Michael Billings Collection - Wallet 6 - Part 5 of 14

Second World War, 1939–45
  • Love Letters
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43 2 13 Dading Kay. do be sure youre a fome quore a sending youd laddy anothed bonng litter and right frooud of ye he is and all for thinkin of him so lavm. Your of the 8th got to the end of the brail today and a newsy Sheet it proved to be. As is my custom. I looked for you assuoances of good health and ability to dabble in your hobbies and I always ful rewarded when I are the familial lines that everything proceeds according to plan. I te you, Sweet, I find difficulty in suppoedding a binge of the squiats from incroathing into the fages of my letters but shall try and imitate your philosaphy in ignoring that kinding. But limi hell you that I mitt you couelly and from my own feelings, I get an indication just how emply life is when the one you love more than angone in the world is Separated from you. That how its got to be, it seems, but we must take faith that it wont be for so very long and Sheart quite a good chance that well be togethed in a few months from now
Its nice for the fickle wealhed to keep a coolith there complexion for a while down sconsidering its dead in the middle of the hot Season. If it comet to up hat, just atire, the cool seclusion of you snug cabin and give the slaves who have to go out in it a the right of the road. Ship luck for you, spoot, getting hung up waiting for braud when oved at Glen Srio. Carrying the busden you are, however pariiont, is a big strain upon you and standing up for a period must be very arduous. Pood little bundle, you do need a big cuddle, your head against my cheet ane the paltly curty thatch soptly shoked took me up for one of those and I think I can guarantie to soothe and refuesh you i parparation for an interlude of love- making that would inevitably forrow if we havent slipper. You know, I'm feeling paetty hearty ane vital just now and in Helbanenes congenial climate could give heapt of time and effort on behalf of my pricious lady, Ray. and give anything for the chance. Carry on, darling and thires a good time coming which were lap up n buckitfuls.
You neednt send me the Bullitin, as thenet enough papers here to read ane really we don't get much spane time as before. What I have I put in at Shidy mostly so send them straight on to John, he can use them bither than me. Ther was only one bist book I arquisio, Ray as I brought the others back with me. Thanks, pet, for mailing it on. I see you are now palling through that no-litter period ane feel crooked about it as I can were realise how you must feel with no letters coming in from me. Im only consoled that the gap was only fond days and by now they should be ralling along onc more The manpowed people dont seem to be able to take no for an anewer, do they! A bit like that husband of yours sometimes ane peshaps youd better crack the whip to them as you had to once ar turce with that impetuous loved of yours. Canning factory, my foot! That would be ideal fod you and R, chard would soon be a mimory. I chuckle when I ersualise you deating coustingly with the an Hape merchants.
it you said it, honey, Brisbane it hat and exceedingly humid. No sun today, but sultay as the divil, Arof cal showers are vodles of mosquitars. H arvirous combination. Work of the doudgroy description has occupied my precious time today to my great pleasure. I could grast my malars in fury when I you and I are tehig to be togethed and I'm hive as a soot of cooll between the VD.c are the C.C.C. Soldied, hih! Despite the knowledge of your physician. I'm betting on yend forecalt of the his date R. thard wril make its debut as if his mothed can't calculate it. I dont see who can. I cirtainly must be among those present for the milistone, you bet. So on that happy nate, I now get off the ard Sindy you a hearty slap on the back and such a heap of Rissis, squeyes, hugs and cauiseed, my treasure. an my love, M.cky CAOOOD Restralian EnMemorial
BR GE 12 14 FE 1943 POSTE ANS gielings N. A 1324 548 Barker's Road Lawthoon Eact I ctoria
pR00610 Resiralian Ror beworts
15 2 43. Darling May. Today is Monday and quite unlike The usual Monday, once so dreaded, was a folly good day. T uels why! Cos the postie boirger me two bonged letters from the bundle, thou of the 10th & 11th Feb. In fact, I feel fad more amiable tonight than I have for many days As the weather had been extra hot and sieaty. it cant be that, I havent won the b asket at had any similal widfall, its not that eithed so I conclude the home effort is due to the two sweet letters. I'in to glad youve had my letters snce we went on the hoip and had your pears of suddening journeyings into the dark forrets proved groundless. So it seims that all three of us are delighted, the retiring R. chard giving visit to his appreciation in lusty fashion I suppose you got quite a thoice when he staoted his anties, I did when I read you litter, at it makes him a real living creation of anss now and I m now awaitng for him to imerge into the world. A but powisus avent I! Still I reckon its mannious at a
2 time like this to so have such a wonderful thing tto look forward to ane it the expertation of being a fathed gives a new meaning and purpose to life. And as the weeks and months creep by I can debert a suppossaed excitement in you letters as the reality of bey a mothed-draws neased, for one they, because of the way you dismist oathed arrity the ditcomport the young Scomp caused you. The mothed instruct is growing stronged all the time and you just cant do enough now to boin into the world a bonny healthy child That innate feeling of gladness is going to go a long wey to Sustain you when your confinement commnced. A athed marviuous houmpt. I think, that all too an submirging of self to the divine work of creation. It seems its only a very noble thing that can bring one to undergo such sacaifierd and yet are paise that youre byg enough in yourself to even set out on that long and distorssing jouoney. Do you wonded that I love you more than evid now. You anwed every can a man could make upon you and God knows men are not the least exacting & Selfish cows in their denands
upon therd our womenfork. I aften hask me back through the years which we have passed together and how happy and relationship has been. Not that staid bovine contentment that is tedious by any means but a state that has cast us up into the heights of patsionate love then lowened as us gently into the rigion of aludey foindship. The first night I really met you I kished you with fuelig too and wroy tim Ive seen you since I waiter to aepeat the performance. When you look at it like that, it is beautifully sweet. With what andod we have reated in each others aoms and drawn such joy from the pressure of lips to lipt. Humories mean such a lot to me now I m separated from you and one day soon I intend to boy as well as my poot faulity will allow me to wave the magic wand and tell you simply of my feelings, thought and jays while I was with you. It will be a have task to adiquately exports just what you have always meant to me but as and life togethed has timporanly come to a halt, I am bold enough to think you would like to head of thoe things
y I really love you so much that if I cant probonally shee sinded riminiscence unnecessary I fcant get my shel fiery affection out of my mind and look for an Avenue to try one exportd it to you. That in a nutshell is why I all remind you and myself of just what joy; in have given me. Well fut, here is the news since my last scrued. Off y esterday so spent the appeoroon and R wvinn at R owlings. Both of them are so pleased you are were and send ther love, also does Gran. Had a quiet but pleasant day. Joday lots of work from peeling ancoud scobbing floors to playing soldiers. Thaveing, ih what. Sorry Red is crook, I wrote to Ada yestriday but has not posted it when yours arrived so shaw add a bit. I hats about ar the dope that comes to mind just now so shal havea arspite until tomorrow. So lorg, my own darling are I just cant wish you enough good things. I send are my love with a by Ribs ane sweetest of dreams to R. chane & his muming from PR00610 H. chy his daddy Postalan Her Eemorts

13. 2. 43. 
Darling Kay, 
To be sure youre a foine gurrl 
a sending your laddy another bonny letter and 
right proud of ye he is and all for thinkin 
of him so lovin. Yours of the 8th got to the 
end of the trail today and a newsy sheet 
it proved to be. As is my custom. I looked 
for your assurances of good health and ability 
to dabble in your hobbies and I always feel 
rewarded when I see the familiar lines that 
everything proceeds according to plan. Like you, 
sweet, I find difficulty in suppressing a tinge 
of the squeals from encroaching into the pages 
of my letters but shall try and imitate your 
philosophy in ignoring that tendency. But lemme 
tell you that I miss you cruelly and from my 
own feelings, I get an indication just how 
empty life is when the one you love more than 
anyone in the world is separated from you. Thats
how its got to be , it seems , but we must take 
faith that it won’t be for so very long and 
there’s quite a good chance that we’ll be together 
in a few months from now.


Its nice for the fickle weather to keep a coolish 
complexion for a while down /there considering its dead 
in the middle of the hot season. If it comes 
up hot, just retire to the cool seclusion of your 
snug cabin and give the slaves who have to go 
out in it a the right of the road. Stiff luck 
for you, sport, getting hung up waiting for trams 
when over at Glen Iris. Carrying the burden 
you are, however precious, is a big strain upon 
you and standing up for a period must be 
very arduous. Poor little bundle, you do need 
a big kiss cuddle, your head against my 
chest and the pretty curly thatch softly stroked. 
Book me up for one of those and I think 
I can guarantee to soothe and refresh you 
in preparation for an interlude of love-making 
that would inevitably follow if we haven't 
slipped. You know, I'm feeling pretty 
hearty and vital just now and in Melbourne's 
congenial climate could give heaps of time and 
effort on behalf of my precious lady, Kay, 
and give anything for the chance. Carry on, 
darling and there's a good time coming which 
we'll lap up in bucketfuls. 


You needn't send me the Bulletin, as 
theres enough papers here to read and really we 
don't get much spare time as before. What I 
have I put in at study mostly so send them 
straight on to John, he can use them better 
than me. There was only one text book I 
requested, Kay as I brought the others back with 
me. Thanks, pet, for mailing it on. I see you 
are now passing through that no-letter period 
and feel crooked about it as I can well realise 
how you must feel with no letters coming in 
from me. I'm only consoled that the gap 
was only four days and by now they should 
be rolling along once more. 
The manpower people don't seem 
to be able to take no for an answer, do they? 
A bit like that husband of yours sometimes and 
perhaps you'd better crack the whip to them as 
you had to once or twice with that impetuous 
lover of yours. Canning factory, my foot! That 
would be ideal for you and Richard would 
soon be a memory. I chuckle when I visualise 
you dealing crushingly with the red-tape merchants. 


You said it, honey, Brisbane is hot and 
exceedingly humid. No sun today, but sultry 
as the devil, tropical showers and oodles of 
mosquitoes. Marvellous combination. Work 
of the drudgery description has occupied my 
precious time today to my great pleasure. 
I could gnash my molars in fury when I 
you and I are itching to be together and 
I'm here as a sort of cross between the 
V D.c and the c.c.c Soldier, huh! 
Despite the knowledge of your 
physician. I'm betting on your forecast of the 
date Richard will make its his debut as if 
his mother can't calculate it, I don't see who 
can. I certainly must be among those present 
for the milestone, you bet. So on that 
happy note. I now get off the air, 
Sending you a hearty slap on the back 
and such a heap of kisses, squeezes, 
hugs and caresses, my treasure. 
All my love, 



Mrs. M Billings  
548 Barkers Road 
East Hawthorn 


Novgee Moojee
War Memorial


15 2 43 
Darling Kay, 
Today is Monday and quite unlike 
the usual Monday, once so dreaded, was a jolly 
good day. Guess why? Cos' the postie bringed 
me two longed letters from the bundle, those 
of the 10th & 11th Feb. In fact, I feel far more 
amiable tonight than I have for many days and
As the weather has been extra hot and sweaty, 
it can't be that, I haven't won the Casket 
or had any similar windfall, its not that either 
so I conclude the tonic effect is due to the 
two sweet letters. I'm so glad you've had my 
letters since we went on the trip and had your 
fears of suddening journeyings into the dark 
forests proved groundless. So it seems that all 
three of us are delighted, the retiring Richard 
giving vent to his appreciation in lusty fashion. 
I suppose you got quite a thrill when he started 
his antics, I did when I read your letter. as 
it makes him a real living creation of 
ours now and I'm now awaiting for him 
to emerge into the world. A bit precious 
aren't I? Still I reckon its marvellous at a 


time like this to be have such a wonderful thing 
to look forward to and it the expectation of 
being a father gives a new meaning and purpose 
to life. And as the weeks and months creep by, 
I can detect a suppressed excitement in your 
letters as the reality of being a mother draws 
nearer, for one thing, because of the way you 
dismiss rather airily the discomfort the young scamp 
causes you. The mother instinct is growing stronger 
all the time and you just can't do enough now 
to bring into the world a bonny healthy child. 
That innate feeling of gladness is going to go a 
long way to sustain you when your confinement 
commences. A rather marvellous triumph, I think, 
that all too rare submerging of self to the 
divine work of creation. It seems its only a 
very noble thing that can bring one to undergo 
such sacrifices and yet all praise that you're 
big enough in yourself to even set out on that 
long and distressing journey. Do you wonder that 
I love you more than ever now. You answered 
every call a man could make upon you 
and God knows men are not the least 
exacting & selfish cows in their demands


upon their own womenfolk. I often hark me 
back through the years which we have passed 
together and how happy our relationship has 
been. Not that staid bovine contentment that 
is tedious by any means but a state that has 
cast us up into the heights of passionate 
love then lowered u us gently into the region 
of abiding friendship. The first night I really 
met you I kissed you with feeling too and every 
time I've seen you since I wanted to 
repeat the performance. When you look at it like 
that, it is beautifully sweet. With what ardor 
we have rested in each other's arms and drawn 
such joy from the pressure of lips to lips. 
Memories mean such a lot to me now I'm 
separated from you and one day soon I intend 
to try as well as my poor facility will allow 
me to wave the magic wand and tell you 
simply of my feeling, thoughts and joys while 
I was with you. It will be a hard task 
to adequately express just what you have always 
meant to me but as our life together has 
temporarily come to a halt, I am bold enough 
to think you would like to hear of these things.


I really love you so much that if I can't personally 
render reminiscence unnecessary I /still can't get my 
still fiery affection out of my mind and look for 
an avenue to try and express it to you. That in 
a nutshell is why I shall remind you and 
myself of just what joy you have given me. 
Well pet, here is the news 
since my last screed. Off yesterday so spent 
the afternoon and P evening at Rawling's. Both 
of them are so pleased you are well and send 
their love, also does Gran. Had a quiet but 
pleasant day. Today lots of work from peeling 
onions, scrubbing floors to playing soldiers. 
Thrilling, eh what! Sorry Red is crook, I 
wrote to Ada yesterday but have not posted 
it when yours arrived so shall add a bit. 
Thats about all the dope that 
comes to mind just now so shall have a 
respite until tomorrow. So long, my own 
darling and I just can't wish you enough 
good things. I send all my love with 
a big kiss and sweetest of dreams to Richard 
& his mummy from 
Micky his daddy.

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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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