Michael Billings Collection - Wallet 3 - Part 11 of 14

Second World War, 1939–45
  • Love Letters
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written 22.11.41 Received 16.12.41 Ep P200610 RSSEEN Har Wenor
V&38483 Snd H. Bellings. C. Sectuor. 8 H] 5th Andt. Hy a/a Gallery 2. And a/A. Regt. A. S. F. Abroad 28 11 41 Dacing Lq. Hail to the Withe spint and may this tinded epritle find you flansishing as of yestegeal and fating as well as a cat with sen lives. Oute an apt quotation. Suls if rom if somewhat weak. To cut out the forting fist Ltended a thousand Thanks for your most wilcom littes Nos 80 81 & 82. acl in my possession safely and not defaced by consorship. That last will increase that cure Smuguess you confessed to recently Ie that as it may thee dive letters equalled their poedecistors in the waomth of their wilcome. Do you know, young lady, your speeling is atrocious and when I take you in my anns once more for a fortight unbroken Specl, I shall apply correct meatures, of couse in congenal circumstances, you understand. And by that dmean in that sanctuary of yours modestly sermned a roon lent in my mind as a place wheren is enshoned my lovely Hathlen hurthet To carry the matted y I think it would be wise if this intelude took place in ullacia fashion, upon. shall we say goud wee cot and to that you may derve the fuce beneft of the lettorn, we wrle sake offend shirts and put and heads excedingly close together Donut you think my veews on education ase
bound if a huth radial By. Folly Lwone love that leton to Hake plaa tonight, I phomite you would just love your beached. D amn, I wonded how long it wis be before we can sake up. the send agains and at long last experuence one of thoe inchanting excaped from the world. I mondet can that intuctvce feling of yurs about a Holivably eary conclnn to da quere be something in the way of a revuation w ithout withing to be belitting, I just don't dare think it postible Flovony blighted but blane the Arny decamse you just get into a out and the weeks go on, each ie same as the last. Do you know that doyer of placehine occ alle chroud have vanshed from my mine bnt geu my darting gow in lige and importance and Sinids you dradfuly and think of you such a lot. Don't. thunk In unhappy and underable. I m not ad you gust can't let yourshelf be. But no more can you awoid peorods of introspection and during them, what is more natural than that ones thought suon to thse you love so much and you know dasting how hungry I am for that contining lose you bead for me. In these intimate letters I doit by ito concial the overpowering detive that rages within me to return quickly and clasp in my arns formed that compect bundle of fragoant love that is you. Irequrtly o snon aut my few pestonal documents ane restract those frail but poecions memntors, of you and scan each one drinking in each feature, each contend and to starvis do
feel for gand immitatle love that I congure ug in my mw An wvening in atrospect, and try to live again through such a typural glory dry to think I can fel those soft wamn lips hoveing nea mine like the soft touch of a butherplys ewving ane then after a second of suspence, Hugh with the flooding imnfart of them communiating to me the stangth and sincerty of that darling who so comed to claim hed make. This was is a come busings to yuth and thrstiryg the ppetie of self fuly anry but p I can't help, thee haplels peaple among whom me an numbere for what has been andely toon from theit gracp. H ourved, I feel just al strongly that this ordeal is an aaa dent affair to that and constang ane sef contod and aftw an when we ameoge from it the victors, it canthelp but make us lather preople f arhculanty to ceacte other. I know dastiny I have had cto elwale you to the highest pennace apted understanding and admiring your cousage, Stamina and loyally since I left yeu To be foank, neeked you of I had eved doe anything much in the part, we loved the other for what hey were. But now, wive the added Knawledge that. both of us when the preshus is on can uise tto the occasion and do things the hand and thanklett way Right from the limne I realied I love you Iue known you wene ardaund to be a toe wife and mathed, a woman puse and clean, a wman of
S hugh deals and strong faith, a woman of courage yet somehow having all thes qualities achuwving a charm and attractivenes that makes the lott of a man forhunle rnoug to wm had heart a very happy one. You know, davling, you Lomehaw had that pourd that made me sell from yent Kitis writhe with tapture from yent caseles, to put it baldly give yourself intraly to him but neved could you shel that puse flame of chactily, that calming waonth that killed in his heart. the lust that inhabits man To have you all of yeu fowed is my one ann and intention but I know that heved unke you hee beside me as my wife canl I hend from you that urogunal wil, the arnot Goe has given yen on which you to poundly weat. Forgive me, sweet, if I worite ovrmunch in this stram beut recalling what you pennue on the same Bulyect a little while back, I know you wee not be offended you being you, suffed ewen more then o this separation and have to be content with written assurances of the love you have to uchly mentio and cannot poutd ant to He man of yend choice that hrging aboount of pent up fulng ongiry withnr you dwelen more lighly or the quation, your swet head would tingle as would my dinged were I now running my finges through whose lustions cuols, alwayd was yout haid a qreat favoute of mine Not would you soft lips be liss ardent
5 than mine suppeting we were gest now locked in a loving imbraiig your pleasure would match mine mere and causing fingers to go a roving and and lused and receptive bodies Is all that maddening you ar doss that clead cestainty that we will soon liuve luch tmed once mone confundate in some small way and shis up the mimaris of many such becutiful night & days. Fell me yout reactions becamse I must not and to gaud already heary benoder. Anyhow my loved one, too long have I kept you waiting for youd deting little lie shall clapse when I retron to yor before Ieary yun and Hhe thurkol of te dood to out Hal lived and apsay dod I than make a good attmpt to give your al jay are happenes that hadillude you to long I know that wre be no ealy tark as you dellove so much I man is a Felperh beast and frone to take lone frcious things for grante your love fot me I know wrse leve white yeu live and Iloperto by are makk I In imononge when I aed that you ask no more of Gov tan that he boing me back to you to with his hilp and yout influnce (and alway remenbed the influnce of a good woman will crn out againt any oads) we shan be my hapy. So good night, little one and please take all my love for always. Hock
Gotrofro 200610 Bostralian teMinors aom Dus L Claoke Rarkers Road Hawthomn 1 Aona Australia
Written 28.11.41 Received. 24.12.41 Egypt.
22 11 141 AUSIMIAN CONTORIS FINT 3 End. Ao. Rellings. 6. Section ✓XH8 3848 5 th Aust Hy Afa Zathry & Aust afa. qt. A. F. T. Abroad. an Henwrith your Specal ex chusne & mas care. It being considered a kindly are Chanken act to kind a felicitans mestage to whote head to you at Charstmastide, I take this apportumity to t mail a care f anha expesaly for me by oe and our artist by To this cart hangs o story, the lad depictie on the opposnte paye to me in ame 3 aggt and like yours toly much given ito wordy battle at houss inconvenient ito the other inmated of the bent Buhwen ut are a thoon in this fleeh. The astist who lodgs with us has on self defince ten dowen to express his fiting I anhisticall The seuet is the aame of his hoped. Hope you Nick S 1 00
A Aerry Xmas and a Peaceful PEACE AT LAST New Year.
59 Hiss. K. Clarkf 548 Barker's Roat East Hawphoon V. Hona Australia

War Memorial


No 47   
VX38483 Snd H. Billings. C. Section.
5th Aust. Hy. a/a Battery. 2. Aust a/a. Regt.
A. I. F. Abroad 28.11.41 

Darling Kay, 
Hail to thee blithe Spirit and may this tender
epistle find you flourishing as of yesteryear and feeling as
well as a cat with ten lives. Quite an apt quotation,
Puss if even if somewhat weak. To cut out the fooling, first
I tender a thousand thanks for your most welcome letters
Nos. 80, 81 + 82. all in my possession safely and not
defaced by censorship. That last will increase that civic
Smugness you confessed to recently. Be that as it may, these
dire letters equalled their predecessors in the warmth of their
welcome. Do you know, young lady, your spelling is atrocious
and when I take you in my arms once more for a fortnights'
unbroken spell, I shall apply correct measures, of course in
congenial circumstances, you understand. And by that  I mean
in that sanctuary of yours modestly termed a room but in my
mind as a place wherein is enshrined my lovely Kathleen.
To carry the matter further, I think it would be wise if this interlude
took place in relaxed fashion, upon, shall we say, your wee cot
and so that you may derive the full benefit of the lesson, we
will take off our shirts and put our heads exceedingly close
together. Don't you think my views on education are


sound if a trifle radical. By Golly, I would love that lesson
to take place tonight, I promise you would just love your
teacher. Damn, I wonder how long it will be before we
can take up the reins again and at long last experience
one of those enchanting escapes from the world. I wonder can
that intuitive feeling of yours about a tolerably early conclusion
to 'la guerre' be something in the way of a revelation. Without
wishing to be belittling, I just don't dare think it possible. Gloomy
blighter but blame the Army because you just get into a rut and
the weeks go on, each the same as the last. Do you know that
dozens of peacetime recollections have vanished from my mind
but you, my darling, grow in size and importance and I miss
you dreadfully and think of you such a lot. Don't think I'm
unhappy and miserable. I'm not as you just can't let yourself
be. But no more can you avoid periods of introspection and
during them, what is more natural than that one's thoughts
turn to those you love so much and you know darling how
hungry I am for that consuming love you bear for me. In these
intimate letters I don't try to conceal the overpowering desire
that rages within me to return quickly and clasp in my arms
forever that compact bundle of fragrant love that is you.
Frequently I turn out my few personal documents and extract
those frail but precious mementos  of you and scan each one
drinking in each feature, each contour and so starved do


feel for your inimitable love that I conjure up in my mind
An evening in retrospect, and try to live again through such a
typical glory. Try to think I can feel those soft warm lips
hovering near mine like the soft touch of a butterfly’s wing and 
then after a second of suspense, tingle with the flooding impact
of them communicating to me the strength and sincerity of that
darling who so comes to claim her mate. This war is a cruel 
business to youth and thrusting the spectre of self-pity away.
I can't help but pity these hapless people among whom we are
numbered for what has been rudely torn from their grasp.
However, I feel just as strongly that this ordeal is an acid test
applied to test our constancy and self-control and after all
when we emerge from it the victors, it can't help but make us
better people particularly to each other. I know darling I have
had to elevate you to the highest pinnacle after understanding
and admiring your courage, stamina and loyalty since I left you.
To be frank, neither you or I had ever done anything much in the
past, we loved the other for what they we were. But now, we’ve
the added knowledge that both of us when the pressure is on,
can rise to the occasion and do things the hard and
thankless way. Right from the time I realised I loved you
I've known you were ordained to be a true wife and
mother, a woman pure and clean, a woman of


high ideals and strong faith, a woman of courage, yet
somehow having all these qualities achieving a charm and
attractiveness that makes the lot of a man fortunate enough to
win her heart a very happy one. You know, darling, you
somehow had that power that made me reel from your kisses
writhe with rapture from your caress, to put it baldly,
give yourself entirely to him but never could you shed that
pure flame of chastity, that calming warmth that killed
in his heart, the lust that inhabits man. To have you,
all of you forever is my one aim and intention but I know that
never until you lie beside me as my wife could I tear from
you that virginal veil, the armour God has given you and
which you so proudly wear. Forgive me, sweet, if I write overmuch
in this strain but recalling what you penned on the same
subject a little while back, I know you will not be offended.
You being you, suffered even more than I this separation and
have to be content with written assurances of the love you have
so richly merited and cannot pour out to the man of your choice
that surging torrent of pent up feeling raging within you Dwelling
more lightly on the question, your sweet head would tingle as
would my fingers were I now running my fingers through
those lustrous curls, always was your hair a great favorite
of mine. Nor would your soft lips be less ardent


than mine supposing we were just now locked in a loving
embracinge. Your pleasure would match mine were our
caressing fingers to go a-roving around our tensed and
receptive bodies. Is all that maddening you or does that
clear certainty that we will soon live such times once more
compensate in some small way and stir up the memories of
many such beautiful nights & days. Tell me your reactions because
I must not add to your already heavy burden. Anyhow,
my loved one, too long have I kept you waiting for your
destiny, little time shall elapse when I return to you
before I carry you over the threshold of the door to our
real lives and pray God I shall make a good attempt to
give you the joy and happiness that has eluded you too long.
I know that will be no easy task as you deserve so much
 & man is a selfish beast and prone to take some precious
things for granted. Your love for me I know will live while
you live and I hope to try and match it. I’m encouraged when I
read that you ask no more of God than that he bring me
back to you so with his help and your influence (and always
remember the influence of a good woman will win out against any
odds) we shall be very happy. So good night, little one and
You please take all my love for always. Mick


28 11 41 
War Memorial
Miss. K. Clarke, 
548 Barker's Road, 
East Hawthorn 
Victoria  Australia 




A.C.F.  22.11 1941 
VX 4838483 Snd  M Billings. C Section 
5th Aust Hy A/A Battery. L . Aust. A/A 
Regt. A.I.F. Abroad

Herewith your special exclusive xmas card.  
It being considered a kindly and Christian act 
to send a felicitous message to those near to you 
at Christmastide. I take this opportunity to  
send mail a card painted especially for me 
by our own artist Pip. 
To this card hangs a story, the lad  
depicted on the opposite page to me is named 
Biggs and like yours truly much given to 
wordy battle at hours inconvenient to the  
other inmates of the tent. Between us we 
are a thorn in their flesh. The artist 
who lodges with us has in self-defence 
been driven to express his feelings artistically 
The result is the acme of his hopes. Hope you  
like it  Love  Mick  



A Merry Xmas and a Peaceful New Year
Billings     Biggs


Miss. K. Clarke 
548 Barker's Road 
East Hawthorn 
Passed by CENSOR No. 3164

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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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