Michael Billings Collection - Wallet 7 - Part 10 of 12

Second World War, 1939–45
  • Love Letters
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TERISSNNE GLDUST. AIR. MAIL N0 1343 AIRNAID 144.43 M.S. M. Geeing 548 Jarkers Road East Hawthoon fcton
200610 Rostalst Mar Maa
12 4 70 Davling Ka Fortune emited upon me this moon youd welcome scad of the Igueting me when I came in to lunch, First I must congratulate you upon your channess and good hearth which made a very anspicious opening to the litter and good lidings in that respect put me on the right leg for the day. Youre been a very eximplary give then last few months and itl a sonoe of much gla to gaud admiring hubly that he doe a winned in the Hatumorial plakes If you don't have a good boot from now undel July, apart from the murtable discomports, then I urkon the game shinks because youve done eerything that come be asked of you ane it wauld not be favotiem meally common justice Ihaks a lat my swet for your vanous parcels whicl wer be gladly dceived, goure so good to me and you have so many caus on gand slended puale but I phant lecture you, I know you know what you are daing. I hope they avoue at my nek distination as it wre be a sunfie get to find a span for anythers use. te way Im find now ar it has been my expenience that a
parce hrills you much from the feeming mutions. I thaw youne away do my ulnast to send the cake iu back to you but that will depene on the condition's powailing at the time Too right faud one paye litter was a shock from suc aco our carrespondent but I know how it is tometimed thought is chaoked are the words just wont come. I wis let that worry you. Ioicious. just wst yousself within the bounds of reason. your welfan means more to me than any quantity of litters could so whatever you fe sanable of puitt me was aevy jgt little funrs bogs must be it must be impating awray now are I feel paillanly cheale not being there to stand at your side are fuget the ling little thungh. mentally planning moves for the thre of us. Its gone to know youe got prartaly ar an gunenls be up anl have not undity if at quee yourself in the procest I hope my pare has reached you by now and the drought had been allwiand glad I chanced you yand favorite brane. It was swen to be able to do you a good tnon, my dove but don't go handing them ound as they are just for you from Washo Hicky.
3 Well you bell ada time is ing just but will doop her a no as soon as possible. As a mathr of fact I have about six letters to reply to but the luture to reply to them as mighty hard to come by. Wew be paying my last visit to your former landlords on my next visit and wrll miss thei cheery hospitality no end As you truly say. The sooned the game ptants, the sooned wrle come the day when I'm on the trai pauthbound, ut would be maniians if it were for the last time by next visit will be epoch making for us alright you and Richard will give me the Shuill of a lifehine on the day. I hap he dicides ito be a good lad ane kueep poundly on the first night. I upon you and I are entibled to have that for ourselved apho ar that time parkd even to the exclusion of the yanry macked I have a nation it wre be as heavin as we dream and its always good to have something to look forward to as I shaw every day. I'm glad the minaned of the times we had so deeply in love rent to you so wiidly. For my part, I really discovred you on those days when we state away on ond awn and drank deeply of the emation you shoad up within me so beautifully
I'm not surporsia you feel passiseive owaras me, you should be and youd kind of passillive ness is not have to bead, far from it, I nevr dreamed a woman caned beduce me to such a state of helpletenees by such gentle means The causees you tavished upon me linged still and may. Gnd hastin the day when it will be my lay to surrended myself utterly to the thapsody that ringd in my ears when you make love to me. You affection had a lot of elemental passion in it and what is mare natural than that you thouce feel whs feetang to yo hallld ned not be the darling pwathead you are you filt any other way about me. In axpealing type of giale appal me ad port who know what they want and after it are th lype I respect a admice you know where you share with them youre muthed an emgino or a pap, lady fawr, youn my deal anyhow to on that happy note I say churn for another day and I do love you as much as Ive been strying to convey in this letter ane I plact a linguing kill just or that bullowy vale between your breast where often I day my Bless you piddlikins tM ay head Ynoe Bustranta En Mamoria
RISSANE 05 D1 27 1543 7/12 994 AIRMAIL H.S. H. Zuling 54F Barkers Road East Hawthors 1 Aoria 12.44
p200610 Rowalt the Cenor
Davler 13 4 43 a very huome note for a reason youa quils but am glad to get a minull to fell you again I love you are find your my fordest ruperts D unno wher hhe hhan to write the next will occad but in the me antime shand by and cary on as usual your litter pipe and cleaness arrived soday how Seert of you my breauure, I hope I can get something away to you for the ane of I farl take the thaught for he due at can't thank you suffciently for an unguale tangonabout iaa tl p tlet Fow me Tet I am have to dast now but wel write you a lugger soon dailing. Mighty prane you hard are o twile. Kup it n pwet. Evy swap of you to ye usapper in a kipt. Aln Yours Ky i
LD.HSST -AMA1 14 APR 1943 HIR MYIL AIRMAII 13.4.4 M.S. H. Fuing 548 Barkerd Roade East Hawthoont. Pictoria


10 11APR 10 


Mrs. M. Billings 
548 Barkers Road 
East Hawthorn 


War Memorial


Darling Kay, 
Fortune smiled upon me this
morn. your welcome screed of the 9th greeting
me when I came in to lunch. First I must
congratulate you upon your cheeriness and good
health which made a very auspicious opening
to the letter and good tidings in that respect
put me on the right leg for the day. Youve been
a very exemplary girl these last few months
and its a source of much glee to your admiring
hubby that he drew a winner in the
matrimonial stakes. If you don't have a good
trot from now until July, apart from the
inevitable discomforts, then I reckon the game
stinks because you've done everything that could
be asked of you and it would not be favoritism
merely common justice. 
Thanks a lot my sweet for
your various parcels which will be gladly
received. You're so good to me and you have
so many calls on your slender purse but I
shan't lecture you. I know you know what you
are doing. I hope they arrive at my next
destination as it will be a terrific job to find
a space for anything else the way I'm find
now and it has been my experience that a


parcel thanks thrills you much more when
you're away from the teeming millions. I shall
do my utmost to send the cake tin back to
you but that will depend on the conditions
prevailing at the time. Too right, your one page
letter was a shock from such a copious
correspondent but I know how it is sometimes, 
thought is chaotic and the words just won't
come. Never let that worry you, precious,
just exert yourself within the bounds of reason. 
Your welfare means more to me than any 
quantity of letters could so whatever you feel 
capable of suits me. What a lovely sight 
little junior's togs must be, it must be an 
imposing array now and I feel positively 
cheated not being there to stand at your 
side and forget the tiny little things; 
mentally planning moves for the three of us. 
It's good to know you've got practically all 
arrangements tied up and have not unduly 
fatigued yourself in the process. I hope my 
parcel has reached you by now and the 
drought has been alleviated, glad I chanced 
upon your favorite brand. It was sweet to 
be able to do you a good turn, my love 
but don't go handing them around as they are 
just for you from Master Micky.


Will you tell Ada, time is very pressing just
now but will drop her a note as soon as 
possible. As a matter of fact I have about 
six letters to reply to but the leisure to reply 
to them is mighty hard to come by. Will 
be paying my last visit to your former landlords 
on my next visit and will miss their cheery 
hospitality no end. As you truly say, the sooner 
the game starts, the soonest will come the day 
when I am on the train southbound, it would 
be marvellous if it was for the last time. 
My next visit will be epoch making for us 
alright, you and Richard will give me the thrill 
of a lifetime on the day I hope he decides to 
be a good lad and sleep soundly on the first 
night. I reckon you and I are entitled to have 
that for ourselves after all that time parted 
even to the exclusion of the young master. 
I have a notion it will be as heavenly as 
we dream and its always good to have 
something to look forward to as I shall every 
day. I'm glad the memories of the times we 
made had so deeply in love recur to you 
so vividly. For my part, I really discovered 
you on those days when we stole away on our 
own and drank deeply of the emotions you 
stirred up within me so beautifully.


I'm not surprised you feel possessive towards
me, you should be; and your kind of possessive- 
ness is not hard to bear, far from it, I
never dreamed a woman could reduce me to
such a state of helplessness by such gentle means.
The caresses you lavished upon me linger
still and may God hasten the day when
it will be my joy to surrender myself utterly
to the rhapsody that rings in my ears when
you make love to me. Your affection had
a lot of elemental passion in it and what
is more natural than that you should feel
possessive to one who belongs to you. You
would not be the darling sweetheart you are
if you felt any other way about me. The
wilting appealing type of girl appal me.
Your sort who know what they want and
go after it are the type I respect and
admire, you know where you stand with them.
You're neither an enigma or a safe, lady
fair, you're my idial anyhow. So on that
happy note I say cheerio for another
day and I do love you as much as I've 
been trying to convey in this letter and I
plant a lingering kiss just on that billowy 
vale between your breasts where often I lay my
weary head. Bless you, fiddlikins Micky 

War Memorial


10 14 APR 1943 10 

Mrs. M. Billings 
548 Barkers Road 
East Hawthorn 


War Memorial


A very hurried note for a reason you can
guess but am glad to get a minute to
tell you again I love you and send you
my fondest regards. Dunno when the chance
to write the next will occur but in the
meantime stand by and carry on as usual.
Your letters, pipe and cleaners arrived today.
How sweet of you my treasure, I hope I can
get something away to you for the 2nd if I
fail take the thought for the deed as
I can't thank you sufficiently for an
unequalled year. Hang on about pyjamas
until you hear from me first
Damn have to dash
now but will write you a longer one
soon, darling. Mighty pleased you and
Richard are so swell. Keep it up 
sweet. Every scrap of love to you 
wrapped in a kiss. 
Always yours 


1 -AM 
10 14APR1943 10 


Mrs. M. Billings 
548 Barkers Road 
East Hawthorn 

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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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