Michael Billings Collection - Wallet 8 - Part 10 of 11

Second World War, 1939–45
  • Love Letters
Accession number:

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In conjunction with

VX38483 194

Gnr M. Billings 
C Section. 2/5 Aust Hy. A. A. Btty 
2/2 " " Reg 
A.I.F - 16. 6. 43 

Darling Kay, 
To take up the 
story so abruptly broken off in 
my last letter, your letters 
34 to 37 came along just as I 
was getting mine to the post 
and let me tell you, I felt a 
ton more cheerful when I 
had read them even though 
my sanguine hopes were 
confirmed. It was good to see 
a couple from me had reached also fou 
also had graced your letterbox. 
So communication from both
ends of the partnership has now 
been resumed. With your letters 
came one from your mother 
and one from brother Tom so 
the drought was broken with 
a vengeance Thank your 
mother for me, dearest, I shall


In conjunction with

write her as soon as possible.
You sounded very chirpy in your
letters quite pleased with your
thorough preparations so you sure
look like getting away to a
good start next month. It is a
wise notion not to leave any
loose ends when your hands
will be fully occupied with
weightier problems. I'm glad your
brother John is still at the same
spot, they tell me its a swell
part there if a bit remote
but you can't train and disport 
if too near the metropolis.
Anyhow I know which I would prefer
just now. Bad luck about the
chilblains after such immunity
maybe its only a flash in the
pan. Thanks for the writing
paper but I don't think you need
trouble for a while as Mother
Comforts came to the rescue
and I'm set for a while now
with your parcel near at hand 


In conjunction with


to supplement stocks. The
envelopes were the worst problem
really but all is well now. I
don't suppose you found it so easy
to get paper either and I really
prefer to see your writing on the
paper than blank sheets. You
neednt worry about your priceless
words confronting the censor as
yours are never opened, that
privilege appears to be confined
to this end. You have always
been a model in that respect 
and they could never accuse 
you of any indiscretions. By the 
way, checking up I see I've had 
all your letters now so the post 
office is doing O.K by us and I 
just wait greedily for the next 
batch to arrive. Sorry no more 
green envelopes have come my way 
but I'm not despairing and may 
click soon I'm feeling pretty 
good and while I won't say 
I'm looking forward to the


In conjunction with


future months its a much better 
outlook than would be the case 
if you continually felt crook. 
It's a peculiar place this on the 
surface the joint looks quite 
harmless and pleasant but the 
warm moist climate breeds 
everything and renders a few 
hors de combat - a stealthy 
way. Still getting enough grub 
and smokes so starvation ought 
to be one thing a chap can 
avoid. So dont you worry 
about parcels for a while as 
I know things are hard to 
get and you will busy enough 
with Master Richard. I 
shall certainly add any 
supplications that everything turns 
out first class, don't worry, pet 
you will be well looked after 
and will come through with 
flying colors. Cheerio for now 
and again all my love. 
Yours always 


In conjunction with


Air Mail 16 . 6 43 

361 - AUST UNIT POST STN . 17[[?]]

Mrs. M. Billings
548 Barkers Road
East Hawthorn 


In conjunction with

VX 38483 Gnr. M. Billings 
C Section 2/5 Aust Hy. A. A Btty 
2/2 Aust Hy A.A. Regt 
AIF 18 . 6. 43 

Darling Kay, 
It is my great pleasure 
to report another two letters from 
you Nos 38 & 39 and your good 
progress is most gratifying to 
me Very surprising that you 
haven’t had any more from me 
as I've been writing every couple 
of days so you can expect quite 
a few very soon. Seeing you had 
one from Pat, that mail should 
have had something from me. 
Glad he is well if a bit tired 
of a canned diet but that’s 
one thing you have to take or 
starve. You make me envious 
when you talk of cold winds 
etc. how refreshing it sounds 
to a jaded soul! How y can you 
speak so slightingly of my 
I found your doctor’s


In conjunction with


report very satisfying and now 
you have your final instructions 
I’m ticking off the days until 
the magic message reaches me. 
I have a feeling that it will be 
a thriller too so be on your toes 
old bean. Too bad you look 
like being stung for a tenner if 
the doc is right. I know how 
anxious you must be to get it all 
over but isn’t it annoying for that 
particular party who never lets 
up on you all your life. Should 
escape the only time you have 
him in your clutches. The dirty 
rooks! Still that's beside the point 
on such an auspicious occasion 
and we can air our financial troubles 
when the battle is won. I'm very 
thankful I have that piece of 
change left after our honeymoon 
as being away from you at such 
a time is punishment enough 
without leaving you in the cart 
financially. I’m pleased you


In conjunction with


have abandoned your night 
excursions as a scare would 
have most unpleasant results. 
It’s not so bad if you feel up to 
going about a bit in daytime 
now and again 
I haven’t heard a 
thing about coupons, dear so let 
it slide until I hear what is 
doing. By Jove, Sister Dorcas is 
coming good with the duds but 
as I have said before she’s 
an exceptional person. 
Thanks a lot for 
your birthday greetings but the 
one I’m looking forward to is 
that when you can convey them to 
me personally. I’m not forgetful 
however that I’m being compensated 
for my absence by a marvelous 
birthday gift. No sign of the 
parcels yet but I hope they 
will be waiting for me when 
I get back to the mob which 
won’t be long now I think as


In conjunction with


my job looks like finishing up 
soon. I think you can go 
on using the same address 
as the letters are getting here 
pretty speedily and I have not 
been advised of any new 
Well, precious, that 
concludes today's tale of war 
and woe so will prepare 
myself for another culinary 
delight. Eating is no trouble 
to me up here. I would 
take some filling if I were 
on your home cooking. So 
ta-ta Kay and I'm with 
you in spirit all the time 
and know you are going 
to do a champion job. 
With all my love, 


In conjunction with 

Air Mail 18.6.43 

Mrs M Billings 
548 Barkers Road 
East Hawthorn 


In conjunction with

VX 38483 
Gnr. M. Billings 
C. Section 2/5 Aust Hy. A.A. Btty. 
2/2 Aust. Hy. A.A Regt. A.I F 
20. 6 .43. 

Darling Kay 
Once again the old man 
bobs up to pay his respects to the 
dutiful spouse accompanied by the 
hope that she is bright and wise if 
a shade windy as admitted the 
other day. Don't be perturbed about 
that as you would be the first if 
you werent and human nature is 
always a bit too good for heroics. 
Approaching ordeals always give one 
a bit of a quiver and in addition you 
haven't had previous experience so 
you can't be blamed. However you 
have one big advantage in that the 
result will soon relegate the sticky 
part of to the background, of that 
I'm sure. Its funny but maybe 
when you get this, my opinion will 
be stale. Anyhow you will be able 
to tell me whether I'm a Sage


In conjunction with


or an ignoramus. The subject is 
going to be a most welcome addition 
to our list and should solve that 
problem we encounter at times in 
finding something to chat about. 
I can't keep a certain amount of 
incoherence from my letters lately 
as the coming event has got me a 
bit bamboozled and until I get 
a good earful of the doings I can't 
settle down. 
No more letters from you 
since I last wrote but I don't 
mind so long as that one letter 
comes along at the double. If 
the game is dinkum a few more 
from this baby should have 
reached you ere this. I hope so 
as I'm barracking for you very 
loudly and I want you to know 
it. Very sorry no news from here 
things are exactly as they were. 
So cheerio once again and after a 
pause I'll add some more love to the 
swag going herwith. Yours ever 

Last edited by:
Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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