Michael Billings Collection - Wallet 7 - Part 1 of 12

Second World War, 1939–45
  • Love Letters
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14 3.43 Dadling Kay, soday being the saboath, I hope it has been a day of many goaces for you. I trust youd cald has now departed and this finds you fine of beaut keeping the assaults of Hashs Kchan at bays No furthed letters to hand since the hus that came on Friday but am sanquine that tomarrou will bring its oward of at least two. I hape you are having better visuets than a few days ago from me at Ive managed nearly a litter ped day last week and am I pleased to be able to do so. As you see, shee hibinating at the ald stamping ground and new the rush has died down, as one io showing much intirest, the expectation of an early departure having the natural effect so theses nothing to add on that score from what you already know. Went to the Sacramints thit moon and also enjayed a charactirishe Sermon from the R.W. I escorted Kake up these and bath she and Rng an wvery wire and kend you ther lave. Am on guard today, wauldy job, and I fovse a weary laddy tomarrow. L eam at paisnt is liberal but it does not thrue me any more Apped
2 much deliberation f estuday, my cobbed and I fanoneyed to the races, The first time I we been up here and it was the worlds worst show I we eved sem. I my course, dust everywhere, overcrowded and practically no amuncties. After a fierce babble with the sing, I finished up 2/6 down. I had sire be my last wisit haise, I promise. Came back easly and had a firt jugs and the pictused twoned up here and we adjononed for a jally good open and show. Thil appernoon I guest finds you aved at Tlen Lord to have a gaoe and a lke with illaw & Paw. A good old custom that one and one you always liked muchly. Im fairly shompee for nws today to I regret my covrage wl be less than I like. I omorrow, I hope, wre produce a bitter show particulaly if thesse letters from my precisus bundle. With that exictation, I must toddle off to mees, tweetheast, and clase haping you feel as wile as I do and let not the bourly of this leas youo believe that I dont love you one what the lest. Henwith the huge daily Kils to impoint upon your big heart Micky Pab10. Restralian T Memoris
1158 AANN TRRE 2.8 12-MR 14 N4 1943 1943 POSTL. 7St H18. H. Fellings 14.3. 42 548 Rarkers Koad East Hawthorn. cone
PROObI0 Restrallan Har Mamorial
15 3. 48 Davling Mounmy. Yours of Land was the applause this day wher 10th & 11th Carch were flung to my eaged grasp and the lateet happenings in you sweet young life lay before my glistening oobs. Very nuvry sieds, fie of good chied denoting that the writed is fule of beant fod which praise the Lord. It is beaut, put, that your cold has evaparated and the little ferrow is keeping his muniny fully aware of his pritence. It would seem that you first born is going to be one of whose bonged babus who live all the day long. Highbly bo too, seeing tthe pains his mother has indured to make such come to past. Its very gratifying to know he appriciated the first gift his pap has himedout on only he shawd be mon reserved in his geatuaes of appreciation. The gift sounds extra nice and no doubt, the chaiee is a very will one. I'm glad the registrow letter arrive OK and youve made arrangements to fook out for the senewals. If C has does not get the naticet by the end of the month, yaud bitter get him to sing up the companiet and alk for them. I really must pat your back hard for the calm and philosophical manned in which you learmed the niws of my departure. You can realise how impalatable it wwas to report such
glovmy Iidings but it is a great consolation to know you will carry on with youd byg yob as I knnew you would. You would be liss than human were you not disappointed at the possibility that my paltnce early in July wont makinali. Naybe Ill I it along sharbly apprward and then we shall do a spicial line in ayaicing. From what I can leave its nathing of a pensahional nature, more of a antire sum as the ather blakes have to get a spece sometime. Thanks tto them, it wort be half as tough as they found it so I guiet will make out quite will. We uinally seem to make anssilvet paitly pring. Except for a weck at to. I think the corrispondence showd be satifactory and thats a mighly by thing. In fact when all us said and done, thins not such a qreat change as while I in Separaha from you, itl imnatinal where I am in my mind. No it looks as though weve both braci authelors for a period of siparation, litt pray at to be one of shart duration. If rumnor proved correct, it will be goodoh if I can contact Pat & John to. When I actuary shore off. I would be grateful to get a few papers from you as in those pplaces itt gets farthy drear at Tinet and nind from the sld home town is the doubly weecome. About parcels, you nudnt worry about that until I get the lay of the land but I'm sure I'el be trispatling on
your generonity now and again for a few hit-bitt. A wit head: darling, I shall get on you back now and again. Give dead Ada a kill from me for are the help shes given you, I know what a howed of stringth she is and its a byg balm for me to know youre with hed. You are just marvirlous yourself too remember and I love you more every time I get a litter from you. Wese it not for the fact that youve become so divated to the babe, I would few a bit of a dog wher I read about yout food swollin toothid. I wish I could out and Squiep Them to eas the pair. Aat so long and my pattiant and what kind of thing wrie go by the board and I know the cause thereof will apay you for you fortilude Hell, my bweitheart, the matters voice is demanding my presince at his tumant to must conclude. Fa ta until Homaroou and I send you wery scrap of lave, I passeds and seal this with a gigantie kits. Yours always. M. Ny
BRISBANE GLD.AUST. PA 15MA 1943 412 4/914 AIRNAII Guings 153. MN. M 548 Barkers Road Sast Hawthoon etori
b Restrallan Dor Henorts
16 3. 43 Darling Kay, I greet you good wife, and thank ye most kindly for youd litted of the 12th which ebected from me the same pleasure as do any of you letters. Its powerful glad I am to know you feel so willnot that it surpoises me seeing how casefully you look apter yourself. Were you to be frequently off-colod. wwould be are hoor all this business of dut, rest and eercise, So by forrowing out youd program, you naturally reap the benefit from Mothed Pahu although I bet you'd appreciate a bit mon limency about the feet say. Sitice, it seems that the mantle of motherhood is rated partly high and like most things on the highed plane makes heavy demands on the aspirants. Nine manths howeved it a tolerable space and youvr got to be tough to keep kicking on like you do and its pleased I am that the climax drows next I venture to predict that the result of you epports wree be crassified o! so at least gonce have the satisfaction of Bering just show good a yob you did do. And garbid in the various them of appaie and advernment you so vividly discailer to me, I rickon the lad will look a humdinged, Iee, that showl that is now reposing in the chest sounds lumsons and I but piople wrll think his nibs is of the bloody royal. Il a wribute to yand industry that youve

Darling Kay,
Today being the sabbath,
I hope it has been a day of many graces
for you. I trust your cold has now departed
and this finds you full of beans and keeping
the assaults of Master Richard at bay.
No further letters to hand since the two that
came on Friday but am sanguine that tomorrow
will bring its reward of at least two. I hope
you are having better results than a few days ago
from me as I've managed nearly a letter per
day last week and am I pleased to be able
to do so. As you see, still hibernating at the
old stomping ground and now the rush has
died down, no one is showing much interest,
the expectation of an early departure having the
natural effect. So there's nothing to add on
that score from what you already know. Went
to the sacraments this morn and also enjoyed
a characteristic Sermon from the Rev. I escorted
Katie up there and both she and Reg are
very well and send you their love. Am on guard
today, mauldy job, and I foresee a weary
laddy tomorrow. Leave at present is liberal
but it does not thrill me any more. After


much deliberation yesterday, my cobber and I
journeyed to the races, the first time I've
been up here and it was the world's worst
show I've ever seen. Tiny course, dust everywhere,
overcrowded and practically no amenities.
After a fierce battle with the ring, I finished up
2/6 down. That will be my last visit there, I
promise. Came back early and had a few
jugs and the pictures turned up here and
we adjourned for a jolly good open air show.
This afternoon I guess finds
you over at Glen Iris to have a yarn and a
bite with Maw & Paw. A good old custom that
one and one you always liked muchly.
I'm fairly stumped for news
today so I regret my coverage tod will be
less than I like. Tomorrow, I hope, will produce
a better show particularly if there's letters from
my precious bundle. With that expectation,
I must toddle off to mess, sweetheart. and
close hoping you feel as well as I do
and let not the brevity of this lead you to
believe that I don't love you one whit the
less. Herewith the huge daily kiss to imprint
upon your big heart.

War Memorial



Mrs. M. Billings
548 Barkers Road.
East Hawthorn.


War Memorial


15. 3. 43
Darling Mummy,
Loud was the applause this day when yours of
10th & 11th March were flung to my eager grasp
and the latest happenings in your sweet young life lay
before my glistening orbs. Very newsy screeds, full of
good cheer denoting that the writer is full of beans
for which praise the Lord. It is beaut, pet, that
your cold has evaporated and the little fellow
is keeping his mummy fully aware of his presence.
It would seem that your first born is going to be
one of those bonzer babies who live all the day
long. Rightly so too, seeing the pains his mother
has endured to make such come to pass. Its very
gratifying to know he appreciates the first gift his
pap has turned out on only he should be more
reserved in his gestures of appreciation. The gift sounds
extra nice and no doubt, the choice is a very wise one.
I'm glad the registered letter arrived O.K and you've
made arrangements to fork out for the renewals. If
Chas does not get the notices by the end of the
month, you'd better get him to ring up the companies
and ask for them.
I really must pat your back hard
for the calm and philosophical manner in which
you learned the news of my departure. You can
realise how unpalatable it was to report such


gloomy tidings but it is a great consolation to know
you will carry on with your big job as I knew you
would. You would be less than human were you
not disappointed at the possibility that my
presence early in July won't materialise. Maybe I'll
get along shortly afterward and then we shall do
a special time in rejoicing. From what I can learn
its nothing of a sensational nature, more of a
routine turn as the other blokes have to get a spell
sometime. Thanks to them, it won't be half as
tough as they found it so I guess will make out
quite well. We usually seem to make ourselves
pretty snug. Except for a week or so, I think the
correspondence should be satisfactory and that's
a mighty big thing.. In fact when all is said
and done, theres not such a great change as while I'm
separated from you, its immaterial where I am in my
mind. So it looks as though we've both braced
ourselves for a period of separation, let's pray it
to be one of short duration. If rumor proves correct,
it will be good oh if I can contact Pat & John
to. When I actually shove off. I would be grateful to
get a few papers from you as in those places its
gets pretty dreary at times and news from the old
home town is then doubly welcome. About parcels,
you needn't worry about that until I get the lay
of the land but I'm sure I'll be trespassing on


your generosity now and again for a few tit-bits. Never
fear, darling, I shall get on your back now and again.
Give dear Ada a kiss from me
for all the help she's given you, I know what a tower
of strength she is and its a big balm for me to
know you're with her. You are just marvellous yourself
too remember and I love you more every time I get
a letter from you. Were it not for the fact that
you've become so devoted to the babe, I would feel
a bit of a dog when I read about your poor swollen
tootsies. I wish I could rub and squeeze them
to ease the pain. Not so long now my precious
and that kind of thing will go by the board and
I know the cause thereof will repay you for your
Well, my sweetheart, the master's
voice is demanding my presence at his turnout so
must conclude. Ta. ta until tomorrow and
I send you every scrap of love, I possess and
seal this with a gigantic kiss.
Yours always.



Mrs. M. Billings 
548 Barker's Road
East Hawthorn.


War Memorial 


16. 3. 43
Darling Kay,
I greet you, good wife, and thank ye most
kindly for your letter of the 12th which evoked from
me the same pleasure as do any of your letters. It's
powerful glad I am to know you feel so well not
that it surprises me seeing how carefully you look
after yourself. Were you to be frequently off-color.
t'would be all hooey all this business of diet, rest
and exercise. So by following out your program, you
naturally reap the benefit from Mother Nature although
I bet you'd appreciate a bit more leniency about the
feet say. Still, it seems that the mantle of motherhood
is rated pretty high and like most things on the higher
plane makes heavy demands on the aspirants. Nine
months however is a tolerable space and you've got
to be tough to keep kicking on like you do and
its pleased I am that the climax draws near.
I venture to predict that the result of your efforts will
be classified A1 so at least you'll have the satisfaction
of seeing just how good a job you did do. And
garbed in the various items of apparel and
adornment you so vividly describe to me, I reckon the
lad will look a humdinger. Gee, that shawl that
is now reposing in the chest sounds luxurious and
I bet people will think his nibs is of the bloody
royal. Its a tribute to your industry that you've 

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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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