Michael Billings Collection - Wallet 5 - Part 3 of 12

Second World War, 1939–45
  • Love Letters
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Bnsbane 2. 6. 42 Sueted . Easlid today when things were in a bit of a homail as they usually are after shifting up here I serzed a few moments and dashed off a hurried note to enlighter you as to my present whereabouts but as a little further light has been shed upon things I am putting the further facts down to ad to let you keep abreast of your hublys peregrinations (whatever they are). To bark back to that painful subject, ie my precipitous departure from Newrastle we left these at 4a'm last Saturday in a fearing huory. One would think tthe Japs had already taken O'ld over to we hpke harth and camped at I amworth the first night. I was as cald as the divil sleeping under the stars up in them that hils but when a welll- s choolid body finds the going had such things are just by the way. Off betines nest morn in route to Lunkerfull next the Cld borded and apter a foodless day we reached then about 8p in just in time for a platiful of kbew and just Spriad out the blankets out on terra firma and happed off right under the barae of guns
2 Wint were hel about 3 am when I awakence and cantrantly foked the bousled nut oud the top of the blankets and blow me down if a whacking frost hadn't been in full coy for some him and the tap of the blankits were Pheted with ffrast Howeit I discoursed that while the front is descending its not cold so back to sleep for another coupto hours. Rweel 5am and after some more of that ideal briakfast fore, sfenw on to Gananaland Very hally going most of the day and we made slow progrett t this country the scinery was excellent and nabody minded much although the powers that be has pailed off and palitely ignoud such a mundane thing as food foweved we stouggle on and got to I ourbane at 9 p in where and guides managed to lost us a couple of times, but aphe a lat of playing about dilivered us bay and baggage to Doomben Racicoursl where many +avenous laddues fore int more shw and like it. We were a futly cruw, I hadn't shaved for 3 days and was covened in dust to cawd or not, braver an oper air call showlt there anher I shudder now when I think of it. uigh
3 found quite a good snovying plac to happed into the blankets and died for 9 hours. Having a good cleanp this morning follawed by a decent feed I imerged like a shining knight or Somithing and kept pothering about duving the morning dodging work mainly. Having the princely sum of 6, I did not quene up for local lave and was appainted to go and to picket some hansed at East Brisbane adjacent to the spot where we are taking up a parition while waiting for transpart, a couple of us toddted off to the reavest Havion and had a caupla HXXx & (that aint a code). Back to out buggy ane here we are right here in a rear house just two of us So getting such a luxing as place and Elictri light. I just gravitabie into a presentable litter to my darling buide of yesterday. Philosophy or no whilabophy. I just cant abandon hope of benng you soon which question is really the coux of this letter t agle Im greedy but that glorious seven days wasn't enough and I in gonng see you, one pleep with you foo by hook of
4 by coook. I can't figure out just how it can be arranged yet beut these must be some way to fix it and Swurtheaot. Im haping you can suggest Sominthing knowing that youre not actly a stranget to this city.an I remember you taking a holiday up here a few years back and thought puhapd you might have made fom usifue contacts. Ifto. this would man a wonderful appartunity to avail yoursey of them. If that out of the question, perhapd we caue find lodgings at a pub or some simeas place. Anyhow, Curly Thatch, I'll wait and see what you think. I believe sare trance between the stated is going to be a bit hard to get in future beut that coue be overcome I shauld think I'm inclined to think from what little I can gathed that we shaud be here for a fair spece so if thises a chance of you coming up within out means, wive just got to take it. unhe we get a bit Settled I don't think leave wnre be goantd but after then I reckon we should get leave officiany every 4 days. Sen. it would be manuaus if you caue make it as I could take huge ladles of yout company just now,
5 Just prchuent. you and I one mase maneding ourselved into one and sleeping like a faid of happy kids cuddle together just like tothet week I wont hide the fact that I open feel the need of you badly to I can promise you a warm wilcome if you step this way. Wadame Micky my preciaus In fact, I'm beginning to believe it will come off this time as kyly as foor as you of nut Homething out and address it to me, 1e/o MJ. C. Shaily, B69 George St. Buistgne, do the Smail how mone Shipti. Address it as usual your letters up to No 11 an to hand and I see you had already bought yourt ficket to Newcastle you can get most of the cont refunded at Cintral I think. Gettirg portly late to as I think Ive unburdened myself shaw go to but and dram of you in that noathboune train. Stan boy and viry you soon. Goodnight my lovely one and I finded ar my love Micky
381369 3.6 4214 Me 1942 HoS. Dcharl Gittings Flat 1. The Gordon. 117 Macliay St. atts Point Sydne N.S. Wales.
amses on emphis sapit uncient pR00610 strallan Far Mame.


11.30A 30 MAY 42




2. 6. 42

Sweetest Kay,
Earlier today when things were in a bit
of a turmoil as they usually are after shifting up here
I seized a few moments and dashed off a hurried note
to enlighten you as to my present whereabouts but as
a little further light has been shed upon things I am
putting the further facts down so as to let you keep
abreast of your hubbys peregrinations (whatever they are).
To hark back to that painful
subject, ie. my precipitous departure from Newcastle,
we left there at 4a'm last Saturday in a tearing
hurry. One would think the Japs had already
taken Q'ld over so we trekked north and camped
at Tamworth the first night. I was as cold as the
devil sleeping under the stars up in them thar hills
but when a well-schooled body finds the going hard
such things are just by the way. Off betimes next
morn en route to Tenterfield near the Q'ld border
and after a foodless day we reached there about
8 pm just in time for a plateful of stew and just
spread out the blankets out on terra firma and
popped off right under the barrel of the guns 


Went well till about 3 a'm when I awakened
and cautiously poked the tousled nut over the top of
the blankets and blow me down if a whacking
frost hadn't been in full cry for some time and
the top of the blankets were sheeted with frost.
However I discovered that while the frost is descending its
not cold so back to sleep for another coupla hours.
Reveille  5 a'm and after some more of that ideal
breakfast food, stew, on to Bananaland.  Very
hilly going most of the day and we made slow
progress. In this country the scenery was excellent and
nobody minded much although the powers that be
had sailed off and politely ignored such a mundane
thing as food.  However we struggled on and got to
Brisbane at 9 p m where our guides managed to lose
us a couple of times, but after a lot of playing about
delivered us bag and baggage to Doomben Racecourse,
where many ravenous laddies tore into more stew
and liked it. We were a pretty crew, I hadn't shaved
for 3 days and was covered in dust so cold
or not, braved an open air cold shower there
and then. I shudder now when I think of it. Ugh! 


Found quite a good snoozing place so hopped into the
blankets and died for 9 hours. Having a good
cleanup this morning followed by a decent feed
I emerged like a shining knight or something and
kept pottering about during the morning dodging work
mainly. Having the princely sum of 6', I did not
queue up for local leave and was appointed to
go over to picket some houses at East Brisbane
adjacent to the spot where we are taking up a
position.  While waiting for transport, a couple
of us toddled off to the nearest tavern and had a
coupla 4 XXXX  (that aint a code). Back to our
buggy and here we are right here in a real
house just two of us.  So getting such a luxury as
peace and electric light. I just gravitated into a
presentable letter to my darling bride of yesterday.
Philosophy or no philosophy, I just 
can't abandon hope of seeing you soon which question
is really the crux of this letter.  Maybe I'm greedy
but that glorious seven days wasn't enough and
I'm gonna see you, and sleep with you soon by hook or 


by crook. I can't figure out just how it can be
arranged yet but there must be some way to fix
it and sweetheart, I'm hoping you can suggest
somew thing knowing that you're not exactly a
stranger to this city. and I remember you taking a
holiday up here a few years back and thought perhaps
you might have made some useful contacts.  If so,
this would mean a wonderful opportunity to avail
yourself of them. If thats out of the question, perhaps
we could find lodgings at a pub or some similar
place. Anyhow, Curly Thatch, I'll wait and see
what you think. I believe rail travel between
the States is going to be a bit hard to get in future
but that could be overcome I should think.
I'm inclined to think from what
little I can gather that we should be here for
a fair spell so if theres a chance of you coming up
within our means, we've just got to take it.  Until
we get a bit settled I don't think leave will
be granted but after then I' reckon we should
get leave officially every 4 days.  Gee, it would
be marvellous  if you could make it as I could
take huge ladles of your company just now,


just picture it,  you and I once more moulding
ourselves into one and sleeping like a pair of happy
kids cuddled together just like t'other week.
 I won't hide the fact that I often
feel the need of you badly so I can promise
you a warm welcome if you step this way.
Madame Micky, my precious.  In fact, I'm
beginning to believe it will come off this time.
w Reply as soon as you m nut something out
and address it to me, c/o Mr. C. Sheehy, 369
George St, Brisbane, as the mail now we've
shipped.   Address it as usual.
Your letters up to No 11 are
to hand and I see you had already bought your
ticket to Newcastle.  You can get most of the
cost refunded at Central I think. Getting
pretty late so as I think I've unburdened
myself shall go to bed and dream of you
in that northbound train. Shall try and ring you
soon. Goodnight my lovely one and I tender
all my love.


2.6 42

Mrs. Michael Billings,
Flat 1, The Gordon.
117 Macleay St.
Potts Point.  Sydney
NS. Wales.




Tomb of Ramses II
Ancient Capital
of Egypt 

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