Michael Billings Collection - Wallet 6 - Part 8 of 14

Second World War, 1939–45
  • Love Letters
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20243 Davling Wife, pust as were you are not here today as the day would give you a feast of the how. It cold, bleak and diaty goey and it has rained incistantly for hours. The aspect from the virandah is most chfes chuerless and I am to go movging very early as its an old time bedlovers day. It would be superb were you here as I would do a bunk very smartly to your haven. At present, the world without is a pood show and we could snuggle up together and forget about the mouldy old place, I imagine that havng suppeail the day apart we would shut it out with queat alcerity and indulge in a mind guel of talking, Scuffling the whole culminating in a orgy of that lavimaking we foune so thoilling and delightful M aybe its a bit fuble talking about the glory thats departed but it was wonderful and foagrant memories shouldn't be forsaken any how. They sustain one somewhat and make out occemon something to anticipate with longing and pleasure. I'm pleased yours shel
2 ticking oved like a Rolls. Rayee and feet up tto a srip to see Darothy. Thank had lots for her good withed when you see her next and tell hed I heartily reciprocate. Very glad of course to chead Syd is doing and feeling were. I bet you har tasts got through a few thausandd words, a goodly gossip is right up you alley. You gasting The letters shee ooll in I'm pleased to see ane there an quite a few more in route to youd shack. Funny thing you meeting Given Reid so camally, particularly at youd misland hid addoess. She sure is a good scout and your date should powe enjoyable News from yours truly is as usual neglegible. I m feeling parkly wll and carrying on with my vaned tasks capably if not enthusiastically. On leave tomorrow but as its Sunday twill be spently spent quietly. Will doop in and See the old people in the aphernoon. 6 heerio, precious and may I convey to you my asswrances of unbounded affection and solicitude. The kist I have right here to give you Roo0 catch. Restralian Mucky En Mamoria
PSRIS JOLONR 221 1943 0 Hrs. H. Bellings 202th 541 Backers Road East Hawthor Victoria
22 2. 43. Davling Way. When Worday dawned today, high were my haped for a litter from the bride of y esterday and what satisfaction beames on my face when two whole letters were my poation as well as one from John o the Bay. Thanker my bold winch particularly for that one of the 17th, a very thoughtful and storking litter may I say. It was a very consoling letter for me as it showed me several things, first that and separation has not impaised you sense of pospartion and has not dutled your appreciation of the many lovely things that have passed between uo. Like you I feel that once we kion and backs upon and dreams of a beautiful future and really hion it in, we wire both descend into an apathy that would desbosy everything about the other we more than evid long to y experience once more. My stony heart saptens when you hell me things about the infant and the sterling role his mothed is playing to bead a brant child ane then my love for you transcends anything I have felt in the past
Wihy then shaid I get famhiasted about the days to come, I have had the unstinked love of a great give, a love that repende as she gai into a touly splendid woman. From the frobt puhaps Spiculation Risses and surreptitious meetings, through the days and nights of ardent embrace and off uncoshollable longing to possess you completely, on to the weary months of agonising Separation and then at last and final welding together with the steely but jayful bone of marriage. Ond bruf wedded life although carried or at times on a pursent batis has been thoilling and not a little of its charm has been due to its morthodot style do enjoy it und was conditions meant bravel and persistence but I vow that hwo people neved were so happy as when one set out on a thousand mile youoney to claim hed just due. And you made me so happy when you were here, do you know how much. K.ghtly and child was conceived in such a setting of Sweet lave and if has absorbed any of the happinets. that was my jay when you were here, he will be a cheery chap. Do not credit me with such
Spartan forktude in withstanding timptation to despose you before you were my wife, God worked hard for me or a few occasions I know as human flesh and blood would not have been equal to the task. And how Lawdry swourd it have been then, gone would have been the sweet pleasure of educating a pun gral into the happy pourleges and intimacies that are sighbly the orward of those who entd into such a contract with clean hands. I nexperienc as we were into the sicacts of twidded blils and and natural timidity on the first night we wire fated to be merged in the other, The memory of that marvulans week wee never die within me. How I loved you for youd doubts and fears that soon meth within the realisation that it was beautiful to passest and be possessed. Soo you showe yoursef to be that gem. The complete woman who wantid happiness and was will enough to take it. We have passed through periods of variety soon but how successful it has been now we have drank deeply at the fourtain of love and with the beautiful reward of a child soor to be boon.
4 Thank you, pricious, for the lovely things you said in you letter, from it I have been inspirie to boy an tell you of the host of things you have done to make my life happy. And am counting on you to make it happiet shee when this miss is cleased up and I could vionalite no one bethd fitter to do it now youre to have such a valuable ally in R. chard To descend from the crouds into the earthy much. I'm to proud jare making such a capital show of youd unitial advintune and thank God of youre keeping fit erough to do good job I wit and saw Kate and Ry y esterday and stayed for hea. They were both paibly good exceept that H.s. I.R had . touh of the scous. With Tran they send thei love and good wished. Otherwise theres no news eexcept a buge wop of rumeers of moves, are very fantastic and I think a ly- ppooduct of the dunny to for another day, cheens, my sweet and I sene you a natue of the bond of love I feel for you tonight. A by kind to PROO610 H.cky Kichard and Kay. Bustralian E Mamora
BRISBs 21A1 423 FEB 1943 POSTED Mrs. Hcareetings 22 245 548 Barker's Roads East Hauthorn Fistorin

20 .2 .43
Darling Wife 
Just as well you are not here today 
as the day would give you a feast of the horrors. 
Its cold, bleak and dirty grey and it has rained 
incessantly for hours. The aspect from the 
verandah is most cheerfuless cheerless and I aim 
to go snoozing very early as its an old time 
bedlovers day. It would be superb were you 
here as I would do a bunk very smartly to 
your haven. At present, the world without 
is a poor show and we could snuggle up 
together and forget about the mouldy old place. 
I imagine that having suffered the day apart, 
we would shut it out with great activity and 
indulge in a mixed grill of talking. Scuffling 
the whole culminating in a orgy of that 
lovemaking we found so thrilling and delightful. 
Maybe its a bit futile talking about the glory 
that's departed but it was wonderful and 
fragrant memories shouldn't be forsaken any how. 
They sustain one somewhat and make our 
reunion something to anticipate with longing 
and pleasure. 
I'm pleased youre still


ticking over like a Rolls- Royce and felt up 
to a trip to see Dorothy. Thank her 
lots for her good wishes when you see her 
next and tell her I heartily reciprocate. Very 
glad of course to sear Syd. is doing and feeling 
well. I bet you two tarts got through a few 
thousand words. A goodly gossip is right up 
your alley, you gasbag. 
The letters still roll in 
I'm pleased to see and there are quite a few 
more en route to your shack. Funny thing you 
meeting Gwen Reid so casually, particularly as 
you'd mislaid her address. She sure is a good 
scout and your date should prove enjoyable. 
News from yours truly is as 
usual negligible. I'm feeling pretty well and 
carrying on with my varied tasks capably if not 
enthusiastically. On leave tomorrow but as its 
Sunday twill be spently spent quietly. Will 
drop in and see the old people in the afternoon. 
Cheerio, precious and may I convey to you 
my assurances of unbounded affection and 
solicitude. The kiss I have right here to give you - 

War Memorial


Mrs. M. Billings 
548 Barkers Road 
East Hawthorn 


Darling Kay, 
When Monday dawned today, high 
were my hopes for a letter from the bride of 
yesterday and what satisfaction beamed on my 
face when two whole letters were my portion 
as well as one from John o' the Bay. Thanku 
my bold wench particularly for the one of 
the 17th. a very thoughtful and striking letter, 
may I say. It was a very consoling letter 
for me as it showed me several things, first 
that our separation has not impaired your 
sense of proportion and has not dulled your 
appreciation of the many lovely things that 
have passed between us. Like you I feel that 
once we turn our back upon our dreams of a 
beautiful future and really turn it in, we will 
both descend into an apathy that would destroy 
everything about the other we more than ever 
long to if experience once more. My stony heart 
softens when you tell me things about the infant 
and the sterling role his mother is playing 
to bear a beaut child and then my love for you 
transcends anything I have felt in the past.


Why then should I get fainthearted about the days 
to come. I have had the unstinted love of a 
great girl, a love that ripened as she grew into a 
truly splendid woman. From the first perhaps 
speculative kisses and surreptitious meetings, through 
the days and nights of ardent embrace and oft 
uncontrollable longing to possess you completely, on 
to the weary months of agonising separation and 
then at last our final welding together with the 
steely but joyful bond of marriage. Our brief 
wedded life although carried on at times on a
pursuit basis has been thrilling and not a 
little of its charm has been due to its unorthodox 
style. To enjoy it under war conditions meant 
travel and persistence but I vow that two 
people never were so happy as when one set out 
on a thousand mile journey to claim her just 
due. And you made me so happy when you 
were here, do you know how much. Rightly our 
child was conceived in such a setting of sweet 
love and if has absorbed any of the happiness. 
that was my joy when you were here, he will 
be a cheery chap. 
Do not credit me with such


spartan fortitude in withstanding temptation to 
despoil you before you were my wife. God worked 
hard for me on a few occasions I know as 
human flesh and blood would not have been equal 
to the task. And how tawdry would it have 
been then, gone would have been the sweet 
pleasure of educating a pure girl into the happy 
privileges and intimacies that are rightly the 
reward of those who enter into such a contract 
with clean hands. Inexperienced as we were into 
the secrets of th wedded bliss and our natural 
timidity on the first night we were fated to be 
merged in the other. the memory of that 
marvellous week will never die within me. How I 
loved you for your doubts and fears that soon melted 
within the realisation that it was beautiful to 
possess and be possessed. Soon you showed 
yourself to be that gem. the complete woman 
who wanted happiness and was wise enough 
to take it. We have passed through periods 
of variety soon but how successful it has been 
now we have drank deeply at the fountain 
of love and with the beautiful reward of a 
child soon to be born.


Thank you, precious. for the lovely 
things you said in your letter. from it I have been 
inspired to try and tell you of the host of things 
you have done to make my life happy. And I 
am counting on you to make it happier still when 
this mess is cleared up and I could visualise 
no one better fitted to do it now you're to have 
such a valuable ally in Richard. 
To descend from the clouds into 
the earthly muck. I'm so proud you're making 
such a capital show of your initial adventure 
and thank God you're keeping fit enough to do 
a good job. I went and saw Kate and Reg 
yesterday and stayed for tea. They were both 
pretty good except that Mrs. J. R had a touch of 
the screws. With Gran they send their love and 
good wishes. Otherwise theres no news except 
a huge crop of rumors of moves, all very 
fantastic and I think a by product of the dummy. 
So for another day, cheerio my 
sweet and I send you a notice of the tons 
of love I feel for you tonight. A big kiss to 
Richard and Kay. Micky 

War Memorial


22.2 43 
Mrs. M Billings. 
548 Barkers Roads. 
East Hawthorn. 

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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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