Michael Billings Collection - Wallet 7 - Part 12 of 12

Second World War, 1939–45
  • Love Letters
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4t 13 BRIESANE G AN9 16 AFH HIR.MA N 1343 AIRMAIL M. Fillings MS. 548 Banker's Road East Hawthoon coera
pa00610 Rostralian Ror terorts
AUSTRALIAN COMFORTS FUND in Conjunction with V.M.C.A. (Use Military Address only) 1943. Dading Kay. I spenin comventiona foom by presenting my ardent love and best sispects to you as befits a secnned and a gentleman. I had your letters of 13th ane 14th Apail yesterday and as the sands sun out, letterl from you admine greated meann ane signifance than usual. so many thankt, my luscsous lovely and may there be many man of them for they are mighty fine medicine for the jedi Swaddy. Llian too that mine an cathing up with you requearlyan promptly and I see y swac geft has to ear the shortage also. So what with thing and another, things coule be worll and jour busyant hearth ane babys progaels are not the least of the good things. In fact your autlook physical and mentall is a credit to Sweet, and as d gaze into the face Teaultal, my fears and anniteed MAIL VOUR LETTERS AJ.O.) DO NOT MENTION MILITARY ACTIVITIES.
AUSTRALIAN COMFORTS FUND 9 I in Conjunction with V.M.C.A. (Use Military Address only) No 194 mill before jout strody asmounces that the happy went, although fraught with a sheky had or two, lids faid to be the show of a lifetime for us. Youd love fod the chisl is row a conmuning thing and the way you feel about it an will comfort and footfy you when the day comed for him to repay his memig and hear out to be the worlds finest babe. As you sagely explain, the Thought of a chiedless life to a natuoal mathed is a mileable one and Iapeat that when the days count I shaw be deliveaely happy and frand to be the lathed of the chied such a beant give gives me after reading yand letter. I realise Im a perspat to wvory ouer it an lucanse of a saune sampirson like you is going to have I lat of bother, it wouldn't make sense at an addre to that you dreise for the little one is a further quarantie faid weather. I wrle therefore stop MAR VOUR LETTERS A.PO. DO NOT MENTION MILITARY ACTIVITIES.
AUSTRALIAN COMFORTS FUND Egd 1 in Conjunction with V.M.C.A. (Use Military Address only) No. 194 a leave it be you missing about a youre more than equal to your job and I than be pleased if I do mine as well She weather up here would be right up you alley just now. fine and wannt by day but mery cheety of nights. With no straw and the blankets light on, sleeping has become an act but I'm managing to grate fewt houod being a wam blovded animal. You would know about that ab pily Iinot then with as wintes approached to dish out some of the supplies woomth to you neath snawy sheets itc. something I overlooked, the pipe cleaness blew in OK ane with the beart pipe wre mean some mighty sweet puffing. you apal t heere, now. Sweetheast, and Ilove every mek of you. Catch MScky this brg kiss. MAIL VOUR LEETERS APO. DO NOT MENTION MILILARYFACTNITIES.
1704 BRISEANE ALD FUST 2-MW9 18AFH HIR MAIL 1943 AIRMAIL M.S. M Fellings 848 Barkes Roads East Hawthoon Pictoria
18 4 43 Darling Ray. Guess when Im riting this from. old him? Yep today I've paid a visit to out ald ahmort Mt FHH R.eg. and have just oetrnce from a chat with Gran who is entoa were and sands you had love. The athert do the same and with you are the best. As for myself, I pray and reput that you maintain the excullent foom you confessed to in your last letter. I missed out on the moil yesterday, you bad puss and today being Sunday, mail is oof I therefore look forward to a goodly chunk of wordy discourse from you tomorrow and wer belife you, my efine feathered fiend, if my expectations an dashes its the ground. I chan see my solicitor of Something I hope and trust you are not being neglected in that respect ane find many of my ginl axpasing in you littiobor. To change in the statemate obtaining here and I'm playing the ale of Mcaubed to perfection. I hesis plenty of leave going but appd such a perofect of this fair city Hsise li y estroday, distrut to the radie and had a fe bets, had lia, ao before sunsit: foud bust 4 game of busands, fich and chip supped and home to bid. I on 12/ on the nagh
and the r few bot wite be handy for a till at the flechpots. You cestanly are a matill pardy, fand lony gift, the briad as now boakin and is a very tarly smake. Once upon a time, the way thought of a pipe bought by a woman would have been aprocioud but I take it all back, youve suse got what it taket sprrcious I suppose you know that tthe Reids have fsind the pasints guild and the light had once mere shone an old Doug furran brow Like a schobay he was ttoday and mighty yreasee are we so now you know what you have to beat and in the dran of the hof. the last ren wns the race. I suppos youre toddle and o cast yud expect aye vow the newcont and faiy wallow in a discussion on the detate Anchd daughter, af must be the season fot a boat in the female population One of chaps, Re Dabe whom you met up here was to a cng give, a mire from the militang hespital up here and they are playing in ond littleroom. They if unt thet he a while ago and have ntin to the sametum we know to well Lusky caus! A dead itien of you and I doing the same on many a right riled before and brings back liely recorlections of and honymorn within its portals. I hap this paid have as much pen and jay at we did these dut I doubt if very much
Without moaning, it shows me clearly how divaid of interret thit hermits instince is and just haw wonderful life was when you were here to shan it with me. Can you wonded that when I sit in this very place when we lome without phnt that minanis of tthou days and nights racie through my mind, some more foa grant wthan others lingering like a heady peofume Often you wine tike that e I was intexicated by a silvery showed of whil and caussed that made me want to do civent inhe the impart of the love you poind out flig me completely under you spece and I was as putly in youd hands. A while ago you wrote that you feet poresive pwar me, little wended you feel like that at you have yfasise me to often that I am just alwayd That is why I fee so satisfied ane happy about ont lave life, at first you were somewhat an innount maid yet one passerne of the toue woment inchoit, the two at siost getting a little in the athess way. I came you such a lat then as yend innabe spusity was a parcant thing to me and I thanked God that he had given me for a mak, one so lovely ane unsported by this Sordid lemees came experience You leavnes to take your man as was you right as his wife and as youd knowledge ane confidence grent. You quickly shee the
intubitions of that at fat make the propuly line give hintantand mine I say that no one was eved love with pine of agains abandon and tingling andod than & was I know you dont i aggroake when you decease Mat gaule do suce a lot to make me happy. You gust have to be to me as you swrre uup here and that wre more than suffice the mun prag that the day at neat when your vow can be spert into spracked as alsince from yent side us againting. Some night say to find a Suthhute while we are apart dunt you are the gardslick by which I measure other geoll and I coul nnew chope ito must any one of yould Standard. I w always thankful I was fertunate enaugh to keep myself cham wntile I met the l I saught. I admit I wanted you londly before and during he I was away but when at last my orncams came ten passed each aboed for the first time, I assunded te a prmacle that msst have ten nead to heaven atself. Perhaps we ere somete gut on secual matter but it was a buartiful thim poet from the graping stage to a man maduse stage which had so glansnely cutunatie in my own daling approaihing the dignity of matherhood. Pua it was right and ropehago Sep by Step wtl we had love to sush nestalie treights that the p of ht love had to fit this namonl cubeet and thus 1200616 it had happend Frta Mar Memerts
5 Ito a good anquay for and bale that he was conceive at the puopose of something fine and yet to thouing by a post class give and and past boon wrce always prom as a reminded to me of those perfect times n which I found the person to make my life something that has everything I clase now darling and fee potly good now I we bun able to have a intimate balk to the one pesson who I can talk to and who understands what I say. Its prohaps inpeopluous for me to say I love you now and forer but thats just what I do I'll shart my syet and think I'm kessing your lips for the first time way back in the 305, tthey were to prout then and nived lost thus prntnets. Bye o ye preasure The focks are send this love ane good withis M.My
ISRISSANE GLD RUST. MN4 18AFR 1943 HIR- MAIL ARMAI 180.4.43 HS. M. Bellings 48 Garkers Road East Hawthoon ctoria
20.0610 Rustrallan Tar Mamerl

Queen Street
10 AM
10   16 APR   10


Mrs. M. Billings
548 Barkers Road
East Hawthorn


War Memorial 


in Conjunction with
(Use Military Address only)

Darling Kay.
I open in conventional
form by presenting my ardent love
and best respects to you as befits a
gunner and a gentleman. I had your
letters of 13th and 14th April yesterday
and as the sands run out, letters from
you assume greater meaning and significance
than usual. So many thanks, my
luscious lovely and may there be many
more of them for they are mighty fine
medicine for the faded swaddy. Pleased
too, that mine are catching up with
you regularly and promptly and I see
my small gift has arrived to ease
the shortage also. So what with one
thing and another, things could be
worse and your buoyant health and
baby's progress are not the least of the
good things. In fact, your outlook
physical and mental is a credit to
you. Sweet, and as I gaze into the
crystal, my fears and anxieties melt



in Conjunction with
(Use Military Address only)


melt before your sturdy assurances that
the happy event, although fraught with
a sticky hour or two, bids fair to be
the show of a lifetime for us. Your love
for the child is now a consuming thing
and the way you feel about it all
will comfort and fortify you when the
day comes for him to repay his mummy
and turn out to be the world's finest
babe.  As you sagely explain, the thought
of a childless life to a natural mother
is a miserable one and I repeat that
when the days comes I shall be
deliriously happy and proud to be the
father of the child such a beaut girl
has gives me after reading your
letter. I realise I'm a fusspot to
worry over it all because if a sound
sane person like you is going to have a
lot of bother, it wouldn't make sense
at all. Added to that, your desire
for the little one is a further guarantee
of fair weather. I will therefore stop



in Conjunction with
(Use Military Address only)


messing about and leave it to you.
Youre more than equal to your job
and I shall be pleased if I do mine as
The weather up here would
be right up you alley just now, fine
and warm by day but very chilly
of nights. With no straw and the
blankets light on. Sleeping has become
an art but I'm managing to grab a
few  hours being a warm blooded
animal. You would know about that
and its a pity I'm not there with 
you as winter approaches to dish out
some of the surplus warmth to you
neath snowy sheets etc. Something
I overlooked, the pipe cleaners blew
in OK and with the beaut pipe
wire mean some mighty sweet puffing. -
Youre a pal!
Cheerio, now. Sweetheart,
and I love every inch of you. Catch
this big kiss. Micky




10   18 APR   10

Mrs. M Billings
548 Barkers Roads
East Hawthorn


18 4 43
Darling Kay.
Guess where I'm writing this from,
old bun? Yep today I've paid a visit to our
old chums. Mr & Mrs Reg. and have just returned
from a chat with Gran who is extra well and sends
you her love. The others do the same and wish you
all the best. As for myself. I pray and expect that
you maintain the excellent form you confessed to in
your last letter. I missed out on the mail yesterday,
you bad puss and today being Sunday, mail is orf.
I therefore look forward to a goodly chunk of wordy
discourse from you tomorrow and woe betide you,
my fine feathered friend, if my expectations are dashed 
to the ground. I shall see my solicitor or something.
I hope and trust you are not being neglected in that
respect and find many of my gems reposing in your
letterbox. No change in the stalemate [[obtaining?]] here
and I'm playing the role of Micawber to perfection.
There's plenty of leave going but after such a surfeit of
this fair city. Hectic time yesterday, listened to the
radio and had a few bets, had tea, a stroll before
sunset: found beers, a game of billiards, fish and chip
supper and home to bed. I won 12/- on the nags.



and the extra few bob will be handy for a tilt at the fleshpots.
You certainly are a versatile party. Your lovely gift, the briar is now
broken in and is a very tasty smoker. Once upon a time, the
very thought of a pipe bought by a woman would have been atrocious
but I take it all back.  You've  sure got what it takes, precious.
I suppose you know that the Reids have formed the parents guild
and the light has once more shone on old Doug's furrowed brow.
Like a schoolboy he was today and mighty pleased all went way
well.  So now you know what you have to beat and in the idiom
of the turf, the last man wins the race. I suppose you'll toddle
over to cast your expert eye over the newcomer and fairly wallow in
a discussion on the details.  Another darlin' daughter, it must be the
season for a boost in the female population.
One of chaps, [[Rod Doulee?]] whom you met
up here was wed to a charming girl, a nurse from the military
hospital up here and they are staying in our little room. They just
had their tea a while ago and have access to the sanctum we know
so well. Lucky cows! A clear vision of you and I doing the same
on many a night rises before and brings back lively recollections
of our honeymoon within its portals. I hope this pair have as
much fun and joy as we did there but I doubt it very much.



Without moaning, it shows me clearly how devoid of
interest this hermits existence is and just how wonderful
life was when you were here to share it with me. Can
you wonder that when I sit in this very place when we
loved without stint that memories of those days and
nights raced through my mind. Some more fragrant than
others lingering like a heady perfume. Often you were
like that and I was intoxicated by a silvery shower
of kisses and caresses that made me want to do circus
tricks until the impact of the love you poured out
flung me completely under your spell and I was as putty
in your hands. A while ago you wrote that you felt
possessive toward me, little wonder you feel like that
as you have possessed me so often that I am yours always.
That is why I feel so satisfied and happy about our
love life, at first you were somewhat an innocent maid
yet one possessed of the true woman's instincts, the two
at first getting a little in the other's way. I loved you
such a lot then as your innate purity was a precious
thing to me and I thanked God that he had given
me for a mate, one so lovely and unspoiled by this
sordid business called experience. You learned to take
your man as was your right as his wife and as your
knowledge and confidence grew, you quickly shed the



inhibitions of that at first make the properly bred girl hesitant and for
mine I say that no one was ever loved with such joyous abandon
and tingling ardor than I was. I know you don't exaggerate when you
declare that you'll do such a lot to make me happy. You just have to
be to me as you were up here and that will more than suffice.
We must pray that the day is near when your vow can be put into practice
as absence from your side is agonising. Some might say to find a
substitute while we are apart but you are the yardstick by which I
measure other girls and I could never hope to meet any one of your
standard. I'm always thankful I was fortunate enough to keep myself
clean until I met the lover I sought. I admit I wanted you badly
before and during the time I was away but when at last my dreams
came true and we  possessed each other for the first time, I ascended
to a pinnacle that must have been near to heaven itself. Perhaps we
were somewhat ignorant on sexual matters but it was a beautiful thing
to progress from the groping stage to a more mature stage which had 
so gloriously culminated in my own darling approaching the dignity of 
motherhood. Perhaps it was right and proper that we should go from 
step by step until we had loved to such ecstatic heights that
the fruits of that love had to find this natural outlet and thus
it has happened.

War Memorial 


Its a good anyway for our babe that he was conceived
as the purpose of something fine and yet so thrilling by
a first class girl and our first born will always serve
as a reminder to me of those perfect times in which I
found the person to make my life something that has
I close now, darling and feel pretty
good now I've been able to have an intimate talk to
the one person who I can talk to and who understands
what I say. Its perhaps superfluous for me to say
I love you now and forever but that's just what I do.
I'll shut my eyes and think I'm kissing your lips for
the first time way back in the 30's, they were so sweet
then and never lost their sweetness. Bye. Bye. treasure.
The old folks all send their love and good wishes.



10  18 APR  10

18 4 43
Mrs. M. Billings
548 Barkers Road
East Hawthorn


PR00610 .
War Memorial

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