Michael Billings Collection - Wallet 3 - Part 6 of 14

Second World War, 1939–45
  • Love Letters
Accession number:

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V438483 Gn. H. Zellings C. Section, No 41 5th And. Hy D Aa. Gattey 2. Ant. A/a. R ygt. A. S. F. Abroad 30 10.41 My Darling your of at lettel to me I mut confect, left me with mingled felings, chafly that of joy and admitation for you dead heart. The opening page certainly did not prepase me for what was to follow lated on but on completing my penuisal of the letter rasly have I feet to moved, that one who has alseady given and sacofied to much is ready to give more, this time something that fad transeends anything makinal. I efore getting down to brass tacks howeved there are one or two trifted to clead up firt. In my last sered I shoule in a cheque for 23 of you smacked was fot stamps. With the balance. I henly commition you as my soll Audt. agent to bry a fie mas gifts for the following. Duns & Pap, Doscas, Shula Chas. Tom & Yockf, Whack up a guid betwen the jolly pasents & I othed bethwen the buthem & cisteon. If you Catms cannot fit it in between shipts, don't hesitate to seck astistance, Skin would fill the bill. Anyway. the floors yours, darling. O.k Iwe sent a card to Ada & yond mother respectively, He latted addrissed in care of ada lat you makers addrets youll see she gets it, they have been pent by suface mail expectiv to avowve by X mas. The absurce of yourself from He above Heaperts, of course, is for a good reason. For you Iwant
to send something umprocudable in Audh and peenliad to This part of the Woold Its almat sune to reach you late, not having been purchased yet lent you underst and I m not enlivily a fall agent to all I can poomise is that youl get it when it avound. To retur to the orginal thime of course being both a woman & you, you will quets the matted to which I am accuding your generanly, fot want of a better word, fairly bowled me aved and cave me furiouly to think, just how much you love me is veyond my computation when I realise to what rextent you fruly and utre withut redervation oelinguith what little comfort and solace you at ll present possess to that I may be satisfied and But no my own, I do not betiuve that God would thoou me into such tumptation despite the urge of my own crawvings He owred that much to you at least, that will be one of the things he well grant you in retuer for you faith and prayed. If he suffert me to come back to you, ret athrned that I wrne do so without the hanmbiry specke of uthe of no spending elliect hous with men at women in the puosunt of that happineds and pleasure which I know now of I eed o shall lcs only in the realm of foe lose. Its very hard to expoind cleary on this pubject to forgive me if my meaning is abtane. In out letters we have foequnly spaken of Sacrifice. I can not betwen that the implications of that word are covered menly by the fact that we are not bodily togetted at
that we are hronyg on a scale at standare lowed than in the days of peace Rowing fule wee that white I am away ns man shan know the ardot of your kellds. The strength of yand embrace, it is ony in common farouls to you that I do likewill Owed here, the habitat of polile, society such as it is is dined the common poldied hence of his inclination or the society of the opposite sex is to be followe. there remaint but one avenue through which it may be obtained viz. He strut at the brothel Leaving aut the quation of morals, He Hought of youd pleadfactrets and purily ordes much too strongly before me to enable me to succumb to such a quationable prachice The Lard knows darling Ray I im so paint and I fer I havent improvee to any othent duting my Army Henuse but the idee of linding my mind at body to anyore but the give slove is quite aut of the question and to be wostly of you I must retain my self aepect. If the sacupie intaid complile abstinence from He Alemental uoge fod sexual Satisfaction, I gladly make it as firsty I feel that I have not get reachd a paint when it is necettary. sondly becauue it wauld degrade me and women in general in my own lyes, thirdly becaule my upbonging and beaching bell ne it is wrong and weak ane lastly were just you. I ve nived told you get, ewert. perhaps you know anyway but Fe neved performe the petual act upon any giol
in my life. I efoue meeting you, many have I ketle and canlle but for some reason too simple ot too deep fot i to fathor, Iie had a strony conviction that none but the woman I would surely one day mut and love had the right to eepect more but she and the ony has He sight to expect eerything To fad maybe mone by the divine hand shan my own doing, I have been able to cary my adea aut iany yers have passe but only yond dud hands have gum me that joy and elaton encompatie by a te lon And S pray that it shall be to unhl we are seunite and foll to indugge He da pent up fuling and emation that must and does rage within us. It has to happene that I ene a comple tht ifll me to l any or wome and to me that means everything. I'm neither a cilibate o a liberstine beut I thrink that my love for you wre be strong enought and adent enongh to give you sow recompente for what yeu have undergore and will do unhl place comed I know the intentily and sincerty of jout love for me myowr and when the time it uipe the needs ofout love stane bodied wil be amply catene for and that I pead that itle fist time we are togelked and alove we will attempt to wife off the arreasd in ore fell pwop. Thes littel rads to me lite a I ald bnd my miluation to consedition it somaed teee by a tare felny of humnthly comguend uyor readory goud
wonderful letted. Perkap I shoula have confined my semarted to a few lined as you did but detorden though they be, I have sputlir aut several paged to my lorely treasur. I wire at last desist but say goodlye alluctantly somehow, as like you I have a feeling I om with you and you remenbed we often took a long time to oved and favewells. May te time soon come when we may se mact those sended scines of yeherday the might befor the fe. Hhe days on the wine syt hills and funny souther beached ane the magure moments when we were entwined with cool white shees timpering the fire nding tom ind ant B4 Sx. my lovey cnty hame daring. Hocky
4 frome 7 Buss R. Claske. 548 Barker's Road. East Hawthon Victoria. Aushralia
Written 30. 10.41 Receive 18. 11. 41 Egup 80060 Rnstralias Mar Mamorial
X ₤8483 S H. Zalleng C. Section No 43 5th. Audt. Hy. A/a. Gathery. 2. Auct. a/A. Reqt. A S.F. Abroad 5 11 41 Darling Bay I think the above mumber is the right one & underd Imarvel at my veobal elequence at reaching such an all- time high for me. What with my natural aversion to letter writing added to the ex genered of was. I tometimes worded whithed I haven dreamt I ive worthn said forty of the best Anyhow Cusly. Thatch you always were the ore to draw out the best in me such as it is to I can rearly attribute my comparative suceess as a letted writed to your good influence in my chaplets youth. I shale you are wordering what all this blust is about? Its like this news is at a premium and I just feel like inditing a meesage of good chaed to you, loved one, to you wil have to pardon me of this contains a modicum of junr. To proceed I boult you are feeling as well as you can possibly and believe me thats saying something from one who knows. Also I trust you continue to porgoes nicety at yours Hacks and that the rigors of said gob do not impose too great a burden on youd shurdy frame. Moust say your recent scoeeds umply that you are right in youd element
your ardent if distant swam reports all were and almost a yar wide fot which happy state I join you in returning thanks to he who anguest. Hed a gadie feeling and a bit of headache on a few occasions of late, due to a hell of a lot of row and damned little bleep a few yols of work caming and way. The lovey movrlight nights are a mised bletting, I can tell you and the sportum on the other side want undil you are meely asleep before doapping in with the oceult that fod a while you doi't know whethes ut Sahuray night as Gouske St Something has gove woong araund here wth the wealhed, winted approached but havg it. it get hotted it muct be near 1000 today, the flus are inpest and In writing this on a toap box with a skeeted not draped around me tto loick in Theyse brugg bn avoune autside doying to git in but I m wrning up to date. I sent you last week a G.E litters in reply to your 871 and in rtrospect Sim wondenny if I said what I meant but I did my poor bust. I ill me dearest what you thought about it. Have not been out lately except for a business toy yesterday details of which I cannot release. I had a letter from youd brother John and have poppe off a rply.
3 He beemd pettly fit and quite cheeful. his man greuch being Hhe short age of beed in Kalishne which should he aetains a posped Austrahian & rational autlook. N ot. much of a show of meeting him for a while. I efead me and how is Hilbousne town these spoing days? Full of black-outs, A.R. P. Ant. Pame squads. Chocos & such like, by the look of the plappe froess. Too too ducky usn't it ? Adas parcel of wap, etc, has jurst blown in and what a bonget Swag. too. Only trouble is where we are now folsh wated is shorty and here I am bussting with the creamy lathed and no aqua puta. It would touldint it Also the I geet. Sill le sending his a letter of thanks shortly. Hope to grat a spot of leave toon and have locatie a joint when Egyfitian applique work is on sale pretly cheaply to will acquire one or two for the embellishment of and love next. Alw have had a couple of papers this week and with mail day & pay day tomorrow. the spirt of camival reign'd supreme. Probably need a boott as the moor order high. See, its hat, night time and a fellow is parked on his cot in the raw Almost What a dumpt fust drawn my daily ration of beed so write where lines between surge

No 41   VX38483 Gnr. M. Billings C. Section,
5th Aust. Hg  A/A. Battery 2. Aust. A/A. Regt.
A. I. F. Abroad 30. 10.41

My Darling
Your 71st letter to me, I must confess, left me with
mingled feelings, chiefly that of joy and admiration for you, 
dear heart. The opening page certainly did not prepare me for
what was to follow later on but on completing my perusal
of the letter, rarely have I felt so moved, that one who has
already given and sacrificed so much is ready to give more,
this time something that far transcends anything material.
Before getting down to brass tacks, however there are one or
two trifles to clear up first. In my last screed I shoved in
a cheque for £3 of which one smacker was for stamps. With the balance,
I hereby commission you as my sole Aust. agent. to buy a few Xmas
gifts for the following:. Mum & Pop, Dorcas, Sheila, Chas, Tom &
Jock. Of course, Whack up a quid between the jolly parents &
t' other between the brethren & cistern. If you (ahem) cannot
fit it in between shifts, don't hesitate to seek assistance, Skin
would fill the bill. Anyway, the floors yours, darling. O.k?
I've sent a card to Ada & your mother respectively, the latter
addressed in care of Ada, lost you mater's address. You'll see
she gets it, they have been sent by surface mail expected to
arrive by Xmas. The absence of yourself from the above
recipients, of course, is for a good reason.
For you I want


to send something unprocurable in Aust and peculiar to
this part of the World. It's almost sure to reach you late, not
having been purchased yet but you understand I'm not
entirely a free agent to all I can promise is that you'll get
it when it arrives. To return to the original theme -
of course being both a woman & you, you will guess the
matter to which I am alluding. Your generosity, for want of
a better word, fairly bowled me over and gave me furiously
to think, just how much you love me is beyond my
computation when I realise to what extent you freely and reserve
without reservation relinquish what little comfort and solace
you at pres present possess so that I may be satisfied. and
But no, my own, I do not believe that God would throw
me into such temptation despite the urge of my own cravings.
He owes that much to you, at least, that will be one of the things
he will grant you in return for your faith and prayers. If he
suffers me to come back to you, rest assured that I will do so
without the haunting spectre of either of us spending illicit hours
with men or women in the pursuit of that happiness and
pleasure which I know now if I ever I shall lies only in
the realm of true love. Its very hard to expound clearly on
this subject so forgive me if my meaning is obscure. In our
letters we have frequently spoken of sacrifice. I can not
believe that the implications of that word are covered
merely by the fact that we are not bodily together or


that we are living on a scale at standard lower than in the
days of peace. Knowing full well that while I am away no
man shall know the ardor of your kisses. the strength of
your embrace, it is only in common fairness to you that
I do likewise. Over here, the habitat of polite society such as
it is is denied the common soldier hence if his inclination
for the society of the opposite sex is to be followed, there remains
but one avenue through which it may be obtained, viz. the street
or the brothel. Leaving out the question of morals, the thought
of your steadfastness and purity [rises[?]] much too strongly before
me to enable me to succumb to such a questionable practice.
The Lord knows, darling Kay, I'm no saint and I fear I
haven't improved to any extent during my Army tenure but
the idea of lending my mind or body would to anyone but
the girl I love is quite out of the question and to be worthy of
you I must retain my self respect. If the sacrifice entails
complete abstinence from the elemental urge for sexual
satisfaction, I gladly make it as firsty I feel that I have
not yet reached a point where it is necessary, secondly because
it would degrade me and women in general in my own
eyes, thirdly because my upbringing and teaching tell me
it is wrong and weak and lastly, well just you. I've
never told you yet, sweet, perhaps you know anyway but
I've never performed the sexual act upon any girl


in my life. Before meeting you, many have I kissed and
caressed but for some reason too simple or too deep for me
to fathom, I've had a strong conviction that none but the
woman I would surely one day meet and love had the
right to expect more but she and she only had the 
right to expect everything. So far maybe more by the divine
hand than my own doing, I have been able to carry my idea
out. Many years have passed but only your dear hands have
given me that joy and elation encompassed by a true love
And I pray that it shall be so until we are re-united and
free to indulge the dam pent up feeling and emotion that
must and does rage within us. It has so happened that I
have a complex that impels me to love only one woman
and to me that means everything. I'm neither a celibate or nor
a libertine but I think that my love for you will be strong
enough and ardent enough to give you some recompense for
what you have undergone and will do until peace comes.
I know the intensity and sincerity of your love for me, my own,
and when the time is ripe, the needs of our love starved bodies
will be amply catered for and that I fear that the first time
we are together and alone we will attempt to wife off the
arrears in one fell swoop. This letter reads to me like a
tract but my inclination to composition is somewhat hampered
by a strange feeling of humility consequent upon reading your


wonderful letter. Perhaps I should have confined my remarks
to a few lines as you did but disordered though they be, I
have spilled out several pages. So, my lovely treasure, I
will at last desist but say goodbye reluctantly somehow, as
like you I have a feeling I'm with you and you remembered we
often took a long time to over our farewells. May the time soon
come when we may re-enact those tender scenes of yesterday,
the nights before the fire, the days on the wind-swept hills and
sunny southern beaches and the magical moments when we
were entwined with cool white sheets tempering the fire
coursing through our veins.
Bye Bye, my lovely curly haired darling,


By Air Mail
Par Avion

Miss K. Clarke.
548 Barker's Road.
East Hawthorn.
Victoria. Australia 


30. 10.41
18. 11. 41

War Memorial 


No 42
VX438483  Gnr. M. Billings. C. Section.
5th. Aust. Hy. A/A. Battery. 2. Aust. A/A. Regt.
A.I.F. Abroad 5 . 11 . 41

Darling Kay,
I think the above number is the right one &
indeed I marvel at my verbal eloquence at reaching such
an all- time high for me. What with my natural aversion
to letter-writing added to the exigencies of war. I sometimes
wonder whether I haven't dreamt I've written over forty
of the best. Anyhow, Curly-Thatch, you always were the one
to draw out the best in me. Such as it is so I can really
attribute my comparative success as a letter-writer to your
good influence in my hapless youth. I s'pose you are
wondering what all this blurb is about? Its like this -
news is at a premium and I just feel like inditing a
message of good cheer to you, loved one, so you will have
to pardon me if this contains a modicum of junk. To proceed
I trust you are feeling as well as you can possibly and
believe me, thats saying something from one who knows.
Also I trust you continue to progress nicely at your
tasks and that the rigors of said job do not impose so
too great a burden on your sturdy frame.  Must say
your recent screeds imply that you are right in your


your ardent if distant swain reports all well and
almost a yard wide for which happy state I join you
in returning thanks to he who [reignest[?]]. Had a jaded
feeling and a bit of headache on a few occasions of
late, due to a hell of a lot of row and damned little
sleep, a few jobs of work coming our way. The lovey
moonlight nights are a mixed blessing, I can tell you
and the sportsman on the other side wait until  you are
nearly asleep before dropping in with the result that for a
while you don't know whether its Saturday night at Bourke
St. Something has gone wrong around here with the
weather, winter approaches but hang it, it gets hotter,
it must be near 100° today, the flies are superb and In
writing this on a soap box with a skeeter net draped around
me to trick 'em.  They're buzzing around outside trying
to git in but I 'm winning up to date. I sent you last
week a G.E letter in reply to your no 71 and in retrospect,
I'm wondering if I said what I meant but I did my poor
best. Tell me dearest what you thought about it. Have not
been out lately except for a business trip yesterday details
of which I cannot release. I had a letter from your
brother John and have popped off a reply.


He seemed portly fit and quite cheerful, his main grouch
being the shortage of beer in Palestine which shows he
retains a proper Australian & rational outlook. Not
much of a show of meeting him for a while, I fear me.
And how is Melbourne town these Spring days? Full
of black-outs, A.R. P. Anti-Panic Squads, Chocos &
such like, by the look of the flapper press. Too, too
ducky, isn't it? Ada's parcel of soap, etc, has just blown
in and what a bonzer swag too. Only trouble is where
we are now fresh water is shorty and here I am bursting
with the creamy lather and no aqua pura. It would
wouldn't it! Also the Digest. I'll be sending her a
letter of thanks shortly. Hope to grab a spot of leave toon
and have located a joint where Egyptian applique work
is on sale pretty cheaply so will acquire one or two for the
embellishment of our love nest. Also have had a couple
of papers this week and with mail day & pay day
tomorrow. the spirit of carnival reigns supreme. Probably
need a boost as the moon [rides [?]] high. See, its hot, night
time and a fellow is parked on his cot in the raw
almost. What a dump. Just drawn my daily ration of
beer so write these lines between swigs.  

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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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