Michael Billings Collection - Wallet 6 - Part 12 of 14

Second World War, 1939–45
  • Love Letters
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R6 8 b Ho. A. Zlullings 548 Barkers Road East Hawthoon EAST SRISSANE 392 ctoria
ON eRobIC Asstrallan BoResorts
6 3. 43 Darling Kay, To ho, my hearty and how do the trials and harbulations of this troublid sphere find you Your litter of 1at Carch duly received for which my goatitude. I suppose by the time this reached you my registiaed litter will be in your possission on the murky hidings will have bun added to pout other troubled. Piculial thing that the day I got your letter I had o wite are he you informing me that John had contacted you. At was my hum to yeu you that while he was coming in Im in the procest of going out. I'm sorry you haped look like being dashed and if it to happinb that I cant get down for the great went, it will be a coue disappointment to both of ut. What luent me up is what I always sum to be wxharting you to fou up tto there more and mon Setbacks as though you hadnt enough just now. Of course, it had to come and now its here to I cant See what else we can do about it but fight on. It looke at first as though it was going to be a ply-by-night affaid but it now seems to be hanging ifue for a few days. As usual, athed than that, I know nothing but it is dinkum this time, pet. Anyhow, pet if theard a gap in my litters, you can gueet the visson and depend upon it, I wree write you at the first
apportunity. Having got that off my chest, thers a fent athed things to tark about. First, the mathr of the will. I we read through it and it aer seimt right and proped to me, your schew allocations faid to all partied and no knotly problims in carrying it out You did wrsily entesting thas as from a Cusinets and Sentimental spoint of view he seems an ideal perton for the job. Bat he ant going to get a chance to act in hid official capanty for a few dreades yet. your visit to the Solicitor was very fourtful in other respects and I'm glad youer have a fin pounds for thingt the aomy pittance docent cavid although it goes against the gran to have to bave ther thing to you when its my yot. Its a cow to be hid up like this at a time like thit. Sheee jouve poaee yourself to be one in a thousad these last few yeard and lofly your pritty wonderful, my darling. I shan lamcp mysey into a malt of fullome poaise but I efeet I can go along and leave my appaird in the hands of a great give wps docnt know what it is to told the game in. Whatis wen greated is that I shaw leave my image in hid heart too. Please for, I shall be back for keeps with you soon for good and share be competing with the athed to make each life a brantiful thing. I wate that from N.RS east night and also left a heregram of good wishes to
to John in your case. I hape it gets then in time but at the time was short, I fead at may mitd out. Im sure Sylora and he will be very happy as they are such champion people and iits great that The experiences of the last few years have not soured the lad. Thave weeks leave, aint so bad and it ure be an extra fiven honeymoon, I bet. Bestow upon them my vigorous tokens of regare, mathed in your characterishe fashson. I was so pleased to bee that the Doc was pleased with yout poogoits and condition and it is always my most pervent hope that you ure have thad weathed are the way That bit of a break would be some compentation for the vanity of troublet you are faced with and somehow I feel youre have a good boot because you are simply desiring of it Will. paicaons, I have to dash back now into the husly busly that wists today but if at all possible, we go on accord fomanson. I'm not going to hell you to kelp you chmn up of anything like that, I know you, you sell, and you just dont bee people like you those things. Churis, you sweetest bundle and in faid wrathed at foul, I love you heorificaily and coved you with my kisked. Ta.Ta H. cky
S8 A1 -PH S MOH 1343 POSTED LGeumRYB 345 6 M.rs. H. Fillings 548 Barkers Road East Hawthoon Pr ctona
2 200610 Bustralian the Renerlst
7 3. 43 Dastry Kay A oushed mestage to fel you that Im still here but wire be on my way soon. Fom what has been done the last few days I think its a borp to a faid distance away. The place looks like the It Pabneks day procetion if you gather what I mean. Othed than that nobody knows any more but one place in that locality is the same as anathed. I expect to be here he best part of a week yet but you nowr can few I shaw write for a long litter latiro t tay ent tthis is a that wer get ther quickes Cheevis my davling sweetheart and this carous al my love and theres athing to worry about really. Hope you are fuling ly top. keep that way, ou pal. Always yours M. cky
SYONE N.S.WAUST 12 M 7.342 9 MAR 1943 H.S. uingt. 548 Barker's Road fawthoon East ctoria
pa00 Rtals Rer tenort

5 3 43  
Mrs. M. Billings, 
548 Barkers Road, 
East Hawthorn, 




Darling Kay, 
Yo ho, my hearty and how do the  
trials and tribulations of this troubled sphere find you? 
Your letter of 1st March duly received for which my  
gratitude. I suppose by the time this reaches you 
my registered letter will be in your possession and the  
murky tidings will have been added to your other  
troubles. Peculiar thing that the day I got your 
letter I had to write and let you informing me that 
John had contacted you, it was my turn to tell 
you that while he was coming in I'm in the 
process of going out. I'm sorry your hopes look like 
being dashed and if it so happens that I can't 
get down for the great event, it will be a cruel 
disappointment to both of us. What burns me up 
is that I always seem to be exhorting you to face 
up to still more and more setbacks as though 
you hadn't enough just now. Of course, it had to 
come and now its here so I can't see what else we 
can do about it but fight on. It looked at first 
as though it was going to be a fly-by-night affair 
but it now seems to be hanging free for a few 
days. As usual, other than that, I know nothing 
but it is dinkum this time, pet. Anyhow, pet, 
if theres a gap in my letters, you can guess the reason 
and depend upon it, I will write you at the first 


opportunity. Having got that off my chest, theres a few 
other things to talk about. First, the matter of the 
will. I've read through it and it all seems right and 
proper to me, your sche allocations fair to all 
parties and no knotty problems in carrying it out. 
You did wisely insisting Chas as from a business and 
sentimental point of view he seems an ideal person 
for the job. But he aint going to get a chance to 
act in his official capacity for a few decades yet. 
Your visit to the solicitor was very fruitful in other 
respects and I'm glad you'll have a few pounds 
for things the army pittance doesn't cover although 
it goes against the grain to have to leave these things 
to you when it's my job. Its a cow to be tied 
up like this at a time like this. Still you've proved 
yourself to be one in a thousand these last few years 
and briefly youre pretty wonderful, my darling. I shan't 
launch myself into a mass of fulsome praise but 
I feel I can go along and leave my affairs in the hands 
of a great girl who doesn't know what it is to toss 
the game in. What is even greater is that I shall leave 
my image in this heart too. Please God, I shall be 
back for keeps with you soon for good and we 
shall be vib competing with the other to make each 
life a beautiful thing. 
I wrote that from T.R's last 
night and also left a telegram of good wishes to 


go to John in your care. I hope it gets there in 
time but as the time was short, I fear it may  
miss out. I'm sure Sylvia and he will be very happy 
as they are such champion people and it's great that 
the experiences of the last few years have not soured 
the lad. Three weeks leave, aint so bad and it 
will be an extra swell honeymoon, I bet. Bestow 
upon them my vigorous tokens of regard, mother 
in your characteristic fashion. 
I was so pleased to see that 
the Doc was pleased with your progress and condition 
and it is always my most fervent hope that you 
will have clear weather all the way. That bit  
of a break would be some compensation for the 
variety of troubles you are found with and somehow 
I feel you'll have a good trot because you are simply 
deserving of it. 
Well precious, I have to dash back 
now into the hurly, burly that exists today but 
if at all possible, will go on accord tomorrow. 
I'm not going to tell you to keep your chin up or anything 
like that, I know you, you see, and you just don't tell 
people like you those things. Cheerio, you sweetest 
bundle and in fair weather or foul, I love you 
terrifically and cover you with my kisses. 
Ta. Ta. 


Mrs. M. Billings 
548 Barkers Road 
East Hawthorn 


War Memorial


Darling Kay, 
A rushed message to tell you 
that I'm still here but will be on my way 
soon. From what has been done the last  
few days I think its a trip to a fair 
distance away. The place looks like the St 
Patrick's day procession if you gather what I 
mean. Other than that nobody knows any 
more but one place in that locality is the 
same as another. I expect to be here the 
best part of a week yet but you never can tell. 
I shall write you a long letter later on 
today but this is one that will get there 
Cheerio my darling sweetheart 
and this carries all my love and theres 
nothing to worry about really. Hope you are 
feeling tip top. Keep that way, old pal. 
Always Yours 


Mrs M Billings 
548 Barker’s Road, 
East Hawthorn 


War Memorial

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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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