Michael Billings Collection - Wallet 4 - Part 11 of 14

Second World War, 1939–45
  • Love Letters
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Teou Seer yeople voyansry 0190080 Hrs. Clarke wwo .DSS. Sugden Thuss 3uu s Danry Board 3 Aunt il 6 Aunt Ance to wealth and (a) Bonds of Rays a/c Thappest Shopping is Iintease 2. Weter base Therla (block) 4. Ada I wooleen upweal me
S FARATTO CONOR T.6.42.6. J GIONONEIN OFFC MORDS N0 eeone 1an 2 2.50 Mr & Mrs M Billing The Gables Fuchst malveen. Conquatulations & best of luck he Byrne Family ✓1x Me Tatan M a aCcans Me TMIMMTMITISMASa,F MiM STMS T STT TT M MI.
Tepoue A venensoy Wednesday 0190000 Zoard 9.30 to 10 am Dany 10.10 to 10.30 6 weaith Bank Hutnal Store 10.40 to 11.10 1200 to 100 Sunch 1.30 p L. s0 Hospital atuon to City. L. 15 Fick up thoppiy 300
Ct 184-p1 1MAY 1942 & 10.S. 42 S.W.B Fillings C..S. Hichad Roas 548 Karkers fawthoon oast 1 ctoria
13 a few adilands maps 5 11 42 M indsed. Hy Darling Ray just a few more lined to my little one haping shis well and happy the aw time. I m quite well myself but shll have my heart will away from this place I tried to cast away my thoughts today by having a solid workout on the cooss-cut saw but now night has failin, those thoughts have suring around in your direction and many of and last weeks doings use up vividly before me. Boy, that was a swell week and having known such satisfaction I really don't feel to bad about having to come back. In an inverse way, it has its advantages inasmuch as a fellow can muse and realise how wonderful his wife is when his separated from her and has to do without hed comfort and company. Remimber how we lapped up the attention of hotel staffs last week and now I m sutting in a bent doing my correspondence with a Smok lamp and fruitcase for furnishings
2 I suppose you are buty with gou't spoat widding obligations, good wherze you have something to take your mind off the glory that had passed. Iin waiting to get a letter from you to hear everything about you poud plans and to on. It will be mantit when the prospect of seeing you again be loomd wito the nead future. If we see each other occasionally, can talk o the phone new and then and lastly out letters, life wont be so bad. If the news of oud naval scrap is as good as surmited maybe well yoin up for keeps sooned than anticipated. Rob Sutton was flased everything went off so sweet and lookd forward to his sourund of cake. An the other lads commisirated with me having to depart after such a short sample of my brand new bonny wife and I almist had a griwance outbrirst but that wont help. Well little Hum . Mine, no more news for today so sweetest of dreams and every Scrap of love. Very much yours. I 6. cky
11.S. 42 6-PH 12 MAY 1942 J M.S. Michai eelings Barkers Road 4 East Hawtham 1 ctoria
pR00610 Asstralian Mar Memorial
5 42 A.S. M. 14. My Lovely and dutiful spouse From the above form of address you may gathet your old man is in a plippant mood. Since we parted this the first time Fwe feet very cheerful but up here the weather today has been lovely, I managed to get to tass today so its really most ungenerous to feel glum foud first and ragerly awaited litters as MrS. M. G has arrived and I'm so glad you are feeling good-on arthough a bit strange and reventful at such an abrupt parding from yout niwly acquisrd husband. Itill perhaps my brayant Spivaks may be occasioned by a primonition of an early meeting with you. Hape so eh So charmed your recollections of out week are so fragrant. I thaw hang on to by hook of that a miments
2 by crook. Pleased that enquiried i you residence at Sydney are in train, I now look forward to hearing of your arrival in that city Regarding the cart of a wook, you just do the best you can consistent with the comfort due to my wife When you wist Newcastle, youd beth't fill youd purse as I hardly can dispense hospitality on last weeks scale on my aof-a-crown put day: You have no idea to what depths of frugality Sve descinded Scroage is not in it with me. About those letters of thanks, I think it will supfice if you sent a care to the Sended of each Kilegram Savry. Re Bob Sutton, his away just now so address it to Bdt. R Sutton, C. Section and So on. The gift from Rath and Thos. is a good one as you can put it to good use very soon It was as windy as hell last nigh

People to See               )        

  1.  Mrs. Clarke              )     Wed
  2.   Mrs. Sugden          )      Thurs
  3.   Mutual Store -a/c  )
  4.   Dairy Board            )
  5.   Aunt Lil                    )
  6.   Aunt Alice               )


  1.  C wealth Bank 
     (a)  Bonds 
     (b)  Kay's a/c
  2. Shopping List

     1.  Suitcase 
     2.  Writing Case 
     3.  Sheila (Clock) 
     4.  Ada 
     5.  Woollen u/wear


Melbue Sub    2.50 

Mr & Mrs M Billings 
The Gables Finch St 
Congratulations & best of luck 
The Byrne Family 



Dairy Board                             9.30 to 10 am 
C'wealth Bank                        10.10 to 10.30 
Mutual Store                           10.40 to 11.10 
Lunch                                        12.00 to 1.00 
Hospital                                     1.30 to 2.00 
Return to City.                          2.15 
Pick up shopping                     3.00


11 MAY 

Mrs. Michael Billings 
548 Barkirs Road 
East Hawthorn 


PS a few Adelaide snaps              
N.S.W. 11.5.42
My Darling Kay, 
Just a few more lines to my 
little one hoping she's well and happy 
all (the) time.  I'm quite well myself but still 
have my heart well away from this place. 
I tried to cast away my thoughts today by 
having a solid workout on the cross-cut Saw 
but now night has fallen, those thoughts 
have swung around in your direction and 
many of our last weeks doings rise up 
vividly before me.  Boy. that was a swell 
week and having known such satisfaction 
I really don't feel to bad about having to 
come back.  In an inverse way, it has its 
advantages inasmuch as a fellow can muse 
and realise how wonderful his wife is when 
he's separated from her and has to do 
without her comfort and company.  Remember 
how we lapped up the attention of hotel 
staffs last week and now I'm sitting in a hut doing 
 my correspondence with a smoky lamp and a 
fruitcase for furnishings 


I suppose you are busy with your first 
wedding obligations, good wheeze you have 
something to take your mind off the glory 
that has passed.  I'm waiting to get a  
letter from you to hear everything about you, 
your plans and so on.  It will be marked 
when the prospect of seeing you again (be) looms 
into the near future.  If we see each other 
occasionally, can talk on the phone now 
and then and lastly our letters, life won't 
be so bad.  If the news of our naval scrap is 
as good as surmised, maybe will join up for 
keeps sooner than anticipated.  Bob Sutton 
was pleased everything went off so swell and 
looks forward to his souvenir of cake.  All 
the other lads commiserated with me having 
to depart after such a short sample of my 
brand new bonny wife and I almost had 
a grievance outburst but that won't help.  Well, 
little Mum o' Mine, no more news for today 
so sweetest of dreams and every scrap of 
Very much Yours.  Micky.


12 MAY 

Mrs. Michael Billings, 
548 Barkers Road 
East Hawthorn 


War Memorial


N.S.W. 14.5.42 
My Lovely and dutiful spouse, 
From the above form of address 
you may gather your old man is in a 
flippant mood.  Since we parted this is  
the first time I've felt very cheerful but 
up here the weather today has been 
lovely.  I managed to get to Mass today 
so its really most ungenerous to feel glum. 
Your first and eagerly awaited letter as 
Mrs M.B has arrived and I'm so glad 
you are feeling good. oh although a 
bit strange and resentful at such an 
abrupt parting from your newly acquired 
husband.   Still perhaps my buoyant spirits 
may be occasioned by a premonition of 
an early meeting with you.  Hope so, eh! 
So charmed your recollections of our week 
are so fragrant.  I shall hang on to  
that letter as a memento by hook or


by crook.  Pleased that enquiries re your 
residence at Sydney are in train, I now 
look forward to hearing of your arrival 
in that city.  Regarding the cost of a 
nook, you just do the best you can 
consistent with the comfort due to my wife. 
When you visit Newcastle, you'd better fill 
your purse as I hardly can dispense 
hospitality on last week's scale on my 
'arf-a-crown per day.  You have no idea 
to what depths of frugality I've descended. 
Scrooge is not in it with me.  About those 
letters of thanks, I think it will suffice if 
you sent a card to the sender of each 
telegram. Savvy. Re Bob Sutton, his 
away just now so address it to Bdr.R. 
Sutton, C.Section and so on.  The gift 
from Kath and Thos. is a good one as 
you can put it to good use very soon. 
It was as windy as hell last night

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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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