Michael Billings Collection - Wallet 5 - Part 9 of 12

Second World War, 1939–45
  • Love Letters
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Garsbane 16143. Davling Kay. Well. Sweet, herewith my first effution Since my retuon to the grim institution and frost and formast is my cocion for youd health. I do hope the secent nuisance had gone for keeps are that you are now going along surmmingly and feel golly will. I eagisly await you first screed to leave an of your doings Neidless to say. I'm missing you like hell but hope the seutiness of the Separation will letter as time gois along. The dutation of the leave was just long enough to peomit a chap to bettle down like a husband and d found the experience delightful. The bit of cooking cleaning and cooking did not discompose me one whit, I enjoyed doing the chores, particularly as it was for you. The running and heaving about we would have had had you not been bedndden was not had to mist and the speel just with you was ideal believe me. So, cheed up, done and look after yourself ane doik up your milk, you ratial From this Sectod. theres little to report having just started to find my legs. The hoip back was lansy, particularly from Sydney onwards, moist sultoy weather that made the crowdid bram Stikeen hat and apped hea on Wednight, no goub for 20 hours. At last we arowie back to the same old joint to fine things little actiria. The rain had been
forvential while we were away and the weather it now as hat as hell ane the skeetens in abundance at night. The grads is 3 feet high ane they luok these by day and blity us at night like swarms of Stukas. I Saw Mos. Rowling in the stout y esterday and she wantid to know all about you Iold het you were 0ky dake and she pent you love and good luck from Ry are herself. I'll doop in or het next leave day. When I arrived back, there were thou littrrs from you waiting for me as were each as one from John and Syd. Yours of cousse were poeleave onet so therit no aed to commt on those. John and Syd were O.K, I was pleased to know. I meant to give you that cheque when I was down but overlooked it in the ush. Here it is now darly, to pay into you account for you hospital and physiciant feet. I hape it will suffice but if nee be, shaw rame a loan. So don't wony about daugh and just plug away like a good in Well. Swiet piddlekns, thats about the verse and chornd today so shall have an interval until tomorrow. Swent dreams, precious ane are my love to you, now and eved. 6. My PR00610 Rttal OMMnat
3.NE ALD.AUST AM 16 S4 1943 HIR. MALL MINM aist 1 1zam 16.142 H.B. M. Gellings. 548 Barkers Road East Hawthoon coore
PROOCIO Rnstrallan War Mamorial
Grisbane. 16 143. Davling Wife. Off again for todays cheen to you. Sweetheast beginning with Salutations and loving wishes for youd good health and Spints. Ioday ushered in you first letter Since I returned and I was thouled to head from you and to know you on keeping Sweet are lovely. You description of you efforts and pland to banish Dame Care, Sounded folly prachial and quite in keeping with Dois infunction to live the lisuved life. I bet its me to be able to dismist The Hanpower dietumn to work of else, particularly as you have a big powate gob of your own leed up. I take a bow for your flattering hribrtes to my devation while I was down I hink nothing of it, bundle, it was a pleasure to serve you believe that July wile bring footh a blesiig that were leave me in you dibt forwed to a slight gestire from my side is was approporate as well as timely. Im only regretful I had to leave and could not sue out The journey and lighten the load for you but I consale myself that you are more than equal to the task and you are among your own Kin for admice and help if requisid Nat much report from this outpost, today has been hat as haded but are Sunshine which is not so bad. Got my not properly argged up
last night and slept like a top aphd a cow of a night the pawrend evening from the winged hoodes tent to the R.N.P this morning and had my eart cleand out and last a sway of wor mixed with railway soot. Then some done and this apponson a blity on the garden which looked like the Iungle apted recent am. Solid aphionvon't work, I can tell you. Yit leave on Monday but duims what is do yet. Rue drop in of The Rawling family and finish the day at a mavie I suppose. I heard pplinly doing around hear just now with doutt. coustes ar prackiers coming thirk and fatt. Leaten to this, white I was away they spoung a fake alarm on the lads and only landed him of them HNL. Just as wen it waited until me dilpehed as they are got indifinite cB. Well, honey chile, Shals about today's fixe so shaw close my Onots and make my lowly pallet. (You are the mighty fatlen. I wish you joy and a tranquil existence, Sweet piddlekens, plus quarts of milk My love to yout mathed, Ada, Zull and Rnd and for you words fare me but if I were with you, I bet you would get an imporssion I was a k bit keen on you. A big kiss from PROODR M.M Mstation Eeetnors
IBRISBE 4i 12-MAR 17 JAN 1943 POSTE 16 1. 4 B.s. M. Jellings 548 Barkers Road East Hawthoon ctoria
Brisbane 18 1 43. Daving Kay. Thankie kindly, precions for you srcond and third letters received and oh to different in tone you naughty give. So sorry to head of you fit of blues but dont fret, now ane then youre sure to feel a bit peaked. Very glad you are feeling physically good, that is folly good reading and if you feel fit, the black moods wont east long I but you look sufter in you new doess, I can puture you in it quite clearly, Sweetheart. There things do oun away with oned coupont, my dead. I hope my litters are reaching you this is the fourth since I returnue so Im not doing to badly for such a lont. Nat much newt from here as usual. Yesterday was on guad which Im pleased is over ane today am on leave. This morn I had to go out with a bruck to get a load of frowosd, damn have yakked for my saftened body in this hot weather. And is it hat! Fastunately the rain and Sultoy weather have been absent and its just typical Aussie weather, no clauds and a blazing sun. I shaw content my self with a visit to the pictures today Reap the Wild Wina looks to be the charce The leave party left Saturday to showd hit thut home town today, the Kuds consequently have

Brisbane 16.1.43. 
Darling Kay. 
Well,  Sweet, herewith my first effusion  
since my return to the grim institution and first and  
foremost is my concern for your health.  I do hope the  
recent nuisance has gone for keeps and that you are now  
going along swimmingly and feel jolly well.  I eagerly  
await your first screed to learn all of your doings.   
Needless to say, I'm missing you like hell but hope  
the acutiness of the separation will lessen as time  
goes along.  The duration of the leave was just long  
enough to permit a chap to settle down like a husband  
and I found the experience delightful.  The bit of cooking  
cleaning and cooking did not discompose me one whit,  
I enjoyed doing the chores, particularly as it was for  
you.  The running and tearing about we would have  
had had you not been bedridden was not hard  
to miss and the spree just with you was ideal,  
believe me.  So, cheer up, dove and look after yourself  
and drink up your milk, you rascal.   
From this sector, there's little to  
report having just started to find my legs.  The trip  
back was lousy, particularly from Sydney onwards,  
moist sultry weather that made the crowded train  
stinken hot and after tea on Wed. night, no grub for  
20 hours.  At last, we arrive back to the same old 
joint to find things little altered.  The rain had been 


torrential while we were away and the weather is  
now as hot as hell and the skeeters in abundance  
at night.  The grass is 3 feet high and they lurk there  
by day and blitz us at night like swarms of stukas. 
I saw Mrs. Rowling in the street  
yesterday and she wanted to know all about you.   
Told her you were okey. doke and she sent you love  
and good lock from Reg and herself.  I'll drop in  
on her next leave day.  When I arrived back, there  
were three letters from you waiting for me as well  
as one each from John and Syd.  Yours of course were 
pre-leave ones so there's no need to comment on  
those.  John and Syd were O.K, I was pleased to  
know.  I meant to give you that cheque when I  
was down but overlooked it in the rush.  Here  
it is now, darling, to pay into your account for your  
hospital and physician's fees. I hope it will suffice  
but if need be, shall raise a loan.   So don't worry  
about dough and just plug away like a good un. 
Well, sweet piddlekins, that's about  
the verse and chorus today so shall have an interval  
until tomorrow.  Sweet dreams, precious and  
all my love to you, now and ever. 
War Memorial


AIR.MAIL 16.1.43 
Mrs. M. Billings. 
548 Barker's Road, 
East Hawthorn. 


Australian War Memorial


Brisbane. 16.1.43. 

Darling Wife,
Off again for today's cheerio to you,  
sweetheart beginning with salutations and loving 
wishes for your good health and spirits. Today ushered 
in your first letter since I returned and I was 
thrilled to hear from you and to know you are keeping 
sweet and lovely. Your description of your efforts and 
plans to banish [[Dame Care?]] sounded jolly practical 
and quite in keeping with [[Dois?]] injunction to live the 
leisured life. I bet its nice to be able to dismiss 
the Manpower dictum to work or else, particularly 
as you have a big private job of your own teed 
up. I take a bow for your flattering tributes to 
my devotion while I was down. Think nothing of 
it, bundle, it was a pleasure to serve you. I 
believe that July will bring forth a blessing that 
will leave me in your debt forever so a slight gesture 
from my side is was appropriate as well as timely.  
I'm only regretful I had to leave and could 
not see out the journey and lighten the load for 
you but I console myself that you are more than 
equal to the task and you are among your own 
kin for advice and help if required.
Not much to report from this outpost, 
today has been hot as 'hades' but all sunshine which 
is not so bad. Got my net properly rigged up


last night and slept like a top after a cow of 
a night the previous evening from the winged 
hordes. Went to the R.A.P this morning and had 
my ears cleaned out and lost a swag of wax 
mixed with railway soot. Then some drill and 
this afternoon a blitz on the garden which looked 
like the jungle after recent rain. Solid afternoon's 
work, I can tell you. Get leave on Monday 
but dunno what to do yet. I'll drop in on 
the Rowling family and finish the day at a 
movie I suppose. There's plenty doing around here 
just now with drills, courses and practices coming 
thick and fast. Listen to this, while I was away 
they sprung a fake alarm on the lads and 
only landed ten of them AWL. Just as well 
it waited until we departed as they all got 
indefinite C.B. 
Well, honey chile, that's about 
today's fill so shall close my [[Orato?]] and  
make my lowly pallet. (How are the mighty 
fallen!) I wish you joy and a tranquil 
existence, sweet piddlekins, plus quarts of milk. 
My love to your mother, Ada, Bill and Red 
and for you words fail me but if I were 
with you, I bet you would get an impression 
I was a R bit keen on you. A big kiss from 
War Memorial


Mrs. M. Billings. 
548 Barker's Road, 
East Hawthorn. 


Brisbane. 18.1.43
Darling Kay, 
Thankie kindly, precious for your second  
and third letters received and oh so different in  
tone, you naughty girl. So sorry to hear of your fit  
of blues but don't fret, now and then you’re sure to  
feel a bit peaked. Very glad you are feeling  
physically good, that is jolly good reading and 
if you feel fit, the black moods won't last long. 
I bet you look [[swifter?]] in your new dress. I can 
picture you in it quite clearly, sweetheart. These things 
do run away with ones coupons, my dear. 
I hope my letters are reaching you  
this is the fourth since I returned so I'm not 
doing so badly for such a lout. Not much news  
from here as usual. Yesterday was on guard 
which I'm pleased is over and today am on 
leave. This morn I had to go out with a truck 
to get a load of firewood, damn hard yakker 
for my softened body in this hot weather. And 
is it hot? Fortunately the rain and sultry weather 
have been absent and its just typical Aussie 
weather, no clouds and a blazing sun. I shall 
content myself with a visit to the pictures today. 
"Reap the Wild Wind" looks to be the choice. 
The leave party left Saturday so should hit their 
home town today, the Reids consequently have

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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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