Michael Billings Collection - Wallet 4 - Part 14 of 14

Second World War, 1939–45
  • Love Letters
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N.S.M. 25 5 42 Dasling Wife Thanks a lot for you letters N07 & 8 to hand yesterday and as pleasu as Sunch to know you are were are comfortable in youd pent house. Please arfrain from debcribing those succulent delicacied upon which you are keeping body and pout together, as The timptation ito become a desisted raised a furthet poablim in my sweet untroubled life. To cut out the light chatted for a moment, I have sent in to the bathry office, your new address and an instruction to pay the ateatment to you't account at the Head office of the Commonwearth Gank. Sydny. I think they are in Martin Place. I poesume that before you left belt you had youd account to anafrond to Sydney. As the new particulars were have to go through Helbouone, I daretay a couple of wieks will elape before they stant to cought up. Lets know if you are sunning short and S'll dig up a found of two. In regard to that arlatment, lets know if you change youd address as I must keep out pay bloke advised. You undiost and that such things makent for delay but having it paid into a bank account should minumal it.
2 Having been a good boy and done a night job. I m off to Neweaable a this aptionson and shall give you a ving. Hape I catit you home. I shall get the trai times and book you a room at on of the publ and shartly alo and behold, we should get a pick at one anathed Whacks. Only smay is to find aut when I next shall have leave there but it wise probably work out O.W. untie I find out the brain Schedule I don't know whithet I shan bee able to get to the station to mut you but if it reached here at a readonable hend. I should be Able to make it. I don't think its much use booking yare fot more that 2 days as an only one of them shall I have leave and I shall indeavor to smak and on the other in the night you can do that once in a while but not opfen and if I get landed bhan only coudl myself. for future leave. under local command orders we are supposed to get 5 days every 2 moths and thats what Im waiting for as I could put ithe whale time in at jout place. This plying visit bnsinis has its limitations and I don't fancy Sacuificing Ale Sublstand fot the I hadow artrange a sun up here occasionally is a bound, du
As a matte of fact. the deal would be to put you uup in a flat here ard you caned fine a congenial job dent from buch the few inquiries Ive been able to make, accommodation in a place like Newealth is today is almost a myth and now rationing is in on Curh a large Scale, gobs except in Natioal Sevvice must be had to come by are of course the spector of once youre in a job you can't tolt it invises up to debed you. H aweved, if you have any spare time here. perhapt you could find out more chan I am able to. I can only ally or heastay mastly. And then we may move on at any tick of the storth and I hardy thirk gend cane to be strandel in Nuwiaable. You have to be born a Novocastman to go for it ws a lng way Now, liusten, if you don'l get regulal letter from me, don't get hid in a knot as it wen cistanly mean weee departed there regiont and that just can be helped. You may as were be reconciled to the fact that until this stouggle ands, the chances an that and meetings will be few and fad between to wice just have to fell lonely and misitable at Limet with a few rambou periods to break it down a bit.
Don't think I don't apprinate you Soluitude, darling but ad such triald are inwitable when yout husband is vistually a porsoned, you won't do wthed joussry at me any good by living on haped that will go west portly offen. You I can well appreciate yout feelings at having to leave arl you farks and cobbers in Helbonone and I'm haping wit so much that things part ant as werl ad patsible while you are in Newt Mill. parsans, as I'in many miled from the Betropalis just now and the morn ueears on, I must pack my teedding and boy and look wound for a ride in 1f.9. Husbnt mibd out today, I ie too much to do. So. Auggent, pricious cheerio for today and am looking forward very hunguly ito halding you in my arms oner more. All my love and God bluss you. swekkendt it. Ky 8A00610 Restratien Mor Menow
255 0 H. S. H. chau Zellings Flat1 The Gordon 17 Macleay Offs Point LydnyD M
N.S.W. 265. 42 Prenous Ray Well after out welcome and entertaining that of last evening. herit out ero out in the mulga once more more of lets bludging I must confirt. Not that I have any objection as luiture means an opportunity to pap off a note to the little woman. Today. The weather is not good, very goey and gloomy with steady rain and consequetly most of us have retow to the fints. Well, my pe everything seims to be beed up for a little spell of heaven next Sunday and the week can't pass quick enough for me. I reckor I could do a faid job in a spot of loving and I make bold to bay that your response would be move than lukewarm. unfortunately, the story of an early move peosists but I shall
refuse to give it credence until the prope quarters confirm it. There is somethin of the sort in the ard but as long as they lay off until yout visit is oved it will be O.K. aptrd getting wiryhing arranged, I will be mad if they trick us now. so fet just show enough duds in your valuse for a couple of days, make that train and a goodly time will be had by all Apped dining last night, went to a movie just to fill in the night. Fantasia was or and I dont know when Su liked a show so much. A ventable feast of beautiful music are or chestral wigardry. Have you seen it! I in sorry I shant be too flush when you get up here but were be Ok at it want cost you a
3 great dial anyway. Luets know how you are holding and if need be, I can slap down a chique to you. I shawl be glad when you allatment starts sperating one thing there should be a fair paultice. when it does as it was dated from st May Cant think of any more to write just now, the prospect beeng you soon oversides al else. shaw drop you a line tomorrow and fell you if anything else crops up. just now Ive got my fingers coossed. To I shall close now, my little one and sind you such a long passionate Riss which you shall rturn pirtonally Sweet dreams, dailing and how love you. Cheiris 1cky l6
CAS 330PM 27.MAS 1942 4 24.5 4 ED H.S. H1 chail Zullings Flat 1. The Gordon 117 M a cay atts Point Sy dney S.W
Onnisgail. 200610 Restratian Mar Memorial

25 5 42
Darling Wife
Thanks a lot for your letters Nos 7 & 8
to hand yesterday and as pleased as Punch to know
you are well and comfortable in your pent house.
Please refrain from describing those succulent delicacies
upon which you are keeping body and soul together as
the temptation to become a deserter raises a further
problem in my sweet untroubled life. To cut out the
light chatter for a moment, I have sent in to the
battery office, your new address and an instruction
to pay the allotment to your account at the Head Office
of the Commonwealth Bank, Sydney. I think they are
in Martin Place. I presume that before you left Melb. 
you had your account transferred to Sydney. As the new
particulars will have to go through Melbourne, I daresay
a couple of weeks will elapse before they start to cough up.
Let's know if you are running short and I'll dig up a
pound or two. In regard to that allotment, let's know
if you change your address as I must keep our pay bloke
advised. You understand and that such things makes for
delay but having it paid into a bank account should
minimise it.


Having been a good boy and done a night job,
I'm off to Newcastle a this afternoon and shall give
you a ring. Hope I catch you home. I shall get the
train times and book you a room at one of the pubs
and shortly, lo and behold, we should get a peek at one
another. Whacko. Only snag is to find out when I next
shall have leave there but it will probably work out O.K.
Until I find out the train schedule I don't know
whether I shall be able to get to the station to meet you
but if it reaches here at a reasonable hour, I should be
able to make it. I don't think its much use booking
you for more than 2 days as on only one of them
shall I have leave and I shall endeavor to break
out on the other in the night. You can do that once
in a while but not often and if I get landed
shall only cruel myself for future leave. Under local
command orders we are supposed to get 5 days every
2 months and that's what I'm wanting for as I could
put the whole time in at your place. This flying
visit business has its limitations and I don't fancy
sacrificing the substance for the shadow although
a run up here occasionally is a sound idea.


As a matter of fact, the ideal would be to put you up in
a flat here and you can find a congenial job but from
the few enquiries I've been able to make such accommodation
in a place like Newcastle is today is almost a myth
and now rationing is in on such a large scale. Jobs
except in National Service must be hard to come by
and of course the spectre of once you're in a job you
can't toss it in rises up to deter you. However, an if you
have any spare time here perhaps you could find out
more than I am able to. I can only rely on hearsay
mostly. And then we may move on at any tick of
the clock and I hardly think you'd care to be stranded
in Newcastle. You have to be born a Novocastrian
to go for it in a big way
Now, listen, if you don't get regular letters
from me, don't get tied in a knot as it will certainly
mean we've departed these regions and that just can't
be helped. You may as well be reconciled to the fact
that until this struggle ends, the chances are that
our meetings will be few and far between so will just
have to feel lonely and miserable at times with a
few rainbow periods to break it down a bit.


Don't think I don't appreciate your solicitude, darling
but as such trials are inevitable when your husband
is virtually a prisoner, you won't do either yourself or
me any good by living on hopes that will go west
pretty often. You I can well appreciate your feelings
at having to leave all your folks and cobbers in
Melbourne and I'm hoping ever so much that things
pan out as well as possible while you are in NSW.
Well precious, as I'm many miles 
from the Metropolis just now and the morn
wears on, I must pack my bedding and bag and
look around for a ride in to H.Q. Mustn't miss out
today. I've too much to do. So, Muggins, precious
cheerio for today and am looking forward very
hungrily to holding you in my arms once more.
All my love and God bless you, Sweetheart.


Mrs. Michael Billings
Flat 1 The Gordon
17 Macleay St.
Potts Point
Sydney. NSW 


N.S.W.  26.5.42
Precious Kay.
Well after our welcome and
entertaining chat of last evening, here's  
our 'ero out in the mulga once more,
more or less bludging I must confess.
Not that I have any objection as leisure
means an opportunity to pop off a note
to the little woman. Today, the weather
is not good, very grey and gloomy with
steady rain and consequently most of us
have retired to the tents. Well, my pet
everything seems to be teed up for a
little spell of heaven next Sunday and
the week can't pass quick enough for me.
I reckon I could do a fair job in a spot
of loving and I make bold to say
that your response would be more than
lukewarm. Unfortunately, the story of
an early move persists but I shall


refuse to give it credence until the proper
quarters confirm it. There is something
of the sort in the air but as long as
they lay off until your visit is over
it will be O.K. After getting everything
arranged, I will be mad if they
trick us now. So pet just throw
enough duds in your valise for a
couple of days, make that train and
a goodly time will be had by all.
After dining last night, I
went to a movie just to fill in the
night. Fantasia was on and I don't
know when I've liked a show so
much. A veritable feast of beautiful
music and orchestral wizardry. Have
you seen it? I'm sorry I shan't be
too flush when you get up here but
we'll be O.K. at it won't cost you a


great deal anyway. Let's know how you
are holding and if need be, I can
slap down a cheque to you. I shall be
glad when your allotment starts operating,
one thing there should be a fair poultice
when it does as it was dated from
1st May.
Can't think of any more
to write just now, the prospect
seeing you soon overrides all else.
Shall drop you a line tomorrow and
tell you if anything else crops up. Just
now I've got my fingers crossed. So
I shall close now, my little one
and send you such a long passionate
kiss which you shall return personally.
Sweet dreams, darling and how I
love you. Cheerio


24. 5. 42

Mrs. Michael Billings
Flat 1. The Gordon
117 Macleay St.
Potts Point



War Memorial 

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