Michael Billings Collection - Wallet 5 - Part 2 of 12

Second World War, 1939–45
  • Love Letters
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NS.W 29.547 My Darling I may as werl wasn you straught off that this letter is plain bad news but as the fateful telegoan win no doubt have reached you ere this I may as well go on. Befose lunch today, I was staggened and thats no exaggetation to learn that the projected mai Ive told you of is almost certainly on tomorrow and like a house of cards, your visit up here vanished into the mists - just two more days and all would have been well and in a focce, delicious anticipation changed to black gloom. I is a sad and heavy heart I'm havin colleen. I dont know who to be soory for most you at me Lake you, I ve been just longing to bee you and once more lie in yout lovily arms and new I feel as though ben stabbid in the back. had
I m pubtery off Sending the wire until the last minute, clinging to a straw of hope that the move may be put back but latest dope is that dawn tomorrow is the kick off so I suppose I must sneak out tonight and get it away. I can hardly write this letter so lonsy do Iifeil about it all but like many other things I epose will have to get over it Somehow. I cant help thinking of you darting when you get my wise, it wire be like giving you a smack on the face. youd letters this week have been to gay that it seems incredible to have, right on the death-knock, to kick your ligs from under you. After all the waiting youve done. I thought this time we had a lucky briak but it sums as though were under a hoodoo. The only grain of consolation I can give you is that ile a change th frrst will
go down by dny way and litt hope that that eventuates and the Situation can be retrrved. I shant say any move about ut as railing at such a knock wont help us any, I guiss. Depent upon it, Sweetheast I'll get on to you as foom as I can. pout litters No. 10 & 11 came today and Swere letters they wire too. In case you oun short, hears a chigu for 25 to kep going on Well pet, I shut off now and will write phone of cau whatever can be done as soon as possible. I embly sorry, darlig, but maybe itll tnon out O.K vay for it to be so. Au I can offet is are my love yours always anywhere Sum sot o 1cky
janre have to pay this chyn into your account you hurry u the Railways will refund our fare PaoOb0 Aestralian OorHemor
29.5.42 Mrs. Hi char Billings lat 1. The Lordon 117 Mailiay St. atts Point ydy S.W 22 W
7.0. 428 COMMONWEAITH OF AUSTRALLA- POSTHASTER CENERAUS DEPARTMENT offe vae Bk 20NY42 Funds may be quickly, sately seno RECEIVED TELEGRAM. and economically transterred by MONEY ORDER TELEGRAM Thie meesage has been received subject to the Post and Telegraph Act and Regulations Jo R8 (PLEASE TURN OVER) The time received at this office is shown at the end of the message. By. comone Sch. C2SSC. 10/ 1939. The first line of this Telegram contains the following particulars in the order named. Office of Origin. Words. Time Lodged. NTFLEPNRNED. X14 84 ELLLANTO 1711 F 24242 Je er R.63 RRS BILLINGS WLEPHOTE TLA24E SNOUEY COWNC SEISBAE TONRno CAYOEI 58 TOOAY TERRIBIY DISAPPOINTED LOVE W2OR
LAESNALECOS A letter, or Parcel sent by Post is checked from hand to hand until it is delivered at ite destination HECTEINATIE MHE PASTA MSIRANCE SISIIN MOTE- The Fandard Aime for the Eastern Siaces of Austrata Celconsand, How Borth Wates, Visleria, and Tasmania is half an hour in advance of the standard time for South Australla and two hours in advance of
T.G. 858 ORNAMENTAL telegram forms are available for BIRTHDAY, EASTER S MOTHERS DAY Greetings, 6 3 CONCRATULATORY & SOClALmessages, as well as CHRISTMAS & NEW VEAR CREETINGS WITHOUT EXTRA CHARGE Mrs. Billan The Gordon Slats 117 Marleay At Psent DONT PASS ON RUMOURS.

N S.W. 29.5.42 

My Darling, 
[ I may as well warn you 
straight off that this letter is plain bad 
news but as the fateful telegram will₤ 
no doubt have reached you ere this 
I may as well go on. Before lunch 
today, I was staggered and that's no 
exaggeration to learn that the projected 
move I’ve told you of is almost 
certainly on tomorrow and like a house 
of cards, your visit up here vanishes 
into the mists. Just two more days 
and all would have been well and 
in a trice, delicious anticipation changes 
to black gloom. Tis a sad and heavy 
heart I'm havin' colleen. I don't know 
who to be sorry for most, you or me. 
Like you, I've been just longing to 
see you and once more lie in your 
lovely arms and now I feel as though 
I have been stabbed in the back.


I'm putting off Sending the wire until 
the last minute, clinging to a 
straw of hope that the move may 
be put back but latest dope is that 
dawn tomorrow is the kick off so 
I suppose I must sneak out tonight 
and get it away. I can hardly write 
this letter so lousy do I feel about it 
all but like many other things I spose 
will have to get over it Somehow. I 
can't help thinking of you darling when 
you get my wire, it will be like 
giving you a smack on the face. 
Your letters this week have been so gay 
that it seems incredible to have, right 
on the death-knock, to kick your legs 
from under you. After all the waiting 
you've done, I thought this time we had 
a lucky break but it seems as though 
we're under a hoodoo. The only grain 
of consolation I can give you is that 
theres quite a chance we'll first


go down Sydney way and let's hope that 
that eventuates and the situation can 
be retrieved I shan't say any more 
about it as railing at such a knock 
won't help us any, I guess. Depend 
upon it, sweetheart I'll get on to you 
as soon as I can.] 
Your letters No. 10 & 11 came 
today and swell letters they were 
too. In case you run short, heres 
a cheque for ₤5 to keep going on. 
Well pet, I shut off now 
and will write phone or call 
whatever can be done as soon as 
possible. Terribly sorry, darling, 
but maybe it’ll turn out O.K. 
Pray for it to be so. All I can 
offer is all my love. 
Turnover Yours always anywhere 


You'll have to pay this cheque into 
your account. If you hurry 
up the Railways will refund 
your fare 

War Memorial



Mrs. Michael Billings 
Flat 1, The Gordon, 
117 Macleay St 
Potts Point. 
Sydney. N.S.W.


Funds may be quickly, safely and economically transferred by MONEY ORDER TELEGRAM (please turn over) 
This message has been received subject to the Post and Telegraph Act and Regulations 
The time received at this office is shown at the end of the message. 

(Office date stamp) CHIEF TELEGRAPH OFFICE SYDNEY 30 MY 42 

Sch. C2556 10/1939 The first line of this telegraph contains the following particulars in the order named. 
Office of Origin. Words. Time Lodged.

TO ( FL 4242) 
TIME 10 55 

(FL 4242)


Security at small cost 
A Letter or Parcel sent by post is checked 
from hand to hand until it is delivered 
at its destination.
The Postal insurance system 
Note: the standard times for the Eastern States of Australia (Queensland, New South Wales, Victoria and Tasmania) is half an hour in advance of the standard time for South Australia and two hours in advance[cut off] 

Eng. 10 10 SW 
The Gordon Flats 
117 Macleay St 
Potts Pt-.


T.G. 65B 
ORNAMENTAL telegram forms 
are available for BIRTHDAY, EASTER and MOTHERS’ DAY 
as well as 

Mrs. Billings 
The Gordon Flats 
PA81 117 Macleay St, 
Potts Point. 


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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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