Michael Billings Collection - Wallet 6 - Part 14 of 14

Second World War, 1939–45
  • Love Letters
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11 3 A3 Davling May, Another day has passed and no letted from thee, making it thare days since the last came. Ot looks as though the mail it held up,appear as I know hs sone of you doing but as in the last letter you had confisted to an inclisposition accompanied by somewhat strange symptomt, I in anxious to have an all clead from you. Im not underly peotieobe deasest as I know that anything alaoming would have speedily bren passed on to me. A case of no news is good news. Very bothersome to have mail delays just now at while the time rimains, Id like to head from you evrry day. I do hope you bad day is new a fading memory and that this finds you back to Hop foom with K. chard showing evidence of the ergod that stare be his portion, not to mention his good looks Im stull locabie at the same Spot, when that state of affairs wree acted it indefinite but I can say that it wont be long now. Pood bundle, I can fichuse fou a bit downcast when you apened you letter but from what goes on assue I dont think it will be any desperate
venture but a matter of contine except that it sends me furthed away from you and swidend the gap between litters Shee, I can' complain as the past yead was partly good to us an things considered and tthis murtability was delayed neved forgothen. Ryarding distination. theses much speculation but of couse sabody knows. I think the islands are a certainty, the new clobbed lost of giving the game away, Stree. The aid mad pervicet are pretty faid now fod thase parts so I intend to keep my self will before goud eye, my paetty. It wll be a blow not to be at your side early in July but I'll suse be very much these in spirit living each moment as though I twas pasing the coondor of the hospital. Somehow. I was very dubrons of expecting Dame Forhine to peomit of me to be shee in this glade so long ahead and trough its hellech disappainting, its not a coashing bombshell. It does not hust to much when I read through some of your recent litters and see what an absoibing love for the wee one fad goower within you and neither hell ad high watt has a ghoet of a chance of interpesing with your deeine mission It urn be a maneant shetanchod for me to eling to in the months aheal; when my next leave evintuates I want be able to get home half quiek enough to see my lavely give mathed and hed bonny babe So, put. dont let this new stat incommode you and just go along as you have been. Young a big game of yand own to win bo please concentate on that. A big lont like me feell ashamed toha be throwing a panned in the works when you have such impartant thingh to do I we of youd best to yoursayf and your owr child and when I sn you next, what a get together will have. Iheard one thing Iwe meant to advise you of quite awhile and your wise proviions have reminded fine of my omission. Its about my fistamentang dispositions, the wrle is in the custody of the aomy. She contints are mighty heree, fouythig is left to you to do with as you think fit. My worldly possispons contist of insurda palicies, a man amount of case at the Commonwearth Bank and the Commonweseth Spvings Gank and some Wad Savings Cestifsiphe wassents,
4 With the exception of the Savings Yank Pals Book & my cheque book, the others are in a sealed invilope held by the Commonnealth Bark Helbonone The pass book and chique book I'm sending to brothed 6 has to keep in his safe. I think that stabes the sum of my fortunes to thats that Suly of me to delay to long but to us youths, theare something garely in talking about such a doeasy subject. Im on leave today and staw hop up and bee fand ald landeveds convry to them youd love and good wishes which well be cordearly returned May go to a show but feel too lackadanical to make up my mind. Peay hat today and feel like bashing the epine. Had a do down hem last night are feel a bit so. so as a consequence Well I appear to have nached the end of my hither when the subject of the weathe is broached to to the showed bath I chan take myself are first deluge you with a canade of love ane too kises PROObl0 t know. Hicky Bostralian Kor Memorial
BRISBANE GLD.AUST. 112 ME 11943 AIR MA ARMAIL 11.3.45 H.S. H. o ulings 548 Barkers Road East Hawthoon ctovia
8 4 2000610 Rostrallan War Memorial
12 3. 43. Darty Hay. At last the drought had broken and the flow of letters from the sweet one has been resumed. To my jay your letters of 6th & 8th Harch came along and it was swell to know yout doubts were soon set at reat and the quiescence of His Lordship was a fake. After thou whole days of silence, You can pirture how huckled I was to read that your precious buiaden started the day right by bestowing a lusty boot upon pood Mumig. Saray the mecrobes have paid you a visit in the shape of a cold, natty things so may it be of short duration, from your recitae of the happinigs at the wedding, you had quite a Cuty sparm, perhaps a chuce snappled you in the monoil. I'm so glad it ale went off so well and a good time was had by all your discriptions lead me to believe that the party looked very radiant but must confess the sartonal styles leave me groping hopilisely It was commal not to have a faste of the mast for the desent oats, John's commirts must have been a little pungent. Stiff luck, my wire missed the bus bent will seerve OK wher the lovebuds action I think it would be porperable for you to attend to see matter of the present awing to present duvlapments also I doubt whither the bank would look too kindly my cheques, the book of which incidentally is
2 now heading for brothed C has to be quarderht I get down again. It was nice for you to run acodtd sishd Tay once more apped youd bay down to his plac having to be depersed and Iin glad shil looking and feeling lats bepted apter such a ratter bunk give had and George a cheeois from me and fal Yep. I natiend alright you covacious cortouss as fr snap and you looked a bit inflated but not nearly so much as you lead me to believe. I gayee upon you mighly longingly and the familiad fratused made me with have that I shaw aituen to you goon. bovoy, the litters from me have been warguled, then must have been a other if these aggravatig haldeupt Of cousse I mished a couple of days when out on deevets in the buth so may be that period has jurst bit you. As you can soe, I i shee residing at the luvry launge but signs and partents indicate an altivation soon now to wher my letters timporanly crase you can draw the right conclusion. I was talking to Dang Reid last night and he told me you'd been out there ane had leavned the bad news there Ihad a litter o the mry to you a couple of hours apter it came out so cant underlland what halding it up. I suppose Gwen was rathed crooked on it when had old man was bet for the next parly Its a blow when you get so crote and come a frop. Once again I thark you for your poompt reponte
to my cadge and your gunorsly equall the many ather vioturs I know you to possess in abundance I haven't had any will kows if it and have most of left but while a libtle time remaind its landy to be able to leny up a piw things to take and have a crunk as two without having to him evey com anid hr to see if you can really afford it. I'm apraid the ary has left me very tathor shoeds of dignity, if I wis had any to speak of no Ii far from artenking you fod bossing me a guid. I dont accouate you with an that nontuse and hape to be able to tost you a decent gift soo I'm on leave again today ane as you reall the muchple attractions of this dump, am in a guandary where to go and what to do. I Its on about every second day now so how would it be if you wire heae Since you went, this dump seems lanty ane no doubt about iit, you were my sunchene in those glosions morths showing me joursep in the roled I loved and arfained in for so long before as were as many new boaits that unforded themselves before me to my huge appreciation. Whn I read of youd pood little toottres Swern up and you feeling unconfortable. I love you so much for what youde yoing through for me ane pray for the months to speed by
so that your manwans accomplishment will be over and comfort and top line hearth will be some compensation for mouths of hardship I think I toll you ar about the property in which I stand pasteshed and when its hoarded. If you want to know any athed details, just let me know Will. my pprecious darling I seem to have said are that is containedi the mighty mind so must away to the lawful lensmedt of HM. C heen my it id dove and I bitcke my sex off thinking a here of a lott of my beaut wife and with I cane bee het far a few minuted to bee bet I love that Tronfrearly in the language of lovers. I affer my freonst yet Linderest Riss, Gradlekind Sweet. Yours alwayt H.cky 200610 Australian t Menort
E4 oa in 01 IE-MAR 14 144 1943 AIR.NAIL PESTEE 12-34 H.S. H.B uings 148 Barkers Read awhorn East Pictona
PRob Rostralian Rer Renott

Darling Kay,
Another day has passed and no
letter from thee, making it three days since the
last came. It looks as though the mail is
held up, it appears as I know tis none of your
doing but as in the last letter, you had
confessed to an indisposition accompanied by
somewhat strange symptoms, I'm anxious to have
an all clear from you. I'm not unduly perturbed
dearest as I know that anything alarming would
have speedily been passed on to me. A case of
no news is good news. Very bothersome to have
mail delays just now as while the time
remains, I'd like to hear from you every day.
I do hope your 'bad day' is now a fading memory
and that this finds you back to top form
with Richard showing evidence of the vigor that
shall be his portion, not to mention his good
I'm still located at the same spot,
when that state of affairs will alter is indefinite
but I can say that it won't be long now. Poor
bundle, I can picture you a bit downcast when
you opened your letter but from what goes on
around I don't think it will be any desperate



venture but a matter of routine except that
it sends me further away from you and widens
the gap between letters. Still, I can't complain
as the past year was pretty good to us all
things considered and this inevitability was
delayed never forgotten. Regarding destination,
there's much speculation but of course, nobody
knows. I think the islands are a certainty,
the new clobber sort of giving the game away.
Still, the air mail services are pretty fair
now for those parts so I intend to keep
myself well before your eye, my pretty. It
will be a blow not to be at your side early
in July but I'll sure be very much there in
spirit living each moment as though I was
pacing the corridor of the hospital. Somehow,
I was very dubious of expecting Dame Fortune to
permit of me to be still in this glade so long
ahead and though its hellish disappointing,
it's not a crashing bombshell. It does not hurt
so much when I read through some of your
recent letters and see what an absorbing love
for the wee one has grown within you and
neither hell or high water has a ghost of a
chance of interfering with your divine mission


It will be a marvellous sheet anchor for me to
cling to in the months ahead; when my next
leave eventuates I won't be able to get home
half quick enough to see my lovely girl
mother and his bonny babe. So, pet,
don't let this new state incommode you and
just go along as you have been. You've a big
game of your own to win so please concentrate
on that. A big lout like me feels ashamed
to ha be throwing a spanner in the works
when you have such important things to do
Give of your best to yourself and your own
child and when I see you next, what a
get together we'll have.
I heard one thing I've meant to
advise you of quite awhile and your wise
provisions have reminded fine of my omission.
It's about my testamentary dispositions, the
will is in the custody of the army. The
contents are mighty terse, everything is left to
you to do with as you think fit. My worldly
possessions consist of insurance policies, a small
amount of cash at the Commonwealth Bank
and the Commonwealth Savings Bank and
some War Savings certificate warrants. 



With the exception of the Savings Bank Pass
Book & my cheque book, the others are in a
sealed envelope held by the Commonwealth
Bank Melbourne. The pass book and cheque
book I'm sending to brother Chas to keep
in his safe. I think that states the sum
of my fortunes so that's that. Silly of me
to delay so long but to us youths, there's
something grisly in talking about such a dreary
I'm on leave today and shall
prop up and see your old landlords and
convey to them your love and good wishes
which will be cordially returned. May go
on to a show but feel too lackadaisical to
make up my mind. Very hot today and
feel like bashing the spine. Had a 'do'
down here last night are feel a bit so-so
as a consequence
Well I appear to have reached
the end of my tether when the subject of the
weather is broached so to the shower bath
I shall take myself and first deluge
you with a cascade of love and too kisses
War Memorial


1 AM
112 MCH


Mrs. M. Billings
548 Barkers Road
East Hawthorn


War Memorial 


Darling Kay,
At last the drought has broken and
the flow of letters from the sweet one has been
resumed. To my joy your letters of 6th & 8th March
came along and it was swell to know your doubts
were soon set at rest and the quiescence of His
Lordship was a fake. After three whole days of
silence, you can picture how tickled I was to read
that your precious burden started the day right by
bestowing a lusty boot upon poor Mummy. Sorry the
microbes have paid you a visit in the shape of a
cold, nasty things, so may it be of short duration. From
your recital of the happenings at the wedding, you had
quite a busy spasm, perhaps a chill snaffled you in the
turmoil. I'm so glad it all went off so well and a good
time was had by all. Your descriptions lead me to
believe that the party looked very radiant but must
confess the sartorial styles leave me groping hopelessly.
It was criminal not to have a taste of the mast
for the desert rats. John's comments must have been a
little pungent. Stiff luck, my wine missed the bus
but will serve OK when the lovebirds return. I think
it would be preferable for you to attend to the
matter of the present owing to present developments also
I doubt whether the bank would look too kindly
on my cheques, the book of which incidentally is



now heading for brother Chas to be guarded until I
get down again. It was nice for you to run across Sister
Fay once more after your trip down to her place
having to be deferred and I'm glad she's looking
and feeling lots better after such a rotten break.
Give her and George a cheerio from me old pal
Yep, I noticed alright your curvaceous contours as
per snap and you looked a bit inflated but not
nearly so much as you lead me to believe. I gazed
upon you mighty longingly and the familiar features
made me wish hard that I shall return to you soon.
Sorry, the letters from me have been irregular, there
must have been another of those aggravating hold-ups.
Of course I missed a couple of days when out on
exercises in the bush so may be that period has just
hit you. As you can see, I'm still residing at the
luxury lounge but signs and portents indicate an
alteration soon now. So when my letters temporarily
cease you can draw the right conclusion. I was talking
to Dang Reid last night and he told me you'd been
out there and had learned the bad news there.
I had a letter on the way to you a couple of hours after
it came out so can't understand what's holding it
up. I suppose Gwen was rather crooked on it jus
when his old man was set for the next party.
It's a blow when you get so close and come a
flop. Once again I thank you for your prompt response



to my cadge and your generosity equals the many
other virtues I know you to possess in abundance.
I haven't had any wild turns yet and have most of
left but while a little time remains its handy to
be able to buy up a few things to take and have
a crank or two without having to turn every coin
over twice to see if you can really afford it.
I'm afraid the army has left me very tattered
shreds of dignity, if I ever had any to speak of,
so I'm far from rebuking you for tossing me a
quid. I don't associate you with all that nonsense
and hope to be able to toss you a decent gift soon.
I'm on leave again today and as you recall the multiple
attractions of this dump, am in a quandary where to
go and what to do. I It's on about every second day
now so how would it be if you were here. Since
you went, this dump seems lousy and no doubt
about it, you were my sunshine in those glorious
months showing me yourself in the roles I loved
and rejoiced in for so long before as well as
many new traits that unfolded themselves before
me to my huge appreciation.
When I read of your poor little
tootsies swelling up and you feeling uncomfortable.
I love you so much for what you're going through
for me and pray for the months to speed by



so that your marvellous accomplishment will be over
and comfort and top line health will be some
compensation for months of hardship.
I think I told you all about
the property in which I stand possessed and
where its hoarded. If you want to know any
other details, just let me know.
Well, my precious darling
I seem to have said all that is contained in
the mighty mind so must away to the lawful
business of HM. Cheerio my d-d-dove and
I betake myself off thinking a hell of a lot of
my beaut wife and wishing I could see her for
a few minutes to tell her I love her
terrifically in the language of lovers. I
offer my firmest yet tenderest kiss, puddlekins
Yours always

War Memorial


2 14 MAR  2



Mrs. M. Billings
548 Barkers Road
East Hawthorn


War Memorial

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