Michael Billings Collection - Wallet 6 - Part 6 of 14

Second World War, 1939–45
  • Love Letters
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TSPIEB O howes on s AM 3167E8 1943 POSTER PILLAR M.S. H. Fillings 15-24. 548 Rarkers Road East Hawthoon etonia
16 2 43. Darling Kay, Good day to you, lass and I fondly houst this finds you fine and dandy and nobly withstanding the onelaughts of R. chard. to letters from no one today but tomorrow is not fad away and a litter af so should contuate. You limit is two days to barring postal mishaps, one of your lovely discourses seems certain to come to hand and Iwill be very welcome too. Ive had a lot more than a hundred letters from you and stell look for mose. Theyre so natural, a true reflection of you sweet, engagingly & frank and communicative and now more than eved. I must continue to know you well, even though denied the comfort and thoile of your pessonal minitrations. I eing dependent uppon your letters to maintain that vital link, I m gratifue that my sweetheart is a spontaneous, bubbling type and tranemts hed nature into hid litters. I'm always happy that my letters give you some preasure and contentment as so many people write such brite duee stuff and
2 it would be horrble if we had such gouvous shortcomings when letters mean so much to ut. Iwe kept up a faid average score to you and hape they continue to oole in to you frequently Thanks by the way for the text book to Land and now standby for the diecs to catch up with me. Funny thing, they had a check up on them today and my face was a bit red when I couldnt cough up with the little dears. I wrote you t other day about getting some shiots imovated but you can forget about them, pet, a local is firing them for a reasonable sum and they are with hed now. I lad you wrre be soon be sporting your badge of honod soon although additional stars wont be in your line, I shoued not think. The usual dearth of news from here for the day, gardening this morning which gives me a pain. If it was my own, it would be different and ut would nived be such a langle sithed This afternoon I played avsure with electorial apparatus braing a fault in a cable so a very bg day Ioe has. The weathed has been stoomy and overcast making you feel hat one minute
and cold the next. The mosputors have been very bed of late particularly indoors and the not is your best foune at night, believe me The lads are giving the pineapples a hiding just now, they are in abundance, oud cantern sens them, little sold appehees for 12 each Vroy tasty and aeprishing after the greaty concoctions the Aomy Specialises in. Off again od tomoroow and intend to go to the Lycium where Les Ciseoables and the Treat Walt an showing. They sound rathed inviting and I feel like a bit intertainment apter the hecte days of late. Fell athed jade tonight and my thoughts are very sluggish. So on that happy note, I shau terminate this epibode and go and have a chunk of shut-eye to refaish the all carcace. Cheroro, my darling bundle and I am charmea to send you a huge kiss and a mighly heap of love and my earnest with that you kep young R,chard werl under contral Micky Sweet doeams, precious
i 32 OLANL.ALS 1230PM 18FE8 1943 POSTED PILLARE Mrs. H. Billings 1624 548 Parkers Road. East Hawthoon. Pictoria
18 2 43 Davling Kay. Nice work, Sweetheart, the expected break in the doaught evntuated today when you letters of the 12t ane 15th were depositie on my ample lap and I was promptly immeded in the conteints. Thanks, precious and although I was sorry to heat you had a sparm of the blue. I realise they are more ad lets mentable and are a product of the physical ordial you are undergoing at present. A mercunal timperament like yours is foom to changes of mind are to be sure make you an interesting to knock about with. The time to worry of the daleful speets is when you have them constantly and cant shake them off. Pleased youve had another one from me and you stire get a kick out of them. Dost bothed you curly head about my coupors, uo one is more welcome to and needs them more than R. chara & Ray. The pity it that they are to few. Clothes dont worry me just now except perhaps sox but I'll go without before I'll buy them myself. I can hang on a while longed with what I have now
2 Sead the climate had remained himperate an pleasant as the weather is a good any for you to have. You need to occupy yourself by ferlerg up to getting around a bit and extremes of weather dont encourage you to do it The little chaps garmnts are assuming goodly proportions and the aid of are and Sundry is very encouraging. I weckon youre a bit of plansible rogue inteing contaibutors but they must like you a lot to offer to kick sup in a shich or two. Hell, that meeting of Adas with the splendidly named hins was a concidence and a half, you would not nead about it. I confids the prospect of turns is outhide the bounds of my imagination in and case. The chances are all against it by the law of avirages but I suppose stranged things happen every day. Do you rickon were that good I dont think you need be execised at the awful prospect of the old man being subbed out yet awhile, I expect to incumbed The earth for a long time of it and get in youd hard many times during my tenure on it.
Of course, one cant inhaely ignose the fact theres a was on and I in more ad less a combatant party, and cont claim immunity any more than anathed. If that did come to past. I pray I do The thing decently and fee at the end I had made the Sarrifice for you to go on inharmed and thankful that you caued read and train and kid to be a good bloke and not a slave of those fellow bastards. You know, sweet, lats of blakes have sweated, rathed, starved and died to give you people the right and the pourtege to cary on Autoie for the Australiant. not to die with them. If I were to your them. know full well a byg yuee of you would always r me but tik any nperson you would rive again because youn got the gutt, that hade core of the wine that will only leave you at tthe end. Anyhow, thats about enough in that strain, the chances of me going weat are a bit highed than getting sconed by a tram sr cad in Gaibbane and are generaily avoided by the same doue of looking what youne doing. Neved abate you prayers for us, dearest, thats the way to come out or top.

Mrs. M Billings      
548 Barkers Road 
Est Hawthorn 


Darling Kay, 
Good day to you, lass and I fondly 
trust this finds you fine and dandy and 
nobly withstanding the onslaughts of Richard. 
No letters from no one today but tomorrow 
is not far away and a letter or so should 
eventuate. Your limit is two days so barring 
postal mishaps, one of your lovely  discourses 
seems certain to come to hand and t'will be 
very welcome too. I've had a lot more than 
a hundred letters from you and still look for 
more. They're so natural, a true reflection of you 
sweet, engagingly s frank and communicative 
and now more than ever. I must continue to 
know you well. even though denied the comfort 
and thrill of your personal ministrations. Being 
dependant upon your letters to maintain that 
vital link, I'm grateful that my sweetheart is 
a spontaneous, bubbling type and transmits her 
nature into her letters. 
I'm always happy that my  
letters give you some pleasure and contentment as 
so many people write such trite dull stuff and


it would be horrible if we had such grievous 
shortcomings when letters mean so much to us. 
I've kept up a fair average score to you and 
hope they continue to roll in to you frequently. 
Thanks by the way for the text book to hand 
and now standby for the discs to catch up with 
me. Funny thing. they had a check-up on them 
today and my face was a bit red when I 
couldn't cough up with the little dears. I wrote 
you t'other day about getting some shirts renovated 
but you can forget about them, pet. a local 
in fixing them for a reasonable sum and 
they are with her now. Glad you will be soon 
be sporting your badge of honor soon although 
additional stars won't be in your line, I should 
not think. 
The usual dearth of news from here 
for the day, gardening this morning which gives 
me a pain. If it was my own, it would be 
different and it would never be such a tangle either. 
This afternoon I played around with electrical 
apparatus training a fault in a cable so a very 
big day I've had. The weather has been stormy 
and overcast making you feel hot one minute


and cold the next. The mosquitoes have been 
very bad of late particularly indoors and the 
net is your best friend at night, believe me. 
The lads are giving the pineapples a hiding just 
now, they are in abundance, and canteen sells 
them, little solo appetisers for 1 1/2' each. 
Very tasty and refreshing after the greasy 
concoctions the Army specialisis in. Off again 
toda tomorrow and intend to go to the  Lyceum 
where Les Miserables and the Great Waltz are 
showing. They sound rather inviting and I feel 
like a bit entertainment after the hectic days 
of late. 
Feel rather faded tonight and 
my thoughts are very sluggish. so on that 
happy note, I shall terminate this episode 
and go and have a chunk of shut-eye to  
refresh the old carcase. Cheerio my 
darling bundle and I am charmed to 
send you a huge kiss and a mighty 
heap of love and my warmest wish that 
you keep young Richard well under control. 
Sweet dreams precious. Micky


Mrs M Billings 16.243  
548 Barkins Road 
East Hawthorn 


Darling Kay 
Nice work, sweetheart, the expected 
break in the drought eventuated today when your 
letters of the 12th and 15th were deposited on 
my ample lap and I was promptly immersed 
in the contents. Thanks, precious one although 
I was sorry to hear you had a spasm of the 
blue. I realise they are more of less inevitable 
and are a product of the physical ordeal you  
are undergoing at present. A mercurial 
temperament like yours is prone to changes 
of mind and to be sure make you an 
interesting to knock about with. The time 
to worry of the doleful spells is when you 
have them constantly and can't shake them off. 
Pleased you've had eno  another one from me 
and you still get a kick out of them. Don't 
bother your curly head about my coupons, no 
one is more welcome to and needs them 
more than Richard and Kay. The pity is that 
they are so few. Clothes don't worry me just 
now except perhaps sox but I'll go without 
before I'll buy them myself. I can hang on 
a while longer with what I have now. 


Glad the climate has remained temperate and 
pleasant as the weather is a good ally for 
you to have. You need to occupy yourself 
by feeling up to getting around a bit and 
extremes of weather don't encourage you to do it. 
The little chap's garments are assuming goodly 
proportions and the aid of all and sundry 
is very encouraging. I reckon you're a bit of 
plausible rogue enticing contributors but 
they must like you a lot to offer to kick up in 
a stitch or two. Well, that meeting of Ada's 
with the splendidly named twins was a  
coincidence and a half, you would not read 
about it. I confess the prospect of twins is 
outside the bounds of my imagination in our  
case. The chances are all against it by the 
law of averages but I suppose stranger things 
happen every day. Do you reckon we're that 
I don't think you need be 
exercised at the awful prospect of the old man 
being rubbed out yet awhile. I expect to encumber  
the earth for a long time yet and get in your 
hair many times during my tenure on it. 


Of course, one can't entirely ignore the fact there's a 
war on and I'm more of less a combatant 
party and can't claim immunity any more than 
another. If that did come to pass. I pray I do 
the thing decently and feel at the end I had 
made the sacrifice for you to go on unharmed 
and thankful that you could rear and train 
our kid to be a good bloke and not a 
slave of those yellow bastards. You know, sweet 
lots of blokes have sweated, rotted, starves 
and died to give you people the right and the 
privilege to carry on Aussie for the Australians, 
not to die with them. If I were to join them 
I know full well a big piece of you would 
always ^ be with me but but like any nervous person 
you would rise again because you've got the 
guts, that hard core of the will that will 
only leave you at the end. Anyhow, that's 
about enough in that strain, the chances of 
me going west are a bit higher than getting 
sconed by a tram or car in Brisbane and 
are generally avoided by the same drill of 
looking what you're doing. Never abate you prayers 
for us, dearest, that's the way to come out on top. 

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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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