Michael Billings Collection - Wallet 8 - Part 2 of 11

Second World War, 1939–45
  • Love Letters
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AUSTRALIAN COMFORTS FUND 2 in Conjunction with V.M.C.A. (Ose MIItEry Address OMITI 10 22 4 1942 Dasting Bax Hens that my rxparting a further days progat at laik of it as were as the avoual of yout litter No.L which is fad more important sary you mitted out on the mare the day you wrote but litters get a bit sparmodic at limes as I have cause Tto know and the fault shaued have been rectified by rowt and youd goonny proguastications of departure have ot been realised as yet. I think I'm not exaggerating when I think you we not berg fad out thaugh. Iau A.H. R has sent you a nate as I asked her so the parition is more deat to you. I'm sorry I can't give you any news of yaud brathed as I havnt heard of his mab avoune here which is a likely spot to pick up such information. If o haven hed news you can be flitty whice a his braviei MAH VOUR LETTES APO. To r MertON MILEY ACMMITIS
AUSTRALIAN -UND COMFORTS 9 in Conjunction with V.M.C.A. Ves MIItary Address OnyI 2 No 194 must of sand moth ga me a naety shock as Ihad no idee she had gonet dawnhul so much since I last saw hed. The iparssian I got when I was down that she lasked better than fot peile a time being veay much alive a Spoightly. Hawived you neved know you doe with a dicky clock but 8ho you fas an far fom nali it woud a tragidy for anything te happen after waiting to patiently. has son to come ome Of coude. I wisl get a letter away to his right away and don't be thinking Ie askloy a lot as anything one cas do to help those we lave is just the right thing to do. shis a grat scaut and if she looks upon me as a son, no less do o regard het at a mathed. you can thank her for many of the admiable qualiteed Pavaund my love for fut MAIVOUR LES APO. O0 NO MOMIAE AIITIES
AUSTRALIA COMFORTS FU 2 in Consunction with V.M.C.A Oa MuHtary Addren Ont 194 te to Eli p Iols for youd wellome sun garent and fame ale in arder I can were imagine tum is a bit up it over profecled actwitied on the it of his sons but its are in the 0 ame and the pance of and fork have to pay. I hape the bloody ends soon bef it wreaks oable havey on and minds a bodies. He wonded yeu wen glas to secape from the dispondency that accompanies visits to than who then tined treat handly and fine yo thoughts and the divissions of the plicks. The Reds will like yout eft of a dogge for the new avowar which inuduvary is very much on this earth now. Loar kidy Iurie be as plesed as I think when put anfment is aued at I nalue how a tum little spoot like you must feel towards yend avowdenois, just a man rovn ince a80 00 NOr MENON MMIAEY ACTMITIES
AUSTRALIAN COMFORTS FUND tg 2 in Conjunction with V.M.C.A. IVee Military Address CnlyI No 4 m 194 lattee to tweetheas and your shed it an and be the snuggleburny you were in Gorsbane aout feel to badly about it. you aaint early any different to any others waiting for values. You suve were be jent tols when you came home f hospital laying a saed fundatio + the masters careet. Ito going to be a brg job, and as yu say, your be to busy the days wre spee by under that harpe went, the d come face be fac one more smites us The cake was lovily darling and myself ane there poualiged to get a thu obbed a nar calt youn hat stuff in the cialinay line me I can visualise many delletable feeds I shaw denalist as a briberte o jaid ast. It sums like Ieebe sing you up to some arded but feel me, can you take it? foe luck the weathed MrWON IOTE R.S. OO NOF MERO IA ACI.
AUSTRALIAN COMFORTS FUND E. 4 in Conjunction with M.C.A. Ues MIItary Address Cntrl No 5 amnnnne O Hm has not been very propitious down there, I hape the chills and wet pass you by as I deelan youd vanaus trials are pretty good meature for any person to put up with shee the same here, hat as were as ewealy but as its always like that you getused to it. Were when you ptart talking about the weathed, its time to finish and a most sumptiroud lunchion is bekoning me in a few minutes, so Cheeks my foelly laved, lately I'in just about for love of you and eithing came be w than this hell of a separation. I won't samely say I love you you know how it is. bundle. Goe go with us and end it soon. Fa. Sa gave ald kay and Rechard, I do so want you both HK or MO MITRET ACMIIS
AIR. 22.4. 43 MAIL 216 H.s. H. Fuling 48 Barkers Rds East Jawthoon F ctoris
AUSTRALIAN FUr COMFORTS in Conunction with V.M.C.A. e Miltiary Adbres Mndr No 184 mn da 23.4.43 ding R. be sweet of your my sweet one to wangle me three letters yesterday 16h & 20 yours of the 15th Apeil gladdening my heart. The first two look a long while to seach me, lalet ones before them. And you for I see have not been forsken so all cound thats not bo bad You must be ppe good as you id not bathed to mention howo feet Anas f the robust lively letters is fue of de to - as perfectly satisfied that u Dr In car I forgotten, everything you sent me had avonie in sip Hop condition The cale was megnificent, the pa is as sweet as net so I reckon you a peach ane yend ou man at we moment is going for you i a by way for you wanty St MAII JOUR LEITERSAP.D. JO NOF MENTION GRIARY ACTIVITIES.
AUSTRALIAN COMFORTS FUND in Conjunction with V.M.C.A We0 Miltsry Address Onr No m looks as though I can send i The cake hor back and will hap on to it today. Ive work it out this way that I by sending at back you may feel will disposed toward me and sine me another one later Today the weathed is more like Helboumne, raming intermittently, the skied dirty go wroything damp and cold tathing fuother to expart atherwise but preparations are continuing I have a munch I word enjoy the at all but then we ar hireat on luncy conditions to it wrre be just too read. Theo depration woure be none of these great letters you send me like to get them eyularly inthere of a balch apted a long wait I sae the slye you thought was coming did not linged long as the ase to Annaw 444 ng MAIL VOUR Ie APO. ] DO NOF MENTION MILYTARY ACTIVITIES.
AUSTRALIA COMFORTS F 0 4 in Conjunction with M.C. A. Use Military Address only mn Mnnn 194 an What a shame about adas broach, ats a sobten blow to los such a breamon miments are I can amagine how the ost dead feet Today being Tooe Ferday I must day and I get away to church this afternoon The church neat hea is a fat more partinhaus stouchion than the faurand one, e of the show places of the disese Ive entouged my knowledge of clys envions lately ane the local pubt is the best one sie been his state I was impressed by yent visions of what a good time isin e for us on my next furlaugh yu betcha we wre int into I beautiful new persod of that peet essence that first in nto me long ago and has nived leased so couse strongly through I weytime I think I yo MAIL VOURI A. 00 nor Meryor mther acm
AUSTRALIA COMFORTS FUI 0 in Conjunction with V.M.C. A Wee Militery Address ontyl No. 4 194 Perhaps it wonld not be were to gueet me with the epant in jaud asd ds he might be squarted to death with the impact. You ask me to fhue haw I would my han n to infore. I think I would peyped to blow in fairly late in the apternoon and have just enaugh time to kell ad talk to you long ineugh for us to caln down a bit and while you busnd yourself ifsiding the famished warrd I caud go and get sushhet acquaintie with his by hughness mnet done and Daly packed off to bee you are & meak off to the loat next and rimenitce and glory in the knowlesg that what we had waited for and deeamed of for to long her came iepass. And so or unhe we had forged anoselues into that communion of movd and dince that then would be no other m roin tores 480 OO NOT MENTION MLITARY ACTNITIES.

In Conjunction with
(Use Military Address only) 

Darling Kay,
Heres that guy reporting 
a further days progress or lack of it
as well as the arrival of your letter
No..2 which is far more important
Sorry you missed out on the mail the
day you wrote but letters get a bit
spasmodic at times as I have cause
to know and the fault should have
been rectified by now and your gloomy.
prognostications of departure have
not been realised as yet. I think I'm
not exaggerating when I think you
are not very far out though. I see
Mrs. R has sent you a note as I
asked her so the position is more
clear to you. I'm sorry I can't give
you any news of your brother as I
haven't heard of his mob around
here which is a likely spot to pick
up such information. If your you
haven’t had news you can be pretty
sure he’s travelling somewhere. 



In Conjunction with
(Use Military Address only)


I must say your news of your mother
gave me a nasty shock as I had
no idea she had gone downhill 
so much since I last saw her. The
impression I got when I was down
that she looked better than for 
quite a time being very much alive
and sprightly.  However you never know
where you are with a dicky clock but
I hope your fears are far from realised,
it would a tragedy for anything to
happen after waiting so patiently for
her son to come home. Of course.
I will get a letter away to her right
away and don't be thinking it’s
asking a lot. as anything one can do
to help those we love is just
the right thing to do. She’s a great
scout and if she looks upon me as
a son, no less do I  regard her as a
mother. You can thank her for
many of the admirable qualities
that aroused my love for you, pet.



In Conjunction with
(Use military address only) 


So pleased you hopped over to Glen  
Iris for your welcome Sunday  
jaunt and found all in order.  
I can well imagine Mum is a bit  
upset over projected activities on the  
part of her sons but it’s all in the  
game and the pain of our folk  
have to pay . I hope the bloody  
war ends soon before it wreaks  
irreparable havoc on our minds  
and bodies .  No wonder you were glad  
to escape from the despondency that  
accompanies visits to those who these  
times treat hardly and for your  
thoughts amid the diversions of the  
flicks.  The Reids will like your  
gift of a doggie for the new arrival  
which incidentally is very much on  
this earth now.  Poor kid, I will  
be as pleased as you, I think, when your  
confinement is over as I realise how  
a trim little sport like you must feel  
towards your avoirdupois,  just a 



In Conjunction with
(Use Military Address only) 


a little longer now, Sweetheart and  
you’ll shed it all and be the  
snugglebunny you were in Brisbane.  
Don’t feel to badly about it, you aren’t  
really any different to any others  
waiting for babies.  You sure will be  
on your toes when you come home from  
hospital, laying a solid foundation  
for the master's career. It’s going to  
be a big job, and as you say, you’ll be  
so busy the days will speed by until  
that terrific event, the day we come  
face to face and more smiles us. 
The cake was lovely  
darling and myself and those privileged  
to get a slice voted it a real cake.  
You’re hot stuff in the culinary line  
and I can visualise many delectable  
feeds I shall demolish as a tribute 
to your art. It seems like I’ll be  
using you up to some orders but  
tell me, can you take it? 
Bad luck the weather



In Conjunction with
(Use Military Address only) 


has not been very propitious down
there, I hope the chills and wet
pass you by as I declare your
various trials are pretty good measure
for any person to put up with. Still
the same here, hot as well as sweaty
but as its always like that you get used
to it.  Well,  when you start talking
about the weather, it's time to
finish and a most sumptuous  
luncheon is beckoning me in a
few minutes.  So Cheers my pretty 
lover,  lately I'm just about  
choking for love of you and  
nothing could be worse than this  
hell of a separation. I won't tamely
say I love you. You know how it
is, bundle!  God go with us and
end it soon.
Ta. for good old Kay and  
young Richard, I do so want you



22.4. 43 


Mrs.  K. Billings
548 Barkers Rd
East Hawthorn 


In Conjunction with
(Use Military Address only)

29. 4. 43.
Darling Kay,.                                
So sweet of you, my sweet
one to wrangle me three letters
yesterday . yours of the 15th, 16th & 20th  
April gladdening my heart. The
first two took a long while to  
reach me. later ones arriving before  
them. And you too. I see have 
not been forsaken so all round
thats not to bad. You must be 
feeling feeling powerful good as you 
did not bother to mention how you  
felt.  Anyway the robust lively  
tone of your letters is full of cheers  
so I was perfectly satisfied that  
you were swell.  In case I’ve  
forgotten, everything you sent me  
has arrived in tip top condition. 
the cake was magnificent , the pipe 
is as sweet as nut so I reckon youre  
a peach and your old man at  
the moment is going for you in a  
big way for your generosity. It


In Conjunction with
(Use Military Address Only)

looks as though I can send you  
the cake tin back so and will hop  
on to it today. I've worked it out
this way that I by sending it
back you may feel well disposed
toward me and send me another
one later.  Today the weather is
more like Melbourne, raining
intermittently. the skies dirty grey  
and everything damp and cold.  
Nothing further to report otherwise 
but preparations are continuing. I  
have a hunch I won’t enjoy the  
venture at all  but then we aren’t  
hired at on luxury conditions.  So  
it will be just too bad. The worst  
deprivation would be none of those  
great letters you send hear [?] me. I  
like to get them regularly instead  
of a batch after a long wait. I  
hope the stye you thought was  
coming did not linger long as they  
are to annoying and unsightly.



In Conjunction with
Y.M.C. A.
(Use Military Address only)

What a shame about Ada’s brooch,  
it’s a rotten blow to lose such a  
treasured memento and I can  
imagine how the poor dear felt .
Today being Good Friday I must try
and get away to church this
afternoon.   The church near here 
is a far more pretentious structure 
than the previous one , one of  
the show places of the diocese.
I've enlarged my knowledge of the
city's environs lately and the
local pub is the best one I’ve been  
in in this State.
I was impressed by your  
visions of what a good time is in  
store for us on my next furlough  
and you betcha we will enter  
into a beautiful new period of that  
fairest essence that first infused  
into me long ago and has never  
ceased to course strongly through  
me everytime I think of you.



in Conjunction with
Y.M.C. A
(Use Military Address only) 

Perhaps it would not be wise to
greet me with the infant in your arms  
as he might be squashed to death  
with the impact.  You ask me to  
picture how I would wish my homecoming  
to unfold.  I think I would prefer  
to blow in fairly late in the afternoon  
and have just enough time to kiss 
and talk to you long enough for  
us to calm down a bit and  
while you busied yourself feeding the 
famished warrior I could go and  
get further acquainted with his tiny  
highness.  Dinner done and baby  
packed off to bed . you and I  
sneak off to the love nest and  
reminisce and glory in the knowledge  
that what we had waited for  
and dreamed of for so long had  
come to pass.  And so on until  
we had forged ourselves into that  
communion of mood and desire  
that there would be no other

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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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