Michael Billings Collection - Wallet 6 - Part 9 of 14

Second World War, 1939–45
  • Love Letters
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23 2 43 Darling Kay. With the usual salutation, a start is made on todays chronscle of a man and his wife. Fiostly, my thanks for yours of the 19th to hand today wrtten on your rituion from Rath to the possie only to be disappointed in your expectation of a letter. Dunne why these's been such a gap as the longest time between my litters has been two days. I suppose its like here as now and again a span of thoie days occurs between aroivals and then two ad thoue come in togethed. I hope you have a result like that I must wasn you that this letter poomised to be a sorry appaid as Iwe had a havd day and feel a bit frayzled ane my customary verbosity is suffering an eclipse. The cause of my fatgue is just a case of sloggis, boving work and you know the resuit of that on a sensitive, imaginative chap like me. (Bum! Its great to leasn that the son and head shous a deverapment, maybe when his teeth grow more, hill start biting you at were as kicking you. Chewfur thought
Your outings with your Gorbare cooniet, Given and to lame shae be productive of much golup, particularly & with Tivin on that absorbing tope of pre-natal influences etc.. Its nice to know you can gad around a bit and I hope you wrre feel up to it are the while until the wee baion makes his bow. Styff luck, pet, about youd suntan, you are fabl neved to be a sunkisded goddeds, it seems. Stere you ning io brown and the cause is honoable and were deserved ane not the product of indalent repose on the beach. By the way, I have gothr down your instructions in the went of youd departure to the pearly gated but dont expect to dishout the trnkets for a long while fet. One name I dont recouct seeingis your list; Aunt Adas Did you averlook her ad what have you. If you have expectations of wealth coming jout way at a future date. I think you would be were advised to doaw a will, bequeathing youd cash, goods and chatters specifically to those you desise. As fad as my knowledge of the legulation concerning this matter berves me
estate of theof a prosor not making a will, vy an intistate, dwolves solety to your next of kin, in the youd case your husband. If these an children it is dividea equarty between husband and chiedain. I wouldn't sweed to that but you can shew on the matted but don't do anything definite without letting me know. Wew ou pae, thats an the prattle I can musted today, very food soot of a scond I were know. But the thoughts and woods just faie to show up so there you are. Ia.Ha, iprecious and shall bry to improve the Standard tomorrow. The depth of my love is not one whit diminished howeved and you have it are, look stock and bavour. H appy dreams are Lod bless you Wicky
FRISE OLAND.AN AN 225FES) 1943 POSTEI BVLLA Mrs. H. Juring 232 4 548 Parkers Roads East pawthoon Vetori
800610 Rsstrallan 2or Renortal
43 26 2- Dading May. A tayle quietily I take up the pen as the libted I intended to send yesterday has to suffer ecliple. However, my conscience u easi by the knowledge that the lapse was due to The exigencies of the service which from covers a mulhlude of sins, I was sent away on a job in the morning and did not get back till nightfall Damn hard falked it was too and I was acknnyg are avid wwhen we called up it a day not to mention a goodly clusted of bleshers on the lily white dooks. doday was a much easd day, praise be as I paid the dintrat a visit this mooning ane the builk of the days work was done when I refuoned so thats that since my last letters I have had youd letters N. 8 & 9 for which I say mee things to you, bundle. Also the parcel has duly been delivered to thats very good too I'm gratified That the mail is being kind to you too. It is beaut to head you progreds sweetly owards the elimax of your exations are efforts and I'm al agog to head of the progress of yourg H.chand the effects thesion upon poor Nathie. By words you have made his wadoobe assume
2 generans ipoopoations in a very short time, you are taking a manians interest i wryything connested with the lattle chap and you need not shell me bout much your looking forward to his ycese and how thoused youl be when the king warm atom is lying in fanid arms. I am foly sensible, sweet, of the ordere you have to go through and shant drean of asking you to repeat it for I long time again. To0 frequent prynancied take a heavy you of a wonar both physically and mentarly and youre fad too parssens to me to take any naks with He wire have a child a little more than a year after and marniage and thats making viry good headway is the building up of a family. + We shaw have to be poudent in and sisual relations so that and delices in regard to children can be met, you really showdn't set to much stor on the goin forecasts of the hero that will stalk you when you confinement begind of your finish up quaking with fright which rear wort help either of you. Certainly yourr have a fin bad moments as yourr had up to now but don't get a distonted pichise ot it will be a lot woste than it really is
No one it hapin more than me that I shaw be able to get along to give what help I can but I think it foolich for either of us to count too much on it. The rumors I aeperan to the ather day persist and there may be five whese thesrs smake. O cousse, if we are shell her, its a gooe but I than be Ricking around at The right time but you know how it is in this autfit, soy one day ane on the road the next, bound for god knows where. One can but hope and pray that we get a break at the right moment I had a litter from Hum Yesterday tos lenny me of the happinings down there are the dead ald sail slapped in canteen ande for a dollad In neved very certain that she can afford to go to sinding me money but you know whall she is like Anyhow its very acceptable and quite unashamedly I admit I shaw blue it on bed and tobacco Tos eight I natue a difference in my finances now, no more the days when I araily Sint to elbonone for anathed fird. Stee, these days wese beyond price and I manage very whre now with the use of poudence
your litted of the 22nd gave the infart a great build up, if yourl such gaut cooneed now, how do you wckon youll be when he can be seen as were as feet, to say nothing of hard, Now that litter reads just like you at your beat and I don't think you wid said a touet word when you apined hed be a hearthy young Autore. Why not, his ma is a rolust, strong type, the best we poodme and its prnoued to pounds, jae take Hhe whole business in your stude and show the enrties just how goo you reary are. Wille Borning, I seem to have been up a fuw trees but I hope this reads untirligibly to you With that ipious wish, I shall priper to go down on the back to go claramin of the Cherris, sport and ned I say I love you hrrficany and when I see you wrl kidt you are libe yout eeat Ta-Ta U. Ry pROO610 Ao the Enns
Jorana 12-WI 728FE6 1943 1372 wling 2624 H.S. H.B 48 Rarkers Koad East Hawthoon ctona

23. 2. 43
Darling Kay.
With the usual salutation, a start
is made on today's chronicle of a man and his
wife.  Firstly, my thanks for yours of the 19th to
hand today written on your return from Kath. 
& this postie only to be disappointed in your
expectation of a letter.  Dunno why there's been
such a gap as the longest time between my letters
has been two days.  I suppose its like here as
now and again a span of three days occurs
between arrivals and then two or three come
in together.  I hope you have a result like
that.  I must warn you that this letter promises
to be a sorry affair as I've had a hard day
and feel a bit frazzled and my customary
verbosity is suffering an eclipse.  The cause
of my fatigue is just a case of slogging, boring
work and you know the result of that on a
Sensitive, imaginative chap like me.  (Bum!)
Its great to learn that the
son and heir shows a development, maybe when
his teeth grow more, he'll start biting you as
well as kicking you. Cheerful thought.


Your outings with your Brisbane cronies, Gwen and
Elaine should be productive of much gossip,
particularly o with Gwen on that absorbing
topic of pre-natal influences etc..  Its nice to
know you can get around a bit and I hope you
will feel up to it all the while until the
wee bairn makes his bow.  Stiff luck, pet,
about your 'suntan', you are fated never to be
a sunkissed goddess, it seems.  Stue, your mug
is brown and the cause is honorable and
well deserved and not the product of  indolent
repose on the beach.
By the way, I have jotted down
your instructions in the event of your departure
to the pearly gates but don't expect to dish out
the trinkets for a long while yet.  One name I
don't recollect seeing and in your list; Aunt Adas.
Did you overlook her or what have you.  If you
have expectations of wealth coming your way
at a future date, I think you would be well
advised to draw a will, bequeathing your cash,
goods and chattels specifically to those you
desire.  As far as my knowledge of the
legislation concerning this matter serves me,


the estate of deceased a person not making a will, viz
an intestate, devolves solely to your next of kin,
in the your case your husband.  If there are
children it is divided equally between husband
and children.  I wouldn't swear to that but
you can chew on the matter but don't do anything
definite without letting me know.
Well old pal, that's all
the prattle I can muster today.  very
poor sort of a screed I well know.  But
the thoughts and words just fail to show
up so there you are.  Ta-ta, precious and
shall try to improve the Standard
tomorrow.  The depth of my love is not one
whit diminished however and you have it
all, lock stock and barrel.  Happy
dreams and God bless you.


Mrs. M. Billings    23. 2 43
548 Barkers Road
East Hawthorn


War Memorial


26. 2. 43
Darling Kay,
A trifle guiltily I take up the pen
as the letter I intended to send yesterday had
to suffer eclipse.  However, my conscience is eased
by the knowledge that the lapse was due to
the exigencies of the service which form covers a
multitude of sins.  I was sent away on a job in
the morning and did not get back till nightfall.
Damn hard yakker it was too and I was aching
all over when we called up it a day not to
mention a goodly cluster of blisters on the lily white
dooks.  Today was a much easier day, praise be,
as I paid the dentist a visit this morning and
the bulk of the day's work was done when I
returned.  So that's that.
Since my last letters I have
had your letters No. 8 & 9 for which I say nice
things to you, bundle.  Also the parcel has duly
been delivered so thats very good too.  I'm gratified
that the mail is being kind to you too.  It is
beaut to hear you progress sweetly towards the
climax of your exertions and efforts and I'm all agog
to hear of the progress of young Richard and
the effects thereon upon poor Kathie.  My words
you have made his wardrobe assume


generous proportions in a very short time.  You
are taking a marvelous interest in everything
connected with the little chap and you need not
tell me how much you're looking forward to his
premiere and how thrilled you'll be when
the tiny warm atom is lying in your arms.
I am fully sensible, sweet, of the ordeal you
have to go through and shan't dream of asking
you to repeat it for a long time again.  Too
frequent pregnancies take a heavy toll of a
woman both physically and mentally and you're
far too precious to me to take any risks with.
We will have a child a little more than a
year after our marriage and that's making
very good headway in the building up of a
family.  We shall have to be prudent in our
sexual relations so that our desires in regard
to children can be met.  You really shouldn't
set so much store on the grim forecasts of the
horrors that will stalk you when your confinement
begins or you'll finish up quaking with fright
which really won't help either of you.  Certainly
you'll have a few bad moments as you've had up
to now but don't get a distorted picture or it
will be a lot worse than it really is.


No one is hoping more than me that I shall
be able to get along to give what help I can
but I think it foolish for either of us to count
too much on it.  The rumors I referred to the
other day persist and there may be fire where
there's smoke.  Of course, if we are still here,
its a good bet I shall be kicking around at
the right time but you know how it is in
this outfit, snug one day and on the road
the next, bound for god knows where. One
can but hope and pray that we get a break
at the right moment.
I had a letter from Mum
Yesterday too telling me of the happenings down
there and the dear old soul slipped in a
canteen order for a dollar.  I'm never very
certain that she can afford to go to sending me
money but you know what she is like.  Anyhow
it's very acceptable and quite unashamedly I
admit I shall blow it on beer and tobacco.
Too right I notice a difference in my finances
now, no more the days when I airily sent
to Melbourne for another fiver.  Still, those
days were beyond price and I manage very
well now with the use of prudence. 


Your letter of the 22nd gave the infant a
great build up, if you're such great cronies
now, how do you reckon you'll be when he
can be seen as well as felt, to say nothing
of heard.  Now that letter reads just like you
at your best and I don't think you ever
Said a truer word when you opined he'd
be a healthy young Aussie.  Why not, his
ma is a robust, strong type, the best
we produce and its pennies to pounds,
you'll take the whole business in your 
stride and show the critics just how good 
you really are.
Well. Mummy, I seem to
have been up a few trees but I hope
this reads intelligibly to you.  With that
pious wish, I shall prepare to go
down on the back to go dreamin of
thee.  Cheerio, sport and need I say
I love you terrifically and when
I see you will kiss you and bite your
ear.  Ta-Ta

War Memorial


Mrs M. Billings
548 Barkers Road
East Hawthorn

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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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