Michael Billings Collection - Wallet 6 - Part 7 of 14

Second World War, 1939–45
  • Love Letters
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4 I shanl talk about your early gouoney to etronity as a page on that fambly ghaulesh strain is enough for a litter intendee to be cheerful. I dont blame you in the least for mentioning the subject. you have to face the charce when a corsis in yout life and I a fad sooned you owealed yourself about it whan bottle it up. Takng are fhaded of the subject. I m corvnced youv a very from goip of the globe and gend debut as a young mation will be a case of plain sailing. It's really up to you and arent you preparing yours up canfully and constantly to make it so. Of cousse you are and with God's help and his love for the little chaps, yame surmaunt. it like a mathed of a dogen. Had leave yesterday and here is my atmerary for the day. Castern then two Jugs of beed. Pichured aes Brouables+ The Treat Waltz- Swell show. Pea at Foc H, poice 9t - not bad-eh, I organised it. Thence to yMCA to see basket-bal game Ack-Acks V yanks. Good game home te bed M. My now signing off Sending Muminy Kay a sway of love wrapped in a by kild. Pheens Rraten M.Ky Her Mamoria
3 OLAND. AU 41 19 FEB 1943 SDST SMIRAN 112-4 rs. H. Fillings. 548 Barkers Road East Hawthoon, Pictonia
PROObl0 Resirallan Borbenortsl
19 243. Dading Ray. Good morning, my deasest ane I trust you have arden from nobfue slumbed bright and refrished to greet a sunny, cool day, the sort I know now mothers to be find so conducive to contintment & comfort dusing the long anxious months. Of have you been played a Senovy brick while asleep and have to counted the vaganes of the weather as were as maintain Kay & Co. in a fit and serviceable condition. Your comprehentive epiatle of 16th Feb blew in ane thanks for such an embrasing account of your doings, particularly so that hearth report which I look for straight off. Its been a great comfort and aelief that everyone of you letters since I came back had given you a clean bill of health except for the incidental sparms of depression, nausea that are part and pavcce of you noble died. Summer up, I rickon youre a poetty tough puss and your dibut as a mummy bids faid to be an outstanding succees. Ha. Ha, my pretty, your gloomy poognostications of your early decline nto boothlets Senility wont hold wahd with
your sceptical mate. I ve always considered that a woman reached hed pennacle of beauty when she becomes a mathed for the frost time and you will see I'm not mistaken in your case. Your few gar hairs are just chicken feed and it will be many a gead before that alluving tangle of wolt loses its charm if you can for it pospirly. I feel riminiscent when I read of you giving at a wash as I love to cumple the silky malt just apter you'd treatie it to a thampos. I remembed will how a scalp maltage used to make you puor. If you think yourself a bit or the ancst side when I came to ayo youg Ill bring back youd supposedly lost youth, my pound lady ad ile go down with the plag flying. It will certainly be serious and a bad day when you, can't hold youd own and more and I can fover you spitting on yeud hands and coming forth to do battle. God speed the day as that type of wad is very pleasant even though I usually get boundly trounced. Did you miss those beautiful nights togethed with the exchange of endearments. Thoughts and carested, when the nory clamod of the world outside
sad shel and we coned reaily live within each other. When I caup on to the bag of straw eacl night thats when I feel lonely and want you hosibly I winded how you are ane, at timed, misirably feel so sure you hunged for me as I do for you. I hape the time draws nigh when this innatural strain shall end as were missing to mue, praise be, K chase ensures we have not milled everything. Sarry, darling, I am guiety of a daleful note in this letters, at least, it will make you feel nead to me and when I can be anticulate. I know you would like to leave just what I mean to say. Lake you. I would not be flish ane blood of I didnt miss my our woman so much one wwhy then bry and wen imply that I dont. In ond lived now. Thears only you, K. chard and me and I realie it only too well when I m away. from you both doving you so much, precisus thing that you are. I'll leave you for anathed day now. So long, piddlekind, I send you the Rebl I would so much like to give you. Always yours 1.cky
PR0061O Fallan Mar Mamorial
Leas al BPIE iF AM 220FEB E 1943 POSTEE 1414 M..S. M. Furings 19. 24 548 Barkers Road East Hawthoon ctooia
H.R. PROOOW Restralian Mer Memerial

I shan't talk about your early journey to eternity as
a page on that faintly ghoulish strain is enough
for a letter intended to be cheerful. I don't blame
you in the least for mentioning the subject. You
have to face the chance when a crisis in your
life and I'd far sooner you revealed yourself 
about it than bottle it up. Taking all phases
of the subject, I'm convinced you've a very firm 
grip of the globe and your debut as a young
matron will be a case of plain sailing.
It's really up to you and aren't you preparing
yourself carefully and constantly to make it
so? Of course you are and with God's help
and his love for the little chaps, you'll
surmount it like a mother of a dozen.
Had leave yesterday and here is
my itinerary for the day... Canteen then two
jugs of beer. Pictures Les Miserables + The
Great Waltz- Swell show. Tea at Toc H, price 
9' - not bad-eh, - I organised it. Thence to YMCA
to see basket-ball game Ack-Acks v Yanks.
- Good game, home to bed.
Micky now signing off Sending Mummy
Kay a swag of love wrapped in a big kiss. Cheerio.

War Memorial


1 AM
19 FEB
2  1943  2

Mrs. M. Billings. 
548 Barker's Road,
East Hawthorn,
Victoria .


War Memorial


19. 2. 43.
Darling Kay,  
Good morning, my dearest and I
trust you have risen from restful slumber bright
and refreshed to greet a sunny, cool day,
the sort I know new mothers to be find so
conducive to contentment & comfort during the
long anxious months. Or have you been played
a scurvy trick while asleep and have to
counter the vagaries of the weather as well as
maintain Kay & Co. in a fit and serviceable
condition. Your comprehensive epistle of 16th Feb
blew in and thanks for such an embracing 
account of your doings, particularly so that
health report which I look for straight off. It's
been a great comfort and relief that everyone of
your letters since I came back has given you
a clean bill of health except for the incidental
spasms of depression, nausea that are part and
parcel of your noble deed. Summed up, I
reckon you're a pretty tough puss and youre
debut as a mummy bids fair to be an
outstanding success. Ha, Ha, my pretty, your
gloomy prognostications of your early decline
into toothless senility won't hold water with


your sceptical mate. I've always considered that
a woman reaches her pinnacle of beauty when
she becomes a mother for the first time and you
will see I'm not mistaken in your case. Your few
grey hairs are just chicken feed and it will be
many a year before that alluring tangle of curls
loses its charm if you care for it properly.  I
feel reminiscent when I read of you giving it a
wash as I loved to rumple the silky mass
just after you'd treated it to a shampoo. I
remember well how a scalp massage used to make
you purr. If you think yourself a bit on the
ancient side when I come back to rejoin you, I'll
bring back your supposedly lost youth, my proud
lady or else go down with the flag flying.
It will certainly be serious and a bad day
when you, can't hold your own and more and
I can foresee you spitting on your hands and
coming forth to do battle. God speed the day
as that type of war is very pleasant even
though I usually get soundly trounced. Did you
miss those beautiful nights together with the
exchange of endearments, thoughts and caresses,
when the noisy clamor of the world outside


was stilled and we could really live within each other?
When I creep on to the bag of straw each night
thats when I feel lonely and want you terribly.
I wonder how you are and, at times, miserably
feel so sure you hunger for me as I do for you.
I hope the time draws nigh when this unnatural
strain shall end as we're missing so much, 
praise be, Richard ensures we have not missed
every thing.
Sorry, darling, I am guilty
of a doleful note in this letters. at least,
it will make you feel near to me and when
I can be articulate. I know you would like
to learn just what I mean to say. Like you,
I would not be flesh and blood if I didnt
miss my own woman so much and why then
try and even imply that I dont. In our
lives now, there's only you, Richard and me
and I realise it only too well when I'm away.
from you both.
Loving you so much, precious thing
that you are. I'll leave you for another day
now. So long, piddlekins. I send you the kiss
I would so much like to give you. Always yours




2     7

War Memorial


1 AM
2 20 FEB  2

Mrs. M. Billings
19. 2. 43
548 Barker's Road.
East Hawthorn.



War Memorial 

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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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