Michael Billings Collection - Wallet 8 - Part 11 of 11

Second World War, 1939–45
  • Love Letters
Accession number:

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in conjunction wi 4 Mail 20643 19 Eq Mrs. M. Gilling 548 Zankers Rd East Hawthoon pctoria
AUSTRALIAN COMEORTS FUND t in conjunccton with 2 V.M.C.A. wdten t 194 CDant yat 226. 43 mon D. Ardrign M Arg SODDDO boyriend fanthel chaphlmichat hadnow Lamgh bcanan prndencenew avetben Defore That blastee mess ad latherswriting was one of may f fet avert and butnStanv become guite a dat at the game Daning conee fate has condimnedt us to metancholy Separationl.at d agan Salshlute to he Annn a funt Mont fDaddance was sut Appes hase nince ahsovationt, speahapd it would be as see of I gotonwith the letter I may Lay Mhm Laght hear donaght
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. ffreced but that nince have to wait d feat stue I shan be glas to got back M ansm Pto sm ae of f g Mr. MadAa Mame days wwhich dafuitely maked me an t oge ighame Laddy Asnt CCOUUUOODD Coberor Me aprt at D abont Dok my we of inspiration n ndouAr t of A anfen daecent eet att the rerenethe Reeeeen oneot hteneen care anceoed oe ef erenen the nt h mnn e f foen en deens for the en enente enne te de ne et e t e eene ee Lte anceceeeceecc f ae an aneae eeceece t e e e e eee Jouas atways Wick Mn Ja unas
2 pcion wth 4d Hail d 22-6.4 HoS. H. Fillings 603 w 9 848 Barkers Road East Hawkhoon Sona
OR00610 Asstrattan the Eewarts
AUSTRALIAN COMPORTS FUND in conjunction with V.M.C.A. VA S134 th g C. Suction 2/8 Adat Aby A/2 fathry. B Barlangn By avewe mone Loully funksday Los daking it all. dnd for a lathday. A Thank Slt agnow thas geas oneand hope hat he meatwill an poped lines lats of greting andvig hasterd and I dont Thr RD Share complain of youd capal ihd that sedpect ar that is nede une be the necessary amenderation by.he ones enable me tob Maddn coneven son aCCnL D0C the Mod deceedo cause to feel mighty happy has e cmphic but as ithmear ow not just how neat
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0 Aid a t 6 Hail (3 210 6 4. o. H. Billings. 48 Barkers Road East Hawthaon Victona
po 159 Balaclava Rd Caulfield Dear Hath, I think it is about time I gave Richard something, won't you, I won't say I had forgothen aboue it because I haant, I told you some time back thats had the material to make up, but found later that I did not have enough to make what I wanted to, so decided to make a blouse for myself instead, and buy something ready made for Richard, but I am afraid, at luying babies clothes I am a washout I have been so several shops and they either, did not have what I wanted, or to my idea what they showed me would not fit a six days old baby, let alone a six months, so in the end I gave it up and decided the best thing to do would be to send you the money to buy what you wanted most as you know best. I send him this little geft, Hath, wishing the little chap the best of beck in this funny old world from his uncle Som & Auntie Hath Very sincerely your Sister Cundaw Hath
Richmont wusk 234 No 22/6/4 2 Mrs M. Billings nant Barke 648 mes on t thee W o S Gast Hawthoen
16 11 TMSSSSSS F 49 PROO6I0 t War Memorial

in conjunction with
Air Mail 20643
Mrs. M. Billings
548 Barkers Rd
East Hawthorn


in conjunction with
VX38483 .....194 
[Gnt?] M Billings, C Section
2/5 Aust. Fty. A.A. Battery
A.I.F    22.6.43 

Darling Kay, 
And so once again the 
boyfriend embarks on a further 
chapter in what has now become 
a lengthy correspondence.  I never 
dreamed I would have written so 
many letters in three years.  
Before this blasted  mess started 
letterwriting was one of my first pet  
aversions but once I started I've 
become quite a dab at the game. 
Seeing cruel fate has condemned 
us to melancholy separation, it 
has proved a grand substitute to 
us particularly when the letters are airborne. 
I just shudder to think how each of us would feel 
just now if a blank wall of silence was our portion. 
After those wise observations, perhaps if would be as 
well if I got on with the letter. I 
may say the light here tonight


in conjunction with

is lousy, very annoying! I again  
venture to wish you loads of  
good health, I don't know whether  
to say in preparation for your task  
or to wish you a quick and complete  
return to your old self. A very  
tantalising situation it is for me  
I assure you. However it is you who is  
doing the job and I'm fortunate that  
I'm beset with nothing worse than  
impatience tinged with some anxiety.  
It won't be long though before a  
lot of jubilation replaces the less  
pleasant feelings. It's strange but  
I have no doubts of the outcome  
but as have done everything  
required of you so thoroughly I'm  
sure it will be one of those occasions  
when the wheel of fortune will swing  
our way. Then your letters will  
take on a rosier hue than ever and  
I shall have the incomplete but  
delightful pleasure of following  
juniors progress, and written by  
such a good correspondent as you


in conjunction with

it will be swell reading. I'm very 
sorry not to be on tap to render 
moral support but it may not be 
long before I shall cross the threshold 
to be right in it. It's mighty sweet 
to have so much to anticipate even 
if the time is uncertain. 
No more letters from you 
but something will turn up any 
day now. I've once more shifted 
my abode so that will delay the 
letters a day or two. I thought 
I would have gone back to the 
boys by now but duty has sent 
me further afield. I'm not  
sorry as it's been a chance to see 
some more of the country and 
much as I want to leave the place 
the scenery is absolutely magnificent.


change. I wish I could tell you  
the names of these different places  
but that will have to wait I fear.  
Still I shall be glad to get back  
to our little canvas home as  
I don't settle down so well in strange  
surroundings at my mature age.  
Which reminds me I'm 31 in two  
days which definitely makes me an  
old fogey. High time I was a  
daddy isn't it? 
Well, sport, that  
about drains my well of inspiration  
for the present so will toddle  
along now for a snooze. I  
send you all my prayers and  
love and know you will turn  
on your usual fine feat if that  
is if I'm not too late with  
my sentiments. Anyway sweet  
you know what I mean. 
Yours always Micky


Opened by Censor. 

Air Mail
Mrs M Billings
548 Barkers Road
East Hawthorn


War Memorial


in conjunction with

VX38483 ...194
[Gnd?] M Billings C Section 
2/5 Aust Hy. A.A. Battery 
A.I.F. 24.6.43

Darling Kay, 
Guess what day it is? 
Pretty punk day too taking it all  
round for a birthday. I think  
I'll ignore this years one and 
hope that the next will be  
on proper lines lots of greetings  
and festivity etc. You can be  
hostess and I don't think I shall  
complain of your capabilities in  
that respect. All that is needed  
will be the necessary consideration  
by the powers to enable me to be  
To change the subject, I  
trust you are feeling your best  
and when this reaches you, good  
cause to feel mighty happy has  
eventuated. I hope that does not  
sound cryptic but as things are  
with me at present, I know not  
just how near you are to the 


in conjunction with


realisation of our dreams but base  
my expectations on what you told  
me recently which gives it a level  
chance of it being over when this  
is delivered. I hope so as it is  
all very unsettling for both of  
us and you have suffered for  
long enough and deserve a  
rich reward. It will certainly be  
a great relief when the news comes  
through as. The last month  
has shown me fully how rotten our  
position is and only that you  
have looked after yourself so well,  
the position would be heaps worse.  
However I've never had any fears  
since I left you that anything but  
success would attend you and it  
is not fear that upsets me but the  
cut off feeling. I havent had any  
more letters from you but under  
the circumstances, I can't expect  
any for a couple of days after  
moving around a bit. I am  
looking forward very eagerly


in conjunction with


to your next and there should be a  
good batch as its your last was  
that of the 10th June. So in a  
day or two I anticipate some pleasant  
reading from you.
I'm feeling pretty good  
in the health line and up here  
theres a bit of sport going which  
is quite a pleasant change. Quite  
a pleasant spot really and that's  
a lot in this joint. Its been  
fun to be in a cool spot after  
the heat at the lower levels.  
So far as the material things  
are concerned, it is not too bad  
but I will be pleased to get back  
to the boys. You get used to your  
old cronies and feel strange with  
new chaps. 
Very sorry for the meagre  
news but you know how it is cut  
off from the world. So for a  
day or two, cheerio, sweetheart  
and I love you like hell. 
Yours always, Micky


Air Mail 
24 6 43 
Mrs M Billings  
248 Barkers Road 
East Hawthorn  


P.S Please Kath 
would you send  
the book back as soon  
as possible  
159 Balaclava Road 
Dear Kath, 
I think it is about time I gave Richard  
something, Don't you. I won't say I had forgotten about  
it because I hadn't, I told you some time back  
that I had the material to make up, but found  
later that I did not have enough to what I  
wanted to, so decided to make a blouse for myself  
instead, and buy something ready made for  
Richard, but I am afraid at buying babies clothes  
I am a washout. I have been to several shops  
and they either, did not have what I wanted , or, to  
my idea what they showed me would not fit a  
six days old baby, let alone a six months, so in  
the end I gave up and decided the best thing to  
do would be to send you the money to buy what  
you wanted most, as you know best. 
I send him this little gift, Kath, wishing the little  
chap the best of luck in this funny old world from  
his Uncle Tom & Auntie Kath. Very sincerely your sister- 
in-law Kath 


Richmond South E.1. 
R No. 234 
Mrs M Billings 
548 Barkers Road 
East Hawthorn 


10 DEC 43 
11 DEC 453 VIC 
10 DEC 43 
War Memorial

Last edited by:
Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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