Michael Billings Collection - Wallet 4 - Part 13 of 14

Second World War, 1939–45
  • Love Letters
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some deed of vislence. At least I have Salace n playing quite a good game to theres life in the old dog F. Having exhauster my one and only whim of news lets pass on to youd qranted. I had you N. 6 Hoday (NP5 still in transit) and as you can guets was ppleased to head from yout lydny addaess. To glad you ane comportable and seeing a bit of the old bront Dore to velueve yout lonelmets. Poths Paint is quarte distingue, aint iit? How can you affore such sumphious apartments you ought to set up in business as an estate agent apter yout bai to bau description of yout quarters. Fi. I wirsh I could move in for a while but I m afraid I shant be seeing sydney for at least month
The home leave rocht will not be completed for unhil neat the end of ine and of course no leave wthit than the usual half day local leave will be granted unhe thats finished. So before you start going apped that yob you speak of we shall have to arrange a date at Newcastle. On my meet visit there I shall enquire about bramt and accommodation and mayfoe wiil can get down to brais tacks. Id like to do it soon because the latest us that Several new units are to be formed and a goodly propartion of out mob will be sent to them. If I should be included, the Lord knows where I might go. Some of the chap have got their marching orders already. Shur well consider out cousse of action if and when the occation ansis
Vury sovry youve been feeling poonly go eary or the scran you ape.. shaw boy to riny you at soon at I can get to a phone. I sent you Zols address in a litter which should have reached you by new. I alto got a D. gest from you yesterday that I has been drawning about by the look of it. Well, pricious, I guess thap the issue and shall now rilar and hope 1am rolls arount speedily. I writety driams, Sweet wife and cascaded of puse undilubed love in yout plump lap. Kep praying onos for keeps. PR00b10 M.ity Austratian War Memorial
302 C 21MAY 1942 A 4 Mrs. H. chail Billings, Flat 7, The Fordon 117 Macliay St. otts Point Ly duy. I S.
n Pleka Bing Cv. Elever 80060 Austranan War Memorial
5 22 42 A.S.M Dadling Wife, Iit was swell being able to have an all too brief chat with you last evening, quite a treat to heat yout dulcet hould once more. I received yout letter So5 today containing detaild of you journey to this stake and yout first expenences at your luning flat. Sorry my letters have not turned up regularly but you must have forgotten thats its only a few days since I knew you were in Sydney hince letters up till ther had gone on to Belbourne. Please dont send any more urgent wroes as they were chasing me all over the distrct yesterday with it and in the middle of a pouring & rain last night I heard about it and as the office was closed and I had been tacking to you eaolied, I got the fought of my life that Something was wrong Somewhere. Im surely pleased theres nothing amits. To change the subject, tlike you Im dying to see you again and as soon
2 as I go to Newcastle shall get a list of train timed to and from Sydney also he about a pub to put you up. The Westminster Hotel in the main street I believe has quite good accommodation at a bit cheapit + allo than Wingus. I m think and meeting has drawn appreciably closed and say another week should see us together if my plans pan out Of couste put, we wort have much time together but depend upon it, the manmum possible will be attained. I suppose time is hanging on yout hands a bit at your Potts Point mansson but not your weary bonld, one of these days. youil have to besh's yoursey to some ordit One thing. Youll enjoy the hopp up her youve dose it before but I bet you wire enjoy the Scinery Too right, Sweetheast. Iishr Dorcas is a great scout, I wouldn't fancy you in Lydney at an
if she wasnt there to beat you company How are the financed! I hope that allatment gits tho you soon. At 50/. a pop, the funds foor get swallowed up and I certainly don't want my good lady living on bread and water.] that flar founds poitly good to me, boy, oh boy could I put in a few days there. I had a letter from Hum today containing the news from the home front. The news about Fean is not so marouiaus but I suppose it was a relief for Sherla to get somens. Al things considered, a big slice of formed happinest has departid from out ken in Hilbourne. Although it must have been a wrinch to leave all yout kith And Rn, a period away from it all has its compentations. It's rothen to think that apter a lifetime, out mothers an left to live in such a fashion
Howwid, one must carry on, dont cheskng Ifs hard to write tonight, all the boy are very much at home and theois a visitable hubbut of Sulphurous Halk teid met such a mob for aoguing I omorrow I'm being rescusitated for another footbou match so I feat me I shall present a gorry spectacle tomorrow night. Spving must be her I think. A bit of ixercise wont hust this old carcase I dont suppose Well, little woman, Time Shu marches on and the I whistle for us boys to buck one another into and four pasted is nigh. So ta to pricious and dream of me from your sinful divan. I love you like I kish you. her. alwayd fors 2 1610 PR00b10 Australian Mar Memorial
TCHS 4 -AM 25 MAY 1942 SW.DS 225. 42 M.S. Michau illing Flat. The Gordon 117 Mailiay St. Patts Foint Sydney. 1S.

Some deed of violence. At least I have
solace in playing quite a good game
so there's life in the old dog yet.  Having
exhausted my one and only item of news
lets pass on to your quarter.
I had your No. 6 today (No. 5
still in transit) and as you can guess
was pleased to hear from your Sydney
address. So glad you are comfortable
and seeing a bit of the old trout Dorc
to relieve your loneliness. Potts Point
is quaite distingue, ain't it? How can
you afford such sumptuous apartments.
You ought to set up in business as an
estate agent after your ball to ball
description of your quarters. Gee, I wish
I could move in for a while but I'm
afraid I shan't be seeing Sydney for at
least a month.


The home leave roster will not be
completed for until near the end of
June and of course no leave other than
the usual half day local leave will
be granted until that's finished. So
before you start going after that job
you speak of we shall have to arrange
a date at Newcastle. On my next
visit there I shall enquire about trains
and accommodation and maybe we
can get down to brass tacks. I'd
like to do it soon because the latest
is that several new units are to be
formed and a goodly proportion of our
mob will be sent to them. If I should
be included, the Lord knows where I
might go. Some of the chaps have got
their marching orders already. Still,
will consider our course of action if
and when the occasion arises.


Very sorry you've been feeling poorly,
go easy on the scran you ape. I 
shall try to  ring you as soon as I
can get to a phone. I sent you
Bob's address in a letter which should
have reached you by now. I also
got a Digest from you yesterday that
I have has been travelling about
by the look of it.
Well, precious, I guess
thats the issue and shall now
relax and hope 1 a.m rolls around
speedily.  Sweetest of dreams, sweet
wife and cascades of pure
undiluted love in your plump
lap. Keep praying.  
Yours for keeps.

War Memorial



Mrs. Michael Billings,
Flat 7, “The Gordon”
117 Macleay St.
Potts Point
Sydney. N.S.W.


Flat 3
Pine Av, Elwood

Australian War Memorial 



Darling Wife,
It was swell being able to
have an all too brief chat with you
last evening, quite a treat to hear your
dulcet tones once more. I received your letter
No. 5 today containing details of your
journey to this state and your first
experiences at your luxury flat. Sorry my
letters have not turned up regularly
but you must have forgotten that's its
only a few days since I knew you were in
Sydney hence letters up till then had
gone on to Melbourne. Please don't
send any more urgent wires as they were
chasing me all over the district yesterday
with it and in the middle of a pouring
c rain last night I heard about it and
as the office was closed and I had been
talking to you earlier, I got the fright of
my life that something was wrong somewhere.
I'm surely pleased there's nothing amiss.
To change the subject, (like you I'm
dying to see you again) and as soon


as I go to Newcastle shall get a list of
train times to and from Sydney also
see about a pub to put you up. The
Westminster Hotel in the main street I
believe has quite good accommodation at
a bit cheaper rates  than Menzies. I'm
think our meeting has drawn appreciably 
closer and say another week should
see us together if my plans pan out.  
Of course, pet, we won't have much time
together but depend upon it, the maximum 
possible will be attained. I suppose
time is hanging on your hands a bit 
at your Potts Point mansion but rest
your weary bones, one of these days, you'll 
have to bestir yourself to some order.
One thing, you'll enjoy the trip up here,
you've done it before but I bet you will 
enjoy the scenery.
Too right, sweetheart, Sister 
Dorcas  is a great scout, I wouldn't
fancy you in Sydney at all  


if she wasn't there to bear you company
(How are the finances? I hope that
allotment gets to you soon. At 50/- a
pop, the funds soon get swallowed up
and I certainly don't want my good lady
living on bread and water.) That flat
sounds pretty good to me, boy, oh boy
could I put in a few days there.
I had a letter from Mum 
today containing the news from the
home front. The news about Flan is
not so marvellous but I suppose it was
a relief for Sheila to get some news. All
things considered, a big slice of former
happiness has departed from our kin
in Melbourne. Although it must have
been a wrench to leave all your kith
and kin, a period away from it all
has its compensations. It's rotten to
think that after a lifetime, our mothers
are left to live in such a fashion. 


However, one must carry on, dontcher know 
Its hard to write tonight, all the boys
are very much at home and there's a
veritable hubbub of sulphurous talk.
Never met such a mob for arguing.
Tomorrow I'm being rescusitated for
another football match so I fear
me I shall present a sorry spectacle
tomorrow night. Spring must be here
I think. A bit of exercise won’t hurt
this old carcase I don't suppose
Well, little woman, time 
still marches on and the I whistle
for us boys to tuck one another into
our four posters is nigh. So ta ta
precious and dream of me from your
sinful divan. I love you like
hell. I kiss you.
Always yours

War Memorial


4 -AM
25 MAY

Mrs. Michael Billings
Flat 1. The Gordon
117 Macleay St.
Potts Point. Sydney.  N.S.W. 

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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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