Michael Billings Collection - Wallet 3 - Part 8 of 14

Second World War, 1939–45
  • Love Letters
Accession number:

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2 the torture and pain you suffed despite youl maoveland Aphinsn belcause I know and remumbed full well the irbinaily of youid love fod me I fuly confils that you, dadling, are my sheet anchod and that I miss an that you gave me dreadfully and realise how awful all this hurmont is for you It is sheed couetly for you and get you keep that chin of yours up like a champion and kick the guits out of a hard and diffeith world youre an oad muhure, little giol, and nov know it more than me I recan how lanly the brg heas und to well uept in youl eyes for things not so very important, truking the unabsowant into a belief that you were a bet Sapt but howe litter thy trn of the Spent and fore lying domant bereath that lovely isterrod youd present life gives the hie diect to that fallay The low to beautifully affend and its return to rechly deserved dend you for how long you know not you gobe in gentel snoraundings jestisonee suthlettly in sxchange for the goind of factory work wough in touth to daunt and depat many but yiun gond glanions pestor, hav nt and fromce all these challenged in fine slyle and ameoged wel. your real self, fou from the ovzy influenced of and poe wad days Imagine then how I await my altum to you, darting, I wi be so tilly rew arded by fand burning love
Thank God. I am given a little toe for reflection to that I may soot Hath things Of couse, you are my chief thought and I have analysed everythng I can tthink of about you To Halk of mundane thingh you are a chorce blind of good quality pooduchs. One thing that indeass me to you is your instant aecouste to prayed when you mew consolation Ihat poved, several thingh, you fund of gove bende youd insuroing allegrance to you faith and your clead maight of life that youd salvation and peane of mine can only come from and creatod and the hudles distractions so many tun to can only case the acke for a patting moment. Physically. Youre a thing of beauty and a joy forwed and though bodily beauty is fad from being he be all and mne an of love as many have leame to theid cast. you beurtching countenance and shapely form lend a that finishing tanch to the great heart and wwarm blood that couste within that countly thomne of womantood After all, it is that ehost that inferports those inward qualitues. The glowing fresture of those soft lnd-like lips the actimatry puerceneds and Aendioness of youd loves embrace, the magical soathing powers of thoe chunkry elosing finges. I would trade a few years of my life glady, to know that
4 this very night. I would go to you as I offen did before and we would be mast just one choud from those perfect night when we stole quatly away togethet to goud little love nest and you wilh youd womanly charms cast the wourld and to tufes into the line of forgatter therg and brought foy to a lonly heast and ease to a droping body bn a very mind ky. I can seau and solitay ritual no step overlooke, no frante hasle just and unapaken plan to give and love hungry bodies and sauls all that we could without allowing the pattion ording hugh in both of as to becon and mached. The menoy of you consunuing hrtes the trigh of goud sothing yet teaing finges. The mumence endeament. the oythme wlel are fac of you alluving boiash so like the sea itself. the perfume of poud cuoly coown redolunt of the busk of and home. land use up before me and in touth lose little of thid vividnes as the days fassby. To know that when Iathin I shall glony in them again with to much more from goud dowy of wirginal splendord keept me have and not to reatlett as I otherwise might be. Had I not you to go to, I cofes Iwould not know whenr to hn for confor Lit is nved forget to pry thet tat Sme will doon.
Sulpshly. Hhis leter contains fad tos much about me but wehin I can yet a saad on wth a you and ne latte I guad put dawn things as I feet them at the moment Tumbling out fill mell not capennt mayle but you know me, to wel that 8 do to knowing joull gathed what Som frying to say You know we were a funy paid not underatore too much by lott of pepter I think but when the days ort was pact, we like to go off on and londome ito the fanry word specary Constructe for m loves and there, shad a lat of fusty convention and Ary to prachi a life not weighter down by a heap of cloying so called modim things. But it was a lovely wer unwese we dwilh in wasn't it, sweetheast mine. It must have been because how loth we were to have its cosy sweekeds and imerg into the cold chuoless substitute autside. Anyhaw. my loved, one day soon, I shall knock upon the dood of that paradite and wil fine you there to gret me and will live in out own little world for wid at nearly anyway until then, Ray may God give s you his blesting and grave and let me kiss you, oh so hard spivit and I ask you can I say how much alove I send you. Wick
3483Gn t fillings, t Section, 10. 44 5th Aust Hy A/a. Gattry 2. Aust. Af. Rag. A.S.T. Abroad 20. 11.41 Davling Ray Have gust clance p a F t litte (5. 4to you and am chapping straight on to one of the ordiary varity as I mista aut last week and its a come ito neghet you eene for a wek. The lapee was due to my good forture in Seaing a wieks leave in Cairo. to I therefore thoou myself on you mergy ane ack pardor One thing darting for a change Ive got a sway of newd from one Sorra and anothed so hope the military Lituation will frm it ofome wrting you ths of thea leates this wak to that you may know my doings in full. I aw so many sights ane things in Caiso that I may launich into gute a few paged to in an attempt to give you a ball to bale discription of my meandering Ir this litter, I propose. to clian up the matters introduce in gon recont letter and alto to include cuont gollep from here and thre Furtly let me upolds the hope that you ane alsolutly the best, mentally and physically ane stell finding the fot of hurning out the snws of wad tole able of not pepet Now Hat summe approached you no doubt appreciate the Abtence of fou foosk, chill wends and ram ewept thuts All the bist Swithent.
ay I alto with yunl mathed and the Lugdens. the bet of health and tuck. The object of your affections at as we to fiold is in good mck having conquene the change, and from Te beg cly to camp life suncitfuly and Bnnckli down to the formila prwtentiry at the Ack. Ack Cradiny Found the weathed shil quite wasn in bawso but fince getting back. fuch bruges. the hasbrged of wintes, ane blowing avound and skirk, an indication I would say of Hhe shape of Shing to come. Had a furn earled in the day and consider that the early morning plunge will soon be left tto the dinkum Spartand. Fistt ofacl I sent a hip parcel to you yesterday containing Sundry utms from the bayaars which I am led to beluve ane finre pecimons of crental crast mantyp althaugh it would nt inspoide me if I hasnt been taken for a side with a few of thm. Thele wogs are pupet salesmen and of couse, mugs are bomn every minute Anyhow. They go to you with the best of intentions and will you distribute them please to the respective recipiet as follow. Prayed i at Box of perfune for. Hits. K. Clarke (Take a bow) Egphan Sent Work fot 16 t 65. Son fillings
3 Svvry Hecklan Jor Huls Shela Zellings Severy laped Knse for 1 Chas to Bulngs Boroce Wallet for 6. Chas & Belling (Pop) small Alabactes byrannd for you as a curiso. I had intended to get a gist ifor ium Dorcas, John and Ada but first conaint ged pust what I wanter and ithem the boodkle tan out Too baa lent wher I accoue fome more chipt shal rechfy the omittion. Anghow, that chyne I send you wre look agted then and if this reached you before You blone the call. you have my hull promision to change my allocation as fur thent fit. to chop den on the lucty oned increate that for that left in the cold ond include Ada. Just do as you think best, Musly. I'd just love to able to be there to save you the trouble but you know how it is. At last you wish for the preture has matenalited and a copy goes with this letter. I got hay a dogent while the ison was hot. I didnt give one ito Chas before and maybe Tom would find a spot on his shelf for anothed to all told I can find an oublit for the six Also I collukd quite a fe photes and posteards while I was away and will made them to you from Aime to time for your collection
y The postman is shil sreating uo wil with papers and parcels. Since I received adas. one from Mum Sent through Heran & Cato and another from the Malven Comports Fund have reached me so Ii stocked up with comforts for a while Quite a batch of papes from you have arrived in the past few weeks and thanks a lot for im honey you folks do goid iutmost to kep up the moral of the 4.1.F. Have just finished Sea. curry & rice, piping hod and quite a Hally dish too to kep out the chill winds. Well, the lamp is lit and here we go for the last furlong. Did S tell you the Comforts Fund come to light with a generand issue every fortright? it wid in my life have I had so much for nyx but Sim part being ashamed now and just moss it up and grow fat Bob. Sutton hills me he had sent you a note but that one you said you moild quite a tine back had not reached him ad yet. Anyhow his quite ot except that his hand is a bit sore. Have you seen te Bidges lately? I wrote Syd a week of two back. I had letters fom Hum Doreas recontly with the latest mad so everything there seems to be in orded. In worting to head how fort save in his ex and wart say cheers as Im only haf finche a few minuted. 161ck 4 e
Clotin M. 3161 Hus. K. Clarke. 548 Rarkers Road East Hauthomn Victona. Australia

the torture and pain you suffered despite your marvellous 
optimism because I know and remember full well the
intensity of your love for me. I freely confess that you,
darling , are my sheet anchor and that I miss all that you
gave me dreadfully and realise how awful all this turmoil 
is for you. It is sheer cruelty for you and yet you keep
that chin of yours up like a champion and kick the guts 
out of a hard and difficult world.  You're an odd mixture,
little girl, and none knows it more than me. I recall how
early the big tears used to well up in your eyes for
things not so very important, tricking the unobservant into
a belief that you were a bit soft but how little they knew
of the spirit and force lying dormant beneath that lovely
exterior. Your present life gives the lie direct to that fallacy,
the love so beautifully offered and its return so richly
deserved denied you for how long you know not,  your job
in genteel surroundings jettisoned ruthlessly in exchange
for the grind of factory work, enough in truth to daunt
and defeat many but you, your glorious person, have met
and turned all these challenges in fine style and
emerged well. your real self, far from the oozy
influences of  our pre-war days. Imagine then, how
I await my my return to you, darling, I will be so
richly rewarded by your burning love


Thank God. I am given a little time for reflection so that
I may sort thru  out things. Of course, you are my chief
thought and I have analysed everything I can think
of about you. To talk of mundane things, you are a choice
blend of good quality products. One thing that endears me
to you is your instant recourse to prayer when you need
consolation. That proves several things, your fund of good
sense, your unswerving allegiance to your faith and your
clear insight of life that your salvation and peace of mind
can only come from and creator and the heedless distractions
so many turn to can only ease the ache for a passing
moment. Physically, you're a thing of beauty and a joy
forever and though bodily beauty is far from being the
be all and end all of love as many have learned to
their cost, your bewitching countenance and shapely form
lend a that finishing touch to the warm great heart
and warm blood that course within that comely shrine
of womanhood. After all, it is that interior that
interprets those inward qualities, the glowing pressure
of those soft bud-like lips. and The alternating fierceness
and tenderness of your lover's embrace, the magical
soothing powers of those chunky exploring fingers. I would
trade a few years of my life gladly to know that on


this very night. I would go to you as I often did before and
we would re-enact just one hour from those perfect nights
when we stole quietly away together to your little love-nest
and you with your womanly charms cast the world and
to trifles into the limbo of forgotten things and brought joy
to a lonely heart and ease to a drooping body. In a
very minor key, I can recall our solitary ritual
no step overlooked, no frantic haste, just an unspoken
plan to give and love hungry bodies and souls all that
we could without allowing the passion riding high in
both of us to become our master. The memory of your
consuming kisses, the tingle of your soothing yet teasing
fingers, the murmured endearments, the rhythmic rise and
fall of your alluring breasts so like the sea itself, the
perfume of your curly crown redolent of the bush of our home-
land rise up before me and in truth lose little of
their vividness as the days pass by. To know that when
I return I shall glory in them again with so much more
from your dowry of virginal splendor keeps me sane
and not so restless as I otherwise might be. Had I not
you to go to, I confess I would not know where to
turn for comfort. Let us never forget to pray that that
time will soon.


Selfishly, this letter contains far too much about me but
when I can get a start on with a you and me letter
I just put down things as I feel them at the moment,
tumbling out pell-mell, not coherent maybe but you
know me so well that I do so knowing you'll gather
what I'm trying to say. You know we were a funny
pair, not understood too much by lots of people
I think, but when the day's toil was past, we liked to
go off on our lonesome to the fairy world specially
constructed for true lovers and there, shed a lot
of fusty conventions and try to practice a life not
weighted down by a heap of cloying so-called modern
things. But it was a lovely wee universe we dwelt
in wasn't it, sweetheart mine? It must have been because
how loth we were to leave its cosy sweetness and emerge
into the cold cheerless substitute outside. Anyhow,
my lover, one day soon, I shall knock upon the door
of that paradise and will find you there to greet me
and will live in our own little world forever or nearly
anyway. Until then, Kay, may God give you his
blessing and grace and let me kiss you, oh so hard
in spirit and I ask you, can I say how much
love I send you.


20 11 41


No 44      VX38483 Gnr.  M. Billings,   C Section,
5th Aust Hy A/A. Battery 2. Aust. A/A Regt.
A.I.F. Abroad 20.11.41

Darling Kay,
Have just cleaned up a G.E. letter (No 43) to
you and am hopping straight on to one of the ordinary
variety as I missed out last week and it's a crime to
neglect you even for a week. The lapse was due to my
good fortune in securing a week's leave in Cairo, so I
therefore throw myself on your mercy and ask pardon. One
thing, darling, for a change I've got a swag of news from
one source and another so hope the military situation
will permit of me writing you two or three letters this week
so that you may know my doings in full. Saw so many
sights and things in Cairo that I may launch into quite
a few pages to in an attempt to give you a ball-to-ball
description of my meanderings. In this letter, I propose
to clear up the matters introduced in your recent letters
and also to include current gossip from here and there.
Firstly, let me express the hope that you are absolutely
the best, mentally and physically and still finding the
job of turning out the sinews of war tolerable if not perfect.
Now that Summer approaches, you no doubt appreciate the
absence of fog, frosts, chill winds and rain swept
streets. All the best Sweetheart. 


May I also wish your mother and the Sugdens the best of
health and luck. The object of your affections at as we go
to press is in good nick, having conquered the change-over
from the big city to camp life successfully and knuckled
down to the formula prevailing at the Ack-Ack Academy.
Found the weather still quite warm in Cairo but since
getting back, fresh breezes. the harbinger of winter, are
blowing around our skirts, an indication I would say of the
shape of things to come. Had a swim earlier in the day
and consider that the early morning plunge will soon be
left to the dinkum Spartans.
First of all I sent a hefty parcel to you
yesterday containing sundry items from the bazaars which
I am led to believe are fine specimens of oriental craftmanship 
although it wouldn't surprise me if I hadn't
been taken for a ride with a few of them. These Wogs are
super-salesmen and of course, mugs are born every
minute.  Anyhow, they go to you with the best of intentions
and will you distribute them please to the respective
recipients as follow:-
Prayer Mat. Box of perfume for. Miss. K. Clarke
(Take a bow)
Egyptian Tent Work for Mr & Mrs Tom Billings  


Ivory Necklace for Miss. Sheila Billings
Ivory Paper Knife for Mr. Chas. M. Billings
Morrocco Wallet for Mr. Chas N. Billings (Pop)
Small Alabaster Pyramid for you as a curio. I had
intended to get a gift for Mum, Dorcas, John and Ada but
first couldn't get just what I wanted and then the boodle
ran out. Too bad but when I accrue some more chips
shall rectify the omissions. Anyhow, that cheque I sent
you will look after them and if this reaches you before
you blow the cash. You have my full permission to
change my allocations as you think fit to chop down on
the lucky ones, increase that for those left in the cold and
include Ada. Just do as you think best. Mostly, I'd
just love to able to be there to save you the trouble but you
know how it is. At last, your wish for the picture has
materialised and a copy goes with this letter. I got half
a dozen while the iron was hot. I didn't give one to
Chas before and maybe Tom would find a spot on his
shelf for another so all told I can find an outlet for
the six .Also I collected quite a few photos and postcards
while I was away and will mail them to you from time
to time for your collection.


The postman is still treating us well with papers and
parcels. Since I received Ada's, one from Mum sent
through [[Movran & Cato?]] and another from the Malvern
Comforts Fund have reached me so I'm stocked up
with comforts for a while. Quite a batch of papers from
you have arrived in the past few weeks and thanks a
lot for 'em honey. You folks do your utmost to keep
up the moral of the A.I.F. Have just finished tea,
curry & rice, piping hot and quite a tasty dish too to keep
out the chill winds. Well, the lamp is lit and here
we go for the last furlong. Did I tell you the Comforts Fund
come to light with a generous issue every fortnight? Never
in my life have I had so much for nix but I'm past
being ashamed now and just mop it up and grow fat.
Bob. Sutton tells me he has sent you a note but that one
you said you mailed quite a time back had not reached him
as yet. Anyhow he's quite O.K except that his hand is
a bit sore. Have you seen the Ridges lately? I wrote
Syd a week or two back. I had letters from Mum &
Dorcas recently with the latest mail so everything there
seems to be in order. I'm waiting to hear how Jock fares
in his second. Won't say cheerio as I'm only half finished
Love for a few minutes. Mick


Pass Censor
No. 3164

Miss. K. Clarke.
548 Barkers Road
East Hawthorn
Victoria. Australia 

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