Michael Billings Collection - Wallet 5 - Part 11 of 12

Second World War, 1939–45
  • Love Letters
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Briebane. 22 1.23 Dastling, Food morning, my cory bundle and may I humbly hope that that scoud helps a wee but to simplify the poobleme feang you dusing the day. Of ald I know how you owil in you letters and when win Slolid O get such a kick from your letters, I am inconsaged to believe mine get a cordial reception from my Sweet lady Turther, I hope this finds you in the pusk, no sign of the glosing. diae of you remaining. Cheet-sip, piddlekins of the first time I see you I'll pull yond ppants off I sure would give a lot to have a bed scupple with you you cannibal cos your prietly accomplished at all modeon bed time antiel Thats one thing weve always had in common, nearly are and vaned actorties have usually ended with the hus of us on ond backs, preferably on a saft funey bid. Nothing like a nice cmfortable snuggle is there. With the mundam affairs of life separating us during daylight hours, its mighty Satisfactory that we humble in tto the cat together and lase the world in and own dream world
Ont new partned, whether he ad she is not boying to oun the Gulings business yet, I hope. you keep the nipped in his place because I wont have any pooblen children before they are even borne. Cxtoa pleased to get the gist of yout lateet vieit to Doc and to know you have been such a good give keep it up priious, I know it has so many crook things about it but when you finish you quest I'm suce it wont have been in vain. You be such a lovely mother Of cousse. Ile pray that youre have an easy time, dont be athamed of being a bit windy of pain, thats what every one pears but Ive always foune the thought of it is a son warle than the real thing. If you just do at yourr been ordered and houe faith in yourself, you waik it in I have even lest hat news to impart than you, honey chill. Ive been doing the right thing by the Aomy Since I last wrote and such cavortings are definitely not news, Today is my day off but touth to tell, I cant be bothesea going out this aftonoor firsty because at the chaims of Yousban do not
appeal very strongly and I cant really afford to washe my shikels unless on a very worthy object such as beed. I continue in rnde health and thau keep in foi with a swim and lated drop in on the Rowling household. The story gois that wwhen the home leave finishes about Fet, theyll start off again right away on a new robhed. Ie, I hop its dinkun as the prospect of sung you again in a few months waoms the cocklet of my heart. I than keep you will pirtee of such prospects but one must treat such unconfiomed fales with releovation Tere you dead mathed and Ada I shaw write them chantly, in the meantime give them also Bul IBed my love and good withed. We dont get the ppase time new we use to one buzzing off is not too eary. One chap got 7 days for staying out all night when on leave to you can see things have been lightened up Well, my dove, thats about the issue to than waddle off now to my lawful puosuits. Bye Bye for the present and as wed, I send an my love and haped for your happiness with a fiery Ris. H.SH.
RFIERSI HioissonSt 223SME 22 1. 4 1943 POSTED ILLAR ouings M.rs. M 548 Barkers Road East Hawthoon ctonia
200610 Wttal Har Memorial
Bobane 23143. Darlin Ray, Thank fet, lady, for your cheisy epiable of the 18th delivered today and shall do my utmost to imulate If same although interesting news from this Sectot is a ran commodity. Fery pleasur that my letters have at least started to reach you and am quite gratified my modeet words meet with such a good reception. Shereb Several more on the way too and you acclaim encouraged me to chuon out a few woods poetty frequently. Youre a faid hand yoursself on the correspondence as the past few years wire histify and most of youd letters have that flaved as though is you were speaking to me to I like to get me up and have a chit-chat with you I was jolly pleasu that the weathed has taken a him for the better as days of gloomy ram cast then shadow over ones disposition at any time and I know how important it is for you at this time to have as much brightness as possible from the many, wrewpoints. You are such a good give too, taking your daily constitutional and perhaps a little goudgingly cultwvating a tabte for the cow fince. It would be snorted if I was When too one tonght we could hap into the pourposted and indulge in a heavingy cuddle
Now don't staot worrying about having money enough for the big day. Thats my show. Sweetheart and if new be can vaise the wind for some more chys. just keep on with you plant plant, buy the things you need and wroything will be hop notch. Be prudent of courte but dont depoie yourself of anything you should have To get away from filthy lucse, the weather today is terrific, the sun has a funch like for Louis and I haven stopped Sweating. Iut whiaed no doubt its healthy and shrippi down tho bare essinhals. you don't feel it much but tthe cat is pretty sheamy at night with the net are over it. Thave was a hearty thunderstorm last evening but it only lasted an hond. Hat leant but just conent be bathenee gitting dolta up to go out wnhe nightine so then papped up and paid the Rowlngs a visit. Goth were very well and we had a good yoon. They wese very pleased you were hunky. doay again and Sent you thert waom regards. You cirtainly went ourd very well theae with you wheedling ways. Well, piddlekind, thats sumb to coved todays thought and news so shall think about having a grast of milk. Treat shiff. Toodle-oo, Sweetness for a while and may you sleep well, eat will fancy terling your that and be happy until I can carate a personal dishrobance in your placed life All my love to the L.onheart and his beaut ma 80060 Austrance iky: En Mamerts
BRISBA OLANN AllG 23143 IE-MN 224 AAN 1943 PUSKEE M.SS. H. Betings 548 Barkers Roas Eact Hawthoon. Vistona
30.0610 Restrallan Eor Memorial
Harbane 251. 43 Dading May. Whacks, bundle, by day today, two letters for me from you faid hands are very charning letters to boot In fore, put like the old himers you sent me when I was in foreign parts. You can realise how pleased I am to know things are poopissing nicely for you I uckon its because your looking after yourself properly and dong the right thing by yourself that caused the hearty feeling. If frequest letters from Pappy help along so much you can only on his niles to give your letterbok a bit of work. Since the tale of t other day about home leave, being recined with interruptia, I cherch hopes of seeing you again in a few months. She stary is poetly good girts, I have since accertained to baring a movement, its a good shewt but as usual with such boons one must not build too much as the chagoin when it fails to materialite give you too mush of a foit. Its good that you feel up to gadding about a bit to see you forks ane founds as being confined to the ford walls gives one the willies. I can siel that youve muthed out the
preparation for the blessed eint like a good general and accordingly yul confident that yourl go through the iheovining months like a vitisan. Your right give appaintments a miss when you don't feel up to Yourneying to meet them. At the aisk of bounding monatonous, I once again confers to feeling robust. Since our been back my appetite has been voracious and now with an the hard yakked, I cant get enough to eat. Jurst as were you are not up here or I would eat you out of house and home. But for K. chard, I we got a hunch you would ask that though. A soothing snuggle brantcends that craving for such earthly things as food, dont you think. The heads of this interpaise havent rclaxed in the least with thei passion for work, its more shanmout as a matted of fact. She weather has got back to a Succilsion of glonisus hat sunny days and with the consequent exposine to Ded sols rays, the pallad Hule cast over my tan has given place to a nich brown hev to belovee of beach fans. 6xcept for such provincial small talk, thear an no newt that would epitl you. I amorrow is leave day but will contend my self with a quet day,
as its a long way from last pay-day and caution with the all is carles for and in any case the day is anrd for me bluing my pittance in the big city. It was diffrant when it was a pleasure to go out with you and hav a good ifime supping hea and advoning the theators with you beside me. I likes and aprenied to Sinnnybank are the same when we caned be alone unded the gums ane play like hr kidd. R emembed playing names and how that picine pooduci Rchard & Harbara. I himd were the days, say I, with a sigh. Fer very riminescent tonight, Sweetheast and could go for a sample of you tindioness in a byg way just to be beside you and for yout to clasp my head to you vilvely breast, my poinciss, that a bit of heaven. To you wecan how we iused to come home from out faunts and gratefully clemb in between the cool white sheets with Yours touly so very fine. And you would say do you feel hroe are then you would take me in yout aome and the wearnets would doop f I like a cloak. under tthe spell of your marvellous love I could not but respond to fand caushes and we would condimnate and love

Brisbane 22.1.43 

Good morning my cosy bundle
and may I humbly hope that this
screed helps a wee bit to simplify the 
problems facing you during the day. Of old 
I know how you revel in your letters and 
when even stolid I get such a kick from 
your letters. I am encouraged to believe mine 
get a cordial reception from my sweet lady. 
Further, I hope this finds you in the 
pink, no sign of the gloomy dial of yore 
remaining. Cheer up piddlekins or the 
first time I see you I'll pull your pants off. 
I sure would give a lot to have a bed scuffle 
with you, you cannibal cos youre pretty 
accomplished at all modern bedtime antics. 
That's one thing we've always had in common, 
nearly all our varied activities have usually 
ended with the two of us on our backs, 
preferably on a soft juicy bed. Nothing like 
a nice comfortable snuggle is there? With 
the mundane affairs of life separating us 
during daylight hours, it's mighty satisfactory 
that we tumble in to the cot together 
and lose the world in our own dream world.


Our new partner, whether he or she, 
is not trying to run the Billings business 
yet, I hope? You keep the nipper in his 
place because I won't have any problem 
children before they are even borne. Extra 
pleased to get the gist of your latest visit to 
Doc and to know you have been such a 
good girl. Keep it up, precious, I know 
it has so many crook things about it 
but when you finish your quest I'm sure it 
won't have been in vain. You'll be such a 
lovely mother. Of course, I'll pray that you'll 
have an easy time, don't be ashamed of 
being a bit windy of pain, that's what everyone 
fears but I've always found the thought of it 
is a ton worse than the real thing. If you 
just do as you've been ordered and have faith in 
yourself, you'll walk it in. 
I have even less hot news 
to impart than you, honey child. I've been 
doing the right thing by the Army since I 
last wrote and such cavortings are definitely 
not news. Today is my day off but truth to 
tell, I can't be bothered going out this afternoon 
firstly because of the charms of Brisbane do not 


appeal very strongly and I can't really afford
to waste my shekels unless on a very
worthy object such as beer. I continue in
rude health and shall keep in trim with 
a swim and later drop in on the Rowling 
household. The story goes that when the home 
leave finishes about Feb, they'll start off 
again right away on a new roster. Gee, I hope 
its dinkum as the prospect of seeing you 
again in a few months warms the cockles 
of my heart. I shall keep you well posted 
of such prospects but one must treat such 
unconfirmed tales with reservation. 
Tell your dear mother and Ada 
I shall write them shortly, in the meantime 
give them also Bill and Red my love and good 
wishes. We don't get the spare time now we 
used to and buzzing off is not too easy. One 
chap got 7 days for staying out all night when on 
leave so you can see things have been tightened up. 
Well, my dove, that's about the issue so shall 
waddle off now to my lawful pursuits. Bye 
Bye for the present and as ever. I send all 
my love and hopes for your happiness with 
a fiery kiss. 


22 . 1. 43
Mrs. M. Billings
548 Barkers Road
East Hawthorn


War Memorial 


Brisbane 23.1.43.

Darling Kay,
Thank you, lady, for your cheery epistle
of the 18th delivered today and shall do my utmost
to emulate If same although interesting news from
this Sector is a rare commodity. Very pleased that
my letters have at least started to reach you and
am quite gratified my modest words meet with such
a good reception. There's several more on the way
too and your acclaim encourages me to churn out a
few words pretty frequently. You're a fair hand
yourself on the correspondence as the past few years
will testify and most of your letters have that
flavor as though is you were speaking to me so
I like to get me up and have a chit-chat with you
I was jolly pleased that the
weather has taken a turn for the better as days of
gloomy rain cast their shadow over one's disposition
at any time and I know how important it is for
you at this time to have as much brightness as
possible from the many viewpoints. You are such a
good girl too, taking your daily constitutional
and perhaps a little grudgingly cultivating a taste
for the cow juice. It would be smarter if I
was there too and tonight we could hop into the
fourposter and indulge in a heavenly cuddle.


Now don't start worrying about having money enough for
the big day. That's my show sweetheart and if need be
can raise the wind for some more chips. Just keep
on with your plant plans, buy the things you need
and everything will be top notch. Be prudent of course
but don't deprive yourself of anything you should have.
To get away from filthy lucre, the weather today
is terrific, the sun has a punch like Joe Louis
and I haven't stopped sweating. But there's no doubt
its healthy and stripped down to bare essentials.
You don't feel it much but the cot is pretty steamy
at night with the net all over it. There was a hearty
thunderstorm last evening but it only lasted an hour.
Had leave but just couldn't be bothered getting dressed
up to go out until nightime so then popped up and
paid the Rowlings a visit. Both were very well
and we had a good yarn. They were very pleased you
were hunky dory again and sent you their warm
regards. You certainly went over very well there with your
wheedling ways.
Well, piddlekins, thats seems to cover
todays thought and news so shall think about having
a glass of milk. Great stuff! Toodle-oo, Sweetness
for a while and may you sleep well, eat well
(fancy telling you that) and be happy until I can
create a personal disturbance in your placid life
All my love to the Lionheart and his beaut ma. 

War Memorial 


23 1 43 

Mrs . M. Billings
548 Barkers Road
East Hawthorn


War Memorial 


Brisbane 25. 1. 43

Darling Kay,
Whacko, bundle, big day today,
two letters for me from your fair hands and
very charming letters to boot. In tone, quite
like the old timers you sent me when I was
in foreign parts. You can realise how pleased I
am to know things are progressing nicely for
you. I reckon its because you're looking after
yourself properly and doing the right thing by
yourself that causes the hearty feeling. If
frequent letters from Pappy help along so much,
you can rely on his nibs to give your letterbox
a bit of work. Since the tale of t'other day
about home leave, being resumed without interruption,
I cherish hopes of seeing you again in a few
months. The story is pretty good guts, I have
since ascertained so barring a movement, its
a good show but as usual with such boons
one must not build too much as the chagrin
when it fails to materialise gives you too much
of a jolt.
Its good that you feel up to gadding
about a bit to see your folks and friends as
being confined to the four walls gives one the
willies. I can see that you've nutted out the


preparation for the blessed event like a good general
and accordingly feel confident that you'll go through
the intervening months like a veteran. You're right,
give appointments a miss when you don't feel up to
journeying to meet them.
At the risk of sounding monotonous, I
once again confess to feeling robust. Since I've been
back my appetite has been voracious and now
with an the hard yakker, I can't get enough to
eat. Just as well your you are not up here or I
would eat you out of house and home. But for
Richard, I've got a hunch you would risk that,
though. A soothing snuggle transcends that
craving for such earthly things as food, don't you
think. The heads of this enterprise haven't
relaxed in the least with their passion for work,
its more strenuous as a matter of fact. The
weather has got back to a succession of glorious
hot sunny days and with the consequent exposure
to Old Sols rays, the pallor Melb, cast over
my tan has given place to a rich brown
hue, so beloved of beach fans. Except for such
provincial small talk, there ain't no news that
would excite you. Tomorrow is leave day
but will content myself with a quiet day,


as its a long way from last pay-day and
caution with the roll is called for and in
any case the day is over for me blowing my
pittance in the big city. It was different when
it was a pleasure to go out with you and have a
good time sipping tea and adorning the
theatres with you beside me. I liked our
picnics to Sunnybank all the same when we
could be alone under the gums and play like
two kids. Remember playing names and how
that picnic produced Richard & Barbara.
Thems were the days, say I, with a sigh. Feel
very reminiscent tonight, sweetheart and could go
for a sample of your tenderness in a big way.
Just to be beside you and for yout to clasp my
head to your velvety breast, my princess, that's
a bit of heaven. Do you recall how we j used
to come home from out jaunts and gratefully
climb in between the cool white sheets with
yours truly so very fine. And you would say
do you feel tired and then you would take me
in your arms and the weariness would drop from
me like a cloak. under the spell of your
marvellous love I could not but respond to fond
caresses and we would consummate our love

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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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