Michael Billings Collection - Wallet 8 - Part 3 of 11

Second World War, 1939–45
  • Love Letters
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AUSTRALIAN COMFORTS FUND in Consinction with V.M.C.A. IVee Military Address CntrI No. 194 an solution than that we must lave me that silent fet anticulate ashion that will be and orward for and sincerity and constancy. Nchwarly then is a good measure of pacor in and respective makeupt Out love has been a total thing to me, lacking nothing, were it a hassiontell Thing we would be Bubnarmal people. Your lovinaken to me is a thing of light and shade exflecting clealy the tnels of sand sail. Onr patsion was nst and without e shoving the pormitive in the ather, the cullame now to much anticipated meend have come to fourtien. alway hape that when to we my made woud comme the natues of shoving loved, steadfast wife are devatu mothe. The ast two you passess and I think theh is complimentsay to MAIL VOUR LETTERS AP.O. O NOF MEATION MI AI
AUSTRALIAN COMFORTS FUND Eg 4 in Conjunction with V.M.C.A (Uee Military Address only) NO M 6 92 the atherd Like ather things paston is a necessity poovided it is spent on he one petor who is entibled to eveeything from you It is one of many things that make the athed lave fu, without it a vital fov is lalking. As the one upon you have laushed your fine, I know I have neved experienced luch is helaahio as at that lime nod have I wil feet That petor was to much of me. If that sensation is wrong then I am more than a how ean not supernature beings and pull a sigeable part of and ilues must then be occupe nith the naturce denard an bodies my mcolihio of there burnant yourbase nights are firlie sath happineds and were we to moet those months again Icould do othing different Goodlge. Sweet bundle. I love you to much MAIL VOUR LETTERS APO. OO NOT MENTIOH HHTTARY AETIVITIES.
HIR. MAIL 22 M.S. H. Billings 548 Barkers Road East Hawthorn sctoria
1200610 Restra War Memorial
24 4. 43 Darling Ray Well here is Dad again dashing off a few lines while favorable conditions remain for regulad correspondence. Since I got yesterdays mestage away yours of the dtit came along and I see my literary mattespued are not written in vain. two getting to you the day before you wrote seeing you injoy my humble words to hearty llike it pleases me to Se they duly ract you I ccho you pentiments that its no fun writing if the intended recipent misted out beut they are sum to reach She addresse. I'm glad you were able he bob out, and see I wen and hid appping I don't think Dey knows shee hae such a tough yus from what he hold me so, I shaw keep Hum about that aspectt Its nice to know the Gurbane F aonand are tuoning aut finve hearly ppecimens, I like to think goed laddie w be the conmest of the lot and why not, lt Ifoure suse giving him crefince spi to out of common decency he showe be the goods I is. I suppose you have mice feelings when visiting the mathers who have been through the hoops but it wort be long now before you werr be setting ip acknowledging the plandits of the chieds admising throng. I know how your fee then as once an a peome of suspense is aved you will fu a baw of musch. Think of it pt, faruurn to all those aggravating discomprts, k rtum to gud sweetheast pospartions, and the finst johm theatment attanting yout capable hands and laving heart your teke a lete with Dat R.dge shand be enjoyable for you as shis such a cerm, matter of eact eerton and t goid company I see I stand conseled to the lack of waonth in my orgar for hed t or thuti kng Egad Aercanonging me to be Surdeving bentments of love to my friends wife, shame on you Justicfor that I shau attempt to have an affair with hid when Ii down son leave and thay out late of nights ane drink but every Saturday. That weer seave you to Appaecate my single divation. Irathed farly myself as a D octad even if I am a bit out of pracha but I you are at good as youewere my romantic
outpansings shand be within your power ato scope with from youd recent letters, I have d hunch that you wont have been aviole from some wosing I think I shall adapt the attitude that paving ben aury from you so long I shaw handly know you and lay suge to your affections right from Scratch. How does that ylan of camparge appeal to you you certainly havnt got that welling burnels all you own way by a long chack, my portly loved. The lack of yonl. wondrond ministrations is a major forment of mine particularly of nights at any sine, the problin of breadwinning wire keep us apart by day but the peowe ordaine that we iu be togethed, nighhie is at ipaesent very ban for me. can handly ful satisfed (without a 7) at present when anumber ancet of the manuiaus times we has togethed up here so forguentyuse up Appo all, its not to much to ask to be promitted a nomal life with yaund uip, it the life are you have to be extamuly storial to jut up with othing at ace for long peowed The antinpation of what a trumdans time we shall have lake of nauy keept you going ane we an ging to dave and onard as we want it A aturthstanding the depowations and discomports, the baly un bealvation to keep you occupied, the hundred and one thing that ure be aequised tto be done to make him the wored beat kid and nathing makes tmme oply like congunce work Remember darling, you med not knack yourse and spending thould sathing in a tootuare porn writng to me as you ane the faily to consider now. Oh. I sent gent iin back ths morning a sthats fradotep o dowhand I shall Aiminate the new and she you that nathing woud be lovelied than to heap kilders for you, take your poagount body in liy and and love you unlie sleep claimed us. Fore night o000 sible mathed trcky Rustratian t rare
BRISBANE ALD.AUST. 5 -PN 24 APH 1943 AIR. MAIL AIRNAI M.S. H. Billings 24443 548 Barkers Road East Hawthoon Picton
PROObI0 Restralian te Eenorts
25 4 43 Davling May Another Sunday has come around and apted being one of the conguegation at the local kisk this morning I have planted my battom down, taken out pen and paped and let my thoughts pron in you direction. I was invited to partake of hea at Heath St today but leave is not available until five if at al. If it comed off I shall dash post haste out there but as its a said hrip I look like being late. unfortunately theres no man today so have not had the pleasure of scanning a page sd two to from yout your hands not did I you any better y esterday but theres a better sine coming in that respect So that limits the range of subjects to that with you about but who knows what wne manned of things that come before the minds eye as they to opten do. I had intended to difed that umpil I had arached the old forks place ad the Surroundings there are very conginial for an intimate yamn to the little lady So here goes Fiost I parfan any furthed Sentenced with a laving hape that you are feeling fine and that Haster R. chard and you are co-aperating excurtly. It has been most gratifying to read of youd soune hearth and as the day of dawning draws nigh,
that assuoance is a great camfort. I always seckoned you were a fine specimen of the fimate of the species and with pardonable vanity, I look like backing a winnet. I just couldnt see that a party who cauld stow away the goub like you and be suel a hearty apponent in a scupple one other frolies could be anything but a fine product of the race Anyway. The last few years have fully borne out that opinson and you are sure my trump card and neved fail to take the tricks. Tearching for a toper of discussion between ut I find in one of you orcent letters a good diar of fore for thought in a mathd hat you aightly him important. St concerns oud future relations when the eagerly awarted ruinisn comes to pasd. Me. two, who sought and found full ripion when we were togethed and alone an naturally hungry for the tine to arrive when we can ended to the ather confentment and foredom from that awfue foustration that accompanied ab abstinance from i proformance of naturae funchons. I find it havd to put into words exactly what I mean but I hope you can gathed the import of my observations. I am attracted to you in so many ways, one of which is that when I want to passets you, you give yourself so forely and fully that nathing remains of my desise. It is impossible to banish from my mind that fact and when I get next to

in Conjunction with
(Use Military Address only)


solution than that we must 
love in that silent yet articulate
fashion that will be our reward 
for our sincerity and constancy.
Naturally there is a good measure of
passion in our respective make- ups.
Our love has been a total thing
to me, lacking nothing, were it a
passionless thing we would be
subnormal people. Your lovemaking
to me is a thing of light and
shade reflecting clearly the trueness
of your soul. Our passion was
never lust and without the other
stirring the primitive in the other,
the outcome now so much anticipated
could never have come to fruition.
I always hoped that when I wed,
my mate would combine the
virtues of stirring lover, steadfast
wife and devoted mother. The
first two you possess and I think
the third is complementary to 



in Conjunction with
(Use Military Address only)


the others. Like other things. passion
is a necessity provided it is spent
on the one person who is entitled
to everything from you. It is one of
many things that make the other
love you, without it a vital force
is lacking. As the one upon whom
you have lavished your fire, I know
I have never experienced such exhilaration
as at that time nor have I ever felt
that person was so much of me. If
that sensation is wrong then I am
more than ever perplexed. We are
not supernatural beings and quite a
sizeable part of our lives must then be
occupied with the natural desires 
of our bodies. My recollections of
those brilliant Brisbane nights are
filled with happiness and were we to
re-enact those months again I could do
nothing different   Good-bye, sweet
bundle. I love you so much



Mrs. M. Billings
548 Barker's Road
East Hawthorn


War Memorial


24. 4. 43
Darling Kay,
Well here is Dad again dashing off a
few lines while favorable conditions remain for regular
correspondence. Since I got yesterdays message away
yours of the 21st came along and I see my literary
masterpieces are not written in vain, two getting to you
the day before you wrote. Seeing you enjoy my humble
words so hearty like it pleases me to see they duly reach
you. I echo your sentiments that its no fun writing if the
intended recipient misses out but they all seem to reach
the addressee. I'm glad you were able to bob out, and see
Gwen and her offspring. I don't think Daisy knows she had
such a tough spin from what he told me so, I shall keep
Mum about that aspect.  Its nice to know the Brisbane
Victorians are turning out fine hearty specimens,  I like to
think your laddie will be the bonniest of the lot and
why not, eh?  Youre sure giving him a fine spin so out of
common decency he should be the goods.  Yes, I suppose
you have mixed feelings when visiting the mothers
who have been through the hoops but it won't be long now
before you will be sitting up acknowledging the plaudits
of the childs admiring throng. I know how you'll feel then
as once an a period of suspense is over, you will feel a
ball of muscle. Think of it pet, farewell to all those
aggravating discomforts, a quick return to your sweetheart
proportions and the finest job in the world awaiting your
capable hands and loving heart.
Your tete-a-tete with Dot Ridge
should be enjoyable for you as she's such a calm,
matter of fact person and extra good company.  I see
I stand corrected for the lack of warmth in my regard
for her. That thinking [[?]] just encouraging me to be
tendering sentiments of love to my friends wife, shame on you.
Just for that, I shall attempt to have an affair with her
when I'm down on leave and stay out late of nights and
drink beer every Saturday. That will learn you to
appreciate my single devotion.  I rather fancy myself as a
Lochinvar even if I am a bit out of practice but if
you are as good as you were my romantic



outpourings should be within your power to cope with.
From your recent letters, I have a hunch that you won't
have been averse from some wooing.  I think I shall
adopt the attitude that having been away from you so
long I shall hardly know you and lay siege to your
affections right from scratch. How does that plan of
campaign appeal to you.  You certainly havent got that
missing business all your own way by a long chalk, my
pretty lover, the lack of your wondrous ministrations
is a major torment of mine particularly of nights. At
any time, the problem of breadwinning will keep us
apart by day but the period ordained that we will be
together, nightime is at present very bare for me. One
can hardly feel satisfied (without a y) at present when
remembrances of the marvellous times we had together
up here so frequently rise up.  After all, its not so much
to ask to be permitted a normal life with your wife, its 
the life and you have to be extremely stoical to put up
with nothing at all for long periods.   The anticipation
of what a tremendous time we shall have later on really
keeps you going and we are going to have our reward
as we want it.
Notwithstanding the deprivations and
discomforts, the baby will be your salvation to keep you
occupied, the hundred and one things that will be
required to be done to make him the world's best kid
and nothing makes time fly like congenial work
Remember, darling, you need not
knock yourself out spending hours sitting in a 
tortured position writing to me as you are the
party to consider now. Oh. I sent your tin back
this morning so that's fixed up
I shall terminate this now and tell
you that nothing would be lovelier than to heap
kisses upon you, take your fragrant body in my arms
and love you until sleep claimed us.  Good night
little mother.

War Memorial 


5 -PM
10 24 APR 10
24 4 43
Mrs. M. Billings 
548 Barker's Road
East Hawthorn



War Memorial


25 . 4 . 43
Darling Kay.
Another Sunday has come around
and after being one of the congregation at the
local kirk this morning I have planted my
bottom down, taken out pen and paper and
let my thoughts turn in your direction. I was
invited to partake of tea at Heath St today but
leave is not available until five if at all. If
it comes off I shall dash post haste out there
but as its a fair trip I look like being late.
Unfortunately theres no mail today so have not
had the pleasure of scanning a page or two
to from your fair hands nor did I fare any
better yesterday but theres a better time coming in
that respect  So that limits the range of subjects
to chat with you about but who knows what
manner of things that will come before the mind's eye
as they so often do. I had intended to defer  this
until I had reached the olf old folks place
as the surroundings there are very congenial for an
intimate yarn to the little lady.  So here goes.
First I preface any further sentences with a
loving hope that you are feeling fine and that
Master Richard and you are co-operating excellently.
It has been most gratifying to read of your sound
health and as the day of dawning draws nigh,



that assurance is a great comfort. I always reckoned
you were a fine specimen of the female of the
species and with pardonable vanity, I look like
backing a winner. I just couldn't see that a party
who could stow away the grub like you and be such
a hearty opponent in a scuffle and other frolics
could be anything but a fine product of the race.
Anyway, the last few years have fully borne out that
opinion and you are sure my trump card and never
fail to take the tricks. Searching for a topic of
discussion between us I find in one of your recent
letters a good deal of food for thought in a matter
that you rightly term important. It concerns our
future relations when the eagerly awaited reunion
comes to pass.  We, two, who sought and found
full return when we were together and alone are
naturally hungry for the time to arrive when we can
render to the other contentment and freedom from
that awful frustration that accompanies absence
abstinence from performance of natural functions.
I find it hard to put into words exactly what I
mean but I hope you can gather the import of my
observations. I am attracted to you in so many ways,
one of which is that when I want to possess you,
you give yourself so freely and fully that nothing
remains of my desire. It is impossible to banish
from my mind that fact and when I get next to

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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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