Michael Billings Collection - Wallet 8 - Part 1 of 11

Second World War, 1939–45
  • Love Letters
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AUSTRALIAN FUN COMEORTS 2 in Consunction with V.M.C. A. WOee Military Address Mnlr No. 2043 Darling Ray. I hape darting fats is smeling upon you in the mathr of mail more often than it dad to me al yaud mast weecame epetled have not met my eye for i whate days. That I em to be is but &least it wn 6 ati for the Lwis we 8 the me 2 Stiel I nst admit land paittyw sat thes only Today. yo & cake amw l have reot clecine The Woothsome dela A though when the wont act led comes off I ho to be able to mai the hin back to you it depends on divilaments that pear to be an and very from now ase fisit bet me in ond beac and 2 n Mn Nrovp LFTERS APO D0 NOT MENTON MIAEY ACTHITIES
AUSTRALIAN COMFORTS FUND 9 in Conjunction with V.M.C.A. IWee Military Address Cntyl No. 194 a with t which I trust a e these manfisted in yand last scous I'm apaid thiass not a good deal to tack about today as the day is very at and I feel a bit woarly in the t I'm feeling fine hanned and have just cleane up a prorkes of washing while the apparhunity ocmad miss the cappet though on the t ati me fate here is the out set vanity. It wen be ewen ft on some when a chap can iee were landine ands again and too like a crtiee man mateed of a superior sort of convict Ils gave to beat are approarhing the completion of the young blakes wardrolu yen ha judeed t meely and the thing must be a sweet little corrction. If it did tion out to be a double eount, it sine would complicate MAIL VOUR LSTs Apa. O0 NOF MENTION MIJAEV ACTMTIES
AUSTRALIAN CONFORTS FUND Enq 4 in Comsuntion iith V.M.C. A. W Military Addrown Ont No 181 for Id hape pnd ti oot is on modest lines and shall be in a fevid to gand letter app yout hext visit to the medies. The bg day is auing neat now and it it caw to go away when a f weeks would probably huther be here nor there to the bigshals I had a letter from Chal consenting to stand as godfallet o us and wru ceply later 1 a has erquisted that the chuten not be held on a Saturday as he had to go to the gay club that da to officiate as Se stacy &Licien fau can tark and the detaild with a and fix arrangements up O.H t hers new my ely one I gotte nnalong mest, I hape the love I feel b that ackates this littel, nae Senndle. Micky pudile. Heeps a Resil Many rovn WrHS APD O0 NOF MENTION MMITAEY ACTIIIIEE
20.4.43 H.S. H. Bulings 548 Bankers Road East Hawthoon Pictoria 6
P200610 Rostrallan far Memorial
AUSTRALIA FUN COMFORTS in Convunction with V.M.C.A Wee MIIitary Address Ontr No 21913 Hy dading. a shaft of bright light has appeared through the much, you letter Ho coming to the riscue last night when I had given up hope and was thinking of taking to dimk. There appears to be one at two pourant ond shee is bransit to now the drought has broken maybe theyll him up today. To glad here of mine reached you and I can imagine yeur feelings fhid you had prepar yourself for a wait Shill idling ar here and it getting on my quinee a brt acthough the camp is not too bad and the gout is fairly good Heathed is mighty hat by day but night brings along a chilly time and to me just the right time for a divatl husband to come home do a spot of loving with his Sweetheast to war up the chiely bores of both pasties. DO NOT MENION MILITARY ACTNITIES. MAIL VOURREER AP.O.
AUSTRALIAN COMFORTS FU in Conjunction with V.M.C.A 1Oso MIIitary Address Ontr No 184 you think I shall be a bad exnce on the babe and spaie him bshen, the grated partion of my petting and cuddling effocts an alacady earnarked for his meeming and as the son of a saldied he new have to leave the lesson of disciplue and give his dating paiints a fai go. Peshaps that fonds mpiliar but I feel that when the chai that halds me from you is braken, my y eaming for you wl shave ather considerations into second ac You wile be the most wonderful is a chap wit had to look forward to and will you bath I shaw have a beant time. I hape his a better looking blake than his aw man if its a garbora I want hed to wway as then like youin cov be sice the starti life on the right leg. Il from speculating whither it were ibe a boy or giel by not bc you a o0 nor MerOW MiI VoY IIIERS ACP.
AUSTRALIAN COMFORTS FUND 6 in Conjunction with V.M.C.A Vs0 MIItary Addess OntrI NOMntmnn 3 ammmmemn 192 thinking by a double went I hape that does not wintuale as it waud itail far too much of ereythin from you. fauve done a great fob up to row and tivine waled mean a hage lusden piled on end brave Shaueleed. Hithe pand hurband away Inath but a small room to live in, the bask is have enaugh and I wkon you were be spand to that extent Jand bright picture of and happiness and afht its over make heast bound. It wire be great me I'm impatient for it to start, prospect us to sipting Poa the have it want be so fat off, fut that were hasten the day. Fa fa for another day, hearts deee and I'm keepin on firld with love for you and R. chand. Hy purcest kiss for you to itt 00 nor newont unatl acmis A W AS
3R1 921 21 OA vi 21.4.44 M.S. M. Fillings 548 Barkers Road East Hawthoon Pictoria
200610 Restralian BorEenorts


Darling Kay,
I hope darling fortune 
is smiling upon you in the matter of
mail more often than it does to
me as your most welcome epistles
have not met my eye for four
whole days. That seems to be
ages but at least it will be good
practice for the time when a
longer period elapses between visits
from the mail service. Still I
must admit I've fared pretty well
up to date and at least the span
is only temporary. Today, your
cake arrived but have not cleaned
it up yet. The toothsome delicacy
wont last long though when the
lid comes off. I hope to be able
to mail the tin back to you,
it depends on developments that
appear to be around very soon now.
Let me inquire first
of you, your health and spirits


are of which I trust are on a par with
those manifested in your last screed.
I'm afraid theres not a good deal to
talk about today as the day is very
hot and I feel a bit woolly in the
nut. I'm feeling fine however and
have just cleaned up a plonkus of
washing while the opportunity occurred.
I miss the copper though and the
system in fashion here is the rub
and scrub variety. It will be swell
when a chap can put on some nice
new laundered duds again and look
like a civilised man instead of a
superior sort of convict.
Its good to hear you
are approaching the completion of
the young bloke's wardrobe. You have
judged it nicely and the things
must be a sweet little collection.
If it did turn out to be a double
event, it sure would complicate


things for you. I do hope your
initial effort is on more modest
lines and shall be in a fever to
get your letter after your next visit
to the medico. The big day is
drawing near now and it is a
cow to go away when a few more
weeks would probably neither be
here nor there to the bigshots.
I had a letter from
Chas. consenting to stand as godfather
for us and will reply later on.
He has requested that the christening
not be held on a Saturday as he
has to go to the golf club that day
to officiate as Secretary & Licensee.
You can talk over the details with
him and fix arrangements up O.K.
Cheers now, my 
lovely one, I gotta run along to
mess. I hope the love I feel for you,
that actuates this letter, reaches you
speedily. Heaps of kisses bundle. Micky



Mrs. M. Billings
548 Barkers Road
East Hawthorn


War Memorial



My darling,
A shaft of bright light has
appeared through the murk. Your letter
No 1 coming to the rescue last night
when I had given up hope and was
thinking of taking to drink. There
appears to be one or two previous ones
still in transit so now the drought
has broken, maybe they'll turn up
today. So glad two of mine reached
you and I can imagine your feelings
after you had prepared yourself for
a wait. Still idling around
here and its getting on my quince
a bit although the camp is not too
bad and the grub is fairly good.
Weather is mighty hot by day but
night brings along a chilly time and
to me just the right time for a
devoted husband to come home
and do a spot of loving with his
Sweetheart to warm up the
chilly bones of both parties.



do you think I shall be a bad influence
on the babe and spoil him. Listen,
the greater portion of my petting and
cuddling efforts are already earmarked
for his mummy and as the son of a
soldier he will have to learn the
lesson of discipline and give his doting
parents a fair go. Perhaps that sounds
unfilial but I feel that when the
chain that holds me from you is
broken, my yearning for you will
shove other considerations into second
place. You will be the most wonderful
pair a chap ever had to look forward
to and with you both I shall have
a beaut time. I hope he's a better
looking bloke that his old man,
if it's a Barbara I want her to
be like you in every way as then
you could be sure she's started
life on the right leg. Its fun
speculating whether it will be a
boy or girl but not such fun



thinking it may be a double event.
I hope that does not eventuate as it
would entail far too much of everything
from you. You've done a great job up
to now and twins would mean
a huge burden piled on your brave
shoulders. With your husband away
and with but a small room to
live in, the task is hard enough and
I reckon you will be spared to that
Your bright picture of our
happiness and joy after its over make
my heart bound. It will be great
and I'm impatient for it to start,
the prospect is so tempting. Pray
hard it won't be so far off, pet
and that will hasten the day.
Ta- ta for another day, heart's 
desire and I'm keepin on
filled with love for you and Richard.
My fiercest kiss for you.



Mrs. M. Billings
548 Barkers Road
East Hawthorn


War Memorial 

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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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