Michael Billings Collection - Wallet 5 - Part 7 of 12

Second World War, 1939–45
  • Love Letters
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Busbane 16 12 42 Darling, Fetting into my old time routine once more with very good grace, too sweet, so with my warmest greetings here is letter number two since you were rudely for from my side. My thoughts have been with you such a lot, having quetter just when abouts you are and such like In waiting to get yeut first from you at your apartment at Cambrrwell to learn what sort of hoyp you had down how you are and are thale fit- bits you put in yout letters to me. Sorry I'm unable to write you aromail as the Service both ways has been surspended fod 10 days for some undisctotie reaton Something like when they cut it out when I away but not half to doastic, eh? As you can guess. I'm very well bodily although your absince threw me out of gead in some respects. I fully appreciate the joys of married life now my sweet bundle has departed but an fortified by the expectation of seeing you again so soon (atest puophies schedule my departure for the 27th so the New Year should see me home and none too soon for my liking. I ects yout wished for a Speedy endirg to the big Scoap as your aft ripeati skitches of and little home with the brillied vines conjure up a jucy f picture. Particularly to with you pocesting over the edifice and its dwelless.
I was glad that today was a busy one as hanest sweat kept me from brooding on the glosy that had departu. We are off again to that Spot again tomorrow for for and thiod abtempt to finish the got so that will keep me out of mischief I'm flat out to finist this as thears practice tomight which may last hours. Stan Waitet & I went to the R egent last wight but the show was just faid. A. leave for days now but I doit mind much, Things being as they are Tetting my junk straightined for my gouoney in your footsteps The weather has at last picked up, Loday was hat and surny which impooved things considerably. O theowise, frieisus, there aind no local mind from this lnburban backwated Just ane thing you ane youd maked will be iitriabed in Through a high officet one of and chapt heard that The mot your brother has the honor to be a nimbet ofn coming home soon, in fact, some are aloudy on their way. Cant guarantee the dope but know you will be glad to have the rhin. If hove, it would be champson. Well, little mather, time to flit to work to peace ane sweet slumberd to ye of rights with occans of love and kilked for a Situe all yours. fellow. TACOON Australian for thenor Hiky
42 BRIE avown 1612 5E 717OEC 1942 POST rlong M.SS. Hichart 548 Zarkers Hoads, East Hawthorn ctoria.
Jrisbane 19 12.42 Datings Frost my apologies for at writing for two days but Iwe been away in the bush for thoue days returning last night pretty late. I received your wilcome wise yesterday advrsing you safe arrival in N elbsume and was very glad to leam the lidings. Today your litted written from Ins place came to Land and I was so aelieved to know your predicament with the wlicket did not huon out so badly and that my wroe got to you in time at South Grafton It was nice to have a haven timpararyt go to at Sydney to have a rest and a freehen-up, particularly aftr detraining with a pain n the dome. Im eagisly awaiting your frost letter from home to lear had you are and of pundry ather itims of interest The list for the next home leave has goe up with my name included and as I said the likely date of departure will be the 27th The writed is O.R although si and windp incountrad in traverling has flayed havoe with my beautious mug Shaving s exquisite torture but I hope the sting departs soon. Iought some cards today from The canteen and send one each to our mothers, Dot Ridge, Charlie, Eon. Du Coos and Mob. Rowling
2 Fve just come in from prachce so am running Somewhat late Hende this wont be very lingthy as I want to catch the 10.15 post. Havn't been to Kawlings if since the day you left owing to absince on manaeuvres but shall doopnn or the way to Wass tomarrow marning and shall give them your love Otheowise, bundle, thrses no other niws so shall finish up and take a sholl up to the post box. Chelrw, daoling wife, and lott of lave and hishit from yout by bad boy M.ckY B an the best to the Sngdens. PROO610 Rttal Nar Memerial
19212 4r JMH 726121 1942 PERTE M.rs. Mellings 545 Rarkers Road East Hawthoon Victoris
Jusban 20 12 42 Dacling Dis Sunday, The day the Lord hath made and I trust you have spirt it i prayed and meditation and not given of yout time to sinful pleasures. You lord and master has spent it very quietly, in fact. Ior felt a bit coook in the hummy today, caused by some indiscretion in leating but it is passing away now. I trust that when this reaches your lity-white hands you are feeling your but once more and Settling down tto dometherty at you Camberwell rsiding I guess youve startie looking up one at two old cronild by now causing a visitable spate of words to fond forth, particularly on you first visit to the Billings cabmn. I'm looking forward to getting your first letter but I danday it wrle be Tursday before it gets here Nat much news from here; went up to Hass this moon whereat L.Humphary went to town lengthily on Communism. I drapped in and Saw the Rowlings on the way home and cadged an invite to take hea with them tomorrow Since youd exodus, the business of going gay does not appeal much as Iwe had a good gutful of the city and an occasional movre will, I think Satiafy my passion for vice. Home leave position the same as before so inside a fortnight we should

Brisbane. 16. 12. 42.
Getting into my old time routine once more with
very good grace, too sweet, so with my warmest greetings
here is letter number two since you were rudely torn from
my side. My thoughts have been with you such a lot,
having guesses just whereabouts you are and such like.
I'm waiting to get your first from you at your apartment
at Camberwell to learn what sort of trip you had down,
how you are and all those tit-bits you put in your
letters to me. Sorry I'm unable to write you airmail
as the service both ways has been suspended for 10
days for some undisclosed reason. Something like
when they cut it out when I away but not half so
drastic, eh?
As you can guess. I'm very well
bodily although your absence threw me out of gear in
some respects. I fully appreciate the joys of married life
now my sweet bundle has departed but am fortified
by the expectation of seeing you again so soon. Latest
furphies schedule my departure for the 27th so the
New Year should see me home and none too soon
for my liking. I echo your wishes for a speedy ending
to the big Scrap as your oft repeated sketches of
our little home with the trellised fin vines conjure
up a juicy pict picture. Particularly so with you
presiding over the edifice and its dwellers.


I was glad that today was a busy
one as honest sweat kept me from brooding on the
glory that has departed. We are off again to that
spot again tomorrow from for our third attempt to
finish the job so that will keep me out of mischief.
I'm flat out to finish this as there's practice tonight
which may last hours. Stan Waites & I went to the
Regent last night but the show was just fair. No
leave for days now but I don't mind much, things
being as they are. Getting my junk straightened for
my journey in your footsteps.
The weather has at last picked
up, today was hot and sunny which improved
things considerably. Otherwise, precious, there aint no
local news from this suburban backwater. Just
one thing you and your mater will be interested in.
Through a high officer one of our chaps heard that
the mob your brother has the honor to be a member
of are is coming home soon, in fact, some are already
on their way. Can't guarantee the dope but know
you will be glad to have the item. If true, it
would be champion.
Well, little mother, time to flit
to work so peace and sweet slumber to ye of
nights with oceans of love and kisses for a 
Still all yours.

War Memorial


16 12 42

Mrs. Michael Billings 
548 Barker's Road, 
East Hawthorn, 


Brisbane. 19. 12. 42. 

First my apologies for not writing for two
days but I've been away in the bush for those days
returning last night pretty late. I received your welcome
wire yesterday advising your safe arrival in Melbourne
and was very glad to learn the tidings. Today
your letter written from Iris' place came to hand
and I was so relieved to know your predicament
with the ticket did not turn out so badly and
that my wire got to you in time at South Grafton.
It was nice to have a
temporary rest haven to go to hike to at Sydney to have
a rest and a freshen-up, particularly after
detraining with a pain in the dome. I'm eagerly
awaiting your first letter from home to learn
how you are and of sundry other items of interest.
The list for the next home leave has gone up
with my name included and as I said the
likely date of departure will be the 27th.
The writer is O.K although
sun and wind p encountered in travelling
has played havoc with my beauteous mug.
Shaving is exquisite torture but I hope the sting
departs soon. Bought some cards today from
the canteen and sent one each to our mothers,
Dot Ridge, Charlie, Ern Dubios and Mrs. Rawling.


I've just come in from practice
so am running somewhat late. Hence this
won't be very lengthy as I want to catch the
10.15 post. Haven't been to Rawlings Y since
the day you left owing to absence on
manoeuvres but shall drop in or the way to
Mass tomorrow morning and shall give
them your love.
Otherwise, bundle, there's no other
news so shall finish up and take a stroll
up to the post box. Cheerio, darling wife,
and lots of love and kisses from your
big bad boy.

PS All the best to the Sugdens.

War Memorial


19.12 42 

Mrs. M. Billings
548 Barker's Road.
East Hawthorn.


Brisbane. 20. 12. 42.

'Tis Sunday, the day the Lord hath made
and I trust you have spent it in prayer and meditation
and not given of your time to sinful pleasures. Your
lord and master has spent it very quietly, in fact, I've
felt a bit crook in the tummy today, caused by some
indiscretion in eating but it is passing away now.
I trust that when this reaches your lily-white hands,
you are feeling your best once more and settling
down to domesticity at you Camberwell residence.
I guess you've started looking up one at two old
cronies by now causing a veritable spate of words
to pour forth, particularly on you first visit to the
Billings cabin. I'm looking forward to getting
your first letter but I daresay it be be Tuesday
before it gets here.
Not much news from here; went
up to Mass this morn whereat Fr. Humphrey
went to town lengthily on Communism. I dropped
in and saw the Rawlings on the way home and
cadged an invite to take tea with them tomorrow.
Since your exodus, the business of going gay does
not appeal much as I've had a good gutful
of the city and an occasional movie will, I think
satisfy my passion for vice. Home leave position
the same as before so inside a fortnight we should

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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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