Michael Billings Collection - Wallet 8 - Part 4 of 11

Second World War, 1939–45
  • Love Letters
Accession number:

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you again, I know my loging surn be as strong at wed and wire not be bhiled unte you have taken me to youd heart and by giving yourself and taking me restored my mine and my body to a mor placed frame. Jut, having gone through what you have to consummate and love, I know that a good dear of can wine have to be shown and and sicse neations conducted on a controlled basis. It certainly would not be wise for you to have anather child for quite a while as Ive been the effect of too frequent paegnanceed in normal rmes and then must be possibility of that in your case as the pasition woull be havnful to yyouan in the estaime and I always want to chesiate you not onin you. So sight now we must deteomine to be discreet as we have been to date ane things wrre work out Sadisfactorily. When you have lusure to do so, you had bitted have a balk with yout doctor on the subject and enlarge your knowledge on the whate subject. I must confers my gnaance about a gooe many paints concerning yiles and so on so I feel we showd passess fuu knowledge to that we can regulate and habits and derises to a were balance livel without needing accouse to a fead fill celibacy. Having aegare to and ages and the ups and downs that have best out marrea caried, and systems wirl demane more than
7 would have been the case. We therefore must not boy to Shwart and puropose and remain distatisfied with and lot yet a proped cuob must be put upon and desises so that nothing but happinets and comtentment wire poware. We are both avioage fork in that respect and have a cistain amount of bramty to all will tnon out happily I m suce. When the time is appoitune for an awing of and respective viewed on such a quistion, its rother not to be able to balk it anid togethed, isst it! A lot of the above sounds like double Dubch to me to I'm dubrans if you wise know what I'm actually talking about fau wire need youd intution here. Wew, my precious bundle. that oration has about knocked my inspiration on the head to I'll get along now. Mayle this litter wire be the last for a while of you gathet the infermer, In glad it covers a few pages. If that be so. I'i wish you every ppossble good thing amd on my, how I love you, cuslythatch. I was few I want be fad away from you, your never to be able to prise yoursllf foll from me whereved I am save up the million kisses I send you and arkion with interest lated Hicky PROObO Rtat Fa Mameris
TEHISSN ALD.AUS7 AN9 128 APR AIR- MA B43 ATRMA) 254 H.HS. H. Zellings. 548 Garkers Rond East Hawthoon ctona
PROObIO Ristals Por Rewartal
from Wo VX38 A8 Homo. Tt H. Geelmg BVAACA MM. C. Sechany 215 WFTOMFORTS J Tuat Hy afa Zalleey FUND O0te:2 USE MILITARY ADDRESS ONLY. A.1.T. Austrabia 30443 Da just a line at two t deel you that Im keeping were and hape this finds you as were as you were on your left 22 &24th Apeil Very pleased ry recent scoudd have ceached you O'H and trust it woul be long before this is delivered I hade it wonl be long before I can sene you a much better know effort than hhs but you how it is sometimes It was with myed feelings that I read and repart of your wvieit to the qeack but as long at ye a progathing favorlibly what cis and the man INVOUR LETTER DO NOT REEER TO. The name of your transport, or other transports in your convoy ... dates of salling ... ports of call. destination, descriptions of troops, or other information which If istercanted, will be of value to the enemy
from No.: Hame: W Ualt: Wawsmaiur SCCMOMS FUND Dote: USE MIIITARY AOORESS OMIY. the other properly. Your pe foame of mind is a cridit to you pet and I reckon all be wen with you concequently. 6 sorry that the secone looks like patling to without a letegram from me acoiving but all the same I hape that day is a happy one you as is will be for me It was a bhaning fse and in spate of the upt and downs the best Ive wed known say the next one be spert + under more of acvrable corumitances. An my lon M.cky ona INTOUR LETTER DO NOT REFER TO. Werlar anspert, or other transports in your cenvey ... dates of salling ... ports of call accuations of troops, or other intermation which, if intercented, will be of value to the enems
We Caranach 43 4 30 3 6 1143 in consinemor mm A. I R. MAIE D.2. Mrs. H. Fellings 8 Bankers Roa FHamph
From No. VA 38t 83 Nome. Ht M. Grelings tch Ua. C. Section Jasmai Foos 2/5 Aust. Hy. a/ a Ptty FUND 00t0: 2/2. a/a R2qt USE MILITARY ADORESS ONLY. A.1.F. Aust 13.543 Dailing Kay. Mighty pleasu the appartunty to send you a cheens and a sway of love comet acound again with the hope that it gets to you promptly. Yours 47th have come to of the 4t hand as welcome as the flowers in May and at is eextra good to know you are favig were and not promitting other worried interfere with the success of your big mistion. I i sorry. I want be able to reply very furly to your letters yet awhill but you know how it is, I was to glad that litter of mine of 20 Apd got to you, far quicky than INHbUR LETTER DO NOT REEER TO dates of salling ... ports of call The name of your transport, or other transports in your convoy. destination, descriptions of troops, or other intorratice which if leterranted, will be of value to the ener
From Ne.: Hame: JA Uait: LittS a5 FUND Date: USE MILITARY ADDRESS ONIY I had been led to believe The news about Flan is maoeeious and for Shulas sake I feel terribly lusked, It was a long time in coming but sweeted for all that. You nott litter will be most interisting for me as you vent to the quack will have taken place in the cnterr and that wru be aborbing news. Not much longed ou, dailing and your be pale of your fams and ackes and ramn to 90 for the benefit of his nils. Keyp up a cascade of poayt that it wont be long byon I see you both. I dont know which one of you I will be look forward to INVOUR LETTER DO NOT REEER TO The name of your transport, or other transports in your convoy ... datts of salling ... ports of call destination, descriptions of troops, or other information which if intercanted, will be of value to the enem
From No.: Name: 1 Galt: JasmaVCOs FUND Dote: USE MIIIARY AOORESS ONIY. seeng mast, both of you wrle be such a sight for lose eyes and thats no exaggetation. It was a cow not being able tto wwroe you for the second but it justcould not be managed but even at this late stage I indavse youd remanks about the glonions y sad it was, to take up the ouns with you again will be my shet and you sure need one at partent. Now heard the hooks goin therrs a few things I nel badly so hered the list for you to ponded over some hanket, fruit saits, sale powded to start with pet at and a couple of F&sen Hablett, Dins fils of INAOUR LETTER DO NOT REEER TO. The name of your transport, or other transports in your convoy ... dates of salling ... ports of call. destination, descriptions of troops, or other information which, if letercented, will be of value to the eneme


you again, I know my longing will be as strong as
ever and will not be stilled until you have taken
me to your heart and by giving yourself and taking
me restored my mind and my body to a more
placid frame. But, having gone through what
you have to consummate our love, I know that
a good deal of care will have to be shown and 
our sexual relations conducted on a controlled
basis. It certainly would not be wise for you to have
another child for quite a while as I've seen the effect
of too frequent pregnancies in normal times and there
must be no possibility of that in your case as the
position would be harmful to you and in the
extreme and I always want to cherish you not
ruin you. So right now we must determine to
be discreet as we have been to date and things
will work out satisfactorily. When you have leisure
to do so, you had better have a talk with your
doctor on the subject and enlarge your knowledge
on the whole subject. I must confess my ignorance
about a good many points concerning cycles and so on,
so I feel we should possess full knowledge so
that we can regulate our habits and desires to a
well balanced level without needing recourse to
a fear filled celibacy. Having regard to our ages
and the ups and downs that have beset our married
career, our systems will demand more than



would have been the case. We therefore must not
try to thwart our purpose and remain dissatisfied
with our lot yet a proper curb must be put upon
our desires so that nothing but happiness and
contentment will prevail. We are both average folk
in that respect and have a certain amount of brains,
so all will turn out happily I'm sure. When
the time is opportune for an airing of our respective
views on such a question, its rotten not to be able
to talk it over together, isnt it?  A lot of the
above sounds like double Dutch to me so I'm
dubious if you will know what I'm actually talking
about. You will need your intuition here.
Well, my precious bundle
that oration has about knocked my inspiration
on the head so I'll get along now. Maybe
this letter will be the last for a while if you
gather the inference. I'm glad it covered a few
pages. If that be so, I'll wish you every
possible good thing and oh my, how I love
you, curlythatch. Never fear I wont be far 
away from you, youll never to be able to prise
yourself free from me wherever I am.
Save up the million kisses I
send you and return with interest later

War Memorial


1 -AM
10 27 APR 10
25 4. 43

Mrs. M. Billings.
548 Barkers Road
East Hawthorn 


War Memorial 


From No.: VX38483   
Name: Gnr M Billings
Unit: C Section, 2/5
Aust . Hy A/A Battery
Date:   2/2 A/A Regt
A.I.F. Australia 30-4-43

Just a line or two to tell
you that I'm keeping well and
hope this finds you as well
as you were in your letters of
22nd &24th April. Very pleased
my recent screeds have reached
you O.K and trust it wont be
long before this is delivered.
I hope it won't be long before I
can send you a much better
effort than this but you know
how it is sometimes. It was
with mixed feelings that I read
your report of your visit to the
quack but, as long as you
are  progressing favorably, thats
the main concern and I 

The name of your transport, or other transports in your convoy ... dates of sailing ... ports of call.
destination, descriptions of troops, or other information which if intercepted, will be of value to the enemy.


From No.:

suppose the other will work 
out properly. Your present 
frame of mind is a credit to
you, pet and I reckon all will
be well with you consequently.
I was'm sorry that the second
looks like falling by without
a telegram from me arriving
but all the same I hope
that day is a happy one for
you as it will be for me. 
It was a stirring feat and
in spite of the ups and downs,
the best I've ever known.
May the next one be spent
in under more favorable
circumstances. All my love
pet  Micky

W A Casanach

The name of your transport, or other transports in your convoy ... dates of sailing ... ports of call.
destination, descriptions of troops, or other information which if intercepted, will be of value to the enemy.


W A Casanach



Mrs M Billings 
548 Barkers Road 
East Hawthorn 


From No.: VX38 483
Name: Gnr M Billings
Unit: C.  Section
2/5 Aust Hy a/a Battery
Date:     2/2 a/a Regt
A.I.F. Australia 

Darling Kay,
Mighty pleased the 
opportunity to send you a cheerio 
and a swag of love comes
around again with the hope that
it gets to you promptly. Yours 
of the 4th & 7th have come to
hand as welcome as the flowers
in May and it is ? extra
good to know you are faring 
well and not permitting other
worries interfere with the success
of your big mission. I'm sorry,
I wont be able to reply very
fully to your letters yet awhile but
you know how it is, I was so
glad that letter of mine of 30th
Apr got to you, far quicker than

The name of your transport, or other transports in your convoy ... dates of sailing ... ports of call.
destination, descriptions of troops, or other information which if intercepted, will be of value to the enemy.


I had been led to believe. The
news about Fran is marvellous
and for Sheila's sake I feel
terribly bucked, It was a long
time in coming but sweeter for
all that. Your next letter
will be most interesting for me
as your visit to the quack will
have taken place in the interim
and that will be absorbing news.
Not much longer now, darling
and you'll be full of your pains
and aches and rarin' to go 
for the benefit of his nibs. Keep
up a cascade of prayers that
it wont be long before I see
you both. I don't know which one
of you I will be look forward to

The name of your transport, or other transports in your convoy ... dates of sailing ... ports of call.
destination, descriptions of troops, or other information which if intercepted, will be of value to the enemy.


seeing most, both of you will be
such a sight for sore eyes and
that's no exaggeration. It was
a cow not being able to wire you
for the second but it just could
not be managed but even at
this late stage I endorse your
remarks about the glorious year
it was, to take up the reins
with you again will be my spur
and you sure need one at present.
Now heres the hooks go in
theres a few things I need pretty
badly so here's the list for you
to ponder over. Some hankies,
fruit salts, talc-powder to start
with, pet at and a couple of
tins of Figsen tablets. Tins

The name of your transport, or other transports in your convoy ... dates of sailing ... ports of call.
destination, descriptions of troops, or other information which if intercepted, will be of value to the enemy.

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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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