Michael Billings Collection - Wallet 7 - Part 11 of 12

Second World War, 1939–45
  • Love Letters
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p200610 Restrallan Mar Mamerial
AUSTRALIAN COMFORTS FUND 9 X 1 in Conjunction with V.M.C.A (Use Military Address only 1y 38483 No. Sr. to guring C. Section 2/5. Aust Hy a/a Gathay 2/2 afa Regt a d7 1. & 1943. Anctalia Dasling May. fust a short nate to tell you I am in the pink and easnistly hope you are likewise since I last wrate little of a iseiting nature has consedy path be under present circumstances. I have little to her you I houst that feculities to write letters like the Treen Enverape lype wr be made avolable so one ean dilisnte an aut persoral affaird without onit condorshap. I'm glad no such restrection cramps your style, pet, but that oathed a Selfish vrewpoint I suppose. Shell the news you have be heer me is far more important han my hundoun information. Arryhant I shaw doap yau a nat frequently to hee you how Im faving and if ils a bit bac, its just too bad but faur understand MAIL VOUR LETTERSAP.O. DO NOT MENTION MILITARY ACTIVITIES.
AUSTRALIAN COMFORTS FUND E. X I in Conjunction with V.M.C.A (Use Military Address only) NOnm mmenn & G Haune I dont know just hant I m places for man just at parsent but I quiss it well come along quite O.K. Will know soon anyway and an looking fooward to seeing the dead writing on an envelape soon. As promised I papped in to see 16t & MotReg and they are joured to week ns all the belt and sent you the love for good meane. do fill in time, I went wath c fert of the lads to the Painy to the mavied last evening and sant a nghly good show. Ded shiff but They were new tme sundown and Iapped Reluend a good blend of comedy examal Nin. Sweetneast, thats about ac for this boulant effort but you knowt howt it is. As ever. I convey any Londest love to Richass Cheere, Sweet and you Drety MAIL VOUR LETTERS APO. DO NOT MENTION MILITARY ACTIVITIES.
AUSIRALIAN MILITARY FORCES gor PASSED BY CENSOR 6 187 AIR- MAIL 14.4.4. 4 ONSUNCTION WITH HoS. H. Bellings 548 Barkers Roads fawthor East & ctonia
AUSTRALIAN COMFORTS FUND Eng. in Conjunction with V.M.C.A. (Use Military Address only) NCMnM am annmnnente hemonmmmnten temm 194 Lne Dasting Kay Come yet another dow with no fiesh news to repart exceps that Im fit and wile With an me heart I hape my sweet one is likewise. Since my last letter to you you't letter of the 12hh came along to my fulrlation and after faring our the contents o feet quite busked up Ieeing you wd was very favorable find letter of cousse ford me a let more than Ivery best that being concend i toreed Seplan stle and a couple of litters from this gone have gladdened you which maken the waiting of them a pleasure. To my supnse, everything a is queet tod to like cattle to wated, Ihee me off to the writing centue to put togilled another chapted. As you decline, the on under a knows me nelonged at to fat have not yon much MAIL VOUR LETTERS APO. DO NOT MENTBN MILITARY ACTIVITHES.
AUSTRALIA COMFORTS FUND E in Conjunction with V.M.C.A. (Use Military Address only) NOmmman 2 a JHenn thet afeld and new await divilapments. Iea fot jols this ng including my undeed to have a elead apternoon in prospect untell authority decased afheowite. fended my daily precience toward you There are several others letters of Iso hope for a clear up. It looked good to me to see my letter had a tene effect upon you as I t would. Sme its a compliment that although so fat away my world are able to give you a botand I delighted to have been able to help actve the beneficial work you see, feet. I always enmembed you as a feelly smiling endetly sonand wher see elands of gloom theeatening te make your diffecent, I must boy he to char them away I shaned be the last person to chide you, to do to wane be a patty thin us one knows leetted than me MAIL VOUR LETTERS APO. DO NOT MENTION MILITARY ACTIVITIES.
AUSTRALIAN FUND E COMFORTS 1 in Conjunction with V.M.C.A. (Use Military Address only) NOmnan umJ Hmn t life must pairs heavity upon y at times and to pt it off your chest to somean who feeld with you is the but tthing you could have done at welneedthe change it wrought in y When I read of the calmness and courage with which you are apaed a further long sipaatio or me, its certan b little synathy is not wasted upon you. youre marans, my own and when come together for keeps I shall must forget youd steadfull demeanst mest baying circumstances. What an capable of ashiing we know ron and your husband io gon to bea mighty ly blake h geft of niquation is a bletting ane a ccose as we bath have cause to know but its mighty useful when get acound to thinking and planning The early days are nights of and son Ie wre be membrable MAIL VOUR LETTERS APD. DO NOT MENTION MILITARY ACTIUTTIESE
AUSTRALIAN COMFORTS FUND E. in Conjunction with V.M.C.A. (Use Military Address only) NOSMMI imun 194 ammu prowise you ef wses lie life to the fire. There will be such heaps of things awaiting nt ty dasting kay an his baby wre ine me with refarcing, we shaw be in a wheeh fr a firt days loying to believe its not a dream but dozans them come love. Too oight, were be ou hop of the world and I shawl only take my am from sund you topert them wound that ling pt marsed that is and love in flowed. It is such snent it iil end a beautiful law that dowing me orcods to that faliful day douly when we two young, bigaront and do mad abut each other meet mon, the imfort will tranffort as away out of the world to that istll we both long for and wrie then live in forwed more. Afted the little chap is born its going to ber coook I dont see him for a while as at would be champen to wale het MAIL VOUR LETTERS APO. DO NOT MENTION MILITARY ACTIVITIES.
AUSTRALIAN COMFORTS FUNO E 4 in Conjunction with V.M.C. A. (Use Military Address only) NOMMAN immem smeenen Dunnen footpoints foom thei starting port ten as you say at gives one something vital to look foowdod to knowing he wire be getting the veay best from his in brshipping mathed and that first sight of him wrre make me to proud of you both Its frorg haw you to were can aand unhal meeting to long aganowt Lbble did e dream then that life was bregining for us that night. I mind the night wre, it was the post time I had met are hissed a gie the first might together. the experience and unforrtes reciave o to lavely that I had to repeat it vry soon. and look where and innocent smorging got ud, you designing women. II m afoaid I cant mear what you wore that night but the assured set of yout head, the thening mass of anold youd from wer + MAIL VOULETTERS AP.O./ 00 NOF MEATION MIITAEY ACTIITIES.
AUSTRALIAN COMFORTS F vNO E in Conjunction with V.M.C.A. (Use Military Address only) 6 NOm umum aedesoeveene uman moulded firue cirtany appealed to me at fiost sight and when those saft has ering to mine for the first time at suce feet a lot different to what it had before and matmet was right. That chance meeting apened the do to life for me I aften therk how great it would be to first the clock back and leve the days again bxciptd know that shophip waud be considerably shartened if I had my way Nosing was simce but manyo e toump cand. so on tha haffy not Treaec Igo now loving you as ntin you as a touly lovely made te ham and laid May sod bless and posped you and g sick OO NOF MENTION MMIITREY ACTIVITIES

War Memorial


In Conjunction with 
(Use Military Address only) 
No. Gr. M. Billings 
C. Section. 2/5. Aust Hy. A/A Battery 
2/2. A/A Regt A.I.F 14.4 1943 

Darling Kay 
Just a short note to  
tell you I am in the pink and  
earnestly hope you are likewise.  
Since I last wrote little of an 
exciting nature has crossed my  
path so under present circumstances,  
I have little to tell you. I trust  
that facilities to write letters like  
the Green Envelope type will be  
made available so one can discourse  
on our personal affairs without  
unit censorship. I'm glad no such  
restriction cramps your style, pet,  
but that's rather a selfish viewpoint  
I suppose. Still the news you have to  
tell me is far more important  
than my humdrum information.  
Anyhow I shall drop you a note  
frequently to tell you how I'm faring  
and if its a bit a bit bare, its just too  
bad but you'll understand.


I don't know just how I'm placed for  
mail just at present but I guess it  
will come along quite O.K. Will know  
soon anyway and am looking forward  
to seeing the dear writing on an  
envelope soon. As promised I popped  
in to see Mr and Mrs Reg and they  
all joined to wish all the best  
and send you their love for good  
To fill in time, I went  
with a few of the lads to the Valley to  
the movies last evening and saw a  
mighty good show. Old stuff but  
they were new to me. Sundown and  
Topper Returns, a good blend of comedy  
and drama. 
Well, sweetheart, that’s  
about all for this brilliant effort 
but you know how it is. As ever, 
I convey my fondest love to Richard 
and you . Cheerio, sweet. Micky


AIR MAIL  14.4.43 
Mrs. M. Billings 
548 Barkers Road 
East Hawthorn 


In Conjunction with 
(Use Military Address only)
15 4 1943. 
Darling Kay, 
Come yet another day  
with no fresh news to report except 
that I'm fit and well. With all 
my heart I hope my sweet one is 
likewise. Since my last letter 
to you, your letter of the 12th 
came along to my frustration and 
after poring over the contents I 
felt quite bucked up seeing your 
news was very favourable. Your letter 
of course told me a lot more than 
that, being couched in your very best 
style and a joy to read. So pleased 
a couple of letters from this zone 
have gladdened you which makes the 
writing of them a pleasure. To my 
surprise, everything o is quiet today 
so like cattle to water, I [[hie?]] me 
off to the writing centre to put together 
another chapter! As you deduce, the 
old residence knows me no longer 
but so far have not gone much


further afield and now await 
developments. Did a few jobs this 
morning including my undies so 
have a clear afternoon in prospect 
unless authority decides otherwise. 
Besides my daily pleasure toward you 
these are several others letters I 
owe so hope for a clean up. It 
looked good to me to see my letter 
had a tonic effect upon you as I 
wished it would. To me its a compliment 
that, although so far away my words 
are able to give you a boost and I'm 
delighted to have been able to help 
achieve the beneficial work. You see, 
my pet. I always remember you as a 
jolly smiling cuddly person and when 
I see clouds of gloom threatening 
to make you different, I must try hard 
to chase them away. I should be the 
last person to chide you, to do so 
would be a paltry thing to do 
as no one knows better than me


how life must press heavily upon you 
at times and to get it off your chest 
to someone who feels with you is the 
best thing you could have done as 
witness the change it wrought in  
you. When I read of the calmness 
and courage with which you are 
prepared a further long separation 
from me, its certain a little 
sympathy is not wasted upon you, 
youre marvellous, my own and when 
you  we come together for keeps I shall 
never forget your steadfast demeanor 
in most trying circumstances. What 
you are capable of achieving we know 
now and your husband is going to  
be a mighty lucky bloke. The gift 
of imagination is a blessing and a  
curse as we both have cause to 
know but its mighty useful when 
I get around to thinking and planning 
of the early days and nights of our 
reunion. They will be memorable


I promise you and myself and we 
will live life to the full, there will 
be such heaps of things awaiting us. 
My darling Kay and her baby will 
fill me with rejoicing, we shall be 
in a whirl for a few days trying to 
believe its not a dream but dozens of 
them come true. Too right, well be 
on top of the world and I shall only 
take my arms from round you to put 
them around that tiny plump morsel 
that is our love in flower. It is such 
a beautiful love that to renew it is ever 
drawing me onwards to that fateful day. 
Truly, when we two, young, vigorous 
and so mad about each other meet 
once more, the infant will transport 
us away out of the world to that 
idyll we both long for and will then 
live in forever more. After the little  
chap is born, its going to be crook 
if I don't see him for a while as 
it would be champion to watch his


footprints from their starting point but 
as you say, it gives one something vital 
to look forward to knowing he will 
be getting the very best from his 
worshipping mother and that first 
sight of him will make me so proud  
of you both 
Its funny how you so well 
recall our initial meeting so long 
ago now. Little did we dream then 
that life was beginning for us that 
night. I mind the night well, it 
was the first time I had met and 
kissed a girl the first night together, 
the experience and impression received 
was so lovely that I had to repeat 
it very soon and look where our 
innocent smooging got us, you 
designing woman. I'm afraid 
I cant recall what you wore that 
night but the assured set of your 
head, the shining mass of curls 
crowning it, your form, well -


moulded figure certainly appealed 
to me at first sight and when those 
soft lips clung to mine for the first 
time it sure felt a lot different to 
what it had before and instinct 
was right. That chance meeting 
opened the doors to life for me and 
I often think how great it would be  
to put the clock back and live those 
days again. Except I know that our 
courtship would be considerably 
shortened if I had my way. Wooing 
you was swell but marrying you was 
a trump card. 
So on that happy note 
treasure I go now loving you as 
much I may and thinking 
of you as a truly lovely mate 
to have and hold. May God bless 
you and prosper you and yours.


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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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