Michael Billings Collection - Wallet 6 - Part 1 of 14

Second World War, 1939–45
  • Love Letters
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28 1 43. Darling Kay. Anothed gooe day for Mucky as fat at maie was concerned, three being my portion from for the day. Two for Sweet piiddlekind and one from H um to that was very nice. I stant comment on what Wa had to bay because as one of hed hea- guzgling coonied you probably know an about it what shid have to inform me. The Welt. weather is as delightfully variable as of old. I See. I wish I was there to share it with you old bun as the unending hat sun becomed a bit tedious at were as making a ferron put in too much time washing clothes. So glad you are feeling partly will and fit for a minod shapping scoamble in quest of a wardrobe for Richard. Its good that one of us wrre be a sastorial wonded. By the time this reached you, youd conffend should be a thing of beauty vide you visit to Cousin Rath. I'd like to oun my fingros through your corp cuals and busy my face in the soft made. I hove little things were folly swet, poeond. Its just at well youre growng philotaphical about my abtince
as it maket the days lets of a strain. I confers I am not to resigned at I used to be and hope like here some more leave wile come around byfore long. When the cease fire pounds for keeps, I shall be straining at the leash to get to your side and wont we go to town fut. Pray havd for the dawn of and new world Today had been like most other days, hat, cloudy and clammy and Ive fut dopey most of the day an dodged all the work I could. I was pay day and am n funds one more so than have two beakeos of all tonight te cilibrate. Had a mat enpyable surm just after bee which revived me a ton Leam again Saturday but doit like that day as the city is too crowded to I purpose to just much avoune like a good ctigin. Will my light of love. Ive given an account of my stiwardship so shaw waddle off now for the haps friviously promised to my Self. I'll boast you, little mother with the first boddy; armt I ginerous! Sweet I name, bundle and as wid. are my love with a big kits to flavod. Churs H. My PROObI0 nustratian Her benort
SRISBI OLAND AI 145Pp 4 28.1 229AAN 1943 BSSTEt Fettings M.SS. 16 oad arkers 548 Hawthorn East ctoria
30 1 1943 Dasting Ray. Thankie. Swutheast for your cherce budget of 26th Jan and though the rxpention of such banalities may bose you I was as pleased as uenae to head from you and to know you are marching the highway to matherhood so strongly. Ille me the Secret of how you do it for the benefit of the Aust race. It must be foesh and fur and milk at some similar health formula. L ett see. thats fout months have gone, another couple of wieks and jaure hay-way. Golly nice work precious, Im so prend of you. I see ald man Summed has sitee got you taicked, coward You are to Scuttle indoors from beautiful nature Seeig you imerged after depenned I'll forgive you. The prospect of an appeonoons gossip seems to be an effective decay for fouse damed Rath t trs Seems to have gone downpill very quickly, it seems only a gead Since the and you plankie you by bothoms in one of them foaie racing Shells. It's such a pity just after having a son and her
2 I somehow have acquired a deep-Seake conviction that from now on all will be plain sailing for you, excepting of cousse the uncidental discomforts. I drinns why I feel that way, maybe because after waiting when others gave up little, nothing, you carnied on and now its your tuon for a appy break. God is good and just and t- neved forgot you, thats cirtain. Do you feel confident about it too! I wrote a letter to syd t other day in reply to his and exchanged gollip like we do did in the 1940s. Treat bloke Nugget and the Ridges are such sweet folk that we must not lose sight of them. Lake you, I place a different evaluation or foundship than I did in the piping days of pleace I rearly must doop Dot a line at the mest-up of leave time foot of left us up in the and Fancy you getting pimply at your mature age; Whats more important have you learned to stop swatching them Well, my dove, time to go to work to off we fly saying good luck and pending you love by the batbleship. A.RPAOO6D Australian Mar Memerial
BBISHA 12-nAR 1. 43 9 231 JAN 1943 POSTEE BILLA ellongs. H.rs. M. Racker's Road 48 East Hawthoon F. Hoora
2 43. 1 Darling Way. So charming of you, Sweetheast, to come across with another litter, that of 27th fan, To hand today and, as always, very good reading. Despite the blishering weathed you seem to be copping down in Melbourne, I glad beyond words you are keeping fit and cheerful. Youre very wise to keep endosrs as youve enough of a drain on your vitality at a time like this wittout exposing yourself to the additional burden of Sun and wind. Id like to be with you lotting aroune in your little panties, you sweet bundle, I'm sure I Xmind have a good to fiuel your pants off at Ioe often threatened Im a bit of larikin I think talking like that to a respectable mared woman in the ta but I must admit youre more than my match at bidroom foolics and invoriably subdue me as effectively as a stroight right to the faw would. Do you know, you soft, white, tended lasses are a big camouflage, you pack a portty hepty wallof really.
2 I hope you dont mine my soli, qued but those preasant remembrances oft ose up to haunt one and as bits of news just don't exst today, I just reel off one at two of those little intimacies that just belonged to us. I doy i in at Kowlings domicile on last leave do and had hea with the old folks. They were very pleased to know you were feeling party cheopy and Lend you third love. Roth are will, alto soon, and we had pleasant repart and that. Katie is hoping for a letter from you soon. The people who succeded us in relidence there houe now departed to ill partly place thei now. Oitherwise Sweet lady, my actwitied have been narrow socially. Now, honey, that budget idea of Yours is very sound, youre qualifying as an economitt. As an accountant, I can assure you that you can't contral your finances untill you Reep a record of receipts are payments. Youre really a top-hole wife, Ray and I love you to On that happy note, padliking I conclude sending you my best wishes, a pROOOR Wicky gigantic kiss and ale my love. -Rustrallan War Mamoris

Darling Kay,
Another good day for Micky as far as  
mail was concerned, three being my portion 
for the day. Two for from sweet puddlekins and one from  
mum so that was very nice. I shan't comment 
on what Ma had to say because as one of her 
tea - guzzling cronies you probably know all about 
it what she'd have to inform me. The Melb.  
weather is as delightfully variable as of old, 
I see. I wish I was there to share it with you 
old bean as the unending hot sun becomes 
a bit tedious as well as making a fellow put in 
too much time washing clothes. So glad you 
are feeling pretty well and fit for a minor 
shopping scramble in quest of a wardrobe for 
Richard. It's good that one of us will be a 
sartorial wonder. By the time this reaches 
you, your coiffeur should be a thing of beauty 
[[vide/]] your visit to Cousin Kath. I'd like to 
run my fingers through your crisp curls and 
bury my face in the soft mass. Those llittle 
things win jolly sweet, precious. It's just as 
well you're growing philosophical about my absence


as it makes the days less of a strain. I confess I 
am not so resigned as I used to be and hope 
like hell some more leave will come around 
before long. When the cease fire sounds for keeps, 
I shall be straining at the leash to get to 
your side and won't we go to town pet. Pray 
hard for the dawn of our new world.  
Today has been like most other 
days, hot, cloudy and clammy and I've felt 
dopey most of the day and dodged all the work 
I could. I was pay day and am in funds 
once more so shall have two beakers of  
ale tonight to celebrate. Had a most enjoyable 
swim just after tea which revived me a ton. 
Leave again Saturday but don't like that day 
as the city is too crowded. So I propose to 
just muck around like a good citizen. Well, 
my light of love, I've given an account of my 
stewardship so shall waddle off now for 
the hops previously promised to myself. 
I'll toast you, little mothers with the first toddy; 
aren't I generous?  Sweet Dreams, bundle  
and as well, all my love with a big 
kiss to flavour. Cheers Micky


28 . 1 . 43 

Mrs. M. Billings 
548 Barkers Road 
East Hawthorn 


30 . 1 . 1943 
Darling Kay, 
Thanku Sweetheart for your choice 
budget of 26th Jan and though the repetition 
of such banalities may bore you I was as 
pleased as usual to hear from you and to 
know you are marching the highway to 
motherhood so strongly. Tell me the secret 
of how you do it for the benefit of the Aust. 
race. It must be fresh air fun and milk 
or some similar health formula. Let's see,  
thats four months have gone, another couple of  
weeks and you're half-way. Jolly nice work, 
precious, I'm so proud of you. I see old man 
Summer has still got you tricked, coward 
you are to scuttle indoors from beautiful nature. 
Seeing you emerged after [[defeuned?]]. I'll forgive 
you. The prospect of an afternoon's gossip 
seems to be an effective decoy for youse dames. 
Kate Ellis seems to have gone downhill very 
quickly, it seems only a year since she and  
you planted your big bottoms in one of 
those frail racing [[shrus?]]. It's such a pity 
just after having a son and heir.


I somehow have acquired a deep-seated conviction 
that from now on all will be plain sailing 
for you, excepting of course the incidental 
discomforts. I dunno why I feel that way, 
maybe because after waiting when others gave 
up little ^or nothing,  you carried on and now 
its your turn for a happy break. God is 
good and just and he never forgot you, that's 
certain.  So you feel confident about it too? 
I wrote a letter to Syd it other 
day in reply to his and exchanged gossip 
like we do did in the 1940's. Great bloke. 
Nugget and the Ridges are such sweet folk 
that we must not lose sight of them.  Like 
you, I place a different valuation on friendship 
than I did in the piping days of peace. 
I really must drop Dot a line as the mess-up 
of leave time sort of left us up in the air. 
Fancy you getting pimply at your mature 
age; What's more important have you learned 
to stop scratching them. 
Well, my dove, time to go to work 
so off we fly saying good luck and sending 
you love by the battleship.   Mick


30 . 1 . 43 
Mrs M. Billings 
548 Barkers Road 
East Hawthorn 


1.2. 43

Darling Kay, 
So charming of you, sweetheart, 
to come across another letter, that of  
27th Jan, to hand today and, as always, 
very good reading. Despite the blistering weather, 
you seem to be copping down in Melbourne. I'm 
glad beyond words you are keeping fit and 
cheerful.  You're very wise to keep indoors as 
you've enough of a drain on your vitality at a 
time like this without exposing yourself to the 
additional burden of sun and wind. I'd 
like to be with you lolling around in your 
little pantees. You sweet bundle, I'm sure I'd 
have a good --- mind to free your pants off as 
I've often threatened. I'm a bit of a larrikan 
I think talking like that to a respectable 
married woman in the strain but I must 
admit you're more than my match at 
bedroom frolics and invariably subdue me 
as effectively as a straight right to the jaw 
would. So you know, you soft, white, 
tender lasses are a big camouflage, you pack 
a pretty hefty wallop really.


I hope you don't mind my soliloquies but those 
pleasant remembrances oft rise up to haunt one 
and as bits of news just don't exist today, I just  
reel off one or two of those little intimacies that 
just belong to us. 
I drop in at Rowlings 
domicile on last leave day and had tea with 
the old folks. They were very pleased to know 
you were feeling pretty chirpy and send you their 
love. Both are well, also Gran, and we had a  
pleasant repast and chat. Katie is hoping for 
a letter from you soon. The people who 
suceded us in residence there have now departed 
so it's pretty placed there now. Otherwise, 
sweet lady, my activities have been narrow 
socially. Now, honey, that budget idea of 
yours is very sound, you're qualifying as an 
economist. As an accountant. I can assure you 
that you can't control your finances unless you 
keep a record of receipts and payments. You're 
really a top-hole wife, Kay and I love you so. 
On that happy note, puddlekins 
I conclude sending you my best wishes, a 
gigantic kiss and all my love. Micky

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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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