Michael Billings Collection - Wallet 6 - Part 11 of 14

Second World War, 1939–45
  • Love Letters
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I think my insurance unewall become due in March and fortunately I can dig up sufficient chips to pay up I had thought of dipeooing the pay ments as soldnees can get that protection but I consider it withed to keep it paid up The natues from the companiet will probably be sent to Charle so if he gett them, wrre you feel him to post them on to me. Foom what I head, I wouldn't be at an surpoisee if yand brothed John showne up soon. I don't know anything definite but uendestand thati how the wind blows. That would delight your mother, Sylvia and you apted all this time. Well, I wthink it high time I finished up at after racking the lam I can think of nothing furthed to say. In that happy strain I bow respectfully from the hips ane kkis youd have, then your pretty hart, youd sopt lips and at I slip away. paiss my ardent lipt to the smooth sweet breasts that are my cradle. I wikon Ive fallen in love with you, parsious and am I a lurky giy? 11ky ParObN Busiralian E Memenia
TBHISE OLANS.A 445P1 23.243 1 MCH) 2 1943 POSTEE h A.D. H. Billingt 548 Baskers Road. Nawthoon East I Pictoria
000610 Rustralian Mar Memoria
3. 43 Dearest Kay, 2 Tis happy I am to reply to youd letters Nc 11 & 12 received since my last letter and your continued fitness affords me a lidy parce of pleasure. It seems that Richare and hid mummy are now on excellent teoms and the team look like being poiniest this year. I, too, am very well although the effects of guards tonight wee be dise, I have no doubt but shall pull through. Fad the first time for many a day, Im pubting on some weight and have gone up Hlb. to 12.2 but its in the wrong place at is usually the case so shaw have to haeto a spot of training I to parseove my houd glass figua. The weathed is a shade caoled lately, a cool briege usually refreshing the fadid body at night. I shaw have new of it tonight West out last night, and apted dining at the Poc.H3 conssed a bob) jauonagi on to the Wintergarden to see D. and Rarrymore in Between us Trold I liked it a lot at these were many very funny parts in it very well put aved. You would like it to paste it in yeud hat I toll Dang Reed that you hron with I win ploppie but he had a litted telling him too but she didnt know hed wise arowed after yaud departure are was quite concirnie for yond wild goose chale. St appears Gwen book a chill and has been right off colod with some nasty incidentals to annay hed. It was bad luck for you as I know you take a food view of fritlert tript to the city right now
The quest of a vihute for his loodship is besit with many pilfars aloight but I'm glad you coacked it out youd own way so thats another of jand many arrangements wele in train. I suppose they are a lot infersod to the lusurious contraptions of a fint years ago but if you took it I'm puse it will do a good fob. Rabu confirses to being a rothen correspondent and told me she would write boor so you should soon get one from hed. Hid hands have been bad with the shenmated so I don't suppose she views writing with allish. I shell expect to head that youvr heard from John back on his native soil more than I did last letter. Perhaps your even seen him by now. I am waiting to head what the Doc thinks of you or Saturday but am not wwosried much now at fand orports have been readmising are youre a very caseful givl. I was going to mention to you about the baby borns but see your already got the details. Them waint much in the paper about it so if you want fulled dope write ad phone the department controlling it. A little national financial help is just what we lap up as some small compursation for doing the right thing by the country under baying circumstances. Too right, I feel poorly about not being there to do lots of things for you both and I would even promise to talk in bed which, you wile admit is mighty big of me. The only mnag I see is that when the lad put the books in, I would be beamed for it
I think you woull find the task of motheoing and petting me as were as casfully mistuoiyg the infart a pretty hepty task but I have no doubt that you would do a exeuent job by both of us so highly do & rigare gond talents. Howeved, I am wiring t timporarly forego that if I can be assund in fuly as I think the wode will look very vory for me just then Well, my darling piddlekind, my nex best in the lonely night draws nigh and insherd of writing I shall think of you a lat in the calm salitude. to pray for me and driam of me little one and I for you. Ta ta for anathed day and I conclude sending you my profoune compliments, and a heart Crimmny oved with love for you, precisus Hicky
TFITH 3 MHE 2.3.43 1943 POSTED PILLA H.S. H. Billings. 548 Barkers Road East Hawbhomn ictori
13 With Whe odd guid, bny a gift for R. chard from his dad. D 503 43. Davling Kay. Ihanks, sweethead for yent letters of 26th, Feb. & 3nd Barch are very gladly receive ae 27 its twell that your feeling to well are chropy. My of My, at gladdens the heart to know John is back with you once again are as fit as a fiddle. I am not suapnow as have come acoold many of his fielow warriors in the last ffew days so cold put i two and two togethed. I me him my congratelation and with him are sylvie are the happiness in the world for they suve desirve a heap. Its quit for you dead matked for such a vay of sunshine to flask into hed life and wth lylore & you to ressice too I can imagine thesed pluty of plept among you all. Pardon my incohennce, dearest but I'm writing ths in some haste for a raron I thare new feer you I havet been able to write for - couple of days as wive bun away or the some stunt as the other week Reoning from the bush before Schedule I was astounded to leavn that the long poomision departure from the old spot looms mighty close. I can't bere you anything depinte just yet but the game is definitely
on this time and it may matinatise at any time now. Styff lack put, & just when you had foll me of your haped for my ctional play here but iit had to come and throis nothing on can tho about it. B it don’t wovoy, it may not be fad and of couse, I shall drop you a line as soon as its possible and give you the low down. I'm writing that at FRd and they are sending this by orgistiane post to you as these is ercland. Its for the fottonry pearfore of paying my life asmona priminis for yead and they are due this month. So will you pay to the Poudential Co, the sum of 23.19.8 representing 4 quanters at 19/11; and, to the AMt £4.17.6 arpresenting 4 £1.45, a sotar of 28.17.4 Phiret no hurry before the end of the month so take your time The receipts will be safe in you own instody. They are or ordmany folicus not industrial. I just was able to rake up aenought for them but of weede am anxious to keep them paid p Well, my dadling, I expect to be able to get a litter away to you tomorrow so shall close new as I must get back. The thale Rowlings send theis love and its only chicken fad to ble bundle S send R. chande and you Chunis 8000 AAVII U. My swM

I think my insurance renewal became
due in March and fortunately I can dig up sufficient chips
to pay up. I had thought of deferring the payments as 
soldiers can get that protection but I consider it better to 
keep it paid up. The notices from the companies will 
probably be sent to Charlie so if he gets them, will you tell him 
to post them on to me. From what I hear, I wouldn't 
be at all surprised if your brother John showed up soon. 
I don't know anything definite but understand that's how the 
wind blows. That would delight your mother, Sylvia and 
you after all this time. 
Well, I think it high time I 
finished up as after racking the brain I can think of 
nothing further to say. In that happy strain I bow 
respectfully from the hips and kiss your hand, then 
your pretty hair, your soft lips and as I step away, I 
press my ardent lips to the smooth sweet breasts that 
are my cradle. I reckon I've fallen in love with 
you, precious and am I a lucky guy? 


Mrs. M. Billings 
548 Barkers Road 
East Hawthorn 


Australian War Memorial


2. 3. 48
Dearest Kay,  
Tis happy I am to reply to your letters Nos 
11 & 12 received since my last letter and your continued 
fitness affords me a tidy parcel of pleasure. It seems 
that Richard and his mummy are now on excellent 
terms and the team look like being premiers this 
year. I, too, am very well although the effects of 
guards tonight will be dire, I have no doubt but shall 
pull through. For the first time for many a day, 
I'm putting on some weight and have gone up 4 lb. to 
12. 2 but its in the wrong place as is usually the 
case so shall have to hoe into a spot of training 
f to preserve my hour glass figure. The weather is a 
shade cooler lately, a cool breeze usually refreshing the 
faded body at night. I shall have need of it tonight. 
Went out last night and after dining at the Toc. H (3 
courses a bob) journeyed on to the Wintergarden to see 
Diana Barrymore in Between us Girls. I liked it 
a lot as there were many very funny parts in it very 
well put over. You would like it so paste it in your hat 
I told Doug Reid that your turn with Gwen flopped but 
he had a letter telling him too but she didn't know [[her?]] 
will arrived after your departure and he was quite concerned 
for your wild goose chase. It appears Gwen took a chill 
and has been right off color with some nasty incidentals 
to annoy her. It was bad luck for you as I know you 
take a good view of fruitless trips to the city right now


The quest of a vehicle for his lordship is beset with many 
pitfalls alright but I'm glad you cracked it out your 
own way so thats another of your many arrangements 
well in train. I suppose they are a lot inferior to the 
luxurious contraptions of a few years ago but if you took it 
I'm sure it will do a good job. Katie confesses to being 
a rotten correspondent and told me she would write soon 
so you should soon get one from her. Her hands have 
been bad with the rheumatics so I don't suppose she 
views writing with relish. I still expect to hear that 
you've heard from John back in his native soil, more 
than I did last letter. Perhaps you've even seen him by 
now. I am waiting to hear what the Doc thinks of 
you on Saturday but am not worried much now as 
your reports have been reassuring and you're a very careful 
girl. I was going to mention to you about the baby 
bonus but see you've already got the details. There wasn't 
much in the paper about it so if you want fuller dope 
write or phone the department controlling it. a little 
national financial help is just what we can lap up as some 
small compensation for doing the right thing by the 
country under trying circumstances. Too right, I feel 
poorly about not being there to do lots of things for 
you both and I would even promise to talk in bed 
which, you will admit is mighty big of me. The only 
snag I see is that when the lad put the boots in. 
I would be blamed for it.


I think you would find the task of mothering and petting 
me as well as carefully nurturing the infant a pretty 
hefty task but I have no doubt that you would do an 
excellent job by both of us so highly do I regard your 
talents. However, I am writing to temporarily forgo 
that if I can be around in July as I think the world 
will look very rosy for me just then. 
Well, my darling puddlekins, my 
next beat in the lonely night draws nigh and 
instead of writing I shall think of you a lot in the 
calm solitude. So pray for me and dream of me 
little one and I for you. Ta-ta for another day 
and I conclude sending you my profound compliments, 
and a heart brimming over with love for you, precious. 


Mrs. M. Billings 
548 Barkers Road 
East Hawthorn 


Ps With the odd quid. buy a gift from for, 
Richard from his dad. 

5 6. 3. 43 
Darling Kay, 
Thanks, sweetheart for your letters of 26th, 
27th Feb + 3rd March all very gladly received and 
it's swell that you're feeling so well and chirpy. My, 
oh My, it gladdens the heart to know John is back 
with you once again and as fit as a fiddle. I am 
not surprised as have come across many of his 
fellow warriors in the last few days so could put 
two and two together. Give him my congratulations 
and with him and Sylvia all the happiness in 
the world for they sure deserve a heap. Its great 
for your dear mother for such a ray of sunshine to 
flash into her life and with Sylvia & you to 
rejoice too. I can imagine there is plenty of uplift 
among you all. Pardon my incoherence, dearest, 
but I'm writing this in some haste for a reason 
I shall now tell you I haven't been able to 
write for a couple of days as we've been away 
on the same stunt as the other week. Returning 
from the bush before schedule I was astounded 
to learn that the long promised departure from 
the old spot looms mighty close. I can't tell you 
anything definite just yet but the game is definitely


on this time and it may materialise at any time now. Stiff 
luck pet, just when you had told me of your hopes for my 
eternal stay here but it had to come and there's nothing one 
can do about it. But don't worry, it may not be far and 
of course, I shall drop you a line as soon as its possible and 
give you the low-down. I'm writing this at TR's and 
they are sending this by registered post to you as there is 
£9 10 enclosed. It's for the following purpose of paying my 
life assurance premiums for 1 year and they are due this 
month. So will you pay to the Prudential Co, the sum of 
£3. 19. 8 representing 4 quarters at 19/11; and, to the AMP 
£4 .17. 8 representing 4 ” " £ 1. 4. 8, a total of £ 8. 17 .4. 
Theres no hurry before the end of the month so take your time. 
The receipts will be safe in your own custody, They are on 
ordinary policies not industrial. I just was able to rake up 
enough for them but of course am anxious to keep them paid 
Well, my darling, I expect to be able to get a letter away 
to you tomorrow so shall close now as I must get back. The 
three Rowlings send their love and its only chicken feed to the 
bundle I send Richard and you. Cheerio 

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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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