Michael Billings Collection - Wallet 7 - Part 2 of 12

Second World War, 1939–45
  • Love Letters
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got so many of the things so were in hand Taken an round. I dipt my lid to you for doing a champion job. I can see that your nived allow you children to reflect anything but favorably upon therd parints. Iis impatient I am to get back to you for keept to help you get and show under way and get shiek into that brand of love and happineds that it youd spicialty. Your new wostly yacket sounds very inticing as I will mind how tthe fluffy pink one was an urgent invitation to take you in my aoms and pet you. Be assured that I have not lost my kindency to repeat such actions and shaw give you a mighty hug the first time & behald you Mayle Ive a bedsoom complex but we had many wonderful times together lying side by side and mintion of daity bondor prettied strogly revives many foagrant mimories and he cove whhe sheets. Of causse, night is the appointed time fod lovers, when the work of the world can be shed like an overcoat and people like us can show hhimselves to the athed fau of the chaking clutched of dule convintion. The mimanit of those perfect an nights a howed of shamgth when I can't be with you and please God it wont be long inhe we can take up where we left off and I can Sue you and dave you in your huiple role of wife, mather ane laved. I really cauldnt hayard a guist i at which of the three you shine most brighbly. As wife and loved youse
100 o/0 but I have a feeling that youil equal if not bitted the athers as a mother. Youre only a bundle but its are good solid gald. What with youd own possessions and K.chard's growing wardsobe, I can will bee his taking up a lot of room im more ways than one. That room has seen a lidy stice of and lives first as reparate persons and lated as a compactly welded unit so its only filling that the wee one should soak into him some of its atmorphese. To the authided, its just a room but to no its a monument, The spot when two people lived ane loved in an weathers and at all timet. Did you wid dream that one day and own child wanld virtually commence his life within its humble partals! To me, its a shome and t you an the cintrac figuie enthroued There By architictural standards, a humble room but greatness rests in humility when you realise that the greatest of an chiedain was born in a stable. Though it be packed with various impedimenta, the goods an yours and hib, and I can visualite no bithd place fod he infant to sample his early days. Its too bad the young blighted has gone so fad as to harspats on youd own bid, too right his old man nived had the hemerity to bry and be a promanent fixhine there. I wrie admit it would have been bleak had I been barred allogethed before
4. being aligatio to the flood. Thanks for the sunday itumb of news and am pleased you have heard from Katie I shall be papping up within the next few days to have a yap. Last day, I took Rug down for a coupla yugsand went back to hea there. Went to the pichiars last night and saw a good show The Lady has plans with Pantibte Goddard and Ray Meeand -some amuing spots in it indeed. Otherwise nothing ee has distumbed the sturness. Lahet purphres prapheey a hold up in the remaval busineth for a short period. So you know as much as I do The betting favors a probable meeting with Brothes John but you know how it is. I suppose pood ald Hum taked a pale viw of the retuon of Dorcas to Sydney, damn it are, this business makes a mest of peaples homes. Anathet wedding taket place this week, that five Since weve been here. The goom and bestman are had at it is borrw uniforms for the cisimony but that little detail wont i interfere much. to I Ive gold you all, Sweetheast mine and lay down the pen for anathed day fuled with many thoughts and y eoronings for you Accept the Rill I in imagining I m impointing on your lipt, a token offising of my love. Cheeris PRo0610 H. My Ristratian Em Mamorial
BRISB OLAN M 17 MOH 1943 4h 4/714 4 M.S. M. Billings 163-43 548 Parkers Road East Hawthoon Fictoris
233 p200610 Ristrallan the Eemorts
183. 43 Darling May. I ve been scratching around for a couple of minuter seeking an opening to this with a tran of originality in it but find my pen insufficiently facile. to my customan banal style will have anothed try out, as I know fiee well I do not have to put on a hnon for you. As a pipespenet, I hope as much as evid that the arrival of this will find you fightin fit and Secrmely happy as that happy state of apfairs is my tweliest wish for you, are else buing of secondary importance to me. Not that I imagine you are not as your staunchness and interigence assist you to maintain a clean bill. Keary though, Sweetheart, it's been Sweee to have your repeated assurances on those linet because it would be plain here for me if you were Seedy and I just had to be here and just leave you be Im not going to be so fatuous as to beee you to keep it up, as f every respect both you and the little chap are in good hands. The underlying note in your recent litters has been an eved--increasing love for your baly and I'm hise youre going find him at hit as strong antidate for the pangs of Concliness and the that seems to form too large a past in out lives. He cirtainly wre keep you buty and theret no bithd job than a labod of love. What a rothn cow it wrre be if I have to pass up my leave but
frankly and glumly I fead its going to be a miracl if I do make it. I can picture the scines clearly enough to know that the I will be mitting a lat by not bung these, to be you with youd new born child would be a revelation. Its sually the wrong time for the husband to be away. Today was anathed bad day, the second without a letter from you but expect better luck tomarrow. Haybe there will be two at more and apter missing out for two whole dayt, Ill gobble them up. I had a litter from Wum y Sterday and one from Darcat today so havent drawn a blank entirely, but yause the one I'm apted, my sweet one. As you can see, shre shuck i the same place, for how along I know not. That means some more letters to You and from you which gladdens the heart. Those paccious letters mean the world, don't they, and as long as they keep going, it's not so bad. I must now tell you of a lovely expeniner I had last night as it brought back to me like a forsent how I love you and caloued it with the recollection of a time up here when The chance to live that love occussie. To begin at the beginning, you know how anely I dream y et hait one came to me as clearly at the light of the soen. I in not suse if it was a case of the clock bring put back but at least it was exactly as many
a day I spent with you here. It opened with you are I reclining on the banks of the river at that ppot you ueed to favor and we were in him, yosbling one anothet barking nonense then talking mighty personsly of the putuse, mastly about kiddis and homes. The finderners such a happy subject enginders, soon had you lyng pallirly in my armo, looking into my eyet and responding tto the eaget, waom kishes pressed upon you After a while, the missage of the stars lickond us to go and lose ansselves in the atherd embraced in the tiny asbod that was youd Sanchuarg. Shoiling cheerfully, hand in hand, speaking ppasingly and in menmerst, ae soon inhered the mirting room. With many sight of alif, we went to and respective sides of the room and dwishd ourselves of the garments of the shrut, imerging garbed in the flowing and alluring rabes of plumbed. Then we knelt in prayed giving thanks for what we had received and were receiving, namely, and love for one anothed and The hours togethet wherein we might show to the other the intensity of that love. Next out ascent to the many fastnessed and like a gift from the gods. I infolded you in my arms and you snuggled into me until the nearness and the fragrance of you made me hingle from head to foot with a kind of an excrtement. Then youd kisses and canesers were heaped upor me regarty and my hold of you rlared and
and I sank back on the pilaws. My body seemed without wright at mutcle but my mind became cayltar clead I glaned in youd swift moving fingers unlie it hust and then I wanted you, how I wanted you and knew you demanded me, youd mate. Soon an pence of wwhat was going on around me vanished, you were every where the smabhising mast of your custs, you satin breachs aising and faring, busying my fau deep into ther vilvity dephns. At last my usitits hands came back to life and I leegan to explose that dynamie body that was thrieling me through and through. A at for long thange could I withstand such an sulpousing of his lave and my denne for hid grew with each canst. Almost swooning, 8 mustend enaugh stregth to paied myself to hid and with each longing gaze into hid shing eyet,n plain to see in the gloom, she book me and gave me the shoingth of hin. Swiftly maving, the climar approached and the drew from me the message of my manhood and I knew no more to vivie was the dream that I wonded could at be The night and child was conceive, eerything was peofect ane and happiess was complite. you see, darling, fart away as you art, you live with me by day and by night, even wito my slumbert. I can uite no mose, the spen is booken to bye bye, my own and you hee I do love you M.My
TBSIISEN OLAND AUE AH 213 MI 1943 PUSIEE FLL MA. M. Bellings 18.3.43 548 Parker's Road East Hawthoon chosie

got so many of the things so well in hand. Taken all
round. I dips my lid to you for doing a champion
job. I can see that you'll never allow your
children to reflect anything but favorably upon their
parents. Tis impatient I am to get back to you for
keeps to help you get our show under way and get
stuck into that brand of love and happiness that is
your specialty. Your new woolly jacket sounds very
enticing as I well mind how the fluffy pink one was
an urgent invitation to take you in my arms and pet
you. Be assured that I have not lost my tendency
to repeat such actions and shall give you a mighty hug
the first time I behold you. Maybe I've a bedroom
complex but we had many wonderful times together
lying side by side and mentions of dainty boudoir
parties strongly revives many fragrant memories amid
the cool white sheets. Of course, night is the appointed
time for lovers, when the work of the world can be
shed like an overcoat and people like us can show
themselves to the other free of the choking clutches
of dull convention. The memories of those perfect
nights a is are a tower of strength when I can't be with
you and please God it won't be long until we
can take up where we left off and I can see you
and love you in your simple role of wife, mother and
lover. I really couldn't hazard a guess at which of the
three you shine most brightly. As wife and lover you're


100% but I have a feeling that you'll equal if not
better the others as a mother. You're only a bundle
but its all good solid gold.
What with your own possessions
and Richard's growing wardrobe. I can well see his
taking up a lot of room in more ways than one.
That room has been a tidy slice of our lives, first
as separate persons and later as a compactly
wedded unit so its only fitting that the wee one should
soak into him some of its atmosphere. To the outsider, 
its just a room but to us its a monument, the
spot where two people lived and loved in all
weathers and at all times.   Did you ever dream that
one day our own child would virtually commence his
life within its humble portals?  To me, its a shrine
and t you are the central figure enthroned there.
By architectural standards, a humble room but
greatness rests in humility when you realise that the
greatest of all children was born in a stable. Though
it be packed with various impediments, the goods are
yours and his, and I can visualise no better place
for the infant to sample his early days.
Its too bad the young blighter
has gone so far as to trespass on your own bed, too right
his old man never had the humanity to try and be
a permanent fixture there. I will admit it would
have been bleak had I been barred altogether before


being relegated to the floor.
Thanks for the sundry items of
news and am pleased you have heard from Katie.
I shall be popping up within the next few days to
have a yap. Last day, I took Reg down for a couple
jugs and went back to tea there. Went to the pictures
last night and saw a good show ‘The Lady has plans’
with Paulette Goddard and Ray Milland. Some
amusing spots in it indeed. Otherwise nothing else
has disturbed the stillness. Latest furphies
prophesy a hold up in the removal business
for a short period. So you know as much as I do.
The betting favors a probable meeting with Brother
John but you know how it is. I suppose poor
old Mum takes a pale view of the return of Dorcas
to Sydney, damn it all. This business makes a
mess of people's homes. Another wedding takes
place this week, that's five since we've been here.
The groom and bestman are hard at it to borrow
uniforms for the ceremony but that little detail
won't in interfere much.
So I  I've told you all, Sweetheart
mine and lay down the pen for another day
filled with many thoughts and yearnings for you.
Accept the kiss I'm imagining I'm imprinting on
your lips, a token offering of my love. Cheerio.

War Memorial



Mrs. M. Billings
548 Barker's Road
East Hawthorn


War Memorial


Darling Kay,
I've been scratching around for a couple
of minutes seeking an opening to this with a trace of
originality in it but find my pen insufficiently facile.
So my customary banal style will have another try out,
as I know full well I do not have to put on a turn
for you. As a pipeopener, I hope as much as ever that
the arrival of this will find you fightin' fit and
serenely happy as that happy state of affairs is my
liveliest wish for you, all else being of secondary
importance to me. Not that I imagine you are not
as your staunchness and intelligence assist you to maintain
a clean bill. Really though, Sweetheart, it's been
swell to have your repeated assurances on those lines
because it would be plain hell for me if you were
seedy and I just had to be here and just leave you be.
I'm not going to be so fatuous as to tell you to keep
it up, as from in many respects both you and the little
chap are in good hands. The underlying note in your
recent letters has been an ever-increasing love for
your baby and I'm sure you're going find him or her
a strong antidote for the pangs of loneliness and
the that seems to form too large a part in our
lives.  He certainly will keep you busy and there's no
better job than a labor of love. What a rotten cow
it will be if I have to pass up my leave but  


frankly and glumly I fear its going to be a miracle if I
do make it. I can picture the scenes clearly enough
to know that the I will be missing a lot by not
being there, to see you with your new born child
would be a revelation. It's surely the wrong time for
the husband to be away.
Today was another bad day, the
second without a letter from you but expect better
luck tomorrow. Maybe there will be two or more
and after missing out for two whole days, I'll gobble
them up. I had a letter from Mum yesterday
and one from Dorcas today so haven't drawn a blank
entirely, but you're the one I'm after, my sweet one. As
you can see, still stuck in the same place, for how
long I know not. That means some more letters to
you and from you which gladdens the heart. Those
precious letters mean the world, don't they, and as
long as they keep going, it's not so bad.
 I must now tell you of
a lovely experience I had last night as it brought back
to me like a torrent how I love you and colored
it with the recollection of a time up here when
the chance to live that love occurred. To begin at
the beginning, you know how rarely I dream yet
this one came to me as clearly as the light of the
sun. I'm not sure if it was a case of the clock
being put back but a least it was exactly as many


a day I spent with you here. It opened with you and I
reclining on the banks of the river at that spot you used
to favor and we were in turn, jostling one another,
talking nonsense then talking mighty seriously of the
future, mostly about kiddies and homes. The tenderness
such a happy subject engenders, soon had you lying
passively in my arms, looking into my eyes and
responding to the eager, warm kisses pressed upon you.
After a while, the message of the stars beckoned us
to go and lose ourselves in the other's embraces in
the tiny arbor that was your sanctuary. Strolling
cheerfully, hand in hand, speaking sparingly and in
murmurs, we soon entered the inviting room. With
many sighs of relief, we went to our respective sides of
the room and divested ourselves of the garments of
the street, emerging garbed in the flowing and
alluring robes of slumber. Then we knelt in prayer
giving thanks for what we had received and
were receiving, namely, our love for one another and
the hands together wherein we might show to the other
the intensity of that love. Next our ascent to the
many fastnesses and like a gift from the gods. I
enfolded you in my arms and you snuggled into me
until the nearness and the fragrance of you made
me tingle from head to foot with a kind of an
excitement. Then your kisses and caresses were heaped
upon me regally and my hold of you relaxed and


and I sank back on the pillows. My body seemed without
weight or muscle but my mind became crystal clear.
I glowed in your swift moving fingers until it hurt
and then I wanted you, how I wanted you and knew
you demanded me, your mate. Soon all sense of what
was going on around me vanished, you were everywhere,
the smothering mass of your curls, your satin breasts
rising and falling, burying my face deep into their
velvety depths. At last my useless hands came back to
life and I began to explore that dynamic body that
was thrilling me through and through. Not for long
though could I withstand such an outpouring of her
love and my desire for her grew with each caress.
Almost swooning, I mustered enough strength to press
myself to her and with each longing gaze into her
shining eyes, no plain to see in the gloom,  she took
me and gave me the strength of her. Swiftly love 
moving, the climax approached and she drew from
me the message of my manhood and I knew no more.
So vivid was the dream that I wonder could it be
the night our child was conceived, everything was
perfect and our happiness was complete. You see,
darling, far away as you are, you live with me by day and
by night, even into my slumbers.
I can write no more, the spell is broken
so bye-bye my own and you see I do love you.



Mrs. M. Billings
548 Barker's Road.
East Hawthorn.

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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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