Michael Billings Collection - Wallet 7 - Part 9 of 12

Second World War, 1939–45
  • Love Letters
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9 4 43 Daiting Hay. gam feat ant cbaying to get a moment ito send you a nate but a lull in proceeding has occuonia and I'm taking advantage of it to send you a cheris, No maie from you to acknowledge today but ill absurce I senve as a brtaking in for man lingthy spells to come. I hape your good pooguss of the last few days that no dearth of mail hat been is manbane and I pastion. You have no idea how exhilaratio I was yesterday when the two letters from you came of and I read yend chiopy words an about how you feet, Richarde progaets idaings yo io on you certainly don't mess about in ye letters, a chap gets extral measure of pleasure
2 from your words. I to a nice fueling when I read if your reachor to my words of wisdom, Law much you lave me and what is bet your farsh way ducubing all thei things. One can since the lave actuating the thaughts and words and betuee me, its that unshakiable affection that keeps me going Although you are not bodily present, you are always with me and strangely enaugh, shall what fortunes me at tines you so llovely that I cant be satisfied with just some of you., I lave you too much for That at be calm wld I have
to wat 4 an in in leasing fand chied, to appreciate your value at be loved my wife, to love and help as by my are and elional swutheart 64 pet a the midlt of chass, dont 8, but I bele, with bods help, w chaw each and are those things and thau decirve Ahem in abundance. To go away from you is bad but without that faill in a poper full ilment in the future wourd be a fad heavrd cools. I, know you will neved stp wanting me no Wanish you from my days and as I can N
ghts and my homecoming will aranscend any pay we wid snew. Me shaw wag and thuggtt as victors and your busing love wrue wid be a spert to guide me along and bring me back to plunge in to a beautiful cestaty that se be and reward Sometimes I wonder if we i gellig marnied when I think of the bunden one suffering t has impove upon you but selfithly I m glad because since a rearly became mine your slwatie me to be Somith 9 purpose and an dwest life. Foo my part.
have been richly rewarded and blissia. humbly hope your unior with me has brought you benefit, you drinn so were for gand many vistues Goodnight now my hove love. I close full with thoughts of youd sparkling eyes. The minsor of gand boight honett saul a gue. how I love you, darling, I salute you with a furce kils that I hape busnt yend soft lips with a mask like the letter o fye my sweet 1 My
BHIISISSIIE ALG.AUST. ANA 10 APR HIR MRIC 1943 JRNA 9.4.4 of rling Too. 548 Barkers Road East Hawthoos Pictoria
- PROOON Rustrallan the Eemorts
2114 53 Mey Dast A Sunday has come around once more and nothing very dratt has transpine as get but believe you me, the day draws nigh so that dread peowod of a litter shartage looks like coming to pals in lorg. Anyway yeu can depend upst it. there will be ne decay eopening communications with my Lovily one. I hape this finas you sparking strongly a also his landship and with you both reciving plenty of my almost darly literary master finees Nothing from you since Forday to there are a few arg to me I inagine and domorrow thaule be frunkful in that respect On the way from Wall this marning I dooppe in and had marning hea with Bny an Rate, both wery well and enquiring of jout well being. Sow Was you had a litter on the way which pleased het mray much. Tran came in too and sendl you hes lave. Went out y esterday to see a rick cabber in haspital with my ald malady appendits and latw to a show But the Stewarts was my charce and was go quite a humarous business about a newly married paid Since you went home though shows dont appeal to me but theres little illl in the way of intertainment
I hals abo an the garsp to wen have a evey that for a page ar two Ny what a byg gial you are 1010 u you didnt exaggeale when you said you had dwlap apan and I camestly hape jame reached mannum now Ao wonded youd pord thing you supfet with sor feet, I would to like io ttake them my hands and out them paptly. you centainly have to enduve plenty before the foints of matherhave are yours and I fam y praying that the little one is a fine yramen to rew and you for your endeavors. Shill you can'e conceive of a poor usuet to and perfect remion. Lell than a month now until the completion of and fiolt year of marned bliss ae Id like you to know at wll be my vry lust year thanks to my adarable wife It a quat pily it has been mane only ye cicumtances antuce and cortil for my part you have embulished my life with countlest bletting and favood and soon you do me guit honod to cap beautifully are those things I he coming months work be the carust for litter of us, in fact mry difficult for you my twelheast but just maintain yous accomplishments he date and all wel be wen
I had a letter from ada with yout last on and it was mce to have another favorable apinion of gou progacls. As long as the coming weeks speed by it uree in 0k at the thought of your suffrring distant me when I am helplets to lighten the burden a bit I m not necaous of the aukome in the least but The thought of you bereft wen simparanty if youd hkle ful gand ineagy ane other things is not conaling and I want oather disperatly sand utuon o a state of case confort. By the phoasing of this you wouse btshat h car I dine bts to poate my feelings It isnt that realy darling, I. because I love you go much and feel so neat to you are natually the thaught of that lovely phnt bunder Iir killed and cansur so of (but not enough undirgoing ruch a physical ordial cannot but be distuabing. Today is very wit and gavy and its gloomg of an sums to have cept wto this litter but dont let that woory you I'm perfectly were so dont wask any f sympalhy avrs my doliful moand. Chenn now my danling I save you a surge of love fora while that filll me when I write you, a months Kils OM.Ky I send you bundle

9.  4 .  43
Darling Kay,
Been flat out trying to get a moment to send
you a note but a lull in proceedings has occurred and
I'm taking advantage of it to send you a cheerio.
No mail from you to acknowledge today but its absence
will serve as a breaking in for more lengthy spells to
come. I hope your good progress of the last few days
is maintained  and that no dearth of mail has been
your  portion.  You have no idea how exhilarated I
was yesterday when the two letters from you came
along and I read your chirpy words all about
your doings, how your feet, Richards progress
and so on.  You certainly don't mess about in your
letters, a chap gets extra measure of pleasure


from your words. Its a nice feeling when I read of
your reaction to my words of wisdom, how much
you love me and what is best, your fresh way
of describing all these things. One can sense
the love actuating the thoughts and words and
believe me, its that unshakable affection that
keeps me going.  Although you are not bodily
present, you are always with me and strangely
enough, thats what tortures me at times. You
are so lovely that I can't be satisfied with
just some of you. I love you too much for
that and won't  be calmed until I have


everything of you for all time.  I want to watch  
you rearing your child, to appreciate your value 
and help as my wife, to love and be loved  
by my one and eternal sweetheart. Expect a  
lot in the midst of chaos, dont I? but I
believe, with Gods help, we shall achieve  
each and all those things and shall deserve 
them in abundance. To go away from you is  
bad, but without that faith in a proper 
fulfillment in the future would be a far heavier  
cross. I know you will never stop wanting me 
 as I can never banish you from my days and


nights and my homecoming will transcend any
joy we ever knew. We shall wage and struggle 
as victors and your burning love will ever be a 
spur to guide me along and bring me back 
to plunge in to a beautiful ecstasy that will  
be our reward. Sometimes I wonder if we 
didn't err and in getting married when I think 
of the burden and suffering it has imposed 
upon you but selfishly I m glad because since  
you really became mine youve elevated me to  
be something, with a purpose and an  
absorbing interest in life.  For my part I


have been richly rewarded and blessed. I  
humbly hope your union with me has brought 
you benefit, you deserve so well for your many virtues.
Goodnight now my true love.  
I close filled with thoughts of your sparkling 
eyes, the mirror of your bright honest soul  
and gee, how I love you, darling, I salute 
you with a fierce kiss that I hope burns your  
soft lips with a mark like the letter M.
Bye Bye my sweet. 


1 AM
10 10 APR 10 

Mrs. M. Billings
548 Barkers Road
East Hawthorn


War Memorial 


My Darling
Sunday has come around once
more and nothing very drastic has transpired
as yet but believe you me, the day draws nigh
so that dread period of a letter shortage
looks like coming to pass ere long. Anyway
you can depend upon it, there will be no delay
in reopening communications with my lovely
one. I hope this finds you sparking strongly
and also his lordship and with you both
receiving plenty of my almost daily literary master
pieces.  Nothing from you since Friday so there
are a few coming to me I imagine and tomorrow 
should be fruitful in that respect. On the way 
from Mass this morning, I dropped in and had 
morning tea with Ray and Kate, both very  
well and enquiring of your well being. Told  
Mrs you had a letter on the way which pleased  
her very much.  Gran came in too and sends 
you her love. Went out yesterday to see a  
sick cobber in hospital with my old malady 
 appendicitis and later to a show  about the  
Stewarts was my choice and was quet quite a 
humorous business about a newly married pair. 
Since you arent home though shows dont appeal  
to me but theres little else in the way of 


Thats about all the gossip so will have a easy  
chat for a page or two. My, what a big 
girl you are, 10 10 um! you didn't exaggerate 
when you said you have developed apace and 
I earnestly hope youve reached maximum now. 
No wonder, your poor thing, you suffer with sore 
feet, I would so like to take then in my  
hands and rub them softly. You certainly 
have to endure plenty before the fruits of 
motherhood are yours and I join you and  
praying that the little one is a fine specimen  
to reward you for your endeavors. Still you  
and I  cant be a bad pair of folks and I 
cant conceive of a poor result to our perfect 
union. Less than a month now until the  
completion of our first year of married bliss  
and I'd like you to know it will be my 
very best year thanks to my adorable wife. 
It's a great pity it has been marred only 
by circumstances outside our control for my  
part you have embellished my life with 
countless blessings and favors and soon you do 
me great honour to cap beautifully all those 
things. The coming months won't be the easiest  
for either of us, in fact very difficult for you, 
my sweetheart but just maintain your 
accomplishments to date and all will be well.  


I had a letter from Ada with your last one 
and it was nice to have another favorable 
opinion of your progress. As long as the 
coming weeks speed by it will be OK as 
the thought of your sufferings distresses me when 
I am helpless to lighten the burden a bit. 
I'm not nervous of the outcome in the least but 
the thought of you bereft even temporarily if  
your troubling feet, your energy and other  
things is not consoling and I want rather 
desperately your return to a state of ease  
and comfort. By the phrasing of this you would  
think that the reason I distress is to soothe  
my feelings. It isn't that really darling, it's 
because I love you so much and feel so near  
to you and naturally the thought of that lovely  
sweet bundle I've kissed and caressed so often  
(but not enough) undergoing such a physical ordeal  
cannot but be disturbing. Today is very wet 
and grey and its gloomy face seems to have 
crept into this letter but don't let that worry 
you I'm perfectly well so don't waste any  
syn sympathy over my doleful moans. 
Cheerio now my darling 
for a while and I send you a surge of love 
that fills me when I write you,  a months kiss  
I send you, bundle.  Micky 

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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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