Michael Billings Collection - Wallet 7 - Part 5 of 12

Second World War, 1939–45
  • Love Letters
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BRISBANE ALD.AUST. 12-MA 28 WH HIR. MAIL 1943 AIRMAIL 263.4. Hrs. H. Fillings 545 Barkers Road East Hawthoon Wicoos
pR00610 Asstrallan Be Eenort
27 3.43 Darling May. Good morning to you, Sweet bundle and may this fine you in apple, fre orded as I am confident you an. Youd letters of 16th &230d arowwd today and give me cause for my chewfue prophery. Veay pleasu jenve had maie from me which et your fears of an immediate gap in the monl at rest and allo gave you a bit of a therce. After posting that parhienad letter I was dibious whither I shoull have elaborated so much on my vision but jaid warm words accaged my doubts. How mn of sister Dorcas to give you such a lovely present for the babe, I m not suspased though as I know shel of the very beat and hed fouends never regret knowing her. I had a letter from Hum of esteday and one from Dar today and I iee Men and you had few up a faunt into the city. I hope you both had a nee day. Its fine to know you are all keeping so were. I think I forgot to mention I had a litter from Syd a week of so back and he told me he execte to take to the wated soon. Quite a show of being in the fireworks I showd say, just as were hes a strong swimmed, he might have some poartice. J oday is the day for your visit to the midies and I shall be eaguly awarting his comments about you. Kay Wall has just had a wise to inform him that he is the
2 poand fathe of a daughted. So that the first reward from the Gusbane havest. I bet you do a guious Spot of meorod gaying when your contoreos resume theid joomed shape ond I bet you get a kick out of it after being depoivee of the pleasue for so long. You crtainly wrre be able to joint with poice to youd splendid was effort, your style of citing youd secord gave me a hearty laugh. Your as goo ad Gob Hope. fond recollection of and glosious Rasbane intwhide show me only to will how you misd me with the same ceutenell that feell me As you say. when me vienalset the antome of an association up here, it martifiel the since of loss and whets the antrupation of wonderfue a nnet we shall have when we meet again. I only pray at is not long, life is too fleting to mild by steeet of the essince of it. to fuothed news from her The weathed is seetoy after a bornant elestrical stoom east night. In fact, after quard last night I feee like suppence a pount to cont spried myself today. I omorrow the day of rest (I hope), time will promit of the perosuit of onet personal inclinations to standly for a rear letted Cheeres hree then, sweethent mine and I lave you loving you most phrenciously. Kishs. M200 fAustelian thes Mamorial
27.3.43 HIR. MAIL M.rS. M. Filling, 548 Parkers Road East Hawthoon ctoria
28 3. 43. Darling Kay. As his Sunday today. The day hat been comspienoud by the abrence of mail from you but no doubt tomorrow will bring compentation in the shape of perhapt two from you, my beaut bundle. In spite of the daily reasonoance of pond continued good health I am pangune that this day you have journeyed to Glen Tois and regale yourself in Small talk are lots of gout as proof of gond busganey. I also ful poetly good and after loafing for weeks have resumed regulat is wcese and consequently feel the tops. The scase has pooperly did down and I'm beginning to think it has been wiped. Haybe Im indulging in a game with myself. and am in for a sude shock all of I sudden. One thing there hasn't been anyt tack of home leave being resumed to I think its a case of your guess being as good as mine on the whole business Now I'm sure your last few letters give use to a host of itims to discuss to lett pooe over them. Your pastl pink nightobe sounds very comfortable and wa if not so seductivn. Shee po not the peason for seduction (or is that wthe wrong word) and you did were to ignose the mon volephious prippersed that designed to hve good min to distruction; bless them. Fee, I feel quite naughty tonight and am awful saying such things to a respectable widded lady.
2 Stree, when I woor you, that shimmeny goen your Sent shwiss down my spine as were as yours to span a kindly thought on its behalf. May the pink one be wen more potnt when I behald you wrapped in its pluy confines, as I'm pasitive Iwant to pray. I eee me how do youd sating peffamal face these days! I suppose they have had to suffed the mothbaild for the present. Now there was a captivating ensumble, i fact I might aad they were the must pankes Ive wed taken off. Hee Hee! Remimbed how I usee to Threatn to ple your pants off one you frignee great indignation. But when once we had whar to and sony howen, we both found the ppepluety of alothing too mueh in this borred climale and for my speat, I found the summary removal of my stded far from a humiliation parheneaily when accomplished by soothing ane guible hands. Thave little intimusied were so delightfue and now I'm on my fet & do mus are thre pweet thingh that we shand. hove at a distance has its drawbacks, do I head you say age? The preparations for the arowar of the bouneing babe go on aface one he, she ar the wont luck for much with you as the ouled of his stesting. I hope and post vetur does not have a pluose ending as you would have fnd hands more Han fure if that happened such cauld were be left
until normal hined reced. I can well imagine youd mathers left since John came back and in hhed litter to me the other day. She sounded very chiopy Dont forget to give John my addoets if he looks like coming my way. If were she here I can pomise him a convriral evening. It does sem as though you eoshwhile make Noil had begged firh to foy thes days, she must have learner some of the fat boys put tricks. You can bet your sweet life such fortunated are up to their eyes in the fubile puosuit of the fluncy pleasured that sort rivel in because they know neithing-deepet. As long as such mugh as fellings + Clarkes draw a hand in the big game, such persons having the elastic conceunce need not depart from their Seepsh blind-alley life. I just can't be bothind with such trash after Rrocking round with real men are marrying a dinkum gial so just forget them, wive lugged tramest in hand Well this seems to be a kymn of Late so had bitter cooe down. The owner of this pen wants it now anytow so shaw go off the ast until tomorrow Churio, my Sweet wizard of And. and by your. I love you trimindously, had I you in my viain! sutches, I would show you how much a muison Ress. Sweet M.iy
E 1½ 28.343 6-6 LM AOR. ARI AIKMAH M.H. M. Gings 548 Rarkers Road East Hawthomn ctoria
RRoObC Rustralian Cer Eemorts

26. 3. 43 

Mrs. M. Billings 
548 Barker's Road 
East Hawthorn 


War Memorial


27. 3.43
Darling Kay,
Good morning to you, sweet bundle and
may this find you in apple pie order as I am confident 
you are.Your letters of 16th & 23rd arrived today and 
gave me cause for my cheerful prophecy. Very pleased 
you’ve had mail from me which set your fears of an
immediate gap in the mail at rest and also gave you a
bit of a thrill. After posting that particular letter I
was dubious whether I should have elaborated so much
on my vision but your warm words allayed my
doubts. How nice of sister Dorcas to give you such
a lovely present for the babe. I'm not surprised though
as I know shes of the very best and her friends never
regret knowing her. I had a letter from Mum
yesterday and one from Dad today and I see Mum
and you had teed up a jaunt into the city. I
hope you both had a nice day. It's fine to know
you are all keeping so well. I think I forgot to
mention I had a letter from Syd a week or so back
and he told me he expected to take to the water
soon. Quite a show of being in the fireworks I
should say, just as well he's a strong swimmer, he
might have some practice. Today is the day for
your visit to the medico and I shall be eagerly
awaiting his comments about you. Ray Wall has
just had a wire to inform him that he is the


proud father of a daughter. So that's the first reward
from the Brisbane harvest. I bet you do a
generous spot of mirror gazing when your contours
resume their former shape and I bet you get a
kick out of it after being deprived of the pleasure
for so long. You certainly will be able to point with
pride to your splendid war effort, your style of citing
your record gave me a hearty laugh. You're as good
as Bob Hope.
Your recollections of our glorious
Brisbane interlude show me only too well how you
miss me with the same acuteness that [[fills?]] me.
As you say. when one visualises the outcome of our
association up here, it mollifies the sense of loss
and whets the anticipation of wonderful times
we shall have when we meet again. I only pray
it is not long, life is too fleeting to miss big slices
of the essence of it.
No further news from here
the weather is sultry after a brilliant electrical
storm last night. In fact, after guard last
night I feel like tuppence a pound so cant
spread myself today. Tomorrow the day of rest
(I hope), time will permit of the pursuit of ones
personal inclinations so standby for a real letter
Cheerio till then, sweetheart mine and I leave
you loving you most strenuously. Kisses. Micky



Mrs. M. Billings,
548 Barker's Road
East Hawthorn


28. 3. 43.
Darling Kay,
As tis Sunday today, the day has been
conspicuous by the absence of mail from you but no
doubt tomorrow will bring compensation in the shape
of perhaps two from you, my beaut. bundle. In spite
of the daily reassurance of your continued good health
I am sanguine that this day you have journeyed to Glen
Iris and regaled yourself in small talk and lots of
grub as proof of your buoyancy. I also feel pretty good
and after loafing for weeks have resumed regular
exercise and consequently feel the tops. The scare
has properly died down and I'm beginning to think
it has been wiped. Maybe I'm indulging in a
game with myself, and am in for a rude shock all of a
sudden. One thing there hasn't been any talk of
home leave being resumed so I think its a case of
your guess being as good as mine on the whole business.
Now I'm sure your last few letters give rise to a host
of items to discuss so lets pore over them. Your pastel
pink nightrobe sounds very comfortable and warm
if not so seductive. Still tis not the season for
seduction (or is that the wrong word) and you did
well to ignore the more voluptuous fripperies that are
designed to lure good men to destruction, bless them.
Gee, I feel quite naughty tonight and am awful saying
such things to a respectable wedded lady.


Still, when I wooed you, that shimmery green gown
sent shivers down my spine as well as yours so spare a
kindly thought on its behalf. May the pink one be
even more potent when I behold you wrapped in its
fleecy confines, as I'm positive I'll want to play. Tell
me how do your satiny pyjamas fare these days?
I suppose they have had to suffer the mothballs
for the present. Now there was a captivating ensemble,
in fact I might add they were the nicest pantees
I've ever taken off. Hee Hee! Remember how I used
to threaten to pull your pants off and you feigned
great indignation. But when once we had retired to
our snug haven, we both found the superfluity
of clothing too much in this horrid climate and for
my part, I found the summary removal of my strides
far from a humiliation particularly when accomplished
by soothing and gentle hands. Those little
intimacies were so delightful and now I'm on my feet
I do miss all those sweet things that we shared.
Love at a distance has its drawbacks, do I hear you
say aye?
The preparations for the arrival of
the bouncing babe go on apace and he, she or they
wont lack for much with you as the ruler of his
destiny. I hope our first venture does not have a
plural ending as you would have your hands more
than full if that happened. Such could well be left


until normal times recur. I can well imagine your
mother's lift since John came back and in her
letter to me the other day, she sounded very chirpy.
Don't forget to give John my address if he looks like
coming my way. If were still here I can promise
him a convivial evening. It does seem as though your
erstwhile mate Nora has bigger fish to fry these
days, she must have learner learned some of the
fat boy's pet tricks. You can bet your sweet life such
fortunates are up to their eyes in the futile pursuit of
the flimsy pleasures that sort revel in because they know
nothing deeper. As long as such mugs as Billings &
Clarkes draw a hand in the big game, such persons
having the elastic conscience need not depart from their
selfish blind-alley life. I just can't be bothered with
such trash after knocking round with real men and
marrying a dinkum girl so just forget them, weve bigger
business in hand.
Well, this seems to be a hymn of hate
so had better cool down. The owner of this pen wants
it now anyhow so shall go off the air until tomorrow
Cheerio, my sweet wizard of Amor, and by jove, I
love you tremendously, had I you in my villains
clutches, I would show you how much. A million 
kiss. Sweet.



Mrs. M. Billings
548 Barker's Road
East Hawthorn


War Memorial

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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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