Michael Billings Collection - Wallet 4 - Part 5 of 14

Second World War, 1939–45
  • Love Letters
Accession number:

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No. 55 V38483 Tnt. t. Gillings, 2. Aust. Hy. A/A. Regt. A.S.F. Abroad. 27.1.42 Dearest Ka Sorry my letters have been infrequent of late but owing to the operation I told you about in my last letter, its a bit difficult writing at Father it has been. Today is my big day. I've ben allowed to rise from the bed in which I we languished for a coupte of weeks for one whole houd to it want be long now before Sill be 100 o/0 Fee. twas a funny sensation when my dogs first but the flood but was able to toddle a few yards after a while. How are you of any back yonder! Not letting the yeelsnt merace get you down although things seem to be prbly warm in that quarted. I amn sight here in the M.E.
Stiee I have an idea things well go out way shartly. Im afraid your letters are going to dodge me fad a while worke luck but I'm hanged if out mob did not sneak off during my stay hear and juat where and when well go apter discharge is a mystiry just yet. Havent had any more letters since Nc 97 but maybe Pothers wile catch up. I hape mine reach you Ok as it would be teosible for both of us ito miss out. Ave you ristritie to a single page yet? That sums to be the scheme ovit here now. Hee send you a cabli first chance. Address future letters to me as ped the heading of this, parfised R.H.D and endoase the comed Please hold. 50 for a little while, sweetheast. cheeos and keep you chin up. All my love. N. 1
V& 38483 Gnt. M. Bellings 2 Aust a/a. Regt. A. S. J. Abroad. 30. 1.42. In. hospital. M. E. Darling R. I Si very sery that this is not in reply to furthed letters from you as since your letter . 97 the mail from Aust appears to have petered out and now my unit is no longed honored by my presence letters for me addrissed as formerly will have some to awelling before I get them if I eid do sits rathed annoying for besides my depoivation. The thought of you penning them, sandwiched between hefty loads of work for maybe nothing is not a happy one. It looks as though and lengthy scauds are to be a thing of the past now as a limit of one page has been imposed but by writing on both sides of the shuet we can wats that down. After recuving your sd94. I had intended to reply in kind but will have to knock it in the head fod a spece but when things cleat up, the chance to do these things on the old system will be eagesly accepted. In a litter care sent you the other day, I told you how to address future man substitute R. H. Q pr C. pection 5th Rattery Thall the but I can durie just now as those of us left in haspital expect to be delivered to the Righ Madquarters when we are discharged. As you folks have lit N uppen kick up such a shindy, maybe we vetirans will be bobbing up around your back-dood to lend a hand to as you can guess Dame Runad is very buty. Still it will be a while before this baby figures in the pray apte having my gizy and poised open but I hope to regain S Battery one of these fine days whereved they may be. Apped an this time. I would have to lose them for keept. you will be pleasu to know I get better
every day and today am up for the aftirnoon. The sun is quits warm and I awillee in it fot an hout. All thugs considered Five made a good recovery as I was pretty punk fot a few days. Shee when the wars oved I'll show you my aperation so will leave it at that. I had a cable from Hum yesterday to the Avmy authasities must have shoved me on the casually liat and wised he Damn them, I suppose the wie pcaser the daylights out of you and she. When you get this wile you drap a note to N1s. H. J. Andrew 114 St Elmo Rd. Svanhoe and Aill hid that het hubly (my cobbes Harry) can't write just at present owing to changing his present address but will do to as soon as he can. Thanks. In the absence of news, I am taking it for granted that you are sher going strongly and storking you't blow for faudom in fine Style. As so much is happening in Austic now I m quite nasked not knowing all the news but I pray God will watch oved you as he has done so fad to writ not be annous. Having been in a surgical ward where some of the smashed up jokers from the desent have come and shed a foot here and there, I feel a bit chastened when I'm inclinid to ail at my lot as thousands have had to put up with a little hell of thert own that makes such things as no mail, no home comforts and a tummy-ache rathed insignificant Besides I re got this out for nix whereas some quack in peace time would have shing me hat and strong to do it Well. Sweetheart. Thats an for this ludget and I hape it affords you the customary kick. was delighted at the arrival of thoue letters for you fmas Eir. The greatest of good fortune ito you and all my shll impatient love. Chene M.A. PROObl Restralian War Memorial
30.1 H.s. R. Clarke. 48 Barkers Road oast Hawthom 1ctoria. Australia
200610 Astralian 2 Menors
No 56 V138483 T.J. N. Bullings. 2 Aust a/a Regt. A.S. T. Abroad. 5. 2. 42 Dasling Kay The Lord only knows when this wile reach now that the aromanl Service had been suspended but having leavned the good habit of writing you regularly I shall keep it up in spite of these upbets Conventionally but now the less Sincerely I hope this finds you in the best of health and not too drooping spirits also you kith and kin. I must confess the prospect of not getting your letters is a most unpleasing one but I guess its anathed one of those things sent to boy us and Anyhow perhaps the mail rautes will apen up again soon. Lets hope for the best. I'm still in hospital but will be getting my marching orders soon. The Hummy has healed up fine and having been up and about fo oved a week am fairly strong. Dashed nuisance though the boys moving off as I don't know where I shall be sent from here Probably back to Palestine and thence by tostuous channels to the unit Trouble is I have had are my worldly goods dumped here and I don't fancy doing any heavy casting fot a while. I spose it will an come out in the wash after o last wrote you your litter . 98 suspordingly turned up and was I pleaned to get it I hape some more of mine reached you before. the ban
2 came along, should have done anyway. It wse be a ford cont now as so much is happening in Australia from both a national and personal standpoint and a chap wiil just have to trust in God and hape weything goes along O.H. Glad that cable reached you even if belatedly and also for youd Alibr, I thaught thats what had occured. Very pleasur you are not kelling yourself oved that yob hosly to all that patsohi guiff and gaill be hethed in everway by keeping a but up your I leve. By the time this avoues, that hat summet you are an imoaning about will be a memory. Its shie wintd here but today its an omen for a red hat tgiphan summet this year and Ill be pleasu to get out of it but who knows it might be going from te foying fram into the fire. Fangy old F lan being on The mavees, I was wondering before how the and the others are faving now that the Gattle for Singapon has slarted Please that tay is back home arthaugh the aftermath you detcenbed is a trage ane. Tharks yt the maps, they were most wiecome and with the exception of toun you are looked five. She has either aged a lot af the sun was shining right in hed eyed and the scure but fac uup. Io haping its the lathed lent perlaps that's self deent. Well, my swetheast. I w eshanshe my conrvage to ure conclude as always. an my love and keep saying will yoi up togthed toon. Tod Ilett ju. knddo. M M.R S MM
N 59 laccor 6 piss. K. Clarke 18 Barkers Road Past Hawthoon 1ctoria Australia 81E 22859
Gly Received. 21.3.42. Written 2.2.42 PROObI0 Australlan War Memorial 60

VX38483 Gnr. M. Billings. 
2. Aust. Hy. A/A. Regt. 
A.I.F Abroad. 27.1.42 
Dearest Kay, 
Sorry my letters have been 
infrequent of late but owing to the  
operation I told you about in my last  
letter, its a bit difficult writing or  
rather it has been. Today is my big  
day. I've been allowed to rise from the  
bed in which I've languished for a  
couple of weeks for one whole hour so 
it won't be long now before I'll be 100%. 
Gee, t'was a funny sensation when my  
clogs first hit the floor but was able  
to toddle a few yards after a while.  
How are you faring back yonder? 
Not letting the yellow menace get you  
down although things seem to be pretty  
warm in that quarter. Damn sight 
safer here in the M.E. 


Still I have an idea things will go our  
way shortly. I'm afraid your letters 
 are going to dodge me for a while worse  
luck but I'm hanged if our mob did  
not sneak off during my stay here and 
 just where and when we'll go after  
discharge is a mystery just yet. Haven't  
had any more letters since No. 97 but 
 maybe t'others will catch up. I hope mine 
 reach you O.K as it would be terrible for  
both of us to miss out. Are you restricted  
to a single page yet? That seems to be  
the scheme over here now. Will send you a  
cable first chance. Address future letters  
to me as per the heading of this, prefixed 
 R.H.Q and endorse the corner "Please hold".  
So for a little while, sweetheart, cheerio and 
keep your chin up.  All my love  
*PJ Foy*


VX38483 Gnr. M. Billings. 2 Aust. A/A Regt 
A.I.F. Abroad 30.1.42. In hospital. M.E. 
Darling Kay,
I'm very sorry that this is not in reply to further letters from
you as since your letter No.97 the mail from Aust appears to have 
petered out and now my unit is no longer honored by my presence 
letters for me addressed as formerly will have some travelling before 
I get them if I ever do. It's rather annoying for besides my 
deprivation, the thought of your penning them, sandwiched between 
hefty loads of work for maybe nothing is not a happy one. It 
looks as though our lengthy screeds are to be a thing of the past now 
as a limit of one page has been imposed but by writing on both sides 
of the sheet we can water that down. After receiving your No.94. I had 
intended to reply in kind but will have to knock it on the head 
for a spell but when things clear up, the chance to do these things on 
the old system will be eagerly accepted. In a letter card sent you 
the other day, I told you how to address future mail, i.e. substitute 
R.H.Q. for C. Section, 5th Battery. That's the best I can devise just 
now as those of us left in hospital expect to be delivered to the 
Regtl. Headquarters when we are discharged. As your folks have let 
Nipper kick up such a shindy, maybe we veterans will be 
bobbing up around your back-door to lend a hand so as you 
can guess Dame Rumor is very busy. Still it will be a while 
before this baby figures in the fray after having my gizzard 
prised open but I hope to rejoin 5 Battery one of these fine days 
wherever they may be. After all this time, I would hate to lose 
them for keeps. You will be pleased to know I get better


every day and today am up for the afternoon. The sun is quite warm 
and I revelled in it for an hour. All things considered I've made a good 
recovery as I was pretty punk for a few days. Still when the war's over, 
I'll show you my operation so will leave it at that. I had a cable 
from Mum yesterday so the Army authorities must have shoved me on 
the casualty list and wired her. Damn them, I suppose the wire scared 
the daylights out of you and she. When you get this will you drop a 
note to Mrs. H. J. Andrew, 114 St Elmo Rd, Ivanhoe and tell her that her 
hubby (my cobber Harry) can't write just at present owing to changing 
his present address but will do so as soon as he can. Thanks. 
In the absence of news, I am taking it for granted that 
you are still going strongly and striking your blow for freedom 
in fine style. As so much is happening in Aussie now, I'm quite 
narked not knowing all the news but I pray God will watch over 
you as he has done so far so will not be anxious. Having been in 
a surgical ward when some of the smashed up jokers from the 
desert have come and shed a foot here and there, I feel a bit 
chastened when I'm inclined to rail at my lot as thousands have 
had to put up with a little hell of their own who that makes such 
things as no mail, no home comforts and a tummy-ache 
rather insignificant. Besides I've got this out for nix whereas some 
quack in peace time would have stung me hot and strong to do it. 
Well, sweetheart, that's all for this budget 
and I hope it affords you the customary kick. Was delighted at 
the arrival of those letters for your Xmas Eve. The greatest of good 
fortune to you and all my still impatient love. Cheerio. 
War Memorial



Miss. K. Clarke, 
548 Barker's Road, 
East Hawthorn, 
Victoria, Australia


Australian War Memorial*


VX38483 Gnr. M. Billings 
2 Aust A/A Regt. A.I.F. Abroad. 5.2.42 
Darling Kay, 
The Lord only knows when this will reach you now that 
the Airmail Service has been suspended but having learned 
the good habit of writing you regularly I shall keep it up 
in spite of these upsets. Conventionally but none the less 
sincerely I hope this finds you in the best of health and not too 
drooping spirits also your kith and kin. I must confess the 
prospect of not getting your letters is a most unpleasing one but 
I guess its another one of those things sent to try us and 
anyhow perhaps the mail routes will open up again soon.
Let's hope for the best. I'm still in hospital but will be 
getting my marching orders soon. The tummy has healed 
up fine and having been up and about for over a week 
am fairly strong. Dashed nuisance though the boys moving 
off as I don't know where I shall be sent from here. Probably 
back to Palestine and thence by torturous channels to the unit. 
Trouble is I have had all my worldly goods dumped here 
and I don't fancy doing any heavy carting for a while. I 
s'pose it will all come out in the wash. 
After I last wrote you, your letter No.98 
surprisingly turned up and was I pleased to get it. 
I hope some more of mine reached you before the ban


came along, should have done anyway. It will be a fair cow 
now as so much is happening in Australia from both a 
national and personal standpoint and a chap will just have 
to trust in God and hope everything goes along O.K. 
Glad that cable reached you even if belatedly and also for your 
Alibi, I thought that's what had occurred. Very pleased you 
are not killing yourself over that job, hooey to all that patriotic 
guff and you'll be better in every way by keeping a bit up your 
sleeve. By the time this arrives, that hot summer you are all 
moaning about will be a memory. It's still winter here but 
today its an omen for a red hot Egyptian summer this year and 
I'll be pleased to get out of it but who knows it I might be 
going from the frying pan into the fire. Fancy old [[Flan?]] being on 
the movies, I was wondering before how he and the others are 
faring now that the Battle for Singapore has started. Pleased 
that Fay is back home although the aftermath you described is 
a tragic one. Thanks for the snaps, they were most welcome 
and with the exception of Mum you all looked fine. She has either 
aged a lot or the sun was shining right in her eyes and she 
screwed her face up. I'm hoping its the latter but perhaps that's 
self-deceit. Well, my sweetheart, I'mve exhausted my coverage 
so will conclude. As always, all my love and keep 
saying we'll join up together soon. God Bless you, kiddo. 


Opened by Censor 
56 5242  
Miss. K. Clarke, 
548 Barker's Road, 
East Hawthorn. 
Victoria. Australia


3 Opened by Censor 
Written 2.2.42 

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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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