Michael Billings Collection - Wallet 7 - Part 8 of 12

Second World War, 1939–45
  • Love Letters
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✓ 43 Dasting S Soust ye Hows ncks fet o good and tI you gla afee Latan t ton hat a 43 Gring to te you at that I m of 1o a but to soes are goue Day Duphr You well not to Let soud. Good that its leng Know 4 am is for th o world of good I know mny ho wele wh o th a baly oe at must be like the way cawng you of acut phyest it of tehme and sail hustone Da when you were has suke the sloam at timed becomes intalirable 4 up to date you have been ant inspication to me for the way you have uncomplainingly phadu a mghty by tack you are the last pestor to be branded a paut and at the back of an your disappontments worres you can nived lose the cistainty that co sh ll you wenstfouse wanting consalation to affet you I know sweetheast
what we an mding ane yuu had an low finds an just mubel st Soet to just case your acking heart when the prestn is on and for leavens take dont fut that I think you are weak If your letters don't be me wroghting of you it would be futule to X them the inhavning witht before enprinnt can go past in X st S M that bny creatue that ie and we be goattet io so hheway a fe about le ws mat bt datn of wan Raber ar 2at Fantentarly when you feel phycalls we undaubled youd more b i pace a sam tot bey s condition now fo dosd got sende io moment that a fit of the blust is a bg Th you on the aon yure. It deed and for you to be asking if givened of me is caming humibly a bet tos for lave you go wuht for what you an ae what o me of yousel what is and my conclusion has been that you have a very humant perton bulged to the Darying - moves are mations affecting buh no oe in tus nopt madssme
at you to display supertunon feats under e fount ccumalaned althangt between for ane are got oth close to it. Da dispar we shall be lpaate for such a los pray as you have done before T s tcame year I wont take See to as as anyhing in I I td t esuly AerI you can 25 conge h ig store a sur probably 1t X hoult. Duned is ane te my n n adau ae we but so 7 with ut but the luving of a week nep ouleg accorded to paldiess and servis Dout but away put veso house T
such mt you sutt you are you hn w elting much 2 Samin mo so must away Kay Lot d seting a 25 o distuee the distanced the take me to I o semeat, may X suce Bost sely Stach D0 th yla nor you PO Ronalian tEnars
13E 1DANS AM 9 8 APR HIR MAIL. 1943 Hrs. H Fellings 548 Jarkers Road East Hawthoon Pictonia 7.4.4
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SRISSANE OLD AUST. 59 AIR MAIL 8 AH 1943 Mrs. HHting 548 Barkers Rd East Hawthor ctoria 414
p200610 Australian Mar Mamoris

Darling Kay
Hows tricks pet? I trust you
are feeling good and that your glum feeling
has given way to something calmer although
to expect you to feel very happy is I know
asking a lot. By this you will know that
your letter has duly arrived and one thing
I want to tell you is that I'm glad you
stopped being so stoical and gave way to a
good let down. I know you too well not to
know that its temporary and with your
living under such a strain will do you the
world of good. I know only too well what
it must be like for you with a baby well
on the way causing your acute physical
discomfort most of the time and your husband
away just when you need him. Little wonder
that the strain at times becomes intolerable
and it up to date you have been an inspiration
to me for the way you have uncomplainingly
endured a mighty big task. You are the
last person to be branded a squib and
at the back of all your disappointments and
worries, you can never lose the certainty that
you werent found wanting in a crisis. Its little
consolation to offer you I know sweetheart


for what we are missing and your tears and
low spirits are just inevitable at times so
just ease your aching heart when the pressure
is on and for heavens sake dont fret that
I think you are weak. If your letters dont tell
me everything of you it would be futile to
send them. The intervening weeks before
your confinement cant go fast enough as I know
that tiny creature that is ours will be
a godsend to you as the way you feel about
the little chap will make it a labor of love
and theres nothing like a job of that nature
to make the time scud by particularly
when you feel physically well. Undoubtedly
your mood must be influenced a damn lot
by your condition now so don't get the idea for
a moment that a fit of the blues is a sign
that youre on the down grade. Its too absurd
you who I know to be cast in a very fine mould
indeed and for you to be asking forgiveness
of me is carrying humility a bit too far.
I love you so much for what you are and what
you have shown me of yourself which is
everything and my conclusion has been that
you have a very human person subject to
varying moods and emotions affecting such
people and no one in their right mind would


expect you to display superhuman feats under
present circumstances although between you and
I, you have got pretty close to it. Don’t despair
that we shall be separated for such a long
time but pray as you have done before and
they will be answered because you deserve
well. I hope you won’t take the foregoing
sentences as anything in the shape of a
rebuke darling mine. I am terribly proud of
you and never stop thanking God you are
mine. I know you are doing a great job
and will crown your efforts most successfully
but don’t try to do too much and bottle up
you natural feelings always. Have a good
whinge when you feel like it, you can
afford it occasionally from your rich
store of courage. When I go a-jungling
you will probably get plenty of laments from
me and I shan’t apologise to you for
my howls. Times is cruel hard for the
young nowadays and we just have to put
up with it but the luxury of a weep is
a privilege accorded to soldiers and their
poor wives. Don’t put away your visions of
our little house, the babe you and me
having a great time together, there on
their way, lovely bundle


Not much news from here,
but it won't be long now before I have
different news for you. Went to tea at
Reg's last evening and told that you
had a letter to her sent up. They send
their love to you and were both pleased
you were well. Getting much cooler now
and but for Richard, you and I would
be finding it pretty pleasant, that
clammy stuff being rare now. Send
Sent you a few packets of whiffs and
hope they [[?]]
Well now work awaits
me so must away, lovely Kay but
conclude feeling a hell of a lot your way
despite the distance and I think you
shall like me to tell you that I
love you from your corns to your dandruff.

Heres to the first night of our
reunion, may it be tomorrow. A
special kiss to Richard and you,
Yours Ever
(Lonely too - for you)

Australian War Memorial



Mrs. M. Billings
548 Barker's Road
East Hawthorn


8  4  43
My Darling
What a beaut bundle you are
two letters from you today, the 5th and 6th
April and I was ever so pleased to see you
were feeling yourself again. Thats the stuff
to give in, honey Chile and far from
wanting to give you a good kick in the
pants. I would crave to give you something
far nicer and less painful. Your spasm
of  abject woe actually did you a lot of good
as I can see from your very rational
sentences and I am glad a letter reached you
to help you back to your customary aplomb.
So let's just relegate that incident to the
scrap heap.
Thanks ever so much for the
surprise parcel which I have have nutted out
to be pyjamas and where I imagine I'll be
they should be very welcome.  I only hope
they don't turn up here before I depart
as I haven't a skerrick of room for more
duds. Your lovely rememberance does touch
me, pet, but I'm afraid an opportunity to
repay in kind is most improbable but on
that day rest assured I shall be very aware
of the completion of the most beautiful feat
I have ever experienced so that little


tribute looks as though it will have to serve
as my anniversary gift. That baby of ours
looks as though he will overcome the
limitations imposed by austerity thanks
for the energy and perseverance of his maw.
Your latest [fair?] [letter?] sounds very dainty
and you said it, it would be a treat
for me to see the lovely trousseau
awaiting him. Anyway its a [[treat xx]] although
delayed will be nevertheless a stunner and
we shall promenade in fine fashion.
I have been keeping in touch with Doug over
his expectations and the poor chap has
been haunting the telephone these past few
days to see when it looks like coming to
pass. I don't suppose you will mind if
Richard makes his show a few days early
after waiting nine weary months and in
your case it looks quite possible, doesnt
it? If the twin question is worrying
you have an X-Ray but you know best
what to do.  Doc should give you a 
post positive report on your next visit in 
any case. Very interesting your remarks
re the prosperous Caseys but can't find
anything to say about that weighty affairs
the ways of the civilian mind have long


since defeated that of this simple soldier
and besides I'm a bit short of paper as well.
Later on when I have more leisure and
a contemplative mood upon me, I shall
discourse wordily on the subject.  I am
about to write to Chas regarding the
post of godfather now that your O.K
has come along.
So for another day
the supply of words has come forth
and I can't think of anymore to say
just at present.  Forgive the pencil
[[lines]]but ink has finished and
is not a good thing to carry about.
Sweet dreams fiddle[[kind?]] and
as ever, all my love I send you



Mrs. M. Billings
548 Barkers Rd
East Hawthorn


War Memorial

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