into the world was in danged and that you were depowre of the joy of wven seeing little R.ichard for days I shan't labot on the sutject as my distress is acute enough yet how much more yours must be and I am hoping the horrars of those days have been forcawer by ant cmproving tum on the rygrade and this finds you bath were out of the wood, I wish to God & knew b I am balshering my hapes on the in brighted contents of yours of the 25th The I only bright spot is the newd that you are picking up as that letter by its tone amply conveyed and for that I am mighty thankful If anything like that had happened to you I would have gone cragy as much as I wanted the little chap, maybe I could have born the loss of him but without you, life
2 would lose any meaning for me. I do think you wene wonderful writing to me when any mavement must have been exquisite fortun, proving that your spivit and courage is eiven highes than it always been before. You know how much I love you, my own and at a time like this, words fail me in trying to say haw much I feel for you. No matter what happent that can neved actd and the pity of it, that you who have desirvee so were stance have to supper fad beyand the bounds of faioness to congratulations to you parcions for a job very well done and I thank rwho you humbly for your bisthday gift which very nearly recived his annuissary on that same day. I don't know if I'm daing right in talking about my poor little tad lent I was thornd to the con to read some details of how to he looked, how by he was and every thing I'm depending on Evds mercy to save such a lavely child for us as he pounds so masouious and hid and own love consummated. Apet reading the first of youd letters with a sinking heart, you can imagine how I feet by the time I reached the last one knowing he was still alive and shawing dicided sign'd of clinging to his plece on earth apter having a life and strength stouggle to get then I cuse imagination as the mental then puture of you at first and R.card gives one no est and I shall be hounted under I get news that everything is going ito suon out aloight. I m glad

Sufficient unto the war should be a wise motto for us 
I think. I’m still fiddling around the same spot 
doing a bit of work but not too much. The cool 
weather sharpens the appetite no end and I’m hungry 
most of the time although we get a fair plonkus. The 
flicks are on here tonight and I shall blow along 
to see Deanna Durbin if I can squeeze in. I’ve had 
to shelve the study business temporarily for obvious 
reasons but when I return to the unit will have a 
crack at it, the Lord and the Nips permitting. It 
may become a recreation as reading matter is meagre 
and I’ve cut out spinebashing , bad habit in the tropics 
to get lazy. 
It’s jolly nice to know everyone is 
lending you a helping hand where possible , a smooth 
passage with the hundred and one arrangements is 
definitely desirable on these occasions. Ada and Bill 
grand scouts. I’m so grateful that you are in such good 
hands. I had a letter from Katie Rowling too who 
with Reg and Gran were O.K. I told her that if you 
were a bit slow in answering her letter the reason 
whereby. Well I’ve spared myself pretty well today 
after your literary deluge but here comes the finish. 
As always, I proffer all my love and retire now 
awaiting splendid news in the near future. 
God bless you, precious 


Best wishes to wee 
Auntie Nance 
Hope all's well Kath Dear


ACF In conjunction with YMCA 

Air Mail 
28. 6. 43 

Mrs. M. Billings 
548 Barkers Road 
East Hawthorn 


55 Graham St 
June 28th 

Dear Kath 
Uncle & I were very pleased to see the 
birth announcement the other day. We trust you & 
the wee babe are both doing well. There will be 
great excitement at Martin Rd at the arrival of the 
first grandchild. I can imagine Aunt Sheila's 
delight also. You chose a good name for him 
Kath I like Richard very much 
I haven't heard from Sheila for some time so I 
must write soon. I expect she is kept busy. 
It is a dreadful winter here this year, we are 
heartily sick of so much wet. cold weather ; 
but no doubt, Melbourne is bad enough. 
I'm posting a wee parcel for the baby, which I 
hope will be some use my Dear. 
With love from Uncle. myself & best 
wishes for yours & baby's welfare. 
Affec. Y's 
Auntie Nance.


28/6/ 43 
Mrs. Michael Billings 
St George's Hospital 



From No. VX38483 Name: Gnr M. Billings 
Unit C. Section 2/5 Aust Hy. A. A. Battery 
Date A.I.F. 30.6.43 

My Darling, 
This is to tell you that Ada's letter written 
on the day you went to hospital reached me yesterday 
and I delayed writing to you because I thought today's 
mail might bring me some breath-taking announcement 
if you gather what I mean. I ask your pardon if this 
lapses into incoherence but realising my state at the 
moment you will be indulgent. My spirits did sink low 
when the mail was all dished out today but my unwavering 
faith that you would turn in a super performance has 
been a stalwart all the time and I await what 
I hope tomorrow will bring fairly philosophically. 
Anyhow, Mum, that's enough of my state of mind 
its better to talk about things with you. Seeing 
Ada's name on the envelope made it unnecessary 
for me to read the letter to know that your time had 
come and perhaps foolishly I thought the contents 
would inform me of your wonderful birthday gift. 
I can tell you I felt pretty badly when she referred 
to the severe pains afflicting you, you poor darling 
and only your constant utterances that you were so 
happy over the whole affair quelled the thought that 
I was responsible for your sufferings. I suppose now it 
is all over you will pooh. pooh these remarks but 
being away from you maybe makes one feel differently 
from normal. You know, the culprit bolting and leaving 
you to it. Still all things considered a month or two 
will convince us it was all worth while, at the least, 
the babe will cut down considerably that awful sense 
of loneliness that I sample in good doses myself. As soon 
as the glad tidings arrive , I shall go th to Mass & 

The name of your transport, or other transports in your convoy... 
dates of sailing... ports of call... destination, 
descriptions of troops, or other information which, if intercepted, will be of value to the enemy.



the Sacraments and give fervent thanks for the great blessing 
conferred upon us. He was a great ally of ours for a 
long time now and I do feel so humble and grateful. 
I did do a little bit you see to smooth the passage 
and knew the right party to go for and. I realise 
a lot of this stuff is hypothetical as yet but that 
an innate confidence bolstered by your own calm 
assurances has never left me hence my Sanguine 
predictions. God grant that I'm not wrong. You will 
gather from all this that my thoughts are a bit chaotic 
but as an average guy that's how it is. May tomorrow 
bring such news that will revive and rejuvenate Papa 
Micky as things like that have a tremendous significance 
up here in the doldrums and will enlarge my horizon 
no end. I've always had you as a great incentive to 
keep me plugging along but now you have added to 
your lustre , the thought of coming home to you and 
Richard ( am I right?) has grown. Boy, what a reunion 
we will have next time and the months speed by, 
nearly two since I departed. If the time since my last 
trip is taken into account, perhaps it will come true 
sooner than we expect. If my hopes for tomorrow come 
true, a disordered spate of words will be your portion 
in my next letter. I don't often get excited but this occasion 
will prove me to be very human. I guess it will take 
a few days for the my new estate to soak in but I 
feel pretty uppity about it, bless your dear heart, precious. 
As Fitzpatrick says. it is with regret I 
take my leave now but do so filled with high hope 
and so much in love of with you. 
Yours more than ever. Micky 


ACF. In conjunction with YMCA 


Air Mail 
30. 6. 43 

Mrs. M. Billings 
548 Barkers Road 
East Hawthorn 


VX38483 Gnr M. Billings 
C. Section 2/5 Aust. Hy. A.A 
Battery. A.I.F 2. 7. 43 

My Darling, 
I hardly know where to begin as the
letters I received a few hours ago have me so much
in a dither. Your letters of 18th, 22nd, 23rd, 24th & 25th
June came today and the news staggered me so much
that I feel rather numb and it may take a day or
two before I can say things clearly. Every time I
think of you I almost choke, what a heavy cross you
have been called upon to bear. It was crushing to learn
that after all your sacrifices, that tiny atom you gave
your all to bring into the world was in danger
and that you were deprived of the joy of even seeing
little Richard for days. I shan't labor on the subject
as my distress is acute enough yet how much more
yours must be and I am hoping the horrors of those
days have been followed by an d improving turn on
the upgrade and this finds you both well out of the
wood. I wish to God I knew [[but I?]] am bolstering my
hopes on the a brighter contents of yours of the 25th.
The I only bright spot is the news that you are picking
up as that letter by its tone amply conveyed and
for that I am mighty thankful. If anything like that
had happened to you I would have gone crazy as
much as I wanted the little chap, maybe I could
have borne the loss of him but without you, life



would lose any meaning for me. I do think you were
wonderful writing to me when any movement must
have been exquisite torture, proving that your spirit
and courage is even higher than it always been
before. You know how much I love you, my own and
at a time like this, words fail me in trying to say
how much I feel for you. No matter what happens
that can never alter and the pity of it, that you who
have deserved so well should have to suffer far
beyond the bounds of fairness. So congratulations to
you, precious for a job very well done and I thank
you humbly for your birthday gift which who very nearly
received his anniversary on that same day. I don't know
if I'm doing right in talking about my poor little lad
but I was thrilled to the core to read some details of
how I he looked, how big he was and every thing.
I'm depending in Gods mercy to save such a lovely child
for us as he sounds so marvellous and he's our own
love consummated. After reading the first of your letters
with a sinking heart, you can imagine how I felt
by the time I reached the last one knowing he was
still alive and showing decided signs of clinging to
his place on earth after having a life and strength
struggle to get there. I curse imagination as the mental
picture of you at first and Richard then gives one no
rest and I shall be haunted until I get news that
everything is going to turn out alright. I'm glad 

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