Michael Billings Collection - Wallet 7 - Part 7 of 12

Second World War, 1939–45
  • Love Letters
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pao00 2 Rorol EnMnort I shall be awaiting the postman very eagesly as wid tomarrow and get the same kick out of a letter as I wed did. I'm readly not so cut up about leaving as I would have been a while back as in the litters from you since I came back here, a philssophy bespeaking courage and forttude has heavily under Scome your letters and you are shoged now than I have wed known you So its an encouragement to know that my hearts appaird be i such steliy hands and I beg of you, Ray, not to worry oned me but to cany on and beat that maoious child we both desie more than anythin else on earth. When ar it said and done pout predicament it woolt tha m mine to its absurd rearly ts be anxous about me when you wre ne are yout resouced on youd own account. Gear the puetuses shele fr you a fan and hope gause feel up to going for quite a long hime get as pleasure are few and fad between these days. By the way. I forgot to thank you for the fin bob which I applied as you enggealid. Its awfury sweet of you to do that but I feel guilty getting money from youd meagu prose. Your doing a swere yot making ends meet and frankly I don't know hew you do all the buying out of paird prose for two persons, to with than to sod for having such a brant wife, I toddle off to bee sending you every atom of love, darling tichy
4.43 OIR MAIE H.S. H. feering 548 Parkers Road East Hawthomn ctoria
3 4. 43 Dading May. Howdy, pal on the sinny A eousne moon that this litter showes incounted in ooule to you letterbox. Permit me to parsent my most affectionate respects to you, my sweethent and trust you are right at you stop. Fat my part, I am youy were and nothing would please me more than to know you are the same. The maie today has not avowed of it but after misting yesterday I'm very hopeful today Am very busy doing extoa gobd pastly in posparation fod a reason you know wree. It want be long now Ipead as indications point to the deed beaving fourt soon. Of couse nothing has been disclosed but you can usuary beee the gennine sign'd and postants. So pleased in youd recent letters you have given me a frce descriptions of youd acturked. Your poogoess and that of Hasted R.chard. Nwid hesitake, pet, to give me plenty of that dape as I just lap it all up. R. chan and you are my biggest link with the real life, the one I'm bursting to get back to and only by the litters from you can I keep sposperly in touch with what it going on. So spread yourself as much as you feel isclined with the limits of your strength and energy Foody, goody, mad has just arrived and with it, your Aprie Fools day epistle and great was my joy to read that you feel pretty good.
I'm glad you did not subject yours elf to the fatigue of going to see the Barch as by are accounts the wowd was ternific and you might have got a buffiting, quite apart from the imational tension. I havent seen the ald folks for a week but wree doop in tomarrow. Last night I went to the Regent and sawt Suilward I oveld and it was folly good I thought. you must be feeling portly healthy and sane when you can put you mind so fad ahead to an orgy of clothed buying. Good wheeze, after you nine months of penance you herely desirve a spot of pleasure to go to it ming. It gouves me to think that I dont look like having the pleasure of behalding you on the frost day you salled forth in your shining appare I fere the same as you do about the time that has elapsed since I last saw you and it seems a long time. Ivow will make the pas hot next time I get down so you had better get in all that rest now, yourr need it. I rth to t tee, I sometimed goudge the time that wive missed together partienealy when I pass the little house you lived in up here. I can almoxt see you standing on the steps waiting for and then Im past sighing for the days that are gone. Well enough repining today, plug along, my darling loved and present at absent, I in mad about you and send you a by kibt as a taken PAOO6O of my andot Micky Rosanan teEnr
SRISBANE 4 AFH JIR. MAI NN 1343 MAIl 11 CoS. N. Julg 548 Barkers Road oast Hanthoon etoria 3 X
5 4. 43. Iarlig Hagnificent my Treasuse, just the those letters from you this morning, 9th & 31st Barch and Lnd April. I'm very annayed about the first one being to long delayed for no reaton at an as it was a beautiful letter and certainly desirve a bitht fate than to be lostering on a post office Shelf- It was a litter written by a very fine peoson and as it was youd responde to the news of impending departure, you wre realise my ire at it being delaged, However enaugh of moans. I'm so pleased the post continuet to pret you kindly, you can depende upon it I urie whel them out as opten as possible. The weathed down then must have been a revilation, very timely in your case as the boight wealhed certainly has a beg beaving on ones outlook. I like to know that are these factors favor you as any lighhening of your buoden pleases me immensely, Sorry the smakes are such a rarity, I hope to do something about it so in a small way keep joud hapes high. And please dont be so mercenary, it is a pleasure to be able to do a little thing for you, you grathide is more than sufficient reward Its sweet of you to tell me you love me as much as wid and in such a folly youthful way. Soon maybe we show have an
delicious runion and prove to each athed that out love courees evid so strongly in the old vund, love is a great thing particularly so when its meaning can be transmitted personally. When were together again, I just wont be able to stop goabbing hold of you and Rassing and carrtsing you the whole day through. I hats one thing about ont love thats so evident, its no pale thing of dreams and convintions youre so real and natural, a true woman in every sence of the word and making love to you is a hense, bingling thing fad anover from the abstract. Thats why its have when we are force into long Separation, we were made for each other, to be with the athet. to do things, in short to live logethed a man to be with his own woman to sheeked hid and depend upou hed, each freferring thei own past of a glorious controct. Do you know that I milt you most at the same time as you do me, at night wwhen the wored has done with us and life means only you and me. Ihals when and brngs are drawn imersingly to the ather and naturary the absence of the ather now brings on that aching feeling. It was wonderful up here when we used to hap into the cooe while streets and immediately my questing nt foune the Soplly rounded smoothness of my lovely buse who so porthely nisbled in my embrsa and wher pasted lipt quickly taught a loves kns
When I he wide eyed on my Solitary bunk now my thaughts eved fnon to you and a glumly ip ther what might have been but for man's inhumanity. I see again your shining eyst uptuome to gaze into mine The white aval of you dead face crowned by a not of curls, your breath quickening at the spece of love takes possession of you, the muthtude of inishing kissed exchanged rapturously. Atthough Secondhand, a feeling of exuitation flaws through me and I humbly give thanks that I was privileged to be the chasen of She who is a complite woman who in giving herself forely to me, gave me everything, That such a love had been crowns by such a blessing causes no wonded to me and the chied that is to be boon of such a union must flouarch and be a souoce of paide and pleasure 6 she who endusit so much to bead the mile. I hope darling these recollections that footify me to much are not too pargnant for you but ad me oncy not so long ago, drank deeply at the fountain of love so I vow shan we do so again, this time in the shadow of the cradl of or the pirst fouits of that Rove. So keep praying buntle darling that it wont be long delayia, I do love you always ane wid and Rest yout phot as I would you ane wire in a while H. Mky
SEANE AIR MANEEE IIRMAIL 44 H.S. H. Bieligs 48 Rarkeos Road East Hawthorn Pictorie

War Memorial 

I shall be awaiting the postman very eagerly as ever 
tomorrow and get the same kick out of a letter as I 
ever did. I'm really not so cut up about leaving 
as I would have been a while back as in the letters 
from you since I came back here, a philosophy 
bespeaking courage and fortitude has heavily under 
scored your letters and you are stronger now than I have 
ever known you. So its an encouragement to know 
that my heart's affairs lie in such sterling hands 
and I beg of you, Kay, not to worry over me but to 
carry on and bear that marvellous child we both 
desire more than anything else on earth. When all 
is said and done, your predicament is worse than 
min mine so its absurd really to be anxious about 
me when you will need all your resources on your own 
Glad the pictures still find you a 
fan and hope you'll feel up to going for quite a long 
time yet as pleasures are few and far between these 
days. By the way, I forgot to thank you for the ten bob 
which I applied as you suggested. Its awfully sweet of 
you to do that but I feel guilty getting money from your 
meagre purse. Your doing a swell job making ends 
meet and frankly I don't know how you do all the 
buying out of your purse for two persons. So with thanks 
to God for having such a beaut wife, I toddle off 
to bed sending you every atom of love, darling. Micky



Mrs. M. Billings 
548 Barkers Road 
East Hawthorn 


War Memorial


Darling Kay, 
Howdy, for on this sunny & warm 
morn that this letter should encounter en route to 
your letterbox. Permit me to present my most 
affectionate respects to you, my sweetheart and trust you 
are right at your top. For my part, I am jolly well 
and nothing would please me more than to know 
you are the same. The mail today has not arrived 
yet but after missing yesterday I'm very hopeful today. 
Am very busy doing extra jobs partly in preparation 
for a reason you know well. It won't be long now 
I fear as indications point to the deed bearing fruit 
soon. Of course nothing has been disclosed but you 
can usually tell the genuine signs and portents. So 
pleased in your recent letters you have given me a 
full descriptions of your activities. Your progress and that 
of Master Richard. Never hesitate, pet, to give me 
plenty of that dope as I just lap it all up. Richard 
and you are my biggest link with the real life, the one 
I'm bursting to get back to and only by the letters 
from you can I keep properly in touch with what is 
going on. So spread yourself as much as you feel 
inclined within the limits of your strength and energy. 
Goody, goody, mail has just arrived and with it, 
your April Fool's day epistle and great was my joy to 
read that you feel pretty good.


I'm glad you did not subject yourself to the fatigue of going 
to see the March as by all accounts the crowd was 
terrific and you might have got a buffeting, quite apart
from the emotional tensions. I haven't seen the 
old folks for a week but will drop in tomorrow. 
Last night I went to the Regent and saw Sullivan's 
Travels and it was jolly good I thought. You must 
be feeling pretty healthy and sane when you can 
put your mind so far ahead to an orgy of clothes 
buying. Good wheeze, after your nine months of 
penance you surely deserve a spot of pleasure so 
go to it, mug. It grieves me to think that I don't 
look like having the pleasure of beholding you on the 
first day you sallied forth in your shining apparel 
I feel the same as you do about the time that has 
elapsed since I last saw you and it seems a long 
time. I vow we'll make the pan hot next time I get 
down so you had better get in all that rest now, you'll 
need it. Truth to t tell, I sometimes grudge the 
time that we've missed together particularly when I 
pass the little house you lived in up here. I can 
almost see you standing on the steps waiting for me 
and then I'm past sighing for the days that are gone. 
Well enough repining today, plug 
along, my darling lover and present or absent, I'm 
mad about you and send you a big kiss as a token 
of my ardor. Micky 

War Memorial



Mrs. M. Billings 
548 Barkers Road 
East Hawthorn 


5. 4. 43 
Magnificent my treasure, just the three 
letters from you this morning, 9th & 31st March and 
2nd April. I'm very annoyed about the first one 
being so long delayed for no reason at all as it 
was a beautiful letter and certainly deserved a better 
fate than to be loitering on a post office shelf. 
It was a letter written by a very fine person and 
as it was your response to the news of impending 
departure, you will realise my ire at it being delayed. 
However enough of moans. I'm so pleased the postie 
continues to treat you kindly, you can depend upon it 
I will wheel them out as often as possible. The weather 
down there must have been a revelation, very timely 
in your case as the bright weather certainly has a 
big bearing on one's outlook. I like to know that 
all these factors favor you as any lightening of your 
burden pleases me immensely. Sorry the smokes 
are such a rarity, I hope to do something about it so 
in a small way keep your hopes high. And please 
dont be so mercenary. it is a pleasure to be able to 
do a little thing for you. your gratitude is more than 
sufficient reward. 
Its sweet of you to tell me you 
love me as much as ever and in such a jolly 
youthful way. Soon maybe we shall have an


delicious reunion and prove to each other that tt our 
love courses ever so strongly in the old veins, love 
is a great thing particularly so when its meaning 
can be transmitted personally. When we're together 
again, I just wont be able to stop grabbing hold 
of you and kissing and caressing you the whole day 
through. Thats one thing about our love that's so 
evident, its no [[pale]] thing of dreams and conventions, 
you're so real and natural, a true woman in every 
sense of the word and making love to you is a 
tense, tingling thing far removed from the abstract. 
Thats why its hard when we are forced into long 
separation. we were made for each other, to be with 
the other. to do things, in short to live together, 
a man to be with his own woman to shelter her 
and depend upon her. each fulfilling their own part 
of a glorious contract. Do you know that I miss you 
most at the same time as you do me, at night when 
the world has done with us and life means only you 
and me. Thats when our beings are drawn unerringly 
to the other and naturally the absence of the other 
now brings on that aching feeling. It was wonderful 
up here when we used to hop into the cool 
white sheets and immediately my questing arms found 
the softly rounded smoothness of my lovely bride 
who so prettily nestled in my embrace and whose 
parted lips quickly sought a lovers kiss.


When I lie wide eyed on my solitary bunk now my 
thoughts ever turn to you and I glumly picture what 
might have been but for man's inhumanity. I see 
again your shining eyes upturned to gaze into mine, 
the white oval of your dear face crowned by a mist 
of curls, your breath quickening as the spell of love 
takes possession of you, the multitude of crushing 
kisses exchanged rapturously. Although secondhand, 
a feeling of exultation flows through me and I 
humbly give thanks that I was priviliged to be 
the chosen of she who is a complete woman who 
in giving herself freely to me. gave me everything. 
That such a love has been crowned by such a 
blessing causes no wonder to me and the child 
that is to be born of such a union must 
flourish and be a source of pride and pleasure 
to she who endures so much to bear the mite. 
I hope darling these recollections 
that fortify me so much are not too poignant for 
you but as we once, not so long ago, drank deeply 
at the fountain of love so I vow shall we do 
so again, this time in the shadow of the cradle 
of ou the first fruits of that love. So keep praying 
bundle darling that it wont be long delayed, I 
do love you always and ever and kiss your 
photo as I would you and will in a while 



Mrs. M. Billings.  
548 Barkers Road 
East Hawthorn 

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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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